Why Hishammuddin continue to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism, and the law in purveying unadulterated venom, poison and sedition in falsely alleging that DAP wants to create a Malaysian republic?

The homily by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein on what constitutes good journalism and what differentiates local journalists and “some bloggers” is mind-boggling to say the least.

Hishammudin said some bloggers, unlike local journalists, do not adhere to the rules and ethics of journalism in their bid to garner popularity.

“The local journalists adhered to ethics but these bloggers did not, and this was what differentiated the journalists from these bloggers.”

Speaking at the presentation of the 2009 ExxonMobil Journalism Awards in Kuala Terengganu last night, Hishammuddin said journalists in the country would have nothing to fear so long as their reports adhered to the ethics of journalism, adding that they would be accepted by the people.

He said journalists who reported the truth would not be penalised and those who spread slander would not be successful.

Hishammuddin was deliberately not telling the truth as he knew that journalists, particularly from the Barisan Nasional-controlled “MSM” – mainstream media – have nothing to fear even with the most blatant and flagrant violations of the basic canons and ethics of journalism, spouting lies and falsehoods so long as they hew to the Umno and Barisan Nasional agenda.

A good example is Utusan Malaysia which in the past few days had been publishing comment and news reports based on a seditious lie – that DAP wants to abolish the Malay Rulers and establish a republic when the policy of the DAP to uphold the system of constitutional monarchy is on public record.

Why does Utusan Malaysia, which is an Umno newspaper, persist in the lie and falsehood in accusing DAP leaders of wanting to do away with the constitutional monarchy and establish a republic, when they know it is false and untrue – even courting and defying the Sedition Act in such irresponsible journalism?

The answer is simple – like Umno leaders, Umno newspaper Utusan Malaysia is drunk with the sense that it enjoy immunity and impunity to incite inter-racial mistrust, hatred and animosity with gross breaches of the truth, the rules and ethics of journalism, and even the law of the land because they are confident that they can get protection from even the Home Minister himself!

Can Hishammuddin explain why as Home Minister he continues to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism, and the law in purveying unadulterated venom, poison and sedition to incite inter-racial mistrust, hatred and animosity in falsely alleging that DAP wants to create a Malaysian republic?

31 Replies to “Why Hishammuddin continue to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism, and the law in purveying unadulterated venom, poison and sedition in falsely alleging that DAP wants to create a Malaysian republic?”

  1. The Utusan and to some extend the New straits times and the Star,especially its respective editors are crony and semi cronies of Umno.Utusan is a propaganda mouth piece of Umnoputras.Its objective is to twist and turn the main opposition PR good intention/information/statement into an evil and perverted message in order to hoodwink the rakyat to hate its(umno) opponents(PR). Yep if the rules are applied,Utusan licence should have been suspended if not cancelled. It’s pretty clear,the Umno/Bn adminitration all this time practising double standards,one for itself and another one for all oppositions.It’s Umno stink hypocrisy that everyone knows and the more these guys do it,the more the people would hate them.Wonder why they still don’t get it. I think it’s their stupidity.

  2. Why? Because its hate – sytematic hate that is imbued in everyone in UMNO in some degree from subconsious apathetic agreement like Hishamuddin who do nothing despite his responsibilities to deep psychotic irrational ones of Utusan editor that only a thin hair line away from terrorist, suicide bombers and murderers and rapist..

  3. Ever notice wots wrong with lembudin bin kerismudin’s and jibby’s mouths? They somehow do not look natural, do they? One is shaped in a perpetual grin and the other appears zipped for eternity. Yes. You have got it. They are both fakes. And guess where are their real mouths? Dats right! In utusan and BH!

  4. umno thinks they’re being smart by doing this “double timing”.
    They make grand speeches about racial unity, respect, justice etc… on one hand…

    & try to incite hatred N racial tension on another

    & they thought their target listeners (mostly Malays) won’t be able to find out that umno’s trying to use them.

    they thought that the malays will only listen to their seditious statements without evaluating the information & give them unconditional support so they can continue to rule & suck the country dry.

    Well anyone with an average intelligence can smell their evil intentions miles away

    Dear umno corrupt boys.. I can guarantee you that most, if not all, non-malays can see VERY clearly that evil plan of yours.. & as for the malays, do you think you’ve successfully fooled them?

    If you have, DAP & PKR leaders should be getting hundreds of thousands of death threats & major protests.

    & by hundreds of thousands of threats, I mean the ones that don’t include your ‘paid protesters’

    Think about it.

  5. Utusan Malaysia is UMNO’s propaganda publicist and so is ‘The Star’ which is MCA’s.

    There is no press freedom or independence in this country unlike in the west. It’s good and bad, why? because they will be less paparazzi type invasion of privacy and so on but bad because the people who rely on these conduits can be easily deceived.

