Najib should come out with clear-cut statement that 1Malaysia does not mean “Ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” and declare that all Malaysians whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Kadazan or Iban are all co-owners of Malaysia

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has directed all his ministers to end the polemics on the divisive, racist and seditious Biro Tata Negara (BTN) courses.

He said he himself would evaluate BTN’s training modules and arrive at a decision on them later.

Shouldn’t the decision on the divisive, racist and seditious BTN indoctrination course be the collective decision of the Barisan Nasional leadership rather than the decision of one man, even if he is the Prime Minister?

This demonstrates an exacerbation of an already very unhealthy, undemocratic and dangerous concentration of power in the hands of the Prime Minister at the expense of the collective decision of the Cabinet and the Barisan Nasional parties.

Even putting aside for the moment the issue of the divisive, racist and seditious BTN indoctrination course which engenders racial hatred and illwill totally inimical to the nation-building objective to foster national unity and Malaysian consciousness, the issue of what Najib’s 1Malaysia really means cannot be evaded any longer.

It is a great national disservice on the part of Barisan Nasional Ministers, whether from UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, or from Sarawak and Sabah, that they continue to allow the racist doctrine of “ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” to be disseminated.
Najib should come out with clear-cut statement that 1Malaysia does not mean “Ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” and declare that all Malaysians whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Kadazan or Iban are all co-owners of Malaysia without any differentiation of the ethnic groups into first-class, second-class or third-class citizens.

It is not only shocking but most outrageous that Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC, Sarawak and Sabah continue to condone the passing of “ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” as part of Barisan Nasional philosophy and doctrine, with the accompanying messages of hate and intolerance such as describing the Chinese in Malaysia as the Jews in Asia, non-Malays as “orang tumpang” and rational and thinking Malays who reject such a racist doctrine as “traitors of the Malay race”.

Najib, the Cabinet and all Barisan Nasional parties and leaders should stop avoiding the issue but should forthwith take a clear-cut stand that 1Malaysia stands clearly for the concept that all Malaysians, regardless of ethnicity or region, are all co-owners of Malaysia.

83 Replies to “Najib should come out with clear-cut statement that 1Malaysia does not mean “Ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” and declare that all Malaysians whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Kadazan or Iban are all co-owners of Malaysia”

  1. Kit,
    You have to be dreaming if you think UMNO members would come up with a strong statement to disavow the racist courses conducted.

    Just look at MIC, Gerakan and MCA. All parlov’s dogs which beckons to the calls of UMNO. They dont give a hoot if ordinary Msians are suffering in indignation. Enrich themselves first and worry about the rakyat later.

    After all, they were all a part of the game plan while it was working. Divide and conquer.
    Now that the truths are unraveling, all muted silence.
    Look at PKFZ – it will die of natural death.

    It don’t take Nostradamus to predict the inevitable. We all know what is coming.

    The only way is get these buggers out of govt.

    Again, Malaysians are like sheeps led to the slaughter. Fools never learn.

  2. This should have been done 4 decades ago when they set down the RUKUNEGARA which among others states that “…. membina masyarakat yang ADIL….”. How can BN continue to maintain KETUANAN MELAYU when they want to have a “masyarakat yang ADIL”????

  3. membina masyarakat yang ADIL?

    More like membina masyarakat yang TERTIPU. There are lots of rural folks who actually believe in the umno propaganda that the angkasawan went to space in a malaysian rocket. They simply could not imagine that the idiot is a space tourist who paid millions for a seat and was never a cosmonaut.

  4. Najib wants no more comments or discussion on BTN means it is a stab to the heart of democracy!

    UMNO’s customised democracy has run out of fuel, the people are angered with idiots in UMNO defending BTN. To allow them to continue and mute the people’s voice is another blow to subzero levels of bare minimal ape intelligence.

    However minor the other races are in numbers, to tolerate such rubbish anymore is unwarranted for. This is not zaman parameswara, its the 21st century, nobody’s gonna take jack from anyone anymore. Speak out and be heard.

  5. There are some men who cannot afford the increase in dowry to RM300. God, how are their wives going to survive after their marriage. A packet of nasi lemak alone costs RM3 nowadays. They will have to take up additional “jobs” as snatch thieves to feed their families. (At least the late TBH had RM3,000 in his bank account, according to the macc)

  6. Dear YAB Najib,

    You don’t even have to be a statesman to do this: equality is a basic human right under the UN Conventions, EU Convention, UK Human Rights Act, US Constitution, Malaysian Constitution et. al.

    You just have to be plain and honest and human to do this. Amen.

  7. umno in not going to give malay supremacy. even if it intends to, mahathir will use his influence to remove leaders who come up with such ideas. they only way is to change the government. the country needs leaders who are blind to race and religion. its disgusting to see in the dawn of 21st century race is being given more preference instead of ones knowledge and ability.

  8. YB Kit, he’ll pee in his pants now that his back is against the wall – 1Malaysia or BTN now that it is exposed, no point denying.

    Remember he also has to worry for his kid brother Nazim who allegedly threatened Private Investigator Bala to retract his SD that implicated big bro over murder of Mongolian Altantuya.

  9. UMNO came into existence on political platform of fighting for Malays’ interest.

    It has ruled the country for more than 50 years by convincing majority of Malays to support it.

    Umno’s very relevance lies in Ketuanan Melayu.

    The last election 8th March 09 delivered the message that this was no more the case. The Pakatan Rakyat proved the case that multi racial support is essential for political success.

    But how does UMNO “kostan”?

    So their advisers/strategists come out with something like ‘1 Malaysia’ and the new administration under Najib supposedly reaches out for all Malaysians under this motto.

    There is however a contradiction here: if 1 Malaysia stands for all Malaysians [whose interests are now to be promoted] what then is relevance of UMNO? (If I Malaysia is for all Malaysians then what is UMNO – United Malaysian National Organisation?; what about about MCA – Malaysian Club for All?? Or MIC – Malaysian Integrated Congress???)

    The moment BN main component parties veer away from race based appeal they face a political identity crisis. They don’t know what they are anymore. That is why they cannot be sincere in what the motto says. This lack of sincerity further compounds the problem by criticisms of “cakap tak serupa bikin”!

    Race has always been the political agenda.

    Playing the race card is admittedly no more as credible, convincing and effective as 308 political tsunami showed – but if one takes away the race card, then what is there left of its agenda to leverage an appeal?

    When for over 50 years the entire structural edifice of the Party has been constructed around race, when one is forced by sudden reality to change and embrace 1 Malaysia for all one – and to mean it – one is immediately faced with the prospects of staring at nothingness at the space around which one’s whole system is based.

    This is a real dilemma.

