Najib should give iron-clad guarantee of personal safety of PI Bala to return to tell the truth of what he knows about C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should give iron-clad guarantee of the personal safety of private investigator P. Balasubramaniam for him to return to the country to tell the truth of what he knows about the C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.

There is no other option to Najib to ensure national and international legitimacy as Malaysian Prime Minsiter following the five-part publication of Balasubramiam’s interview, where he named names as well as cited monetary figures explaining the background to the mystery of his Statutory Declaration One and Statutory Declaration Two contradicting each other within 24 hours and his subsequence disappearance with his family from Malaysia.

Left contradicted and unchallenged, Balasubramaniam’s latest five-part interview will stand as an indictment not only on the Prime Minister, the system of government as well as all key national institutions in Malaysia.

45 Replies to “Najib should give iron-clad guarantee of personal safety of PI Bala to return to tell the truth of what he knows about C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya”

  1. Two reasons why bala will be ignored.

    1. Now we are in satumalaysia mode not balamalaysia mode. So bala is not relevant.

    2. We have angkasawan and not balasawan. Again, again bala is not relevant.

    See how the minds of nazri and lembudin work?

  2. What a joke? You think Najib will assure Bala’s safety when Bala is providing the rope to gang him and his wife?
    I am afraid Bala may be ‘silenced’ even before he sets foot on Malaysian soil.
    Bala’s story is no fairy tale as you can see from the flow of his narration. I believe his story 101%.
    Till today there has not been a word from the protagonists – the Malay Datuk, his pregnant wife, Rosmah, Deepak, Suresh, Immigrations Dept, Malaysian Embassy in India and Najib.
    The silence speaks for itself.

    All we have the IGP wanting to ‘question’ him – another form of threat.
    Bala don’t come back.
    As they say ‘ you have commit new crimes to cover the old one’.

  3. If Najib and Rosmah were innocent, why so difficult for them to explain point by point to shot down the allegations.

    Instead of explaining to us rakyat Malaysia, Najib and Rosmah chose to deny and remain silence on the whole episode.

    Hey, Bala and so many people dare to put they head on the chopping board. If they were lying they can be easily brought to the court. Truth will be reviewed in the court. If not, put those involved on lie detectors. Why make thing so difficult for the country?

    Unless you are really at fault, cannot explain yourselves, as such choose to remain silence and pretend nothing happen. Silence means consent in universal terms. We can read your body language and response, not your words you know.

    Attanthuya murder case going to haunt the killers and fellow Malaysians till justice be served and the truth review. The truth shall set Najib and Rosmah free if they were innocent.

  4. expect nazri to come out and say:

    …because Bala’s statement was made over 3 nautical miles offshore, therefore his statement is not valid. as for the bribe, no, it is not a bribe. it is wang ehsan. Yes!! i tell you fellas, it is wang ehsan!!! not bribe!!… well! any volunteer want to prosecute by boss???

  5. Najib is too busy with intervening into MCA affairs to think of Bala. Was MCA affair used to divert attention?

    There is no crisis in MCA. The constitution allows for EGM, whether the agenda conform to the constitution or not. The EGM scheduled for 28 November might not be held for lack of a quorum. Even if 1128 EGM succeed to pass some resolutions, these can be tabled at the AGM held on 5 December. So the EGM called by the gang of 3 plus 13 will only be storm in the teacup.

    Whether Chinese vote for BN depends on UMNO policies, not whether MCA politicians agree to enrich themselves quietly or noisily? It would appear that UMNO is keen to remove any MCA leaders who stirred the PKFZ case. They would prefer ‘yeserman’

    Now the Perak coup d’état and the murder of TBH have been overtaken by the quarrels of a handful of opportunists in MCA, but made to appear as though the Chinese community care about the health of MCA. But they would certainly react if Najib bully MCA, merely because it is Chinese based, though they do not necessarily support MCA policy of sticking with BN.

  6. “Najib should give iron-clad guarantee of personal safety of PI Bala to return to tell the truth of what he knows about C4 murder of Mongolian Altantuya.”

    Bullets are iron-clad, no… or is it brass-clad? Well, if I am Bala, I won’t be so naive as to believe in any guarantees… even diamond-cladded ones.

    Obviously the murderers, whoever they are, are not God-fearing, even if they really believe that God exist, so don’t expect anything but ruthlessness from them. They can give you a guarantee and still kill you, so what? T

  7. Hello Uncle Lim,

    Not only that but the Home minister should also answer why his IGP seems to be in the dark in this case based on his statement that Bala “… is wanted in assisting us in a case and take the initiative to come in personally and have his statement recorded.” reported in the Star 19 November 2009


    his police officers had “… tracked private investigator P. Balasubramaniam’s whereabout and recorded his statement in connection with his statutory declarations as well as his disappearance from the country.” as reported by Bernama in July 2008. A case of selective memory again you think?

