First week of budget meeting of Parliament does not show that Najib has the political will to effect the far-reaching changes he promised in his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan

Apart from the announcement that Sept. 16 will be a public holiday from next year, the first week of the budget meeting of Parliament does not show that the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has the political will to effect the far-reaching changes he promised in his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan.

This week has turned into a week of horrors, not least, the annual horror tales of the bottomless pit of government extravagance, waste, abuse of power and corruption in the 2008 Auditor-General’s Reports, which caused nation-wide shock and outrage for a few days, which will then be forgotten until a year later when another new round of revelations of government financial excesses and abuses are exposed.

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has come out with a very guarded response stating that it is studying the Auditor-General’s Report 2008 to see if there are elements of corruption, misconduct and abuse of power in the management of public funds.

This is a far cry from the quite “gung-ho” response of the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) two years ago to the tabling of the Auditor-General’s 2006 Report, with the ACA Director-General Datuk Ahmad Said Hamdan proclaiming that the ACA had begun investigations into some of the alleged wrongdoings in the AG’s report long before it was tabled in Parliament – as the agency had received copies of the Auditor-General’s Reports “some time ago”.

Why is the MACC, which has taken over ACA to become more effective and successful in the war against corruption, proving to be the opposite – when it should be now full steam to investigate into the financial improprieties and irregularities as exposed by the Auditor-General’s 2008 Reports as it would have received them much earlier as is the practice?

Is this because the MACC has nothing much to show for its investigations into the shocking exposes of financial improprieties, irregularities and malpractices of past Auditor-General reports and has learnt the lesson not to raise false hopes?

Other events in the past week, both inside and outside Parliament, which do not contribute to public confidence that Najib has the political will to effect far-reaching reforms despite his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan are:

  • The RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal – no political will to give full accountability and transparency when my question of the PKFZ scandal on the first day of Parliament on Oct. 19 was taken off for six weeks till Dec. 3, which has never happened before in 52 years of Parliament;

  • Renewal of Tan Sri Musa Hassan as IGP – the ridiculous parliamentary answer by the Deputy Home Minister, Abu Seman Yusup that Musa’s term was extended for a year because of his “excellent performance”.

  • Closure of V.K. Lingam case, as revealed by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz that no legal action would be taken despite the recommendation of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Lingam Tapes that action be taken.

  • Teoh Beng Hock’s mysterious death at MACC Hqrs in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009, and the expert testimony by Thai forensic pathologist Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunand of 80 percent probability of homicide and only 20 per cent suicide.

These events all point to one direction – that the Najib premiership has no political will to effect far-reaching reforms to restore national and international confidence in the key national institutions in the country, in particular the judiciary, the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police and the MACC and to declare an all-out war against corruption.

43 Replies to “First week of budget meeting of Parliament does not show that Najib has the political will to effect the far-reaching changes he promised in his “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” slogan”

  1. Musa’s term was extended for a year because of his “excellent performance”.

    The “excellent performance” above refers to his commands to the police to kick the Perak PR state assemblymen out and allow the BN coup to take place. If he were to do that in Germany, Hitler would had awarded him the Iron Cross, First Class

  2. I think Najib is just a “puppet” Prime Minister in that MACC,Police, Baginda Razak, Private Investigator Bala, others and even that French journalist all possessed key information on that Mongolian woman. And God knows what the French government knows. Its hard for him not to follow “instructions”. Unless & until he clears his name, how can such a man be relied upon to effect any positive change for Malaysia?????

  3. Royal Commission’s recommendation (i.e. Agung’s recomendation) on the Lingam tape not taken up? Isnt that contemptuous of Agung? Ah yes I forgot. Agung is beneath umno for umno is God. The same god mca has been praying to. So we might as well ta-pau (pack-up) and go home. Just dont bother anymore. Its wrong of us to challenge God. Isnt it?

    BTW this umno god has a name and it is: “Omigod-onegod”.