    What UMNO & other communal parties and their stakeholders need is some bright idea from someone of how they could make the “turn” from communal race card flashing to an inclusivist platform for all without disappearing overight, losing power due to utter irrelevance.

  10. I believe those who are smart enough will not listen to what Lim Kit Siang said as he was trying to hijack the word “ketuanan Melayu” to provoke hatres among different races, as he always does. The concept of Ketuanan Melayu has existed for many years in this country and it has no problem. This concept is important as it represents the true value and the history of Malay who are the original Master of this land. This concept however does not imply that other races do not have the rights to settle in this country. All we hope to achieve under this concept is for all other races to respect the special status of the Malay and respect that we are the Master of this land, while they are permitted to enjoy the right of being a citizen in this country. Without this concept, we will never help our race to achieve success in many areas. All races must respect the fact that while they are able to live, do business and work here, the special rights given to us under th Constitutions are unchallengeable. If you ask me, I would say MCA amd MIC have no problem with this concept under the context of racial harmony. So it is important for whoever reading this blog to understand that this concept is not about promoting racist sentiments but simply to reinforce our believe and value in our own race. What I hope is other countries such as US, Japan and China can also respect this concept and help our race to succeed internationally.

  11. If the aim is to stay relevant and maintain power then UMNO & BN’s parties are confronted with only 2 basic choices:

    First – not only continue doing but do more of what they have been doing all these while that they have been criticised for and suffered loss of votes – ie more money politics to buy votes, double up the race rhetorics yet maintain multiracial image by cultivating the other subservient partners in the Barisan Nasional coalition getting minor concessions and simply countering the Opposition by unscrupulously raising the spectre of political instability, unrest and extremism blah blah or clamp down on Internet, civil rights and double up repression….

    However if the existing mode were unpalatable and cannot work, then there must be a major upheaval involving the alternative of dismantling of all communal parties like UMNO/MCA & MIC and their substitution of one monolithic multiracial party under one Barisan Nasional Party – something like the Anwar’s Parti KeAdilan Rakyat type of composition.

    The major upheaval is of course not easy.

    What about UMNO’s vast corporate assets or power share arrangements?

    It is likely beyond them to think through this problem.

    But whats the choice is there? One can’t be groping neither here nor there, coming up with motto that does not mean much and has been ridiculed, responding piece meal, case by case, to every challenge without knowing which way the general direction to go – to fix the problem.

  12. I would like to add that DAP is nothing more than a racist party that promotes Ketuanan Cina. DAP despise our race and does not respect the fact that we are the Master of this land. If we want Malaysia to be strong and all races to live peacefully, We must vote for BN as BN has ensured security and peace for the past 50 years. PR will only lead us to social unrest because of their naive policies and corrupted mentality. The choice is yours. Don’t spoil it.

  13. The problem is that when you say one race is Master of this land the natural implication is that citizens of other races are servants – because there is only Master – Servant relationship and no other in betweens. How does this kind of idea hope to maintain acceptance in times like now? Get real.

  14. This is D PROBLEM with Malaysia
    We hv ruling politicians who r notorious 4 their woolly thinking
    Sawing a branch off a tree whilst sitting ON that branch
    Talking abt slogans n policies which r diametrically opposite 2 those in practice
    Doomed fr d outset n wasting all our time, stupid 1

  15. One can’t expect 40% of other races contributing to the well being of the national house to remain servants in which for the price of having a room to stay and be sheltered from the elements, to be relegated to status of servants, hewing wood, doing marketing, boiling water, sweeping the floor and wiping the window panes, working in the kitchen to prepare the meal so that the masters can have the first bite and leaving the leftovers to the servants when they retire to the living room to enjoy their deserts and watch a good ASTRO movie show.

    Let me put it another way using analogy of a household : if one set of people are masters, and you say the other set are not exactly servants, then what are they? Guests and sojourners?

  16. Do U ever wonder Y Mr Bala made those frivolous statements against Najib R, Rosmah, Nazim R, Deepak, n Dinesh, n NOT against LKS, LGE, n AI?
    Is it becos Mr Bala tot Najib R, Rosmah, Nazim R, Deepak, n Dinesh r easier 2 bully than LKS, LGE, n AI?
    Will LKS, LGE, n AI, if facing similar frivolous statements fr Mr Bala, also brush them off as frivolous n say “No comment”?
    Will LKS, LGE, n AI get Karpal 2 sue Mr Bala 4 a few RM million or billion?
    We wonder, we wonder ……

  17. Bro Lim, what do you expect from a guy who just reply “frivolous” when someone accused him of murder. I repeat murder of the first degree. If one is really innocent one will lashed back and sue the accuser till his pants drop. But no, just “frivolous”.
    It is amazing!!1

  18. Know what Kasim Amat, you are like a camel that cannot see the crookedness of its own neck!

    Where did you come from, Batak island
    across the sea and you think you are “Master”? Then what leaves the Orang Asli – slaves?
    So the rest of 40% Malaysians are mere suppliers of crutches for their Masters eh? Just cut the arrogance and be thankful, without those crutches, you are nothing – even your primary school education!

    Go check with JHDN, who pay the most taxes to support you.

  19. Eh, Kasim Amat has had that Ketuanan attitude since we were business partners. He had the UMNO connections to get APs, but then he had to rely on this Chinaman to run the car salesrooms, and craft strategies for the sale of vehicles.

    Then he started getting greedy and asked for more and more from the business venture, effectively raising the value of his UMNO connection. so the Chinaman walked out, and he ended up not knowing how to run the business, which is still floundering. Last I heard, he was trying to get Bank Islam to bail him out of his debts as he had built a huge mansion, and has 8 luxury vehicles for his own use.

  20. For Najib to do away with “Malay supremacy”, the price to pay will be heavy. He will lose support from the Malays and his position as President of UMNO will be threatened.

    Najib knows full well that if he keeps stressing on “Malay supremacy”, he will not get support from the non-Malays. Hence he plays the other card, which is the 1Malaysia card, to appease the non-Malays.

    Apparently Najib is juggling between BTN and 1Malaysia to achieve “some kind of balance” in order to garner support from both Malays and non-Malays.

  21. The total US100Billion (RM340Billion) loss to corruptions over the years of UMNO/BN rule.

    How come these supporters of UMNO/BN not ask/think of the question where did all the money ent?

    If they think that the money went back to them did it in other ways helped them in any ways?

    RM340Billion could have been used to build enough universities for all malays-only to attend. They would be very happy.

    To add further may be no need to pay income taxes. Or even better they all malays can get cash subsidies.

    How come they are so blind to not think of these?

    How come they not question their past and present leaders where is the money?

    Definitely the UMNO cybertroopers are reading this post. About time to ask yourself.

