Why not a single Minister from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP, Sabah and Sarawak dare to be as outspoken as Nazri to speak out against racism as well as BTN and Utusan Malaysia’s racist outpourings which subverts the very basis of a multi-racial Malaysian nation?

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz is proving to be a political leader of surprises, not only with his bold and courageous denunciation of Biro Tata Negara (BTN) divisive, racist and seditious indoctrination course but in speaking out forthrightly against Utusan Malaysia’s unadulterated racism.

Condemning Utusan Malaysia for its “outdated” racist propaganda, Nazri said the Umno-owned newspaper must accept that Malaysia is a multi-racial country.

It is a tragic and terrible commentary on the success of the nation-building process that 52 years after nationhood, a national daily which is owned by UMNO, the party in power in the past five decades, has refused to accept that Malaysia is a multi-racial country and continue to call Chinese as immigrants and Indians with derogatory terms like “keling”.

With such racist mindset and mentality in the corridors of power, Najib’s 1Malaysia concept and policy has no meaning whatsoever, and it is no wonder that the public preview of the 1Malaysia programme for the seven National Key Results Area (NKRA) initiatives today has to be put off.

Food for thought for all Malaysians is why 52 years after Merdeka, Nazri’s outspoken defence of multi-racialism against racism is such a rarity among the present generation of UMNO Ministers and leaders.

Is this because of the communal poison from the divisive, racist and seditious BTN indoctrination courses over the decades?

An equally important question is why there is not a single Minister from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP, Sabah and Sarawak who dare to be as outspoken as Nazri to speak out against racism as well as BTN and Utusan Malaysia’s racist outpourings which subverts the very basis of a multi-racial Malaysian nation?

53 Replies to “Why not a single Minister from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP, Sabah and Sarawak dare to be as outspoken as Nazri to speak out against racism as well as BTN and Utusan Malaysia’s racist outpourings which subverts the very basis of a multi-racial Malaysian nation?”

  1. YB Lim,

    After so many years in this politic scenario and you still ask why???? I am tired….we are tired & sick with all these!!!! Just wait for the next election where either you guys make it or break it…

  2. Why not a single Minister from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP, Sabah and Sarawak dare to be as outspoken as Nazri to speak out against racism as well as BTN and Utusan Malaysia’s racist outpourings which subverts the very basis of a multi-racial Malaysian nation?

    Because you must not hurt their feelings. You must whisper gently in their ears that what they did was not nice… Naughty, naughty. :D

  3. Najis tells the minority BN parties: psssst, ignore Utusan and BTN administrators. They don’ t represent mainstream UMNO. We are sincere about 1Malaysia.

    Najis then tells Utusan and supporters: psssst, continue your rants to instill fear into these pendatangs.

    Politics is the art of making the impossible possible and vice versa. And to the ultra Kasim Amat reading this blog: carry on championing 1Melayu.

  4. ” Just wait for the next election where either you guys make it or break it…” I don’t quite understand what Merdeka is trying to say. Does he mean if PR can’t wrestle the federal gov’t, PR should disintergrate? I hv to say that I don’t agree with that. 13 would be either lucky or unlucky number but if it proves to be unlucky for the PR, pru14 will definitely a lucky one. By then perhaps the stronghold of BN, like Sabah and Sarawak, could be won by PR judging from the current scenario in the two so-called BN bastion of power.

  5. Nazri is beginning to gain some respect here.
    I hope he’ll keep up the good work & continue to speak for justice like a man.

    He’s going to will face all kinds of resistance & even threats (e.g. physical/financial pain or even sacking) from the umno ‘racist team’.

    I hope he’s being sincere & will be consistent with his stand against racism.

  6. Did Utusan Malaysia praise the following outstanding sportsmen n sportswomen n celebrate their victories:
    DANIEL BEGO (5 Gold), SIOW YI TING (3 Gold), LEONG MUN YEE (2 Gold, 1 Bronze), n BRYAN NICKSON (2 Gold)

  7. Godfather :
    Najis tells the minority BN parties: psssst, ignore Utusan and BTN administrators. They don’ t represent mainstream UMNO. We are sincere about 1Malaysia.
    Najis then tells Utusan and supporters: psssst, continue your rants to instill fear into these pendatangs.
    Politics is the art of making the impossible possible and vice versa. And to the ultra Kasim Amat reading this blog: carry on championing 1Melayu.

