Lim Kit Siang

Why Hishammuddin continue to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism, and the law in purveying unadulterated venom, poison and sedition in falsely alleging that DAP wants to create a Malaysian republic?

The homily by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein on what constitutes good journalism and what differentiates local journalists and “some bloggers” is mind-boggling to say the least.

Hishammudin said some bloggers, unlike local journalists, do not adhere to the rules and ethics of journalism in their bid to garner popularity.

“The local journalists adhered to ethics but these bloggers did not, and this was what differentiated the journalists from these bloggers.”

Speaking at the presentation of the 2009 ExxonMobil Journalism Awards in Kuala Terengganu last night, Hishammuddin said journalists in the country would have nothing to fear so long as their reports adhered to the ethics of journalism, adding that they would be accepted by the people.

He said journalists who reported the truth would not be penalised and those who spread slander would not be successful.

Hishammuddin was deliberately not telling the truth as he knew that journalists, particularly from the Barisan Nasional-controlled “MSM” – mainstream media – have nothing to fear even with the most blatant and flagrant violations of the basic canons and ethics of journalism, spouting lies and falsehoods so long as they hew to the Umno and Barisan Nasional agenda.

A good example is Utusan Malaysia which in the past few days had been publishing comment and news reports based on a seditious lie – that DAP wants to abolish the Malay Rulers and establish a republic when the policy of the DAP to uphold the system of constitutional monarchy is on public record.

Why does Utusan Malaysia, which is an Umno newspaper, persist in the lie and falsehood in accusing DAP leaders of wanting to do away with the constitutional monarchy and establish a republic, when they know it is false and untrue – even courting and defying the Sedition Act in such irresponsible journalism?

The answer is simple – like Umno leaders, Umno newspaper Utusan Malaysia is drunk with the sense that it enjoy immunity and impunity to incite inter-racial mistrust, hatred and animosity with gross breaches of the truth, the rules and ethics of journalism, and even the law of the land because they are confident that they can get protection from even the Home Minister himself!

Can Hishammuddin explain why as Home Minister he continues to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism, and the law in purveying unadulterated venom, poison and sedition to incite inter-racial mistrust, hatred and animosity in falsely alleging that DAP wants to create a Malaysian republic?