Why not invite me to head an investigation whether BTN’s course had poisoned the minds of a generation of leaders, civil servants and university students with its racist indoctrination programme?

In continuing to justify the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) course as inculcating nationalism and unity among the people, the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin challenged me to join the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) course to see for myself if it promoted racial hatred as alleged.

Undoubtedly, in such a case, the BTN lecturers will act as model Malaysians with exemplary conduct and attitude.

Let me ask Muhyiddin – why not invite me to head an investigation whether the BTN course had poisoned the minds of a generation of leaders, civil servants and university students with its divisive, racist and seditious indoctrination programmes?

No one will have any objection to national civics courses which promotes national unity and inter-racial understanding but it is unpatriotic, anti-national and criminal to say the least to have a government programme which incites racial ill-will and hatred as this is not nation-building but destroying the very fabric of a united, progressive and successful Malaysian nation.

If Muhyiddin and the top Cabinet Ministers have nothing to hide, they should welcome an opportunity to get to the bottom as to whether the BTN course had been guilty of being racist indoctrination programmes and the harm it has done to the entire nation-building process?

Muhyiddin’s continued defence of the BTN course despite irrefutable accounts by those who had attended BTN programmes raises the question whether the BTN revamp, which the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Nazri Aziz, announced yesterday would amount to anything significiant, especially as other top Umno Ministers have continued to defend the BTN.

Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein just said over the weekend in Kuala Terengganu that he is perplexed as to why the BTN issue is only being raised now when the courses have existed for some time now, even claiming: “Probably, the opposition leaders have ran out of issues or are attempting to conceal their internal crisis by diverting attention”.

Hishammuddin is only showing his denial complex, as the issue of the divisive, racist and seditious BTN indoctrination courses had been raised, again and again, both in Parliament and outside. All he needs to do is to check the Parliament Hansard and the press.

In September last year, after I had read out in Parliament the letter of an outraged parent at the trauma his daughter underwent in one such BTN indoctrination course compulsory for JPA scholars, there was a firestorm of complaints and protests about the rank racism of the BTN courses.

One poster referred to a BTN indoctrination course for university students at UiTM in Shah Alam on 6th July 2008, where one BTN speaker, under the pretext of giving a talk on “Pendidikan”, launched into a racist harangue, criticising the then just-held Bar Council forum on social contract, accusing one of the forum speakers Farish A. Noor as a traitor of the Malay race and making disparaging remarks against Karpal Singh.

Among the “atrocious” things this speaker said were:

  • “Kalau ular dengan India depan mata, ketuk India dulu.”

  • That the Malays aren’t racist but ”others are racist towards us”.

  • Bangsa Malaysia does not exist, neither does Malaysian Chinese and Indians, only in the strict sense Malay, Chinese and Indians.

  • Bahasa Malaysia does not exist, it is Bahasa Melayu.

  • Nothing wrong with waving the Keris.

  • Bumiputra hanya 55% di Malaysia, give birth to more people!

  • The University and University Colleges Act was partly made to ensure a Malay Vice-Chancellor in Universities which should be the way.

  • Blogs are “berdosa” or sinful.

An investigation as to whether the BTN courses had been undermining nation building and national unity by inciting racial hatred poisoning the minds of a whole generation of leaders, civil servants and university students will be able to verify whether these serious allegations at the various BTN courses conducted all over the country in the past years are true.

Is Muhyiddin and all Cabinet Ministers prepared to support a full investigation to establish whether the truth or otherwise of the serious allegations against the BTN courses?

21 Replies to “Why not invite me to head an investigation whether BTN’s course had poisoned the minds of a generation of leaders, civil servants and university students with its racist indoctrination programme?”

  1. Hello Muhyiddin,

    Tun M berkata seorang Senior Umno man kata ‘UMNO is rotten to the core’. Now Tun M added: “Mahathir warned if such corrupt people are chosen to become candidates at the next election and win their seats, the country will get a corrupt government.”

    Soalan saya: If UMNO is ‘rotten to the core’, that’s as bad as u can get. U can’t rot beyond the core. So Tun M and DPM, UMNO is finished becos the core is rotten…isi semuanya tak boleh pakai lagilah.

    Ini BTN semua ni serupalah – ‘rotten to the core’. DNA UMNO dan BTN sama je; tak boleh lepas genetiknya!

  2. “Revamp” he said. “My foot” I say. “Continue the brainwashing somehow” najib would say.

    Yeah that is it.

    Najib, the king of wayang, would take actions, seemingly, to address the issue but would continue to perpetuate the issue elsewhere and under a different cover.

  3. Bro Lim, those UMNO racists will never ever let you head the investigation. I bet my last cent, if you are in charge, those racist in BTN will shit in their pants.
    However, now they said they will reform, lets wait and see. Actually I have given up ALL hope these bums will ever change for the better. We will be lucky, it will not be worse, after they run around like headless chickens wasting rakyat money and time.