    Who are the traitors of the nation?
    Do you still want to support/believe in them?
    Unless you are hoping to climb those ladders to join them?

    A lot of soul-searching???

    You are probably living and working and sweating for your political masters while they are driving Porshes, BMWs, Mercs, eating caviars, enjoying in fully-airconed huge mansions, dressed in designers, travelling 1st class and other luxuries of life.

    Is it fair to you or the deprived malays?

    Let me say something here you can add up all the wealth of non-malays here it does not come close to the RM340Billion.

    Mind you, the current nation wealth has not been accounted on how they are distributed.

    Go to the small towns kampongs to see all those poor malays deprived from the RM340Billion.

    You blindly follow your political masters on this race blamatisis to hide their corrupted ways!

  22. //…perhaps Najis should take after Mahathir’s steps and write the “Raceless DILEMMA” in his quest for 1 MALAYSIA!!!!!!/// -ktteokt

    If you were in his shoes, what are you going to write?

    The fact is – he is juggling between 2 incompatibles.

    There’s no way “1 Malaysia” (for inclusivist Malaysia) is compatible with Ketuanan (UMNO’s ideology). One such as a circus juggler can multi task and juggle 4 or 5 objects because these objects don’t naturally collide. One can’t juggle two conflicting imperatives like 1 Malaysia and Ketuanan that keep colliding one another, without providing continuous fodder to one’s opposition critics to attack you endlessly. (Its like having a wife and a mistress on same bed and having to do your manly duties to both at the same time under the justification of love and make both happy!)

    To juggle opposites is a split brain feat like a schizophrenic! One must be able to switch on and off – sometimes act or speak for Multi- racial Malaysia and other times for Malay supremacy. In the end both sides are not happy. Everyone is testing you against the opposite incompatible benchmarks.

    Already UMNO as a body is split : Zaid, Ku Li and the latest Nazri are going the other way against supremacy and hence deride its symbol the BTN. Others are defending.

    All Opposition has to do is to test every minister – is what you say or do consistent with 1 Malaysia or KPI’s of 1 Malaysia? And all those who uphold UMNO tradition of Ketuanan do is the other way – is what you say or do faithful or traitorous to UMNO’s Cause?

    The worst position is the PM’s because the buck stops them. When Ministers and ex Ministers quarrel openly (as between TDM and Nazri) a typical split brain response of the ultimate decider (PM) is to tell all to keep quiet (leaving open which position or who is right). This is to buy time – to let tempers cool, and opportunity to search for new formulations of how to juggle between incompatibles and come up with some compromise that hopefully bring some semblance of harmony.

    Taking the longer view he knows that the Ketuanan principle and its ancillary patronage system aren’t really working effectively amongst its UMNO traditional constitutency now imbued with idea that it is camouflage for ruling elites to make money. In 308 many went over to PAS and PKR. As 308 also shows, non Malay support (in a switch of a portion of Malay allegiance) cannot be ignored. At the same time to swing to this side in favour of 1 Malaysia would mean that the party’s warlords having a vested interest in existing system will straightaway coalesce to evict him from the helms position. So again, unless he wants to succumb to plots, here he has to juggle trying to balance and pacify opposing sides.

    It is a tough act. There’s much to be said of the need to eventually take and stick to one position than trying to juggle (unsuccessfully) with two opposites making all sides unhappy. It is an issue of political will.

  23. “Najib should come out with clear-cut statement that 1Malaysia does not mean “Ketuanan Melayu” or “Malay supremacy” and declare that all Malaysians whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Orang Asli, Kadazan or Iban are all co-owners of Malaysia”

    1Malaysia is Ketuanan Melayu what. How to come out with a clear-cut statement that it is not?

  24. According to UMNO (and Kasim Amat), the circle of life in Bolehland goes like this:

    The Malays are the masters, and the other races must accept this. We can call ourselves whatever we want – servants, slaves, machais, whatever. If you don’t accept the Malays as the masters, then leave. If you accept this principle, then continue to pay your taxes. Continue to contribute over 95 pct of tax revenues, but don’t question what we do with the money. We take what we like, we do what we like. Again, if you don’t like it, you can leave.

    It’s like the Pixar animated movie “Bug’s Tale” where the grasshoppers tell the ants about the reality of life. You collect the food, we eat the food.

  25. I have not post for a long time but it seems that Kasim Amat is a faithful reader of Uncle Lim Kit Siang’s blog.

    Who is Kasim Amat?

    1) A corrupt cum rich people of UMNO
    2) A person which is being paid by UMNO

    (Come on people, I always wonder how did Kasim Amat got so much time reading and comment lond-winded everytime on Uncle Lim’s blog)- he’s either an corrupted UMNO Man or being paid by UMNO to do this- Kasim Amat is definitely rich.


    Kasim Amat is mentally sick or cult worshipper.

    1) He “Worships” UMNO, to him UMNO is perfect, a god to be worshipped.


    2) He wants to make Uncle Lim a “demon” or anyone who is in the opposition demons.

    (Neither Uncle Lim Kit Siang nor Najib Razak are perfect but at least Uncle Lim is quick to admit his mistakes and apologizes for it – from the Perak DAP doormat incident, did anyone apologized to Uncle Lim when his potrait as a cow are being stomp on rather just being step on?…NONE)

    Kasim Amat, if you’re a real gentlemen, you should apologize to Uncle Lim on behalf of those nasty protesters who step on his portrait. If not, you’re just corrupt-rich UMNO cult worshipper.

  26. Can’t we see 1Malaysia is meant to be ambiguous from day one? It is supposed to mean different things to different people and in different situations. Umno/BN has figured a “two-ways” bet as the safest bet. It is a dual tracks strategy meant to appeal to the Malay extremists and the non Malays at the same time. Hence we have 1Malaysia in the midst of BTN and other speeches aimed at inculcating and inflaming discontent among the Malays. They think this strategy would work. So long as majority of Malaysians remain easily duped, I think it would work.

  27. As usual Najib will remain blinkingly deaf and dumb. A leader who is too tainted and uncaring will not understand this message because he will not allow his conscience to prick him to do the right thing.

  28. 1 Malaysia is a just a slogan and it will etched in history as Najib’s slogan. Every PM elected only by UMNO has his own slogan and Mahathir’s slogan of “leadership by Example” has nothing to show except his example of Corruption. ”
    “Islam Hadhari” was a total failure. It only breeds body snatchers and extremists.
    We do not know who is Kassim Amat, but we certainly know that he is a staunch supporter of UMNO or rather a blind follower of UMNO. He is hell bent on thinking that what UMNO does are right including the “Ketuanan” mentality. This is a legacy of the British but they
    forgot that the colonial days are over and we hate the colonial masters and that’s why we jointly fought for Independence. Now they want history to repeat itself as UMNO Malays want to lord over other races. Unlike the British, UMNO Malays are actually suffering from inferiority complex and wants to be a Tuan to cover the weaknesses. Inadvertently they are breeding a Malaysian Malay Pompei who will destroy the country.

