Parliament question on DPM use of Nuri helicopter for Umno functions


To ask the Prime Minister the guidelines on the use of government aircrafts by Ministers for personal and political party purposes, and why no action has been taken against abuses of power in August by Deputy Prime Minister who had crash-land in Sabah when using RMAF Nuri helicopter for Umno functions.

Answer: (Dato Seri Mohd Nazri Aziz)

Mr Speaker, Sir,

The guidelines for the use of aircrafts are based on the Surat Pekeliling Am Sulit Bil. 1 Tahun 1987 Peraturan Peraturan Penggunaan Jet Eksekutif Kerajaan dan Pesawat-pesawat TUDM which allocates government executive jet aircrafts for the use of DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang Di Pertuan Agong, YAB Prime Minister and YAB Deputy Prime Minister.

Among the basic criteria for considering such applications are where there is no air services provided by MAS for these routes, and where it covers far-out areas which require the use of helicopters in order to arrive at such destinations at faster speed.

The MACC is still investigating the claims on the use of a Nuri RMAF helicopter by YAB Deputy Prime Minister to attend UMNO programmes in Sabah back in the month of August.

Thank you very much.

40 Replies to “Parliament question on DPM use of Nuri helicopter for Umno functions”

  1. In Malaysia the MACC and the Attorney-General report to the PM. So don’t expect any move on the file which is at the bottom of the pile.
    As for the Law Minister, he would probably claim he does not know under which law the incident would fall.

  2. The MACC is still investigating…
    There it shows again that anything against UMNO you will notice the unmistakable inaction or no action coming from MACC.
    MACC MUST BE disbanded for it does not serve the public!

  3. no objection for the use of the national assets for the vip — for national matters only.

    but any other than that — UNAUTHORIZED and POWER ABUSE.

    my should resign as dpm.
    ahmad zahid, should resign.
    the incompetent nazri should resign.
    the pilot also should resign!

  4. “To ask the Prime Minister the guidelines on the use of government aircrafts by Ministers for personal and political party purposes, and why no action has been taken against abuses of power in August by Deputy Prime Minister who had crash-land in Sabah when using RMAF Nuri helicopter for Umno functions.”

    Why even need to ask? The answer is obvious. If you see the general pattern, the laws are only implemented against those who have fallen out of the good books of the leadership, not those who are still in. Justice is a mockery under UMNO and many other governments in the world.

    “The MACC is still investigating the claims on the use of a Nuri RMAF helicopter by YAB Deputy Prime Minister to attend UMNO programmes in Sabah back in the month of August.”

    As far as I am concerned, MACC can go and sleep and it won’t make a difference.

  5. ktteokt :
    What is yours is MINE, what is mine always remain mine! These people cannot differentiate between official business and party business and UMNO is always first on their minds!!!!!!

    UMNO is Malaysian government and Malaysian government is UMNO. Ever since independence, this has always being the case and this will always be…. at least, it is hoped. If otherwise, expect real trouble. Do they really believe in democracy? You can bet your last dollar that if they lose in the next general election, they will act like OTK. If they win, they say it is democracy, but if they lose, to hell with democracy.

  6. macc investigate? Wait till the cows come home. Investigate only if:

    1) you are opposition
    2) you have less than $2K in your account.
    3) rakyat not happy, make some wayang kulit arrest.

    False charges that don’t stick are ok. AG can help to spic and span.

  7. What’s there to question? Buang masa saja
    Here in bolehland, black can b white n white can b black
    2day R Sivarasa said Medical reports from both Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Hospital Pusrawi showed without a doubt that there was no penetration of Saiful’s rse hole; de anal area was normal and without any tear or injury
    Conclusive evidence sufficient for de court to quash de charge
    Will de court do it?
    Of cos, Umnoputras will claim that Saiful’s rse hole is unik, penetrated but no sign of entry n tear
    Prosecution n persecution will continue, charge

  8. As long as BN or UMNO is still the federal government they will still behave like a pack of brutes who are completely ruthless and do not have any moral. Do what they want as and when they want. For them being the government they own the whole nation and the people. They do not recognise the fact that they were elected by the people for the people. As far as they are concerned they are the sole owner of all there are in Malaysia. LET’s GET RID OF THEM. There are enough good people in Malaysia to rid themselves of these animals.

