Doctrine of separation of powers – Kula’s emergency motion on police killing of five Indians should have been allowed

DAP MP for Ipoh Barat M Kulasegaran was unsuccessful in his attempt this morning to move Parliament for an emergency debate on the police killing of five Indians in a shoot-out in Klang on November 8 for being suspected gang members.

Deputy Speaker Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaffar conceded that Kula’s motion met two of the three criteria of being definite and of public importance, but it was not “urgent” as police investigations were “ongoing”.

I stood up to support the protests by Kula and DAP MP for Teluk Intan, M. Manogaran for rejecting a debate on the motion and argued that “investigations under way” should not be used as an excuse to disallow a parliamentary debate as this will be against the doctrine of separation of powers.

“Ongoing police investigations” is an executive action, but under the doctrine of the separation of powers, it is the executive that must be answerable to Parliament and not Parliament having to kow-tow to the Executive.

The Malaysian public are concerned about police killing of people in police shoot-outs and this is a matter which should be debated in Parliament with the executive giving a full and satisfactory accounting as at stake are public confidence in the police as well as in Parliament. Continue reading “Doctrine of separation of powers – Kula’s emergency motion on police killing of five Indians should have been allowed”

Heads must roll starting with the resignation of the MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said for Malaysia’s worst single-year plunge in TI CPI ranking and score in past 15 years

Heads must roll – starting with the resignation of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan – for Malaysia’s worst single-year plunge in Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranking and score since the introduction of TI’s annual CPI in the past 15 years.

Malaysia’s TI CPI ranking and score from 1995 to 2009, which ranges between 10 (highly clean) and 0 (highly corrupt), are as follows:

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Single stream schooling: The bad and ugly side

Written by Dr Azly Rahman
Edited by Helen Ang
for Center for Policy Initiatives

‘Ideas move nations but indoctrinations remove intelligence’.

According to government figures, only 7 percent of students in national schools are non-Malays. Parents fear sending their children from their past experience of the government indoctrinating young minds in the guise of an educational setting. Inciting racial sentiments in the classroom and boot camps (BTN, National Service, 1Malaysia) is in fact a big business nowadays.

Language issues come to mind as we speak about identity formation, befitting the notion of “language as culture,” and “culture as the habits we acquire and the tools we use in a house we inhabit in order to create our realties.”
Continue reading “Single stream schooling: The bad and ugly side”