    I agree with you, although Nazri is outspoken, but i still dun believe tat he will cum out from the shell of “ketuanan Melayu”. We just wait n see…

  8. Hi Boh Liao:

    “Did Utusan Malaysia praise the following outstanding sportsmen n sportswomen n celebrate their victories:
    DANIEL BEGO (5 Gold), SIOW YI TING (3 Gold), LEONG MUN YEE (2 Gold, 1 Bronze), n BRYAN NICKSON (2 Gold)”

    Utusan Malaysia is 1MELAYU in a sick and dirty sense! To be a Melayu is a god-given blessing. To be racist is Utusan’s version of the Ku Klux Klan.

  9. At last, one of the MPs have woke up. We hope whatever he have said and criticized esp on that IBM(International Big Mouth) mamak kutty and that garbage reporting media UM are sincere. He is behaving like what an MP should be in a multi-racial country like us. Hope he is real “sincere” and will keep it up and make this country a better place for all irrespective. Frankly i believe most non malays agreed and willing to help the poor malays but there again there are also plenty of poor non malays that needed help too. Its not an easy job for anyone esp being a MP.
    It felt good at least Nazri gave a shot and pumped some sense into those racialistic politicians and multi media.

  10. Do you think those “Testicleless Eunuchs” in the MCA, MIC, Gerakan & PPP will dare raise a “squeak” against thier Masters (UMNO)? Be serious lah!
    On the other hand…keep it up Nazri…I’m not sure what your agenda is but you are sure heading in the right direction!

  11. Great conversions are quite startling.
    Paul the apostle was a major persecutor of the Christians but he got converted and went on to become a major saint.
    After all, we all have a conscience and you can try to suppress it to do the wrong thing but you cannot cheat yourself.
    One day, the remorse will be too much to bear and you will reform.
    Maybe the prayers we say in church for the leaders of the country are having some effect and ALLAH is moving some of them?
    Let us pray some more.

  12. Yes, let’s keep on hoping that many more will soon sing in the same “key” as Nazri’s. Let’s us hope too that Nazri is not merely singing to THE conductor’s notes but out of his own carefully written tunes. I love your TUNE, Nazri. :)

  13. Hi guys,don’t be pretty happy with Naszi,he could be an intentional loose nut to lay trap to create fake situation to hoodwinking simple innocent people to becoming complacent.Yep stay tune,listen,think,then decide.Please think before you leap.

  14. you see guys,how pathetic,this MP from Kinabatangan,instead of speaking against rasism,BTN and Utusam rasist outpourings,he talked about his intented marriage to an actress.Wonder why we voted this idiot.

  15. This is d wonder of this nation
    While there are Malays n nonMalays condemning d racial n racist practices of Umno B/BN
    There r also a lot more Malays n nonMalays willing, wanting, n waiting 2 b under d rule of Umno B/BN
    Despite knowing that corruption is rampant n ppl r transferring $$$ out in millions
    Perhaps we hv a lot of masochistic citizens who enjoy 2 b abused by Umno B/BN
    C’est la vie

  16. Why not a single Minister from MCA…….(Kit)

    I doubt whether MCA is still interested in looking after the welfare of the rakyat.

    Today’s MCA has relegated to no more than a social club embroiled in bitter feuding, in-fighting and power struggle.

  17. Merry Christmas everyone, season greetings and happy new year:)

    ok can someone tell why does the court of appeals never cease to amaze me with their rogue decisions to overrule the high courts decisions such as the perak MB case and now the interrogating hours of MACC????

    Does this court have a ownership certificate in UMNO’s name?

  18. Congratulations to the Malaysian men’s football team for winning in the SEA Games final. Judging by the number of calls (1 – or was it 2?) into the TV studio after the game, I expect Godfather is right and it won’t precipitate a GE!