  4. To Najib, launching an anti-corruption reform will mean giving instruction to his subordinates to cut off the lifeline of blood (money blood) supply for the continuing nourishment of Money Politics.

    If Najib is next to you alone now, YB Kit, he would probably tell you, “Can you please leave the anti-corruption issue off hand now and be cooperative with me so that I will ensure that you become a multi-millionaire by tomorrow?”

  5. You will have to wait for the cows to come home before you expect Najib to effect honest and real changes.

    But you know Najib as well if not better than I do. He is an artist who pays lip service in style and with pageantry. I mean …read his lips…what can’t those lips do????

  6. Who says Najib has gotten no political will to effect far-reaching change in Malaysia? Don’t you realize that Najib has been successfully effecting great change in MCA by appointing himself as the de facto MCA President, whose instruction and official order all three factional heads, namely Ong Tee Keat, Chua Soi Lek, and Liow Tiong Lai, all have to obediently follow with no question asked?

    Congratulations to all MCA members on the newly self-appointment of Najib as MCA’s de facto Party President!

  7. Now that Dr. Pornthip has testified that the late tbh had been invaded with a hard object in his anus, all future witnesses need to wear chastity belts when called to be ‘interviewed’ by the macc.

  8. There Is always room for Improvement…..What role does opposition play? Are they talented in anything else besides critizing? …. talk is easy, let’s get some actions…..Look at what happened in Selangor and Penang, …Performance wise, PR never fulfilled what they promised the rakyat….NATO (No action talk only)

  9. “..The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has come out with a very guarded response ………. to see if there are elements of corruption, misconduct and abuse of power in the management of public funds….”

    MACC, don’t bother. We know what the outcome will be. Just like previous years nothing will happen and it will be business as usual in a couple of months time until next year’s budget when we will start this circus again.

  10. MACC is a joke, the fact that it is implicated with TBH’s murder, they should have been decomissioned and a separate makeshift tastforce should have been established in its place.

    Why pay taxes when this is what our government does with the money, use it cover up murders, push people off buildings, blow up models, embezlements, sleazy unethical state take-overs, retain unproductive boo-ed and looser politicans like samy vellu, sharizat, zambry, isa, etc.

  11. Cinapek :
    “..The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has come out with a very guarded response ………. to see if there are elements of corruption, misconduct and abuse of power in the management of public funds….”

    Isn’t it obvious this is rampant, how else can you explain a laptop to cost RM42K. For the same amount, any dealer would gladly supply 20 laptops.

  12. I am beginning to love Emperor Najib.

    He’s taken over MCA, soon MIC too will kowtow if Subra can be coaxed to hop onboard the broken-down MIC wagon.

    I am beginning to like Najib. He is such a super-efficient dealmaker…just like a super-submarine.

  13. “There Is always room for Improvement…..” (cintanegara)

    This is the first time you have said something right. There is always room for Improvement. If the Chinese heads of MCA cannot perform well within the party itself, why don’t MCA members just appoint an eloquent English-speaking Malay like cintanegara to seat the MCA National President? At least cintanegara can talk all three factions of MCA into sleeping together again in the name of party unity or national unity. Otherwise, the three factional heads of MCA will keep fighting to become the Transport Minister of Najib’s cabinet. It seems that the Ministry of Transport has many “Kang Tau” for the MCA big heads to fight among themselves in order to reap the high profit of that “Kang Tau”!

    Cintanegara, your next move should be trying to persuade MCA to change the party by-law in order to permit you as a Malay to join MCA, just for the sake of saving the trouble of having to bother Najib too often to intervene in the MCA internal affairs!

  14. Renewal of Tan Sri Musa Hassan as IGP – the ridiculous parliamentary answer by the Deputy Home Minister, Abu Seman Yusup that Musa’s term was extended for a year because of his “excellent performance”.
    Excellent my foot!
    Who deleted the entry records of those Mongolian women? Who ordered the 2 body guards to C4 Altantuya? Where is Bala? This murder case is hardly solved and the REAL murderer is still at large. The public perception is that the truth has been wilfully covered up by IGP & company for some VVIP.
    How dare BN not extend his position???????????