  9. Thats an idiotic answer by an idiot.
    How many years will the MACC need to investigate this simple case of helicopter abuse. Has MACC even questioned the Minister yet?
    Now we know why our Corruption Perception Index score is a mere 4.8.

  10. //The MACC is still investigating//

    Follow up questions:

    (1) How many man hours have been spent in the investigation?
    (2) Has anyone been questioned by MACC?
    (3) Has MACC got a copy of the flight log book of the helicopter?
    (4) Has MACC contacted any witness?

  11. The use of Nuri for UMNO functions is an abuse that occurs by reflex than deliberate premeditation. On UMNOputras’ scale of values, such an abuse is not even recognised as an abuse. What is it as compared to the breach of trust or abuse of power as evinced (say) by PKFZ RM12.5 billion scandal or the death of TBH and the policies that lead the country on the route to a failed state? It is viewed as a mere convenience and perk of office, nothing to even think about much less raised in Parliament in relation to the power, stature and exalted position of the alleged abuser. YB should concentrate your ammunition at larger issues than to urge MACC to investigate Nuri’s use. More urgent ask them to investigate PKFZ or how TBH died in their precincts. If they can’t do the latter, of greater importance, can we expect them to investigate the former?

  12. I was asked by an Indonesia construction labourer how is it that our politicians can use a govt assets and resources for party purposes?

    EVEN a lowly labourer from remote provinces of Indonesia know this is wrong BUT our politician its become ‘biasalah..’.

  13. Nazi was unusually very polite in his answer
    He could hv easily told LKS
    U ah, shut your bloody mouth n mind your business
    We ah in Umno n BN hv been working our butts off 4 de good of de nation
    We ah r masters of all n we ah can use n hv been using anything n everything we fancy
    2 serve de nation
    De ends ah justify de means
    U ah no experience running a country ah, simply tembak, luan-luan lai, gong-gong 1
    Next time ah, think b4 u open your bloody mouth

  14. From what I have gathered following his blog, I found that Lim Kit Siang is nothing but a big racist. Regardless what it is, he is all against any small or big benefits given to the Malays and Bumi companies. Now even DPM took a ride on the helicopter has become a big hooha and his reason used to attack the BN government. The president of USA, China, India and Russia take helicopters all the time. What’s wrong with our DPM taking helicopter? Did Lim expect our DPM to take sampan to a meeting? Furthermore, the rights are given to these leaders. Lim will not raise any issue if his son takes a helicopter. I am extremely disturbed by his comment and it seems that Lim is a MP but he does not pay any respect to the Constitutions of Malaysia and does not take heed and respect the right of the Bumi. If he think he is so righteous, what about his son Lim Guan Yew? Lim Guan Yew is destroying Penang because he only look after the welfare of the Chinese and I am not sure what benefits have he been bagging. I think MACC should also start to investigate his son and Penang government now!

  15. //What’s wrong with our DPM taking helicopter? Did Lim expect our DPM to take sampan to a meeting?//

    The DPM was using military helicopters for umno party affairs/election campaigning, and NOT for official government business/duties. Party functions are not to be equated to official government duties. Imagine Obama using Air Force One to campaign during the 2008 elections. George Bush would had ordered his F16s to shoot him down.

    If Lim GE has taken a govt helicopter ride to a DAP meeting or function or for elections purposes, I shall be the first to sue him.

    I believe kasim knows the answers all along, and is just raising the issue to insult the DAP.