    Therefore it is a blessing in disguise we have the internet, because we have the freedom to decide with the immense availability of news from all quarters. That’s how BN nearly got destryed last year. It may well be annihilated in the coming 13th elections, it looks pretty dim for them at the moment.

  6. Can Hishammuddin explain why as Home Minister he continues to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism…..(Kit)

    His naivety and ineptitude have led him to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism.

  7. ””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””’
    Of course..lah..!Tak CONDONE tu..siapa lagi boleh tolong bila cakap-cakap mereka tu..!Mereka tu kawan sebantal..sekian lama..Nanti hilang Kerja..Hilang Harta..!Siapa Bela lagi Datin-datin..Dato..dato..sekian lama..!

    Kini, tengok..Pas banyak Cina sokong jugak..!DAP..banyak orang Melayu..sokong jugak..!Apa sebab..!
    Mungkin kerana Tuhan tak akan menerima Orang yang BUAT KERJA TAK BETUL..TAK BENAR…TAK JUJUR…TAK SUCI ..TAK ADA HATI RAKYAT MALAYSIA..!

    Kebenaran pasti terserlah..!Inshaallah..!

  8. Hisham and Najib are the biggest con-men this country has ever had. They can lie through their teeth as though we are fools to take in lock stock and barrel.
    See how Najib fooled the Chinese community on Independent Schools.
    Yet they clap fr him.

  9. A good example is Utusan Malaysia which in the past few days had been publishing comment and news reports based on a seditious lie – that DAP wants to abolish the Malay Rulers and establish a republic when the policy of the DAP to uphold the system of constitutional monarchy is on public record. – LKS

    To say that DAP uphold the system of constitutional monarchy is being politically correct. What if Malaysians one day realized
    that the country is better without the monarchs, what can DAP do to stop them? Shoot them?

  10. Over 600,000 Malaysians left the country in a year because they have to feed themselves and can no longer feed the system of constitution monarchy. When you look at the sorry state the country is in, it makes one wonder if there’s even meaningful existence of this heavy burdens.

  11. “The homily by the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein on what constitutes good journalism and what differentiates local journalists and “some bloggers” is mind-boggling to say the least.”

    Why bother what Kerishammuddin says. To me, he is subintelligent and is holding the minister’s post merely because of the fallout effects of his father’s achievement.

    He talks about Ketuanan Melayu but when the Bar Council wanted to organize a forum to discuss its validity, he stops them, saying that it would cause tension among the different ethnic groups. So the guy who raises the subject did not cause any tension but the guys who wanted to discuss what he raises do? He can’t stand to international scrutiny. All I can see is a protoplasmic mass of greed and abuse of power.

    And why did he go overseas to do his law studies? Malaysia has no law degree? You know the answer… Malaysian degrees are substandard. What does that says about Ketuanan Melayu and the Malaysian education system? Action speaks louder than words.

  12. ktteokt :
    Just the other day, I was asked by a friend what is it that Malaysia has the most! And the answer: holidays and kings!

    Not so bad if he is ignorant. I was chatting with this guy on the internet and when I told him that I am from Malaysia, he could only say, “Oh… that bloody racist country!”

  13. If Indonesia,Parkistan,Iran could turned to republic,what’s there to stop Malaysia from becoming a republic when circumstances require it .# 15 ..At the rate the country’s wealth squandered,one day when we are left high and dry,will the malay rulers feed us by dawsheng…Fact is the malay rulers have never fed us,instead we are feeding them all the time.The time will come,like you said one day when umnoputras and warlords squander and siphon off all the wealth and make this country bankrupt,the malay rulers could not be fed,they would more than willingly surrender power to the patriotic citizens .

  14. Where in Malaysia can you study for a Masters Degree in Information And Media Warfare?

    — Centre for Media & Information Warfare Studies (CMIWS), UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia.

    Could this be a place where our local little napoleans and/or BTN trainers are educated & trained or armed in war-mongering tactics? …or Advanced BTN class, anyone?

