RPK’s son beaten in prison?

The crisis of confidence in the key institutions in the country is also highlighted by Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s two days ago, viz:

“To those who walk in the corridors of power, I wish to inform you that I know you are beating up my son in the Sungai Buloh Prison. Every day he is being subjected to beatings to force him to withdraw his not guilty plea and to plead guilty to the various charges he is facing.

“I also know he is being subjected to these daily beatings to force him to withdraw his not guilty plea and instead plead guilty because there is no evidence against him and the charges are merely trumped-up charges.

“Furthermore, I know he is being threatened with six additional charges to the ones he is already facing and he is being beaten up to force him to plead guilty to these charges as well.

“My son has informed me he can no longer stand these daily beatings and he wants to plead guilty to the charges. I have advised him to do so although we both realise that this means he will be spending at least ten years or so in jail.

“My son is aware he is being subjected to this torture to induce me to surface and he is prepared to plead guilty and spend ten years in jail if that means it will save me from the powers-that-be.

“Today, Barisan Nasional is in power so it has the power of life and death over its citizens. Well, who knows, one day Barisan Nasional might be kicked out and Malaysia will see a new government.

“Those behind the effort of torturing my son with these daily beatings had better hope that Barisan Nasional stays on as the government for a long, long time to come. If not, and if Barisan Nasional falls, then rest assured it will be retribution time and all those people who are using my son to get to me will be made to pay for it.

“And, please, this is not a threat. This is a promise. And that is all I wish to say about the matter.”

Parliament and the nation are entitled to a full and satisfactory response to RPK’s blog.

[Speech by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang in the Dewan Rakyat on the 2010 Budget on 29th Oct. 2009]


26 Replies to “RPK’s son beaten in prison?”

  1. well, this is Malaysia Police.. ops no is BN/UMNO police force.. hello Mr Police.. please check at your pay slip.. the amount is OUR money to you.. how dare you only work for those un-brain people? make your mind clear.. work for Malaysian not for the UMNO!!!

  2. Perhaps RPK should add further:
    “If that promise is still not enough, then I will offer the promise of making those who assist me to grab the power get rich and live comfortably for the rest of their life as soon as I manage to grab the power. I promise I will not invoke the ISA upon those fugitives who repent and decide to give in their support to me. I promise I will pay handsomely a reward to those who manage to arrest the Umnoputra criminals and take them to see me as soon as I am able to grab the power! I assure you that I will surely keep my promise! I will give promotion to those officers-in-charge of the armed forces and of the police forces and other security bodies of the government so long as they pledge their loyalty to me and faithfully assist me to curb any rebellious attempt of the fugitives!”

  3. This is the problem with umno clowns. They are busy torturing, killing, abusing their own citizens to their hearts content to safeguard their throne. What is there to safeguard or to steal? Aren’t we all Malaysian, stupid? Those who like to safeguard are usually the criminals and thieves. The rest of us just want to make this country into a better place for all.

    The world is closing on us, and they are still living in the dark ages on races, religion, my gang, your gang. I am Malay, you are chinese, you are indian, i am bumitera you are not and these nonsical cr@p. I am not sure when are their stupid minds going to open up.

    It reminds me of the movie Apocalypto by Mel Gibson. We have these people abusing, killing, torture and make slaves those in their domain and running in the jungle on their g-string killing each other while the world is closing in on them.

    When the world finally comes, their problems seem so trivial.

    Umno clowns, when are you going to wake up?

  4. Brother Pete,
    I believe a vast majority of Malaysians stand united behind the Pakatan Rakyat. The UMNO and the BN deserve to be removed from managing this country. The Lord Almighty is watching what is taking place in this country. And whe Lord decide to uproot the BN no power on earth can stop the Lord. There are numerous examples. The agents of the BN are going out of hand and the Lord will uproot in his own tiime.

  5. I had just joined as member of MT website with only RM20 fees. Please give support to RPK by sign up as MT website new member recruitment drive. Malaysian should appreciates RPK contribution for reforms.

  6. Suhakam. Where are you? Why don’t you send a commissioner or two to check into this?

    We regularly hear from detainees and those charged for various offences that they have been coerced, beaten up or threatened into making their statements or confessions. Some of this may be true while some may be made up.

    Whatever the situation is, there must be some mechanism put in place to ensure that the rights of the individual is protected and safeguarded.

    We are fast moving into a Nazi-like environment and a police state. Is this what 1Malaysia is all about?

    Can MPs make requests to make official visits to visit detainees?

  7. ///We are fast moving into a Nazi-like environment and a police state. Is this what 1Malaysia is all about?..sheriff

    Thanks to Ma-hitler and his Gest-umno, the foundation are laid for the final solution. With his axis pact, Emperor Hiro-keat-to and Duce Samy-lini, there will be total war with the Alliance.

    With Himmler-mudin in charge on the Luftwaffe, blitzkrieg is fast and furious, while Muhi-goebbel-din spewing toxic propaganda night and day.

    All seems lost for the Alliance at first, but with the combine might of Lim-ston Churchill, Nik-lin Roosevelt and Joseph Sta-Ibrahim they prevail.

    Peace finally comes when the Messerschmidt, Stukas and Junkers Ju fell from the sky by the Mustangs, Spitfires, Hurricanes and Avro Lancasters.
    On the ground, the Wehrmacht and Panzer divisions were totally destroyed.

