Najib rejects royal commission to probe Dr M

Dec 29, 09 7:42pm

Prime Minister Najib Razak said there was no need for a royal commission of inquiry to look into allegations hurled at former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad in the book ‘Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times’ authored by Barry Wain.

“There is always this call for a royal commission, everything you want royal commission, but (this) is not appropriate to call for a royal commission just because somebody has written a book.

“What is important for us is to look forward to the future. Each prime minister has made a lot of contribution, otherwise we wouldn’t be what we are today, Malaysia will not be a successful nation and regarded as a role model if all the PMs in the past had not made their contribution,” he said.

On Dec 21, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang in his blog had urged Najib to set up a royal commission to probe the allegations contained in the book, which among others had claimed that Mahathir had squandered up to RM100 billion during his 22 years as prime minister.

In an immediate response, Mahathir in his ‘Chedet’ blog welcomed the call for a royal inquiry and said he would cooperate fully with the commission.

Wain, who is the former managing editor of Asian Wall Street Journal, has estimated that Mahathir had squandered up to RM100 billion in his years as PM.

– Bernama

27 Replies to “Najib rejects royal commission to probe Dr M”

  1. It was always going to be a non-starter and mamakthir knew it. So now he can tell the world he did his best to promote a RCI, but the government wouldn’t allow it. UMNO would not want the world to know how they go about awarding overpriced deals to their cronies and relatives.

  2. Seriously it is difficult to probe as all are string together. Mahathir will also want Badawi to be probed and Badawi will want Najib to be probed. UMNO is seriously affected by the domino theory as one falls all the rest will follow as everybody has shit on them.
    Anyway Royal commission are always only academic with NFA when the findings making UMNO in a fixed position. RCI will never able to fix UMNO, only the people can.

  3. Of course we can have such a Royal Commission after the BN is voted out of government.
    Maybe not so much an inquiry to put people into jail but more a Truth & Reconcialition Tribunal as we need to find ways to mend the hurts that the nation has suffered so as not to repeat the same mistakes.
    When a new government takes over they will need to find ways to work with the civil service and the Armed Forces and the PDRM.

  4. “When a new government takes over they will need to find ways to work with the civil service and the Armed Forces and the PDRM.” — Hj Angus

    The fish rots from the head. Replace the head and everything should be fine.

    Looking at the way things are moving, I don’t think BN can survive beyond the next general election. Those rubbish KPI is going to be another time- and money-waster when our dear Prime Minister had to come out publicly to say that he did not sack our ‘beloved’ MACC chief even with his poor performance, as reflected by Transparency International’s Index, not to mention an unsolved death within MACC’s own premises while under its custody. So what’s the point of having a performance appraisal when you don’t have the balls to punish those who cannot perform?

  5. Frankly, don’t expect much fr NR
    He, who became an accidental MP when his dad passed away suddenly
    What can he do as PM
    When he was d defence minister, 2 fighter jet engines dah hilang (high treason)
    C4 was used 2 blow up/murder a pregnant woman 2 pieces
    Helicopters were bot fr from Eurocopter for d RMAF @ highly inflated price
    Scorpene submarines & Sukhoi fighters were bot with obscene amounts of commission
    Millions were wasted n a number of young ppl died through d national service
    As Umno youth chief, he was a blood thirsty racist
    Both hubby n 2nd wife still no guts 2 sue PI Bala 4 defamation
    How come we hv such a guy as PM

  6. ///What is important for us is to look forward to the future. Each prime minister has made a lot of contribution, otherwise we wouldn’t be what we are today…///– Najib

    Yes, it is the contribution made by Mahamamak that Malaysia is moving closer to be Zimbabwe, if we are not there yet. To move forward, we need to know what went wrong.

    Mahamamak said he wanted to have his chance to clear his name. Najib deprives him of that chance, and it would appear that Najib needs government protection that Mahamamak said he had no need of it.

    Najib said that RCI cannot be convened just because somebody wrote a book. He might also say that police should not investigate just because somebody made a police report. That was why Bala’s statutory declaration would not be investigated, and MACC is asking Bala to write to MACC for the SD to be investigated, so it seems. The question is whether MACC needed more information, or MACC needed authorisation from Bala. If it was for the latter, has Bala now acquired the authority higher than the parliament which have authorised MACC to carry out its duties?

    The only reasonable explanation for Najib to refuse the investigation points to his fear that RCI might produce evidence which might implicate Najib himself when he was in Mahamamak and AAB’s Cabinet. It seems now Najib needs to clear his name as much as Mahamamak who has declared that he accepted a RCI to investigate his administration.

  7. The reply is classic Najib – its pathetic.

    Its all bluster and hollow in substance. “If the PM in the past had not made contribution”?? You mean PM DON’T HAVE TO MAKE CONTRIBUTION I.E. DO THEIR JOB?? The other stuff like ‘look to the future etc…” Just pathetic..

    Its these kinds of reply that rings unequivocally that Najib, borned of the NEP aristocracy, is not equipped for the job he got. Its a whole condemnationof NEP, the UMNO/BN system.

