Heads must roll starting with the resignation of the MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said for Malaysia’s worst single-year plunge in TI CPI ranking and score in past 15 years

Heads must roll – starting with the resignation of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan – for Malaysia’s worst single-year plunge in Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranking and score since the introduction of TI’s annual CPI in the past 15 years.

Malaysia’s TI CPI ranking and score from 1995 to 2009, which ranges between 10 (highly clean) and 0 (highly corrupt), are as follows:

Year CPI Rank CPI score
1995 23 5.28
1996 26 5.32
1997 32 5.01
1998 29 5.3
1999 32 5.1
2000 36 4.8
2001 36 5.0
2002 33 4.9
2003 37 5.2
2004 39 5.0
2005 39 5.1
2006 44 5.0
2007 43 5.1
2008 47 5.1
2009 56 4.5

In the nine years from 1995 to 2003, Tun Dr. Mahathir as Prime Minister saw Malaysia’s TI CPI score stuck in the narrow groove between 4.8 in 2000 to 5.32 in 1996 while the CPI ranking fell 14 places from No. 23 in 1995 to No. 37 in 2003.

In the five-year premiership of Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Malaysia’s TI CPI ranking fell 10 places from 37 in 2003 to 47 placing in 2008, while CPI score stuck between 5.0 to 5.1.

In his seven months as Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak presided over the worst single-year plunge in TI CPI ranking and score, i.e. a nine-placing fall from No. 47 last year to No. 56, with the score plunging to the lowest ever of 4.5, when in the past 15 years, Malaysia had only twice fell below the score of 5, viz: 4.8 in 2000 and 4.9 in 2002.

The National Integrity Plan, launched in 2004 with the five-year target to improve Malaysia’s TI CPI from 37th place in 2003 to at least 30th position in 2008 and the 5.2 CPI score for Malaysia in 2003 to at least 6.5 by 2008 is an utter failure, and nobody in government now dares to even mention this five-year National Integrity Plan 2004-2008.

I have given notice to the Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin to move a motion of urgent definite public importance tomorrow on Malaysia’s worst ranking and score in the TI CPI 2009 for the past 15 years.

My motion states:

“Malaysia plunged nine places from last year’s 47th CPI ranking to 56th position while Malaysia CPI index score plunged to the lowest in 15 years to 4.5 when Malaysia’s previous worst scores below 5 were 4.8 in 2000 and 4.9 in 2002.

“This is the worse drop both in CPI ranking and score for Malaysia for any single year since the introduction of annual CPI by TI in 1995, when Malaysia was ranked No. 23 out of 41 countries, with a score of 5.28.

“This is a national shame, an indictment of the newly-formed Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and a major blow for the new premiership of YAB MP for Pekan who had declared that the fight against corruption was one of the six KPI priorities of his administration.

“The mysterious death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock on July 16 at MACC headquarters and the failure of MACC to prosecute and convict offenders in the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone and the Lingam Videotape scandals are major factors for Malaysia’s worst-ever TI CPI ranking and score.

“This is confirmed by the TI statement accompanying its CPI 2009 report on the perception of ‘little progress combating corruption and a lack of political will to implement effective anti-corruption measures’ as well as the MACC’s ‘focus on ‘small fish’ and opposition politicians.

“Parliament must urgently debate the TI CPI 2009 ranking and score for Malaysia to take urgent and remedial measures to check the country going down the road of a failed state in continuing to lose out in international competitiveness because of failure of institutional reforms particularly in the war against corruption and abuses of power.”

29 Replies to “Heads must roll starting with the resignation of the MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said for Malaysia’s worst single-year plunge in TI CPI ranking and score in past 15 years”

  1. List out all the MPs who supported Badawi’s proposal for establishing the macc, so that the rakyat can know who to weed out in the 13 GE.

    As for Ahmad Said Hamdan, let us all offer a prayer to the Lord to provide clothing to the poor ladies in his son’s laptop.

  2. thanks YB LKS for bringing this up

    SADLY, i guess everyone reading this knows what’s going to happen from here:

    >None of the macc heads will roll

    >The govt will claim that Transparency International’s findings are inaccurate or ‘does not reflect the actual situation’ or biased or whatever.

    >2 weeks later nobody remembers any of this issue.

  3. We can’t weed all those “pest” out as long as BN is in power.
    If we need to rid them, only thing is by rakyat’s power in the next GE, but I don’t think it’ll ever happen within another ten years ‘cos alot of us are still “sleeping”, especially those Sabahans and Sarawakians.

  4. No thing to surprise since 308. With the BN losing its 2/3 majority, it is only logical for them to use all means to cling to powers. MACC is one of the tool used by them. And MACC being feed on tax payers moneys and BN still call the shot also only logical form them to bow to the power of the day.

    MACC can never be independent as we do not have people who has this kind of integrity and even those who has are also sidelined and being put to cold storage.

    The result is only expected and worst is coming.

  5. Najib should stop talking about high income country, vision 2020, economic liberalization and what not. He must first get the “basics” right and be determined to eradicate the menace of corruption before investors bypass or run away from Malaysia!!!