  16. Aduhai!! Kasim amat tongkoi. Who the h*ll is Lim Guan Yew?

    Kalau dpm nak naik helikopter tentera, bayarlah sendiri. Nak pi parti sendiri pun nak naik helikopter tentera? Rakyat Kena bayar tau? Rakyat sudah bayar untuk 12.5bilion pkfz. 1 bilion untuk istana dan berbilion bilion lagi untuk rasuah termasuk gaji engkau.

    Hang duk jerit jerit kat sini macam apa pun tak berlaku.

  17. Whoever is a Public Servant, including PM or DPM, a common understanding that Public Asset or Utilities are meant to be for those who are entitled to use AND for Public Service ONLY. So, the key question is whether the DPM is on a Public Duty even if he is entitled to use it.

    I believe the question is clear.

    1. The person concerned, especially as a Duty Leader should be able to clarify or apologize. Otherwise, the PM should do it.

    2. Even someone tried to explain should give a sensible reply. At least to show that he understand the points and not “Quote out of Context” just for the sake of giving a reply.

    3. This is a matter of discipline. Hopefully, this can be done voluntarily as in 1. But, shouldn’t it be other disciplinary body in the Government to do it instead of MACC?

    4. Does the Constitution allows Government Servant to use Public asset for NON-duty function?
    Any complaint should speak with facts! What had Lim Guan Yew done to help the welfare of Chinese in Penang? Had he wrongly use the Penang Government Asset so that he should be in this topic?

    5. Lim Guan Eng had not cancelled the KG Bala alienation to UMNO undercover so called “Co-operative”. I believe he owes the Penangites the fairness! The MACC should had started the investigation on how the KG Bala can be sold at 3million when the average cost should not be under 15million!!

    Had UMNO or KTK been looking after the welfare of the Chinese when they were running Penang? Or just anyone when they were with UMNO?

    I believe this blog have been bombarding on any Notable High Officials or Government Agencies who had mis-performed. Unless someone having color-blindness, otherwise, why “big racist” be remarked to this blog?

  18. Aiyah dont talk to him lah. Apa ni “lim guan yew” pula! He fires from the hip. Langsung tak kena. Tapi memang cepat. Of course he does not know that they are uselessly gibberish. He is obsessed with singapore and lee kuan yew. Sebab tu lah dia sebut “lim guan yew”. Dont be surprised. No matter what you say, dia tu akhirnya akan divert to the little red dot juga. Macam he is in love with singapore lah. Kalau begitu lebih elok dia migrate aja. Jadilah orang singapore.

  19. Kasim Amat,tell me whether you can tell the difference between the President of America taking the liberty of using Air Force One,and on DPM taking the same liberty to use government flying vehicles performing UMNO business? If you know the difference you will realise the utter stupidity of your remarks,worse still labelling LKS as racists for pointing out it is wrong for any government vehicles,be it land or air, to be used for party businesses.It is in fact you who are exhibiting fanatical racism so clearly to all of us here.
    Did you say anything about the cow head incident? Did you say anything way back in 1987 when Najib raised his kris threatening it to bathe it with Chinese blood?

  20. The Barisan Nasional Federal Government had been complaining about the Sultan of Johor’s over-spending in helicopter fuel costs during Tuanku’s past tenure as the Yang Dipertuan Agong. Shouldn’t Muhyiddin Yassin be mindful a bit about his misuse of military helicopter for serving his personal political interest? Engaging a military helicopter to attend an Umno party Division meeting was really something too much for a national leader such as Muhyiddin Yassin to do because it was a waste of the taxpayers’ money in engaging a military helicopter service for unnecessary private use which did not bring material benefit to the nation as a whole. The waste of the taxpayers’ money was a big political sin. It was morally wrong! It was ethically unacceptable! To make an analogy, let’s take the instance of a medical doctor who perform abortion on the young single female. It may not be legally wrong for the medical doctor to perform such an abortion surgery on the young single female. However, it is obviously morally wrong for the doctor to do so without first giving moral suasion to the young single female to give up abortion. The thing will be made worst if the doctor does not only decline to persuade the young single female to quit thinking of abortion but he himself even encourages his own young girl friend who bears the fetus from his sperm to perform abortion.