  15. ///There Is always room for Improvement…..What role does opposition play? Are they talented in anything else besides critizing? …. talk is easy, let’s get some actions…..Look at what happened in Selangor and Penang, …Performance wise, PR never fulfilled what they promised the rakyat….NATO (No action talk only)///

    What did BN do in the last 50 years? Besides having a lot of talented people eating money, what do they do? At least in Penang, in 1 short year it has improved on its TI ranking.

    With PR in the Federal govt, i am sure they can get things done. Don’t worry, they won’t discriminate or sideline people like you.

    You have been sitting on the pedestal, being spoon-fed for too long now. Taking it away too soon will be suicidal to you.

  16. Dr Pornthip’s startling disclosure in court is NOT making some people happy. The Selangor government who engaged her should make arrangement for her protection. In this country anything can happen and be swept under the carpet. Think of Mongolia model, Kugan, Teoh, Anwar, and many others.

  17. “Who deleted the entry records of those Mongolian women?” (gofortruth)

    In the system of Ketuanan Melayu, only Najib’s words count now and your words don’t count. Najib said IGP Musa Hassan had done an “Excellent Performance”! So what does it matter to you now?

  18. ///Excellent my foot!
    Who deleted the entry records of those Mongolian women? Who ordered the 2 body guards to C4 Altantuya? Where is Bala? This murder case is hardly solved and the REAL murderer is still at large. The public perception is that the truth has been wilfully covered up by IGP & company for some VVIP.
    How dare BN not extend his position?///go4truth

    Well, that is his excellent performance. He had achieved his KPI set by de-facto MCA president Nga Jib Bai.

    There will be another year of extension if:

    1) hey, where is Dr Porntip???
    2) No evidence, therefore MACC not guilty. (TBH case).

  19. Political will for 1M is only seen in 1 MCA whereby its titans -Ong Tee Keat and Dr Chua Soi Lek- are believed to have reached a truce after the duo met with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak yesterday. Deputy president Liow Tiong Lai is the only one left wondering what’s happening when pursuant to the truce Chua would pressure the Registrar of Societies (ROS) to reinstate his position as deputy president….

    Political will for 1M is better evinced if in light of the testimony of Dr Pornthip that homicide was 80% likely the case, leadership specifically directs the police to investigate the case from homicide angle rather than “suicide” angle that they have been doing so far.

  20. This is the public perception:-
    Teoh Beng Hock entered the MACC building as a witness he was but interogated like a suspect; tortured like a criminal and murdered like nobody will find out. MACC is sick to the core. Its a defunct machinery Malaysians can do without.
    Malaysia needs a new & effective anti corruption machinery run by people with proven character recommended & sponsored & carefully chosen from various NGOs, social & religious bodies. We don’t need it to be run by BN’s yes men who take order only from UMNO’s Putrajaya.

  21. Tan sri musa should have been sacked since they found out his special branch police officers commited hedious murder! the fact his term is prolonged is to protect and serve the true criminals who successfully evade the spotlight of justice time and again.

  22. YB Kit,

    I am lodging a complaint against cintanegara, please take the appropriate action or lodge a police report.

    His statement:

    …talk is easy, let’s get some actions…..Look at what happened in Selangor and Penang, …Performance wise, PR never fulfilled what they promised the rakyat….NATO (No action talk only)
    is false and malicious. I am from Penang and I can testify that the Penang Government had indeed kept their promise and walk the talk. although it cannot achieve 100% as yet but action and performance are still continuing. The TI and Annual Auditor General’s report are proofs of that.

    Those not living in Penang please get your facts right before commenting on the State performances. Penang government may not be perfect but they are trying to do their best, even though they are held at ransom and touted by the federal government.

    cintanegara, if you are from Penang, can I suggest that we meet up at the State government office to verify your complaints about their performance.

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty one years.

