Two things Abu Kassim can do to demonstrate that he will lead a MACC which is independent, non-partisan and professional gaining national and international confidence and recognition as a foremost graft-buster in the league of Hong Kong’s ICAC

Datuk Abu Kassim Mohamed was sworn in as the new Chief Commissioner of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission today. Congratulations.

The question is whether Abu Kassim can redeem the reputation of MACC, which has plunged to the lowest ebb ever plumbed by its predecessor, the Anti-Corruption Agency, in its 41 year history from 1967-2008 – a most adverse reference and comparison.

There are two simple things Abu Kassim can do to demonstrate that he will lead a MACC which is independent, non-partisan and professional gaining national and international confidence and recognition as a fore-most world graft buster in the league of Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), viz:

Enhancing The Role of Private Sector in Education – Part 6

By M. Bakri Musa

[Last of Six Parts]

[In the preceding essays, I discussed the rationale and benefits of enhancing private sector participation in education, surveyed the various models in the rest of world, and summarized the current state of affairs in Malaysia. This last piece is my prescription for private sector participation at the tertiary level.]

As with schools, opportunities for private sector participation at the post-secondary level are also endless. At one end would be the completely independent proprietary universities free of governmental control except those that govern any private enterprise. At the other would be the various public-private partnerships.

The advantage of being independent is just that. As Thomas Kealey, head of the only independent private university in Britain, the University of Buckingham, observed, “Every other university … works solely to government targets. The government gives them money, and therefore they do whatever the government wants. …. [O]ur economic success is determined by our students’ satisfaction. The other universities’ success is determined by how much they please the government.”
Continue reading “Enhancing The Role of Private Sector in Education – Part 6”

Police plan to pin sedition charge against Pornthip

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP life adviser


If the Suara Keadilan report were read carefully, it is quite clear that the ‘leaked sources’ need not be from Pornthip, but could be from anyone who was connected to the autopsy room at the time the second post mortem was conducted.

The leaked source could be from MACC or the police who are usually privy to the information from the autopsy room.

The wild accusation that Pornthip was responsible for the leaks might backfire on the police and or MACC who have their own agenda, which is to attach blame on the pathologist Pornthip engaged by the opposition to get to the truth of the death of Teoh Beng Hock.

Pathologist Pornthip has a formidable reputation of world renown and would not resort to unethical behaviour. To implicate her for breach of ethics is foolish and ill advised.
Continue reading “Police plan to pin sedition charge against Pornthip”

Open Letter to PM, Ministers and MPs

Open Letter By Bruce Lim

To our beloved Prime Minister of Malaysia, Members of the Cabinet and all Members of Parliament,

I am writing to each of you, as all of you collectively, will control the destiny of this country and its people, for the immediate and near future.

On this dawn of a new year, I wish all of you “Happy New Year, and may all of you and your family be happy, enjoy good health and prosperity for Year 2010 !”

Some recent personal and profound experiences, prompted me to write to each of you. I might share these experiences, which saddened and embarrassed me, with you on another occasion.

For now, I wish to merely forward to you a short article which was published in the Star newspaper on 21.12.2009, reproduced below. The article contains amongst others, figures and charts, which I think, can hardly be disputed. The fact is, our country is lagging behind many other countries. The average Malaysian is so far behind in terms of quality of life, relative to the countries in comparison. Our well-being is at stake. Please study the figures, and ask yourselves :- Continue reading “Open Letter to PM, Ministers and MPs”