    Have I missed some obvious online feeds, or does nobody really care about Malaysia’s participation in the SEA Games? It seems as though nobody really cares… I realise it’s awkward because of the ‘put on pants’ thing (that’s what stopped me exercising when I first came to Malaysia – I look forward to dying of heart disease, diabetes and sloth just like everyone else now), but is there just no decent sports education / promotion here?

  19. Why not a single Minister from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP, Sabah and Sarawak dare to be as outspoken as Nazri

    because nearly all of them are corrupted and only interest more on create wealth from politics.

    If they outspoken they will charge under corruption.

  20. Yep, Malaysians are well known for ‘makan-makan’ and ‘makan angin’ and ‘makan lagi’ but a healthy lifestyle and exercise are not common thanks to the distractions from hyper malls and 24hr food services.

    Sadly, that probably explains the 72 yr lifespan of males in the country and they mostly die from cardiovascular complications as a result of diabetes, high cholesterol etc.

  21. Yes,tahniah utk pasukan bolasepak kita w/pun tidak dibiayai oleh MSN tapi berjaya mndpt emas. Rajagobal deserves all the praises and should be rewarded appropriately. A “datukship” perhaps?

    I believe that our athletes could achieve greater heights if our “too good” politicians are not politicing our sports. Why not let proffesionals taking charge?

    But tonight, let’s celebtrate our “golden” boys. A jug or two cold beer should do……

  22. Did I say cold beer? Oooppssss, I forgot that my village has no cold beer or anything one may enjoy from a refrigerator. You see, after over 5 decades of merdeka the authourity has yet to supply our village with electricity. With the small petrol-powered genset that I am currently using, buying a “peti ais” is not a wise move.

    Perhaps it’s about time to change the authourity………

  23. This is why, KTK sore throat (almost all the while, except telling what Ahmad said is insignificant to him), OTK stomachache, and Samy complaints he was not made a minister.

    BTW, KTK have you decided to participate in next GE? Anywhere in Penang? Just let us know early, we are waiting for your return… we miss you so much, we waited you like very long until ‘be ta han’.

  24. YB LKS, do u think this is worth a thread?

    “The book, “Malaysian Maverick: Mahathir Mohamad in Turbulent Times,” written by former Asian Wall Street Journal Managing Editor Barry Wain, is a warts-and-all, critical but fair account of Mahathir’s 22 years in power”

    Dear Tun M, hello, hello, hello…..let Malaysians read this book…freedom of information. Remember how Malaysians were deprived of yr Malay Dilemma. We dont want Malaysians to be similarly deprive of the Mahathir dilemma. U r free to rebut every bit of Barry Wain’s ‘crazy conjecture’ and controvertible allegation? But at least let the Malaysian public know what rubbish foreign writrs are capable of. Or r u running scared with yr tail between yr legs? Sooner or later the book will be available as an e-book anyway & if it is banned, then there must be something to hide; which, in fact, to b fair & frank u have been doing for the last 22 years! Now yr sins have caught up ith & u can repent at leisure. the rule never fails: sow in haste & reap at leisure. Sow wild oats & reap the whirlwinds of damnatiopn! It’s so sad that it must come to this in yr twilight yrs but the truth must b told.

  25. Wonder what MMK wrote under Keturunan in official forms – Indian or Malay?
    M’sia won football gold – good news, but pause 2 ask if this were d work of football gambling syndicate, which Malaysia is notoriously infamous for

  26. Of course Malaysia’s footballing success won’t precipitate a GE. It will only lead to Ketuanan adulations for the FA president, and the MyTeam manager. And of course allegations of lack of patriotism from the chinese community by cintanegara, kasim amat and chengho.

  27. First, did Nazri really mean what he said? If he meant what he said, is he going to do what he meant?

    Second, can non-racists participating (and worse still leading) a racist party?

    Third, it is political parties that lead the government. If the political parties are racist, can the government be non-racist?

    Forth, when are we going to learn? Watch not what they say, watch what they do.

    Be very careful, now they are re-hatching the so-called five measures to achieve ethnic and economic balance. What the hack do they mean? Are they not the same as NEP when it was first promulgated?
    They are buying time. They are doing two-way bet. Make no mistake about it.
    Oh, I forgot about MCA, MIC, Gerakan and others. They can’t say and they can’t do.