    List of (fun!) subjects:

    Core Courses
    MIC701 Research Methodology
    MIC702 Theories in Media, Information Warfare and Perception Management
    MIC703 MA Thesis (Plan A) OR
    MIC704 Case Study (Plan B)

    Programme Core Courses
    MIP705 Media Technology and Information Technology
    MIP708 Public Diplomacy, Propaganda and Psychology of Operations
    MIP707 War, Religion and Society
    MIP706 Media Warfare Technology

    Media Warfare
    MMW709 War and Peace Journalism
    MMW710 Film, Broadcasting and Society
    MMW711 Message Presentation and Design Strategies
    MMW712 Media-State Relations

    Psychological Operations
    MPO713 Strategic Information Searching and Gathering
    MPO714 Psycholinguistics and Warfare
    MPO715 Analysis and Interpretation of Mind
    MPO716 Literature of Information Warfare and Psychological Operation

    Information Technology
    MIT721 The Mathematics of Politics
    MIT722 Investigating the Information and Computer Forensic
    MIT723 Information Security Management
    MIT724 Information Intelligence International

    Policies Studies
    MIP725 Power, Justice and Order in International Politics
    MIP726 International Organisations and Regimes
    MIP727 International Political Economy and the State
    MIP728 International Conflict Resolution

    Comparative Studies
    MCS717 Comparative Media System
    MCS718 Comparative Religion and Ethics
    MCS719 Human Security
    MCS720 Control of Information

    interestingly, I can’t find any other local public or private uni offering such a course of study.
    noticed in a local newspaper this year that the programme offered is now called Masters Degree in Information And Digital Media Warfare.

    no kidding-one!

  15. Actually it doesn’t matter what form of government we practise. Every system has its good and bad points, it is the bloody people who are running it. Take MACC for example. If Hong Kong can make it effective, why can’t we. It is like giving a Mercedes to a bunch of monkeys. They turn it into scrap iron in no time.

  16. If the ruler can be charged for personal conduct in a special court, it means that the person who can order for any charge against the ruler is higher in rank than the ruler, at the time the charge is made. That person who could order a charge against the ruler is an elected official. Thus the person heading constutional monarchy is subordinate to the elected power-that-be. Yes we still have the monarch who appoints Prime Minister. But Prime Minister once appointed serves like President of a republic. Utusan Melayu serves UMNO and UMNO only.

  17. //Why Hishammuddin continue to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism, and the law in purveying unadulterated venom, poison and sedition in falsely alleging that DAP wants to create a Malaysian republic?//

    Why indeed! When we have the situation of “Us versus Them” especially when the struggle for the hearts and mind of the Malaysian public is bitter… it becomes a “No Holds Barred” situation. It will be tempting to sink down to the lowest level in a tit for tat fight but that would be foolish. The PR should remain upright and the people will know how to be the judge.

  18. out of context a bit,


    Let’s not talk kok first. Where are the 9 DAP MPs in parliament? You bla bla bla on the budget, gave your own budget, but where are the 9 MPs? The budget could be defeated easily if they were there.

  19. There’s nothing much to argue on this – nor is there any new revelation – as all know that it is propaganda’s objective to skew facts, distort truth in order to influence audience’s positive perception in favour of the party in whose favour propaganda serves against the opposite party, and we also know how mainstream media has traditionally been used for this purpose. Which is why they are regulated by Printing Press Publication Act; their shares are held by the ruling parties and their editors and officers are hand appointed by the ruling government as well.

  20. 2 parliament, 2 parliament
    D MPs told their spouses

    Really? Or did they do a Tiger Woods to their spouses
    Will we b expecting some confessions fr waiters, waitresses, social escorts, GROs?
    Will we b expecting increased traffic accidents in front of MPs’ houses soon?

  21. We all know that there are two sets of laws and rules in Bolehland – one for the den of thieves, and the other for the rest of us. That has been the way for the past 30 years, and it is the only way that could allow them to steal with impunity.

  22. “Why Hishammuddin continue to condone Utusan Malaysia’s utter contempt of the truth, rules and ethics of journalism, and the law in purveying unadulterated venom, poison and sedition in falsely alleging that DAP wants to create a Malaysian republic?”

    Suggest the word “does” is missing after the word “Why” to make it correct grammar.

  23. The definition of mainstream media in malaysia is government controlled and indoctrinated lies.
    The victims are at the grassroot levels especially the kampungs,villages,estates. The middle class educated people are usually the ones who rely on online news rather than the newspaper or TV.
    If only the grassroots can be given the autonomy and liberty to access the www they’re views cannot be manipulated by the deceitful UMNO.

    The opposition should tap into this as soon as they can. And lastly, i think utusan malaysia is a low life discredible news entity brainchild of a deceitful government.

  24. That “keris” bum has to cheek to critisize us. Either he is a dumb dumb or blind. Just listen to the rakyat complaints on numerous racist articles in the two garbage reporting medium UM and BH are much much worst off than we bloggers wrote.
    Instead of taking actions against them, this stupid bum seem to be encouraging them.
    It is amazing he can be a PM. A big shame and disgrace to the country.

  25. He is the most idiotic .useless….good for nothing…minister you can ever find in today’s cabinet.
    Whenever he opens his big mouth…or a photo of him…seen in papers…..he is always advertising for UMNO.
    A Minister of Education…transfered to what he is now….is a clear demotion.
    All know that.

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