  29. For Najib to prove that 1Malaysia is not 1Melayu he should declare that TDM statement below does not represent current government policy. The government has long claimed that it practices meritocracy in university admission. Or is the government practicing Bumi quota as declared by TDM.

    Until Mahathir migrates from this country upon Anwar becoming PM, or his departure in another form, the curse to Malaysia of him will not cease.


    From NST: Dr M: Bumi quota not racist

    ///KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said yesterday the opportunities given to Bumiputeras to enter public universities should not be disputed as a racist act that favours one race at the expense of the others.

    The former prime minister said the move was to ensure that Bumiputeras were not left behind in mainstream education as this could have negative repercussions.///– TDM

    Mahathir says in effect that the quota system that favours Malays will have to continue forever out of fear for negative repercussions which to him would mean leading up to incident similar to May 13. We know very well now, especially thorough the letter of Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad who said that he was with the late Tun Razak on the evening of May 13,1969 when Razak called Harun Idris on the phone asking Harun to disperse the crowds at his residence. Tan Sri Abdullah said that Razak’s phone call was half an hour too late to avert the May 13 incidents. It is clear therefore that May 13 riots were organized. Yet Mahathir pretended that May 13 has anything to do with what he claimed to be the reasons why it happened. Mahathir was the beneficiary of May 13 incidents, and some said that he had a hand in planning it. However he wanted to justify the action. Non-Malays are condemned to suffer at university admission in public universities. The persons who are involved in the decision in instituting such unfair system are not racists, then that word should cease to carry any relevant meaning at all.

    ///He said at private institutions of higher learning, Bumiputera enrolment was very low, only about 10 per cent, while the rest was made up of students from other races.

    This was because many Bumiputeras could not afford the fees. ///–TDM

    Mahathir tried to distort history. He tried to give the impression that private institutions of higher learning existed before the public institutions and that public universities were created to balance the intake of non-Malays into private institutions. The fact is the non-Malays were prevented from entering public universities of their choice because of the quota system, and they have no choice but to enter private institutions and pay exorbitant fees for it. Mahathir was trying to say that since the non-Malays were rich as though they could afford to attend private institutions and choose to do so willingly. Mahathir said that many bumiputras could not afford the fees, and he implied that every non-bumiputra could afford it. These are lies, and Mahathir shows that he speaks with a forked tongue.

    ///”If we conduct a census of the number of students in private universities, there are more non-Bumiputera students. That’s why we give attention and more places to Bumiputeras,” he said in his keynote address, “UUM 25 Years Expectation vs Reality”, at the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Alumni Convention 2009 here. ///–TDM

    The large number of non-bumiputras in private institutions shows that government policies discriminate against non-bumiputras from enrolling into public institutions, and they had no choice but resorted to entering private institutions. The government should have established more public institutions to cater to those who are able to pursue higher learning. The government action shows that while it collects taxes from all citizens it caters only to the requirements of bumiputras, or more correctly Malays since bumiputras in Sabah and Sarawak are similarly discriminated against. Mahathir’s statement rub salt into wounds. Government policy resulted into a situation which is used again as the justification for its discriminatory practices. Evil mind causes racial polarization in the country, and like Tengku Razaleigh said Malaysia is oil cursed; he would be more accurate to say that the curse is imbedded in Article 160 of the Malaysian constitution which accepted Mahathir to be called Malay.

    ///”So, we should not feel guilty because we reserved places for Bumiputeras. We have a right to attain a position that is on par in this country.” ///–TDM

    Everybody has a right to attain whatever his mind sets him to do. It is despicable to use number to bully. Reserving places for Malays was meant to be only for 15 years counting from 1957. Half a century later, it is a shame that a PM of 22 years would say that Malays should not feel guilty to expect the quota to continue when Mahathir himself should be ashamed of his action. He pretended to cry saying that he could not change the Malay mindset, and now he says that the parasite mindset should remain. If he was not a liar, then he contradicts himself for his own agenda.

    ///Dr Mahathir said the affirmative action policy of bringing Bumiputeras into the mainstream of development in the country was not something extreme because although they made up about 60 per cent of the population, the quota was only 30 per cent. ///–TDM

    Malays formed less that 55% of the population when NEP started, and now with the racist policy, Malays population increases, and it seems more justified now than ever to continue with it. Making a comparison of the population to the collective wealth by race gives the impression that Malaysia practices communism, but in a form worse than pure communism when the people are differentiated by race. Communism allocates equally but the 30% target under NEP allows some Malay, who were conveniently classified as such unfair advantage even among the protected species. Mahathir’s sons are directors of more than 200 incorporated companies. We have not heard of any communist country leaders who have private wealth of that magnitude. Thus, race-based communism under the aegis of NEP allows UMNO leaders to be filthy rich. They are therefore addicted to raced-based communism.

    ///He added that the extra attention and opportunities given to Bumiputeras did not mean the other races were sidelined.///–TDM

    The government’s discriminatory policies intended to marginalise non-Malay races. If non-Malays have not been totally marginalised, it is because of the immense effort they put in to stay alive. The environment so abhorred to non-Malays that more than two million non-Malays have left Malaysia since the advent of NEP. Mahathir said recently that Malaysian government exported brains but imported brain-inferior workers. Strangely he did not realise that the situation is created by him; as usual he chooses to blame others.

    ///He said it was important for Bumiputeras to have knowledge to run a business because many of them did not use the money as capital or to invest but to shop.

    “We must change the Bumiputera’s mindset. The money will bring returns when invested and this can enhance their wealth. Normally, they will spend when they have money.

    “And very often, it is more than the money available and this causes problems.” — Bernama.///– TDM

    Mahathir declares that only he knows how to live, and Malays have to live the mindset to be moulded by him. Mahathir said that he was a racist. That gives the impression that he cared for the Malay race. But in terms of race, he is not Malay. Muslims take the race of his father. His father and grandfather married Malays, but as Muslim, Mahathir is Indian. He pretended to fight for Malays but used the Malay numbers to make himself leader supported by Malays. He cannot be racist if he is not fighting for Indian, but since he used racist policies, he can at best be called racial-opportunist.

  30. The UMNOputras have ironically put a brake on Malay progress. The Malays are no different from other races. They can think, they can innovate and they can compete and progress if given the same level of playing field. But UMNO has stifled these innate qualities of the Malays because they wanted a pliant and supplicating race to always respect their power over them. UMNOputras do not want intelligent, questioning and hardworking Malays because these would be a threat to their commanding position in society.

