Lim Kit Siang

Entertainment vs Empowerment

By Augustine Anthony

A few of us were chatting and one in the group quipped, “Hey did you see the video footage of that parliamentarian?” To this curiosity, another friend seated next to us immediately raised his voice, “THAT goon? If he can become our parliamentarian, then Popeye can also become our Prime Minister”. Before anyone rushes to think that that reference must always be reserved for the Barisan Nasional politicians, please hold your horses for it was a sharp riposte against one of the opposition parliamentarians.

Entertainment: The art in which even garbage can be glamorized

With our football standards declining to a state where very soon the remote pacific island of Vanuatu might give Malaysia a good drubbing, the disappointed Malaysians can now hope on our politicians for a good weekend entertainment. And have faith and believe that our politicians can truly deliver.

The habit of distracting the nation with entertainments is not something new. It has been happening for as long as we can remember. The only thing is, the methods employed keep changing to suit the flavor of the day.

The Roman Empire, sure we all know was mighty.  I mean mighty boorish. And in the declining years, in order to distract and misdirect its unsuspecting nation, the leaders gave them great entertainments.  But unlike any other entertainments these were certain to bring death. The Gladiators fought to death. The persecuted Christians were mauled by hungry lions.  But there were no tears, only cheers for the departed souls. The defeated gladiators and persecuted Christians were given a less than honorable send off from the grand Coliseum to eternal Elysium.

The unique thing about anything that is deemed entertaining is that, the form is more important compared to its substance. Some repulsive examples in the form of songs that enjoyed phenomenal success as chart toppers in the 1980’s are worth mentioning here.

The Rock Band Def Leppard and its song “Love Bites” with its lyrics, “When you make love, do you look in the mirror? Who do you think of? Does he look like me?” though is a catchy ballad but the substance is nauseating.

The pop song called “Last Christmas” from the group Wham with its lyrics “Last Christmas, I gave you my heart but the very next day, you gave it away, this year, to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special” though having a lovely melody but can cause serious drop in our intelligence quotient.

I am sure many including members of PDRM will still remember the group called The Police and their song “Every Breath You Take” and its lyrics – “Every breath you take, Every move you make, Every bond you break, Every step you take, Ill be watching you, Every single day, Every word you say, Every game you play, Every night you stay, Ill be watching you…. Oh can’t you see you belong to me……..

If the musicians think that they had perfected the art of glamorizing garbage, then they must really reinvent themselves for they now have serious competitors in politicians. Just look at the buffet of political filth that is being spread everyday with limitless choices and variations. In short we are amazed. Soon politicians with flower adorned home made crowns with sashes befitting beauty queens will be dancing to the tune of “Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club to hoodwink the gullible voters.

Politicians who have read the people well are cunning enough to give the people what they want. Entertainment. They do not care that many of these people who come to them are ordinary people looking for guidance, assistance and leadership. Selfish personal interests particularly their continuous survival in this political poker game that gambles away the nation’s interest draws veils of deceit against these unsuspecting people.

Many politicians are no longer interested in disseminating gainful information to the people which can empower but are more interested in entertaining the people regardless of how obnoxious and reprehensible these acts are. These irresponsible politicians do not understand that the information transmitted through various ways and means though instantly forgotten by the conscious mind after the given period of entertainment but are nevertheless permanently stored in the unconscious minds (not to be confused with sub conscious mind) of the recipients, particularly youthful recipients, who may later bring to bear when circumstances necessitate, the full devastating effects of these contaminated details embedded in the minds of these gullible people.

The events from nomination day to polling day of any election, the usual ceramahs every now and then, the senseless tussle for power in political parties, the Parliamentary debates which are tastelessly ornamented and even the State Assembly proceedings with strange show of power by enforcement agencies, all make eerie entertainments with little or no value for our progress towards a better and greater future.

Reasons had given way to rowdy rendezvous and ridiculous rhetoric. Looking at the present and bigger picture it is apparent that some of our politicians are in reality nurturing a very dangerous and destructive mindset in people.

If only these politicians are honest, their communication skills can be put to great use in educating the general public so that informed choices will be the order of the day.

Education: A beginning with end in mind

Before an organisation embarks on the topic of empowerment, it must first impress upon the general public on the educational endeavours and the educational tools that are already in place. Empowerment is a natural progression of a state of mind that pursues knowledge which corrects our course from ignorance to illumination, from silly haughtiness (bodoh sombong) to dignified confidence and from glib con men to grand statesmen.

A society in education is a society with purpose. There must be a gathered and codified knowledge in structured state ready for dissemination. There must be a beginning with end in mind. There must be a common goal with essential tools to achieve it. There must be a time frame for the ultimate realization of that common goal with regular short term targets to achieve and ascertain progress. There must be understanding and appreciation that some may take longer time than others to attain the desired knowledge. There are bound to be temporary setbacks but there must be perseverance and fortitude. Above all we need honest people to be the educators who take pride in the progress that they see in those receiving the education rather than the steady increase in the stipend they receive as remuneration.

Though there is a beginning with end in mind however there will be challenges. The initiators of this education may never see the end result in their lifetime but their initiative will become an ageless jewel that will sparkle for generations to come. Their legacy will be the cornerstone of the elusive knowledge based society that may for now seem intimidating and unachievable.

Yes! The education process can be a daunting task. Not all who need the education are lucky enough to drive or be driven to classrooms, workshops and seminars. Educators sometime need to cross rivers and lakes, wade in streams, trek hills and slide down valleys. If unlucky one can bleed through ones clothing as a result of injuries, be stung by wasps and bitten by strange insects, slip and plunge in deep falls, and in all these times only hoping to return home safe, satisfied that the message is carried to the people in need.

But this process can be great fun too. It is just that one needs to find the element of fun in these adventures and when it is found, it can be exciting as much as exhilarating. Whoever created human beings knew too well that even the most important characteristic of human existence that depends on procreation must be complemented with elements of fun and excitement for otherwise there will be no human race to sustain continuity.

A spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down! So the saying goes.


Marginalisation can take many forms. It can be social, political and economic. A national empowerment process cannot exist if there is a deliberate or even an unintended isolation of the general mass into segregated groupings. In a segregated state of existence, empowerment remains nothing but a superfluous pronouncement with empty rhetoric.

Empowerment is the epitome of conscientious and honest efforts where trust and confidence reign and marginalisation and segregation voluntarily withdraws, its ultimate realization being a knowledge based society.

Knowledge Based Society

In knowledge based society empowerment nears redundancy. Entertainments will remain entertainments without misdirecting the nation. And above all comedians, clowns and conmen will not be mistaken for politicians, parliamentarians and leaders.

Karma Chameleon” by Culture Club