  8. Why should he. I can tell you that even if he admits that he has a role in the murder, nothing will happen to him and he will continue as Prime Minister of Malaysia until he decides he has enough. This is because in Malaysia the Prime Minister is not only beyond the law but is GOD himself. He has the police, the army, the judiciary, the royalties and the C4 experts all in his pocket.

  9. Isn’t Bala in a tricky situation, having given 2 conflicting SDs? Isn’t the only value in the 2 SDs now as evidence to rule him out as a reliable witness, and – worse – expose him to some sort of action for obstructing / perverting justice or wasting police time?

    It seems to me that the real value in the 2 SDs is to destroy Bala’s credibility: their contents are now worthless either way.

  10. Ha, ha, ha, …………. very funny
    iron-clad guarantee, or is it C4-clad guarantee
    Such a mouth-watering, sensational revelation by Bala
    Yet our msm remain silent, no comments
    That’s why our nation is in a mess
    See not, hear not, speak not – only make selective comments to please the bosses

  11. //It seems to me that the real value in the 2 SDs is to destroy Bala’s credibility: their contents are now worthless either way.// OrangRojak
    Their contents are worthless only if you believe both the 1st and 2nd SD are made voluntarily. Is this the basis of your argument?

  12. Since when have Najib ever do anything that even remotely improves fundamental process? Najib is all about improving appearances, criticism, the spin-doctoring…

    Take Kota Siputih as an example. He should have told the election commision NOT to appeal. The fact of the matter is if the High Court says the state assembly did not behave well enough, then THERE IS NO JUSTIFICATION FOR APPEAL.. Its about setting a higher standard of behaviour and what he says is that if it does not help him or hurt him enough with spin-doctoring, he will let them continue in their bad behaviour…

  13. Is this the basis of your argument?
    Exactly! As far as we know, there’s no evidence, only one witness. There is evidence (the two conflicting SDs) that the witness is unreliable.

    Credibility is like virginity, only without the option of surgery to get it back. If someone asks you to “lie for a few minutes only” or “it’s only one lie”, you have to consider the long-term consequence of being a known liar.

    Regardless of what we believe to be the truth, I would say Bala is now of very little danger to anyone, and in very little danger himself. He has been effectively neutralised, so far as legal action (the only kind anyone might fear) is concerned. He probably knows this. How old is he? if he’s under 40, 5 million is not a lot of money. Have you ever worked out how much money you’ll need to have a comfortable life for 50 more years? It’s a lot! If he’s staring down the barrel of a gun and considering a life ‘on the run’ 5 million is nothing. He claims to have spent half a million in the last couple of years, doesn’t he?

    Perhaps I’m not singing quite in tune with the choir. While Bala may have some residual political and commercial value, he seems to me to have lost his value as a witness. Am I right or wrong?

  14. So funny right!! where got cat taking care of fish? yummy yummy sure finish it ASAP one lah. he should no protect by Malaysia gov, he should protect by Mongolia gov. is between country to country now, not personnel issue now. PKR can do it, why not throw this fire stone to Mongolia gov? let them settle, and we only support at the back. let see how the PM fall from the hoarse.

  15. Bala, O, Bala
    We, the citizens of M’sia, are very ANGRY with you
    For smearing feces on our PM n his wife
    How dare you made these exposures n got paid for them
    We demand justice
    MCA, MIC, Gerakan cronies, Y so quiet?
    MSM editors, Y so quiet? Report n challenge Bala’s exposures
    We want de truth

  16. OrangRojak,
    Your argument on the rejecting of Bala’s credibility is too simplistic and naive.
    How often have we come across witnesses testifying in court that they were ‘forced’ by the police to make cautioned statements and then insist that the testimony in court is the true version.
    The courts have accepted such explanatios and thrown out the Cautioned Statements.

    In this case, one must be a damn fool to throw out Bala’s ‘value as a witness’ just because he has made two conflicting SDs.

    The events that followed his first SD – threats, deportation, bribery and more threats – will convince even a pea-brained that Bala can be trusted and he speaks the TRUTH.

  17. Even if Bala is ever brought to court as a witness, his testimony would be thrown out as having “no relevant value” to Altan’s murder. Bolehland’s judiciary knows who is holding their ricebowls, and it’s not YB Lim KS.

  18. I agree with #12 ablastine, 100%.

    Bala has made this whole episode public and the public is entitled to comment, query and criticise whatever his motives are. One question – Would he have resurfaced had ‘they’ not played him out on the promised RM5 million?

    Please people, Bala was an ex-Special Branch, let’s not assume he is not bright neither are those around him dumb.

  19. People can die overseas too even if they don’t come back to home land – accidents, food posioning, commit suicide, street fighting, etc.
    Bala just has to take care of himself and keep whatever evidence in somewhere so when he somehow disappeared, all these evidence shall be uncovered to get to the truth of it.