    So they stupefy the intelligence of the Malays by inventing nonsense such as the Ketuanan Melayu or the superiority of the Malay race without solving the riddles on why a superior race needs to be put on clutches indefinitely and on why a superior race is behind in all fields of human endeavour.

    A very narrow frame of time still remains until the wealth of the country is siphoned off by these UMNOputras and the “superior race” will be reduced to supplying overeducated BTN manual workers to Indonesia, Burma, Thailand and Laos or they will be so incapacitated in a competitive world that they will become an endangered species under the ward of the United Nations.

  31. With ketuanan melayu this country ain’t goin anyway. Look at the neighbours like thailand and vietnam have caught up and are overtaking, don’t even dream about being on par with singapore with this ketuanan melayu crap, dream on losers!

  32. Anyone can neasily see the corruption and evil in Mlaysian leaders after reading all that Ku Li has wriitten in the last 6 months.

    This is an evil country, caught in the vice-grip of the devil and although the flesh is willing (as noticed from all the sweet nothings declared by our hopelessly ineffectual leaders), their flesh is utterly weak!

    Hello YAB Najib, do something honourable and statesmanlike or be consigned to the rubbish heaps of history like yr predececessors, 2 quite unworthy Tuns, AAB and Dr M.

  33. “What I hope is other countries such as US, Japan and China can also respect this concept and help our race to succeed internationally.” (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,
    You are trying to beg the foreigners to show sympathy upon the Malays. Don’t you ever realize that it is exactly this kind of beggar’s mentality which has turned the Malays into a pitiful ethnic group that only harpers the hope on financial aids or subsidies?

    In macro-economics, financial aids and subsidies are usually recommended only for one most important purpose, that is, to protect the desired infant industry from being killed during its infancy in a keen competition involved with foreign competitors so that the local infant industry can be given a chance to grow up to a matured stage. For the past 52 years, the Malays had been given a lot of financial aids and subsidies from the national treasury. Why do you still think that the Malays are still living in the infant stage and have not achieved the matured stage in economics yet? What special privileges can the Malays still enjoy if the Federal Government is to be turned bankrupt due to the heavy burden of dependency from having to continue giving financial aids and subsidies to the Malays? Why cannot the Malays grow up in economics and learn to be independent and be much more competitive when facing the competition from foreigners or from other races within Malaysia itself? How much longer do you think the Malays need to be continually given a financial aid or a subsidy by the Federal Government? How much longer time frame do the Malays need for purpose of building up their competitiveness in order to enable them to be competent and be able to survive on their own feet (Berdikari)?

    If the Special Privileges can only turn the Malays into a severe handicapped in business experiences due to lack of stress management training opportunity as a result of the hindrances from the lackadaisical life style fostered by the Ketuanan Melayu Concept, what is so good in it for requiring the Federal Constitution to be kept in the status quo in order to provide further Special Privileges to the Malays? Don’t you agree that the New Malay Concept can give a much better appeal to all people of Malaysia as well as to the foreigners if compared to the Ketuanan Melayu Concept? When are you going to wake yourself up and get ready to change the old-fashioned and unproductive mentality of Ketuanan Melayu and turn yourself into a much more appealing New Malay?

  34. “It’s like the Pixar animated movie “Bug’s Tale” where the grasshoppers tell the ants about the reality of life. You collect the food, we eat the food.” — Godfather

    Is this what their religion teaches them? It’s amazing how they can “balance” what their religion teaches them with what they are actually doing and even more amazing that they can still entertain the idea of going to heaven by infringing their own religion.

    To me, they merely equate their religion with abstention from pork and that’s about it. I don’t see any religious values in most of them. Their hearts are blacker than charcoal and their greed worst than that of wolves. This is Melayu Moden, so unlike their past. Name me one religious value that our so-called leaders ever mention before, let alone practise it.

  35. “What I hope is other countries such as US, Japan and China can also respect this concept and help our race to succeed internationally.” (Kasim Amat)

    LOL, LMFAO… this is the real world where every country is competing against one another and there are still people thinking that others owe them a living. No free lunch to success, you gotta work your sweat out or go the way of the dodo bird. Period.

    Really mind-boggling, extending this alms-begging mentality overseas. By the way, why does Ketuanan Melayu needs help at all? Aren’t they great? And I thought Kasim Amat mentioned in an earlier post that he is not scared of China. Why is he asking China to help them now?

    But looking at the way the Malays are treating the Chinese and the Indians, these two countries that are today the centres of growth should ask them to go and fly their layang-layang.

  36. Right now in Laos we hv the 25th SEA Games
    Malaysia has 69 medals
    Without d 2nd, 3rd, 4th, n 5th classes of M’sians as sportsmen n women
    How many medals would M’sia win?
    What has d racist BBPU (Badan Bertindak Perpaduan Ummah) 2 say?

  37. The malays are the master of the country…kassim amat. If this’s the truth,then Sabah and Sarawak must leave Malaysia as we don’t wish to live in a country which we co-founded under the malay race as our master.No way in the process of forming Malaysia we were told that malays are the original race and master of the new born malaysia. Kassim amat,you can prove me wrong if you wish.

  38. Sabah and Sarawak should in my opinion demand certain local autonomy if west malaysia and people like kassim amat still insisted to keep on chanting “ketuanan melayu” or saying that malays are master of this country.

  39. To Godfather and DAP Supporters…

    How do he save his Rambutan tree from a destructive neighbour?

    In front of his house…there is a Rambutan tree that was there since his grandparent moved in. It has been in great shape and still producing lots of fruits. …His neighbour’s house is about 50 meters away from his house. His parent taught him to be nice and kind to others…He knows that respect and friendliness are key ingredients….for being a good neighbor, regardless of where he lives…….Every time….without being asked to do so.. he never fails to offer extra fruits to his neighbour….Sadly after few years…without shame…the neighbour demanded the fruits to be divided equally…Do you think it‘s fair?????… …

  40. Frankly speaking,to hell with the BTN and 1malaysia concepts. We don’t need them.It’s breaking the people apart.Sooner the PM sees it,the better it is.Keep race and religion away from politic. Instead why don’t we talk about freedom , democracy and how to build a united malaysia.Please stop all nonsense and rhetoric Surely if we are all true malaysians as claimed by all politicians ,then talk less and walk the talk by leading all malaysians into one united malaysia.