  4. Those idiot in UMNO will do anything to keep them in power. On one hand they spend the public money to advertise on TV on the importance of unity among the various races in Malaysia but silently on the other hand they were poisoning the younger Malay generations mind on Malay agenda. They taught these younger Malay generation to be racist in order to keep them in power. The world is blinded by their advertisement and thought they are the moderate people. In actual fact these UMNO leaders are the racist and the extremist in disguise who do not hesitate to discriminate other races and plunder the country’s wealth.

  5. Hello Muhyidin, now u can put yr money where yr mouth is. Kato BTN non-racist; ok, then let LKS investigate. Apa susah-nya? Semua transparent, semua ok, tidak ada udang sebalik batu, tidak ada buaya dlm kursus juga.

    So Muhyidin, sir, the gauntlet has been cast; take the challenge or u r a sissy.

  6. Oh abang Muhyidin, Nazri ni rupa kurang ajar; nak jadi towkay dan rebut DPM’s stand.

    Tapi memang ada seekor ular disini. Siapa betul, siapa salah? BTN racist, says Nazri. BTN not racist, says DPM? Salah satu orang pembohong? Siapa dia? Anggaran saya, DPM bohong, betul tak?

  7. BTN… so boring.
    Generally.. we can see BTN provide a ‘patriotik’ course but.. it is in certain course only. (Kursus Kenegaraan)

    Terdapat beberapa seminar dan Kursus yang nampaknya pro Parti UNMO. Mereka kebanyakannya menekankan betapa perlunya menyokong UMNO. Hampir 80% kursus yang diadakan menjurus kepada memburukkan parti lain terutama DAP dan PAS. Apa BTN tu milik UMNO ker? So stupid. When we talk about government, BN is not Government but it is Political Party.

    Di Selangor, Kedah, Kelantan,Terengganu, BTN digunakan untuk memantau politik semasa… terutama untuk memastikan kedudukan BN berjaya. Di Kelantan BTN mendapat saluran ‘income’ daripada JPPP untuk laksanakan Seminar yang merasuki pemikiran rakyat.

    Ada beberapa maklumat, penyelewengan kewangan juga berlaku dalam pengurusannya. Sila audit semua BTN….

  8. Unlike BTN which only poison a small group of the adults, our school history textbooks are poisoning the minds and souls of all our younger generations, all of them, Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans or Kadazans, days in and days out, years after years.

    When we talk to a young guy, he would probably think that Malays are the only rightful owners to this land as he is being thought so in school!

    This is much serioius and dangerous than what is thought at BTN.

  9. We are one big happy family. If there is any trouble, we talk it over a cup of tea. We do not get emotional. We talk our hearts out. We understand what is said. Semua perkara boleh rondeng. Janji ada aman damai sahaja. We help each other so that we can be proud as a nation. The world will respect us when we live in true unity. We have to be patient. We have to give and take. There is no point pulling another person down because everyone will go down too. If you have to investigate, investigate all. Not just one person or one programme or target only one because that will not be a fair investigation and it is more of revenging rather than finding a solution. People know and they just keep quiet. Sometimes the name means so much.

  10. ya lah, DPM, if BTN course is so damn good then let uncle kit investigate and forced to admit that BTN is indeed headed by angles, taught by paragons of virtues and is full of wholesome goodness that promote national unity, racial harmony, progressive values and able to make human walk on water…

    I am paying for it and I demand uncle kit to head the investigation!

  11. In this context I would like to give Moo hi deen some breathing space. No body can say that he is wrong in defending the BTN issue. He is a hard core racist, but had not spoken much until he became a DPM. If one were to back track his tenure as a minister, though not very outspoken and yet he will glide gleefully in his spew of racism. Any person who had embedded his mind with a one sided thinking will not be able to see the two sides of the coin and in this case he is not able to distinguish what is racism and what is not racism. If you are a thief you will think that stealing is all right and if you are a murderer you will think that killing is all right, nothing wrong. So to him BTN is all right. And it is not fair to say that he is lying as speculated by ENDANGERED HORNBILL.

  12. One just can’t help feeling how shallow this Muhyiddin really is. He just seems to be bulldozing his way around & hoping everything will be fine. Just imagine if Najib has to pack his bag & go because of PI Bala’s exposure, we will have Muhyiddin as our Prime Minister!!!!!

  13. in the case of BTN threatenning the participants ( gomen servants ,jpa scholars n domectic graduates)to accept their racist idealogies,it;s an serious “white collar” crime n verbal corruption!

    yes,that’s the reason why they insist of the “sekolah wawasan”,since the child are still young,they can brain-wash them easily,right?

    the statemnt made by Ahmad(BTN head),is very similar to:

    -IGP:we have 200,000 police officers,there are only a small fraction of corrupt ones……

    -ex-Home Minister:we have a very broad shores,it’s very difficult to prevent illegal indons to come……..

    -ex-JKR Minister(the worst comment):all these projects’ problems are due to “wear n tear” n act of God,so i need more money to do the repair…………..(despite newly refurbished Parliamnt still leaking…..)

    MACC:we received 900 corruption complaints during the 2009 AMNO AGM,but inspite our officers working “hard” on it,we still can find any solid evidents……….

    Idiot heads giving stupid n irrespinsible excuses statemnt,who doesnt know that your mother is a ‘betina”?

    resign is the only solution on it and let others more calibre ppl to run the show……

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