  6. The trend shows a steady upward swing – in other words, a steady deterioration. On a few occassions (98 & 02) we enjoy some improvement but in statistics, those improvements could well be regarded as deviations and hence be disregarded. What we are then left with is (really) a continuous decline since 1995!

    And of course, the steepest decline took place when the country is in the hands of jibby and gang. Well done jibby boy.

  7. MACC is an abomination to this country. It should be decommissioned altogether.

    Another one that needs to go is the electorate commission.

    And whilst they’re at it, take UMNO down as well, declare it illegal and lock up the reps and leaders and throw the keys away

  8. MACC = house of terror.
    It does not serve the general public. Its main function is to silent any voice of dissent against UMNO’s VVIPs. This is the public perception.
    This murderous house of terror should be shut down. Period!

  9. BN as a whole and UMNO in particular has been enjoying the fruits of corruption. And being part of it and participating actively in it, naturally they have no zest in controlling it, let alone curbing it. Walk into any Government, everything points to a situation created for an enviroment conducive for corruption. Bring these matters up to PEMUDAH highlighting to them about the conducive enviroment for corruption, its dead silent and cannot be bothered type of attitude. Worst still if you are doing business and they take it that you owe them a living.
    Anywau PEMUDAH is just a lame duck and to be exact , a postman as all complaints are replied by the usual answer, ” your complaints sent to the relevant authority” It will be something like this
    Bersama-sama ini disertakan aduan daripada Encik pwcheng yang jelas maksudnya untuk malkluman dan tindakan seterusnya pihak tuan.

    Selaras dengan arahan daripada pihak PEMUDAH, kerjasama tuan adalah dipohon untuk memberikan maklum balas tersebut terus kepada pengadu di alamat email beliau chengdrew@gmail.com dan salinan kepada admin@pemudah.gov.my dan pemudah@pcb.gov.my dalam masa 3 hari bekerja daripada tarikh e-mel ini diterima. Pengadu juga boleh dihubungi di no tel: 016——

    Kerjasama pihak tuan dalam hal yang tersebut di atas adalah amat dihargai.

    Diharap pihak Tuan dapat memberi maklumat berkenaan status aduan yang diterima sekiranya Tuan memerlukan masa yang lebih bagi meneliti kes tersebut.

    This reply was made on 12/10/09 but until today no reply. In actual fact the whole system is infiltrated with hardcore corruption and UMNO and BN loves that. The civil servants loves UMNO as they provides them all the opportunity for corruption. MACC and all the jest by UMNO and BN are gimmicks for mickey mouse Tom and Jerry. Funny thing we sometimes make to believe that they are doing something but in actual fact they are doing nothing except promoting corruption and that explains why the CPI has plunged.

    Sekian, terima kasih.

  10. Honestly nobody expect there is any roll in their heads, instead they will be extended when the term expired as these are the people who can really served the master and not the people who pay their salaries.

    It is only sweet dream from LKS to call for head roll. Never.

  11. Didn’t someone mention the amanah saham 1malaysia has most of the indian and chinese kuota almost solf off but the malay kuota still remains more than 60% still available. This so clearly depicts 1malaysia. LOL

  12. yeah 1st anticorruption statistics worse than samoa, now not likely to attain high income status by world bank.

    Let’s sack the PM, it’s a sacking frenzy started by ong tea keat, hey we should ask him to try and sack Najib, so far he’s been lucky he sacked CSL, then a few others and then few more. LOL

  13. Kit’s motion: {Parliament must urgently debate the TI CPI 2009 ranking and score for Malaysia to take urgent and remedial measures to check the country going down the road of a failed state}

    Expected reply by Speaker Pandikar Amin: {The issue is of public interest but is not urgent. The Prime Minister has clarified that money politics is not corruption. Therefore TI CPI 2009 is technically wrong to consider money politics as corruption.}

  14. PM have never interfered….said MACC deputy chief Kasim Mohd.
    Any idiot will know..any mastermind never show their faces..and use others to instruct and execute.
    Read Bala’s latest interview…why he retracted he first affidavit…..and which Datuk saw him with his wife. Najib’s brother was the Datuk!!
    Has Kasim Mohd any experiences and knowledge how masterminds crooks operate all over the world?
    Catching so many ikan bilis in so many cases…still don’t understand…….or pretend not to understand?

  15. shame shame shame… singapore position malaysia position!! gosh.. far far away!! malaysia only need 3kms bridge to singapore, why our PM cannot learn from them? no wonder malaysian always get laugh by singaporians, Macc should step down, let other race to take over. knew how to catch small fish but never dare to touch the giant sotong! where are the macc balls keep??? bro LKS make sure this issue put on the table everyday.. press press press …

  16. What the TI report said about MACC only investigate “small fish” is horribly wrong. When there is no evidence or sign that the “big fish” are corrupted, what is there to investigate? We have to talk about concrete evidence here. For example, the accusations against several big shots in Lingam’s case are totally baseless as there is no evidence at all. MACC should focus what they are doing and ignore this stupid report.

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