  41. Credibility, NO; authority, NO; transparency, NO; accountability, NO
    10 ministers hv yet 2 submit their KPI reports 2 him; mana got eyes 2 see him 1
    Yet 2 hv guts 2 sue Mr Bala
    How ah?
    Silence is not golden, d sound of silence is deafening

  42. # Sadly after few years…without shame…the neighbour demanded the fruits to be divided equally…Do you think it‘s fair?????… #

    – Sure are telling it right? If so, simple – they both badly need to get admitted into Hospital Tanjong Rambutan now known as Hospital Bahagia.

  43. In front of his house…there is a Rambutan tree that was there since his grandparent moved in…. Sadly after few years…without shame…the neighbour demanded the fruits to be divided equally…Do you think it‘s fair????? — Cintanegara

    Well, who planted the rambutan tree? Definitely not your grandfather. Did the Malays come to Peninsular Malaysia first or the orang asli? According to your logic, does it not mean that the rambutan tree belongs to the orang asli?

    And in other countries, do they discriminate against citizens of other races like here in Malaysia? What does your religion says about this matter?

    Al-lah (SWT) says in Surat Al-Hujurat, “O Mankind! We have created you from a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you in the sight of Al-lah is he who has most Taqwa among of you. Verily, Al-lah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” Noble Qur-an (49:13)

    With this verse, Is-lam declares equality among people as one human race, one humanity, that is because Is-lam respect a human for being a human not for any other reason; Is-lam does not distinguish between two races, or two groups of people, or between two colors, and the Prophet Muhammad (saw) addressed the people signifying that concept during the last Hajj pilgrimage, saying: “O People! Your God is one; your father is one; no preference of an Arab neither over non-Arab nor of a non-Arab over an Arab or red over black or black over red except for the most righteous. Verily the most honored of you is the most righteous.”

    Now Cintanegara, can you tell me why the Malays are professing a religion that they don’t follow?

  44. Cintanegara’s Rambutan-neighbour analogy is the kind of thinking derived from the kind of ideology taught by BTN. But from whose thoughts does BTN construct such an ideology of the “Social Contract”? To get the answer read Tun Dr Mahathir’s “The Malay Dilemma”. This book was the clarion call to prod the “original race” to preserve their social contract position against “the immigrant races” by the justification of wealth transfer via the NEP (in the anticipated scenario of an expanding national cake (“economy”) from the “Haves” defined as “the immigrant races” to the “Have Nots” defined as the original race. This ideology is the basis upon which the Malay Crony-Capitalist class was/is created by TDM’s administration which believes that the transfer of wealth was best done through selected industry captains in GLCs and corporates identified as “capable” and hence favoured by TDM and his then trusted finance architect Tun Daim. Thus this way TDM earned allegiance as the true Malay nationalist entitling his long 22 year rule second only by world standards to Cuba’s Dr Fidel Castro.

    So if one wants to end and revamp BTN’s programmes is there any doubt that it will be resisted by its chief ideologue who came out in its defence? He is afterall defending his legacy of Mahathirism. He was unhappy with previous premier AAB becuase he thought that his tenure – and weakness- conduced to ascendency of his nesmesis Anwar and PR that would put an end to the legacy faster. Today the biggest controversy around which national debate rages is the relevance of this legacy and all that it stands for, and whether it is doing permanent damage to the country or good. Whilst many of us have consensus that it has caused corruption to be flagrant and races to be divided and nation to fall behind in competitiveness, there are many others like Cintanegara/Kassim Amat who know nothing else with which to substitute their world view and hence depend on this ideology as their crutch for confidence and hope. Before stepping down the main architect of the crutch lamented “Oh I can’t change this crutch mindset, its my failure in not being able to do so”. However every thing he says after stepping down is still in support of the very ideology that constructed this crutch/subsidy mentality, and the BTN that sows it in the minds of the young so that they could continue it as future leaders of the country.
    Today in the evening of his life he has a glimpse of the contradictions inherent in capitalist exploitation within and under the excuse of his racial formula that lone survives after the Apatheid Regime of South Africa has been deconstructed. He witnessed the growing disenchantment by the Malay masses against the status quo in recent years resulting a shift of a significant portion of their support in the last political tsunami in 2008. He gets doubly angry because this shift again was in no small way prodded by his nesmesis Anwar through his inclusive ideology espoused by PKR and PR. It is a paradigm shift in thinking that offers little promise of reversal – so that this new “inclusive” political thinking is beginning to affect the existing banner carriers of the Barisan National. Eg – big Guthrie capitalist captain Khalid joined Anwar to be PR Selangor MB; Chua Jui Meng moved over to PKR, Ku Li (comrade in arms to create this Capitalist class via corporatisation of UMNO) now sings different tune, Zaid moved over to PKR and the latest Nazri who relaised that it was better to swing with the ideology of the future. Even advisers of current PM comes with a 1 Malaysia motto (in hijack of Anwar’s agenda) because thats the way to go, for the future of which there’s no turning back. This frightens the octogenarian who perceives the chinks in the amoury of his legacy cracking, and all that he says now is calculated to rally reactionaries (people who prefer status quo to change) and who have vested interest in status quo to resist and fight change. He is prepared to use all powers of influence under his disposal to be king maker to replace any king who does not perpetuate the legacy that promises protection from accountability of whatever that has been done, right or wrong. So when everyone calls for change, everyone should also know who is main person resisting it.

  45. The good thing about being a mamak is that you can be a chameleon. Your mum’s genes become dominant when you are living in Malaysia and your dad’s genes becomes dominant when you are living in India.

  46. The standard operating procedure in UMNO/BN is that when it comes to the stand of the ultras, you don’t stick slam them down even if you disagree with them. This has been drummed into ALL UMNOist for decades now and Badawi himself, who is from a different era, had to learn first hand how perverted it has become.

    Najib operating mode in this regard is even more than than any PM before him. In fact he sents out his barking dogs to talk and just keeps quiet all the time.

    The issue is how far can he go on doing this? Not stand out and make a firm stand. The kiasu way. The chicken way. The coward way.The wimp way.

    The fact of the matter is there is a limit in how you can be such a way. Look at KTK – if not for basically Najib, he would likely have to leave the country. But Najib has some advantages over KTK but its not without limits. Najib basically has lost most of the non-bumi votes and elite urban Malays are voting with their feet even. Sooner or later the ultras would want him to speak and he can’t stay quiet. But if he speak the truth, he would be done.

    Najib is basically burning the fuse at both end and he does not have much time to choose. Sooner or later someone will come out, fracture the top leadership of UMNO and he is done. Then he would lose everything because it would be too late. THAT is Najib ultimate emotional incompetence..