  20. Dap man, watch your language. People might suspect you are quick to label people foolish because you want them to join your club.
    How often have we come across witnesses testifying in court that they were ‘forced’ by the police to make cautioned statements and then insist that the testimony in court is the true version.
    Lots of times.
    The courts have accepted such explanations
    I don’t want to go all ‘wikipedia’ on you, but [citation needed]. When did that happen? Do you have a single case to hand that I can upgrade my naivete with? I don’t have much involvement with law – how often does a witness make two conflicting declarations and a court take the witness’ word for it that they should accept one as true and the other as false? I imagine half of Malaysia finds A true and B unbelievable in this case, and the other half the opposite. How are you going to satisfy both halves?

    I don’t know how I can make this any clearer: it doesn’t matter what each of us individually believe, what matters is what a court finds credible. My suspicion is a neutral court would reject Bala’s testimony on the grounds of (provable) unreliability, unless it can be proven that the second SD was made under duress. Remember that his SDs constitute evidence of his unreliability. Not only do must of us suspect that Malaysia’s courts may not be entirely neutral in a case such as this, but proving interference in the second SD, rather than proving the existence of many, many coincidental goings-on will be very difficult, it seems to me.

    k1980 – not the Paris thing again! What makes you think the alleged photo was in Paris? Did you read my blog article about the Asia Sentinel photos? It seems a lot of people jumped to ‘Paris’ because of the subs:

  21. In de little red dot, anybody that dares to say anything negative n untrue abt de Lees
    will be dealt with swiftly n openly in de court
    Ask FEER n Dow Jones how much damages n costs they had paid to de Lees
    Y our PM n wife silently terima de feces showered publicly on them
    Shame shame 2 de citizens of M’sia
    Learn lah, NR n RM, from de Lees, no shame 1

  22. The beauty was death,replacement murderers sentenced to death,star witness threathened,frightened,paid and secretly bundled of the country and the real murderer or murderers are still around.Now he (bala) re-surfaced,carrying with him pretty lots of evidence,hence creating new interest for people to talk and discuss it.If the police is convienced that Bala is a liar,committed a crime,they should apply for his extradition and re open this case.

  23. No need polis n gomen machinery 2 act on behalf of NR n RM
    NR n RM, like all citizens, can just sue Bala 4 defamation, if exposure no true 1
    B brave lah, sue, don’t let citizens down, citizens ‘boh bin’ now
    If no know how, learn fr de Lees lah, 1 phone call or click away
    Win de case n give de millions to charity

  24. The mystery of a declaration, an overnight retraction and a belated attempt to revive the declaration. Surely this must be a good punchline for rowan atkinson’s next movie!

    Dr Rojak takes the view that truth or otherwise of the declaration is immaterial for a plus will certainly cancel out a minus, well and truly. Yes, that is indeed so. In fact that was what najib and gang (I am being presumptive here) hoped to see. And more. It does not matter if the cancellation is complete. Whatever the net outcome of the cancellation may be, bala can not and must not be believed. For he cant be blowing hot and cold. Can he?

    In the court of law, he would surely stand as an unreliable witness, would he not? This question is crucial. My kris is unsheated. Let me now give the question a good thrust. In law, the answers to such questions are never ever calculated mathematically. (Wheew!) Instead they are evaluated based on evidence and the circumstances of the case. This includes the demeanour of witnesses under x-exam. Lest, I be misunderstood, the same process applies across the board to the evaluation of all legal issues, and not just to the question on reliability.

    Further, contradicting evidence do not automatically cancel each other out. A trial judge has the duty to exercise his judicial discretion to pick one over the other. And he must do so. Needless to say, he could reject them both but only after having evaluated the facts and circumstances, found them unrealiable or untrue.

    In bala’s case, his explanations are important and relevant evidence which a trial judge would give great weight to. What he said of course would be subject to x-examination. He should expect nothing less than the most gruelling of x-examinations. And replies he gives, from the box and whilst on his feet, could well tell a different story. This is something I dont know and cannot predict. Hence it would be best if I do not speculate. But at a superficial level, though, I am minded to find his explanations believable. It therefore follows that would also be minded to find his declaration credible and his subsequent retraction invalid. It is only proper for me to point out that the presumption I made earlier on is a clear indication of my non-neutral stand on the matter.

  25. i thought both pm n dpm said before nobody is above the law?
    wat law?
    laws of bolehland that excluded BN goons,gomen top servants and their closed families?
    this is exactly wat has happenned in this very funny land that the ‘major race’ was easily being tamed by given ‘tongkat’ n sweets,religion convenients that thy will support their leaders even they are murderers!

    so,who is below the law?

    you n i-lah,stupid!!!!

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