    Muhyiddin Yassin’s moral standing is just as worse as a medical doctor who performs abortion on his own girl friend.

  21. Penang is doing fine and no one is being sidelined. Penang is having a lot of fun and healthy activities under the current state govt and they are open to the public of all races, it’s a matter of one’s willingness to join the crowd. To say Penang is being destroyed is belittling and insulting the intelligence of Penangites, in general. Amat Kesal, Amat K.

  22. Muhyiddin Yassin told the journalists that BN Federal Government will not forgive the former Secretary-General of Malayan Communist Party, Mr Chin Peng, even though Chin has already made a public apology on MCP members’ deliberate killing being done on some innocent people. If Muhyiddin Yassin is to uphold his own principle of “No Forgiveness for all wrongdoers”, he should have also agreed that he should be immediately striken to death by the thunderstorm lightning because he had already committed a big sin of immorally misuse of the public tools such as military helicopter services to serve the personal interest of political campaigning in Umno party business! With such a sin of misuse of government power, Muhyiddin Yassin, when he is to be judged by God, should not be spared from facing immediate death punishment that is to be dropped upon him due to the wrath of God if Muhyiddin Yassin’s own principle of “No forgiveness for all wrongdoers” is to hold true in all occasions.

  23. However, it is obviously morally wrong for the doctor to do so without first giving moral suasion to the young single female to give up abortion
    Maybe in your world Onlooker Politics! I think Pakatan Rakyat’s purpose might be better served by car and football analogies than the frequent attempts at analogies involving women’s bodies at the mercy of men. I’m not saying you’re wrong, just that people don’t always share morals. Cars and football are less risky subjects!

  24. kassim amat, jangan buat tak tau dan jangan spin sampai boleh justify DPM pakai helicopter tentera untuk perkara parti. Orang macam you lah yang menyebabkan rasuah sebab you tak tau antara barang sendiri atau kerajaan atau rakyat atau orang lain!!! Wahabislah Malaysia kerana terlalu ramai orang macam you!!!

  25. By the way, What have PM or DPM done to justified them as leaders?

    A straight forward and Serious offence by a Senior Lawyer assaulting Clients with offences ranging from Penal Code 323, 324, 336, 355, backed with Cheating, Criminal Intimidation, abetment is being silenced by the Police, KUP/AG/PCB!!


    Rights come along with Obligations and understanding of Restrictions!
    Leader should have the gust to confess, apologize, or, at least be able to know shame about the wrong-doings!
    Staying behind subordinates after wrong-doing is wisdomless, cowards and ….
    Should anyone here suggesting such leadership?

  26. M’Kini: “Muhyiddin: Think carefully, Ku Li”

    Ha, ha, ha, ha…..small fart telling Big Brother how to suck egss….Ha, ha, ha….

    Hello, Muh-din, if u got nothing better to do or say, just pergi fart jauh, jauh.

  27. This is the kind of DPM/TPM we have: racist DNA.

    From Malaysianinsider:

    “TPM: Kami tiada halangan tapi Selangor jangan halang sertai BTN

    Selangor boikot program Biro Tatanegara
    Selangor moves to stop BTN ‘brainwashing’

    DPM defends BTN courses against racist brainwashing charges

  28. I think Malaysians deserve a full explanantion from DPM based on his defence of BTN which is so utterly racist. Hello GERAKAN Koh Tsu Koon, MCA Ong Tee Keat – what have u got to say – support DPM?:

    .This is what BTN is all about
    Thursday, 26 November 2009 .

    See these video clips. These ‘patriotic songs’ were created by people such as Nordin Kardi of BTN. Note the lyrics that are meant to inflame the Malays at their ‘loss’ of their country to the non-Malays. Any wonder why the Malays hate and distrust the non-Malays after 52 years of indoctrination and brainwashing by Umno?

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