  47. Cintanegara:

    Stop twisting the facts of the rambutan tree. It was there long before the Chinese came to Bolehland. It was there long before your ancestors from the Bugis archipelago came. Yes, the rambutan tree is closer to your house than to your chinese neighbour, but you never bothered to maintain the tree. Your chinese neighbour maintained the tree with loving care and added fertilisers from time to time. You had free money from the government but you never spent a single sen on the tree. You spent all your money on your four wives and 12 children, but that’s another story.

    So you have an ambitious Chinese neighbour who is demanding equal access to the rambutan tree. Instead of working out this localised problem, you and the village headman decide to write a law that gives you exclusive rights to all rambutan trees. You give the harvesting rights to your son-in-law. You obtain a tree maintenance contract from the village headman, paid for by taxes that the village collects from the Chinese. You start a syllabus in the village school that teaches all the young kids that the Chinese are your enemies because of their greed. You tell everyone your ancestors settled in the village long before your chinese neighbour came, but you conveniently ignore the fact that the orang asli were the original inhabitants of this land.

    Do you know what is going to happen, cintanegara ? The rambutan tree will no longer be maintained. The Chinese are moving out of the village, and the headman isn’t collecting enough for tree maintenance. In fact, it is projected that the village won’t have enough for basic infrastructure maintenance. The rambutan tree will soon die, and you won’t be sitting under the shade of that tree enjoying the fruits. Soon, you and your children will be buying rambutans from Indonesia.

  48. Malaysia has been turned into a doghouse by Barisan. How can Barisan rule the country in the midst of a severe economic crisis and so many domestic issues which were the makings of Barison :-
    – We have a PM who is trying hard to fend off accusations about murder;
    – BTN is now an issue
    – …an ex PM called Muhathir who constantly harps on malay rights
    – PKFZ corruption scandal
    – Teoh Beng Hock murder case

    The above are just to name a few.

    The right thing for the government is to call a fresh election and to return the country to its people.

  49. “Lempar batu, sembunyi tangan”

    Bigjoe, you are so right about Najib! Yes he is hypocrite and he is evil! The guy has done alot of damage and it is no secret that he has always been hurling stones then pretend to look away ever since the days when Anwar Ibrahim was deputy PM.

  50. Cintanegara’s rambutan tree story does have some value, but not the way he thinks it does. It’s not a bad analogy for what was happening pre-NEP and pre Mahathir. After that, I think the story really does unfold the way Godfather tells it.

    There was a huge problem with racism and racial inequality before the NEP. Arguably, it is even worse after NEP, but it’s worse in a different way. Simply calling for the end of NEP and end of Ketuanan Melayu is a call to return to the pre-NEP problems. The reason people are fleeing Malaysia is not because there’s no hope of a Pakatan Rakyat government, but because there’s nobody offering a credible alternative to flip-flopping endlessly between two really atrocious problems.

    ‘Meritocracy’ is a big lie, and you all know it. Meritocracy is meaningless in the Malaysian context. In the presence of aggressive, racist self-preservation societies regardless of which race they seek to preserve above all others – how can any individual claim merit? Malaysia is suffering from a problem that the modern world dealt with over 200 years ago: Freemasonry, only of a brand that’s peculiar to Malaysia.

    Until someone deals with the underlying problem – powerful people building empires reinforced by prejudice – anybody with half a brain or more is going to choose to vote with their feet. You know this to be true, if you put a little thought into it: 3/08 put the Opposition ahead in Peninsular Malaysia. The tide has turned.

    Smart Malaysians can see that they’re finally going to get a new government at the next GE, but they’re still leaving. What does that tell you about what they expect from the new government?

    The rambutan tree doesn’t need a ‘judgement of Solomon’ – it needs an intelligent, socially conscious leader to do the honest thing and regulate access to the tree and profits from its management so that all Malaysians, regardless of background benefit, and continue to benefit long into the future. Lying underneath the tree with one’s mouth open will only guarantee that one eats a lot of insect dung. Building a wood-fired juice extraction and timber plant under the tree will only guarantee that one ends up with a dead tree, smoke filled lungs and poisoned earth.

    There has to be a middle way. NEP is an idiotic idea and an apparent failure. DAP’s ‘meritocracy’ is a return to the problems of the past. Unless there’s a credible alternative to the NEP that doesn’t also promise a rapid return to the problems that preceded it, you’re going to continue to enjoy watching the country’s talent leave, and the perpetual spectacle of a bum-fight between two idiots, each intoxicated by their own propaganda.

  51. No, Rojakman, there won’t be a bum-fight because we all know it’s not a fight we can win. They have the police, the MACC, the AG’s Chambers, the judiciary – all on their side. We can’t win, so we do the only thing we can – leave. People like Kasim Amat call us traitors because many leave to go to Singapore to build up their economy and competitiveness. They will never understand that they have to concede something as the price of loyalty. That “something” is meritocracy and the problem will then take care of itself.

    Another thing – people leave not because they think that PR is going to be the same as the den of thieves. People leave because they don’t think that the den of thieves will ever allow PR to hold the reins of power.

  52. It already is a bum-fight. I don’t know if the news story would ever have made it into the popular consciousness in Malaysia – the one about the Americans who were a big hit on the Internet, paying beggars in cash and alcohol to fight each other on film. It was great entertainment, not because they were any good at fighting, and not because they were fighting over or for anything anybody cared about, but because it was pitiful and irrelevant. The ‘ketaunan Melayu versus faux-meritocracy’ is nearing its fortieth round with no sign of a winner yet.

    It’s a pointless battle sponsored by career politicians. They just want a job and no competition. Keeping the people arguing over two deeply unattractive alternatives is a pretty good way to guarantee they’re not going to have to do anything that might cost them their jobs. Malaysia will never have meritocracy while there are no laws specifically against organisations and practises that subvert individual meritocracy. Prejudicially favouring your relatives is not meritocracy. As long as organisations exist that explicitly favour one race or blood-line above another, not one Malaysian can credibly claim their success was purely down to meritocracy.

    I’m interested to see what the den of thieves will do in the event of a GE loss. They have a lot of rich friends, but the secret is out: ordinary Malaysians who are not rich know that their money and future has been squandered. The police and armed forces are ordinary Malaysians. I think they’re probably sensible enough not to act against a new Federal Government – I don’t think it’s quite so easy to blame them for following orders against candles, tee shirts and singing.

    On the other hand, ordinary Malaysians who do jobs where ‘meritocracy’ – even the genuine kind – is unlikely to make an instant difference are unlikely to be personally motivated to support the idea. I think they’re unlikely even to vote for it. We can all see how ‘meritocracy’ – genuine or prejudicial – is good for entrepreneurs, but what about soldiers and policemen? You think ‘meritocracy’ – you brand, let alone the genuine kind – is going to instantly guarantee their support for a new government? I don’t think so.