    Ich bin Kaput!! Ich bin Kaput!! Yell Ma-hitler. Put-reich-jaya did not last 1000 years.

    I am going nuts…goodnight.

  8. yo undertaker u speak excellent german..lol

    yeah i must admit police brutality is a no no but in general malaysia abides by the law of the jungle as witnessed within the last 2 yrs….peaceful demonstrators tear gassed and water gunned, lawyers being apprehended without valid reasonings, internal security acts abused at the discretion of the PM for his benefit.

    too much is so much but i hope malaysians will put into affect their role in overthrowing such a regime in the 13th elections.

  9. RPK is RPK. His son is his son!

    Why can’ the IGP understand that? If IGP chooses to have a quarrel with RPK, he should be man enough to challenge him man-to-man, say, by responding and having his own blogspot and spewing filth on RPK.

    But don’t take it out on an innocent boy, man. It’s just like RPK wouldn’t hit IGP’s son becos of his dad, I’m sure.

  10. Over the years UMNO ( Mahathir can’t say he is innocent) has planted all the “yes man” in every public agency from the Police, Judiciary,MACC & right down to our banks.

    It is the general public perception that the police has been making their money being partner to the underworld. UMNO can’t do a thing about it because
    1) The police possess vital evidence on the Mongolian murder.
    2) UMNO needs the police to run/bulldoze to silent any voice of dissent, be it coming from the opposition political party, social groups or any individual.
    In other words, they are all partners in crime. See what they did to Teoh Beng Hock!!!

    Make no mistake, there isn’t any Police force in Malaysia. There are only UMNO’s bodyguards in Royal Police outfits shamelessly receiiving their pay by the tax payers.
    What utter international joke!

    This is one of the main reasons why we need a change of Fedearal government so that all Malaysians can have a chance to see real peace & security return to our land.

  11. RPK should do what all fathers do for their sons. Surrender himself to the authorities and face the consequences of his own action instead of forcing his son to suffer.

    This is all about the sins of the father visiting the son.

  12. Today Malaysia has jungle law, Kangaroo court and underworld police! Anyone up to date with Malaysia current status would have little difficulty in advising RPK to stay away from the “lawless authorities”.

  13. IGP Hasan Musa is surely queueing up to be a TUN for his UMNO and Najib service when he retires.

    It’s a trend; those whose disservice to the Rakyat and Nation are rewarded for their services to UMNO and especially the President of UMNO personally.

    Ask Tun M, Tun D, Tut L. Semi Value won’t get his becos he quarreled with Tun M in public.

  14. Hugos…I am surprised you talk this way.
    What sins have RPK commited? Please tell.
    RPK have proven he is brave and forthright….the only non political party person that can win votes for PR.
    UMNO is afraid RPK can do more harm.
    Why should RPK surrender and sure to go to jail again for nothing…on the same charge he was detained under ISA?
    Go to ” The Middle Road” blog and see a video of RPK talking..and understand.
    Have some pity for him…scarifying so much for a Malaysian Malaysia.

  15. Hugos respond is actually an improvement in the past. The ultra-right in this country use to have no shame/ no clue in justifying at length their law-breaking, institution-breaking and fascist behaviour.

    If you notice, those voices have reduced. They have given up on many manistream websites. The Hugos of Malaysia lines are much reduced.

    I feel guilty for cheering on RPK when I should be showing my outraged at the authorities. We, especially his supporters, are the ones failing RPK and his family, not just the police. Let us never forget how we have failed a brave man and his family..

  16. now that RPK has made it clear that this cheap maneuver won’t work; That his son is strong enough to survive framing & jail….
    This is making me even more worried!

    Now that those thugs (extremely powerful thugs that have the ability to brutally torture and murder someone right before the world’s eyes YET can never be charged in court or by any M’sian law) know that RPK and his son can handle their evil tactics….. I’m VERY worried that they’ll go further.

    If beating, framing & 10 years jail time won’t work…. Will they give up? Or will they try something dirtier? Or more dangerous?

    I’m literally praying for RPK’s son. Praying very hard.

  17. ///RPK should do what all fathers do for their sons. Surrender himself to the authorities and face the consequences of his own action instead of forcing his son to suffer.

    This is all about the sins of the father visiting the son./// hugos

    Are you out of your mind, Hugos? With these rotten kind of justice and police systems we have, you want him to come home to face the music? Even his so-called friends are turning on him for $$$ and position.
    Did you take your medicine this morning?

    You can trust the IGP and MACC?
    Oyyy!! They kill witness over there. Just imagine you are a suspect.

  18. Hugos :
    RPK should do what all fathers do for their sons. Surrender himself to the authorities and face the consequences of his own action instead of forcing his son to suffer.
    This is all about the sins of the father visiting the son.

    Here’s a perfect example of a brainless idot or an UMNO Ass licker.

  19. RPK is RPK. His son is his son!

    Why can’ the IGP understand that? If IGP chooses to have a quarrel with RPK, he should be man enough to challenge him man-to-man, say, by responding and
    having his own blogspot and spewing filth on RPK.

  20. RPK if you have full particulars of those people who are doing unjustice to your son, just pass around the info as there are a lot of people to teach those people tit for tat.

    You dont have to wait for the next GE13.

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