  28. There is a correlation between tall buildings and economics downturns. This was proven throughout the years by the constructions and completions of the Empire State building, the Sears Towers, the Petronas Twin Towers and the Burj Dubai and the subsequent pall cast on their economies.

    Well, in Bolehland lessons are never learnt. PNB is mulling the construction of a 100-story skyscraper, which will be taller than the Petronas twin towers. In the same vein the government is poised to introduce an array of GST taxes and utilities charges. If the curse of tall buildings on the economy is true, then expect the denizens of Bolehland to be perennial second-round suckers.

  29. Rojakman, who cares about sports in this country when (a) the sports ministry under the previous minister was the most corrupt in recent memory, and (b) sports in Bolehland is synonymous with illegal betting syndicates. The government closes both eyes to corruption and underground activities as it is a participant in both.

  30. Both BN and PR will continue to use race and religion as their trump card to garner support. It is that simple, the majority of Malaysians is racists and religious bigots. Both must show who is able to champion the Malays and Islam better. That is the reality of Malaysia.

    The Malays will never give up ketuanan come what may. In fact, I can sense the ground has shifted slightly against PR. PR, particularly the PAS and PKR, are losing ground because PR has become too “multi-racial” or liberal (probably due to the overwhelming influence of DAP). That is bad business because whether you like it or not, the majority of the Malays has not changed very much. Essentially they still want the privileges and eminent “first among equal” position maintained.

    Yes, no doubt the country is saddled with corruption and abuse of power and lots of largesse of the government has gone to the well-connected and the cronies irrespective or race. But the fact remains that many Malays have benefited from the government – from scholarships, licences, permits to positions in civil service, GLCs, and statutory bodies – you name it they have it.

    Make no mistake about it: If the Malays have fought against UMNO, it is not because they want a more equal and liberal Malaysia among the different races in the country. They actually want a more equal share of spoil among themselves.

  31. “Why not a single Minister from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP, Sabah and Sarawak dare to be as outspoken as Nazri to speak out against racism as well as BTN and Utusan Malaysia’s racist outpourings which subverts the very basis of a multi-racial Malaysian nation?”

    Dogs are not supposed to bark at their own masters.

  32. N dogs r busy running circles after their own tails
    N now more empty slogans: nilai-nilai aspirasi n teras perpaduan
    Sheeit…. up 2 now can’t even get rukun negara right, more 1M’sia crapp fr pee M

  33. 1malaysia,fact is 1 rojak malaysia..look Kota Kinabalu city and far beyong and people are suffering electricity blackout without notice, day or nite,yet this idiot mp spoke nothing about it but feeling no shame talking grand about his intended marriage to an actress.Is this how BTN taught mps and civil servants to behave .Malaysia almost half a decade of formation,claiming near development status,have sent a guy to space,tallest twin towers in the world,yet could not solved its domestic essential electricity supply properly. Shame on you elected leaders especially those who hold on the power.Never realised these idiots didn’t know that power comes with responsibility.All I know they produced were wealth and fame for themselves and cronies from the power the people gave them. 1rojakmalaysia is indeed.

  34. Thought you all like to know…
    800 copies of Barry Wain’s book…how Mahathir cheated RM100 billion tax payers money….seized by customs.
    That’s “People First. Performance Now”,,,from “1Malaysia” man.
    Everyday…we are being guided by UMNO like idiots..cannot read this..cannot do that….when these are the corrupted big fishes swimming freely.

  35. Clear case of PAGAR MAKAN PADI. Now, the PAGAR has become so rich and fat that it now controls all. The PAGAR is now calling the shots and no one can do anything. I am afraid that like India we are going to muddle along the middle for a very long time. We will have pockets of the Super World, the First World and the unfortunate Third World all living together in this country. I never thought that we will come to this. A leader must put up his hand before it is too late.

  36. And while they brag about the pledge to reduce our carbon emission, our environment is decimated over the years.

    Typical example in the Star today – ‘Nothing being done about Sungai Tebrau pollution’.
    Excuse me – every b***king thing is poluted in this country.

    As someone said earlier – GIVE US A BREAK.

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