    He even took the Sdr. Lim Kit Siang bait. Of course calling RCI is getting ridiculous. IF we have a proper system of checks and balance, then there would not be an need to call for RCI all the time. It is SILLY because the BN system is SILLY, RIDICULOUS and all Sdr. Lim is trying to lead us is the argument lets change it before it becomes INSANE if it has not already…

    Najib is a at the core a dumb as a clown..

  8. Wot he said is ahtan’s and ahhock’s deaths are nothing. The missing jet engines are nothing. The 12.5b hole in port klang is nothing. The collapsed stadium roof is nothing. The failed education policy is nothing. And all the other problems with the country are nothing.

    Lets look forward, he said. Move on, fellas. Move ahead. Into the future. Yeah into the future.

    And he is right, says me the supporter of jibby the jib. If we have inquiry into every single one of those issues, then the whole umno gobermen would be bogged with administering the inquiries and umnoputras would be busy testifying in those inquiries. Look. Even the parliament would turn into an opposition controlled arena. We would run out of suitable people to sit in those inquiries and suitable places to hold them. And because of that more jet engines will go missing. Even the whole twin towers could be stolen and sold on to some joker in singapore because all police officers would be attending inquiries.

    So move on fellas. No point. Dont cry over spilled milk.

    … taiking in another of his end-of-year gibber.

  9. Was vacationing in S’pore last couple of days. Went to bookstores but was told the book sold out since a week ago.

    The book cost almost SD50 a copy, wonder who had bought them from all stores in S’pore? Mahathiu’s cronies did?

  10. “There is always this call for a royal commission, everything you want royal commission, but (this) is not appropriate to call for a royal commission just because somebody has written a book…”

    Right if it is just about the book a royal commission should not be called.

    But is it about the book?

  11. Najib rejects a royal commission to probe Dr M is a foregone conclusion. If Najib were to call a royal commission to probe Dr M, the likelihood is that Dr M will retaliate and expose some of Najib’s misdeeds. Najib’s inaction is indirectly hinting to Dr M that “I don’t give you trouble, likewise you must not give me trouble.”

    If Najib were Lee Kuan Yew, I am sure Dr M will have no peace!

  12. I fully agree with this najis statement ; There is always this call for a royal commission, everything you want royal commission,. You all must understand what is in his mind which he did not say out loud. Let me bring out his thought to you all:

    “We can always reject the RCI findings, remember ‘the korek korek korek case, you see even with the RCI recommendations, I have the power to close the case. I have no time to play with all this RCI games, I need to put in all my effort to swindle the voters so that they can vote me into power and this time it will be much more stronger in order for me to suck them more and easier. As long as there are any investigation on my people, I will brush them aside as FRIVOLOUS and all my institutions will go all out to hunt down the Oppositions. So please stop all your call to investigate this or that on my people because my people is always first.”

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty two years.

  13. Well, this is Hell’s Angel of Skulduggery himself making pronouncements on the virtues of how Malaysians should live by!!

    Of course, the Mahatahi has nothing to lose in making (or rather mocking) the call for RCI. Cunningly he knows that either he earns the ‘victory’ of default exoneration through no-call of RCI or he can further hone his already art-form act of amnesia pleas if RCI is on.

    This is best summed up by Loh’s #9 comments –
    ” The only reasonable explanation for Najib to refuse the investigation points to his fear that RCI might produce evidence which might implicate Najib himself ….”

  14. ” What’s important is to look forward for the future “. said NR…yeap agreed.It’s the only important hope for the rakyat to looking forward to see the termination of your Umno/Bn regime . This is indeed most appropriate .Thanks NR for your reminder.

  15. frankyapp :
    ” What’s important is to look forward for the future “. said NR…yeap agreed.It’s the only important hope for the rakyat to looking forward to see the termination of your Umno/Bn regime . This is indeed most appropriate .Thanks NR for your reminder.

    Fully agree! The past is UMNO and its stooges, while the future is Pakatan Rakyat.

  16. Let’s just say Najib’s hands are tied.

    If Najib sanctions royal commission on Tun M, then Tun M will ‘demand’ for a Royal Commission of enquiry on Pak Lah. Then Pak Lah & Tun M will also demand a Royal Commission of Enwuiry on Najib’s unresolved question of Scorpene and Altantuya.

    So the merry-go-round will get pretty dizzy for everyone on those dead horses. Does Najib have a choice when he made those utterances? Ask him.

  17. ” No royal commission of inquiry to probe TDM ” said NR. Yeap the rakyat sing,” birds of the same feathers flock together ” NR,what ever you do or say, the rakyat can read your lips and you can’t hide anything away from us. TDM,AAB and NR can now spend and enjoy all their evil fruits of success,but not for long as their expiry date is on 13th GE.After that the new PR government will approve a RCI to investigate them,charge them,trial them and sentence them appropriately.That’s it and I think the rakyat will not ask for anything more.

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