PR common policy framework

by Michael Chew

The PR Policy Statement should include the abolishment of GST and the Credit Card tax as these are a burden to the middle class and the lower income group, they will be grateful to YB at the next GE.

The inquest into TBH’ s death should not be unduly postponed to avoid complications, Dr Pontip’ s findings should not be subjected to pre-bargaining.

The Climate Change Summit’ s resolution should begin at Home, here in Malaysia, take action to eliminate the annual haze which aggravates our health for half a year every year, pointless to ask for USD200 bil from the USA! We want clean air not money here!

The MACC should be answerable to Parliament and not to PM’ s Dept only.

Petronas and Govt should account for the RM270 bil as stated by Tun Dr M, account to Parliament. Do not save the pennies but waste the pounds.

Full account should be made transparent to Parliament and the Public at large how the Jet Engines were lost or stolen, who exported the engines, who received payments, Bank transactions, who approved the export permit, which shipper, transporter, which minister or ministers are answerable,

Reduce Road accidents of Express Buses! Provide motor cycle lanes for motor cyclist who dont obey traffic regulations, they are most rude and most daring in the world!

9 Replies to “PR common policy framework”

  1. Regarding the soon-to-be-introduced GST, who would believe that BN is so kind as to replace service tax of 10% with GST of only 4%. Even a fool such as Riduan Tee would immediately see the catch.

    Reduce Road accidents of Express Buses? Then a law needs to be passed which allows express bus drivers to be hanged if any of the passengers should die as a result of their carelessness, such as sleep-driving

  2. K1980,

    Ekoran kejadian itu, Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Sani Express, Abu Bakar Mohammad memberitahu, pihaknya sedia memberi pampasan kepada keluarga mangsa yang terlibat dalam kemalangan tersebut.

    I strongly suggest this company should sent to gantung sampai mati.

  3. Expect more express bus accidents
    Despite recent tragic accidents, express buses r still speeding recklessly along highways
    Some express bus drivers r training 2 b F1 drivers
    PR, how abt having a policy telling us where we can get big engines 4 lelong
    We all too need extra income 2 survive n 2 support wives n families no. 2, 3, n 4
    Don’t worry if 1M’sia has become a rouge nation selling items 2 terrorists

  4. From past records whenever there is a delay in any findings we know there is some maneuvering going on somewhere to cover some bad tracks of BN aka UMNO. If it is good news for UMNO you can be sure results are almost instantaneous, like cooking Maggie Mee. As a result of cover ups of these bad guys by UMNO, naturally institutions like the PDRM, MACC and even the judiciary are so protective of BN UMNO. They had been scratching each others back so hard that the skin will come off one day and get infected.

    It is a wonder that we have a government for about 30 over years that taxes the people heavily, feed their cronies, commit larceny, massive corruption, manipulate the PDRM, MACC until they are slaves to UMNO and manipulate justice no thanks to the maverick and the 3korek.

    The sedition charges on LGE are farcical and if parallel judgements are taken, at least 20% of UMNO warlords or sympathizers should be behind bars, but the police being running dogs of UMNO has not even lift a finger to investigate or at best if under pressure will take their own sweet time to investigate hoping the matter will be blown away thinking that Malaysians are muda lupa.
    We have all these sick running dogs lurking around and they are paid to do the dirty work of UMNO while the crime rate are on fast track.

    Is Malaysia destined to be another Zimbabwe?? Your answer is as good as mine.

  5. Just before the crash, the sleeping Sani Express driver was dreaming that his double-decker bus has been outfitted with one of the stolen F5E jet engines and therefore was capable of flying across the road divider

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