  53. Of course the soldiers, the policemen, the bureaucrats will not support the idea of meritocracy. They owe their jobs to the den of thieves. Their kids enrol in local universities due to the ‘genorosity’ of the den of thieves. I have said it many times before the March 2008 elections and I will say it again – the corrupt system can only be changed from within when there’s nothing left to steal.

    We are getting there – plummeting tax revenues as more and more businesses move away, as more and more tax contributors emigrate to greener pastures. They are coming up new ideas – like GST – to finance public expenditure. These won’t be accepted kindly by the rakyat, even amongst the BN supporters. Najis is talking about borrowing via a Eurobond. Soon we will wake up with the realisation that the government coffers are empty. Then what ?

    The Malays will then sit around the stump of the rambutan tree reminiscing about the good old days when Ah Beng was around to take care of the productive tree.

  54. The malays will then sit around the stump of the rambutan tree reminiscing about the good old days when Ah Beng was around to take care of the productive tree…….Godfather. Well,I think they deservesed it as they were un-grateful of what Ah Beng did for them. Then see whether they still have the pride to shout “ketuanan melayu “. It’s the malays selfished pride which would lead them to self-destruction.

  55. What i can’t understand with globalisation at least some of these jokers will understand, worklah closer with the indians and chinese, after all it’s inevitably the countries that will take over as the next superpower. after that still ‘ketuanan melayu’? LOL if the chinese and indians form a ketuanan masing-masing, gonela brotha !

  56. It is all a matter of confidence and hope. That is what support for or against a government is made up of. Badawi brought a lot of instant hope; and with it, confidence, esp after the horrendous mamak era. Unfortunately he squandered both the hope and confidence people had in him. Today, meritocracy affects malaysians up and down the country greatly. In fact enormously. So much so that all of us speak of it with great anger and emotion. In the minds of the people, meritocracy (or lack of it) symbolises everthing that is wrong with umno. Racism and corruption and wonton abuse of public funds are all off-shoots of umno’s no meritocracy policies. It is a symbol of injustice and abuse just as bread was a symbol of hunger to the french of several hundred years ago. Such symbols, once they grow political roots, are impossible for those in power to eradicate. Their strength in causing political change is not without precedents and hence they cannot be ignored. Umno, however, has been in denial for a long time. They could do so only because meritocracy does not affect all malaysians to the same extent, at first. Now that the lack of meritocracy has morphed itself into corruption and abuse, all malaysians are now similarly affected. The time for umno to turn the clock backwards and to take remedial steps is long past.

    Meritocracy will bring support and change? Certainly, rojakman. I think so.

  57. Of course what Cintanegara’s Rambutan tree story omits to mention is the important part that it was the neighbours who played the major part to prune weeds, fertilise the rambutan tree so that what is there now a 100 hectares orchard with not only rambutan trees, but durians, mangoes, papayas, guava, with streams and ponds, landscaping of staghorn ferns, orchids and some bromeliads etc and Cinta Negara still says that his neighbours should not ask more than a few rambutans that were originally given…

  58. Meritocracy will bring support and change? Certainly, rojakman. I think so.
    Yeah, me too. When someone comes up with a system that guarantees true, individual meritocracy, you won’t read me criticising it. If we have to exchange kleptocracy for meritocracy-for-our-clan-brothers I think it will bring a lot of change, but possibly not the kind everybody really wants.

    There were roughly 3 pre-NEP solutions to the racist problems Malaysia faced then. They could enact racist laws that would be superior to informal racism – a very simple option, and not as controversial in the eyes of an already racially aggravated population as it might be elsewhere. They could enact anti-racism laws, stringent anti-trust regulation for industry, enforce financial transparency and support the media in pointing out wrongs whenever they see them. This is not an easy option, and nobody (particularly the elites) would feel the immediate benefit. Or they could solve their ‘immigrant problem’ the way many of their South East Asian neighbours did – some of them not very long ago.

    So all being well, PR will be voted in at the next GE, and the NEP will be history. But what is there to stop Malaysia returning to its pre-NEP condition? Nothing – it seems to me. But when Malaysia’s pre-NEP problem returns there’ll be only two options, because one has been tried and it didn’t work. And one of the options will still be difficult with no immediate benefit, and not attractive to impatient, once-again aggravated racists.

    I notice the Xinhua article about the PSIM ‘spiritual’ agreement signed recently between Malaysia and Indonesia. The concept of ‘eternal brotherhood’ between our racist government and a neighbour – who looks like them and is not afraid to use a sharpened stick when they have to – doesn’t seem like the entirely positive move it could be. While ‘Singmapore’ might make the blood of our current leaders boil, I don’t think they would reject the prospect of ‘Indomasia’ – so long as their eternal brothers ‘took care of them’ – with the same resolve.

    If I was to cut short my family’s stay in Malaysia (they’re all Malaysians, for what it’s worth) it would be because I don’t want to live in a country where the leaders and potential leaders appear to be locking us all in a giant game of Racist Russian Roulette.

    What is so difficult? Malaysia has tried two of the three options already. It had Merito-hypocrisy before it had an apartheid system. Why can’t we have the third option now? You want to wait until you ‘get the point’? And are you sure that a properly united Malaysian Malaysia isn’t a more attractive prospect than either Ketuanan Melayu or Greater Singapore?

  59. Rambutan tree. Rambutan tree. Huh? Is that all cintanegara could think of? Did the rambutan tree he has grow by itself? Oh yeah, I forgot. The wild kind. Yeah, the kind that was disseminated by nature and grew by itself from ground up. Precious. How very precious.

    But his neighbour used his knowledge gained from years of education and experience and he also pumped in his sweat, blood, and money and grew an orchard instead. His neighbour has 5000 rambutan trees in that orchard. Better yeild, disease resistant, better quality, better tasting and bringing in good money. His neighbour is not impressed with cintanegara’s wild rambutan tree at all. His neighbour has no intention to harm or destroy cintanegara’s precious tree. Quite the contrary, his neighbour admires cintanegara’s love for the wild rambutan tree.

    But cintanegara had the benefit of btn. And btn thought him the fine art of shadow boxing with imaginary foes. Btn also armed him with the warped believe that the orchard next door is his by reason of the wild rambutan tree he has.

    Phark man. I say. Phark it.

  60. UMNO is so dumb, such an uneducated guess as to how people would react when they decided to show a snipet of a BTN course
    conducted by anwar back in 90’s. This without reasonable doubt proves BTN is absolutely racist and it doesn’t implicate anwar because he belonged to UMNO at that time and had to conduct himself according to the parties requirements. The take home message here is UMNO is blatantly racist since its inception, with a video it paints a million words. This is a downfall for UMNO in the 13th elections, it’s like striking your own goal. What a whimp! LOL

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