  23. ///Political will for 1M is better evinced if in light of the testimony of Dr Pornthip that homicide was 80% likely the case, leadership specifically directs the police to investigate the case from homicide angle rather than “suicide” angle that they have been doing so far.///jeff

    The only angle the IGP or Macc is interested in is to insert an object perpendicular into a poor soul’s @ss. Yeah, they will get an erection while doing that.

  24. cintanegara is an imbecile, his accussations are baseless if at all he/she is trying to sow discord, he clearly or probably is a UMNO backbencher trying to work up the citizens with retarded statements. i pity the fool. LOL

  25. ///The purchase of two Scorpene-class submarines was not made through an open tender as doing so would expose the country’s defence system, the Dewan Rakyat…///– Malaysiakini

    The Malaysian Parliament is not a circus, but we have clowns making interesting jokes in that House. What has the country defence system to do with the type of vessels the country looked for? The suppliers around the world will have to provide details of what their vessels can do, and the information can be analysed by the Ministry of Defence. Granted that the Ministry might not have the capacity to evaluate, but Razak Baginda has a company which was able to service the Scorpene-class submarines even when none of his staff had serve in the enterprise which produced the submarine before the purchase was made. Surely that company would be able to evaluate the results. The Ministry would not reveal its defence system, if there is one, by indicating the characteristics of the vessels they looked for. Surely other knows about the capacity of Scorpene-class submarines simply because it is not built in the country, or through indigenous workforce.

    The true answer is in public tender, there would be no private service provider amounting to RM 500 million, and the CEO of that company is now in UK doing a post graduate degree. The Ministry has also a KPI on how much they spend the country’s money.

    There are jokes everyday but this is a good one today.

  26. yoo a-malaysian.. i can proof it.. Pg gov is doing well. ignore the tadpole.. he/she only know how to talk bad about ppl. ask him to come down to PG bridge, i will make sure he cannot land in pg island. if take ferry i will make sure the ferry park in indon but not pg island.. hey cintanegara.. keep your chryschemum at bottom close, if not your be loved MACC will penetrate thing in side.. oh ya.. how you explain to perak gov? hahaha b4 you laugh at people pls laugh at your BN. tak malu.. donkey dont laugh at hourse.

  27. ///Closure of V.K. Lingam case, as revealed by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz that no legal action would be taken despite the recommendation of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Lingam Tapes that action be taken.///–Kit

    The moral of the story is if one wishes to commit crimes against the state do it with the politically powerful person. The protection would last as along as the natural life of the powerful person whom even Prime Minister cannot touch.

  28. In order to earn 500m one must have been working really hard for decades and must have a strong team of business partners and a large number of support staffs.

    I bet razak baginda earned that 500m pretty much working alone for a short few years. Genius. Wot real genius.

  29. “Isn’t it obvious this is rampant, how else can you explain a laptop to cost RM42K. For the same amount, any dealer would gladly supply 20 laptops.” (assamlaksa)

    Since this is YB Kit blog, I would have encouraged Pakatan Rakyat government administrators to consider RM42K on one laptop, which will include the buddled softwares of AutoCAD (as the government officers will need to open engineering design layout sometimes in order to evaluate the project), the full version of Microsoft Office (with valid license and not a pirated version), the licensed anti-virus software, the fast speed modem and fast speed ethernet network card, the licensed internet surfing software, the high resolution monitor for mirror screening purpose, the high resolution digital camera, the high authenticity sound surround system, the DVD player with disc burning feature, the external hard disk for backup purpose, the Uninterruptible Power Supply system, the high resolution laserjet printer, the high resolution graphic plotter, the slide show and movie projector system, and the licensed Operating System.

    With the above recommended systems, RM42K may not be enough to buy all of them!

  30. assamlaksa,
    Perhaps we should focus more on big corruption issues like that of PKFZ scandal. With the compromise and truce being reached among Ong Tee Keat, Chua Soi Lek, and Liow Tiong Lai, I wonder whether the terms and conditions of the truce will include putting aside the PKFZ scandal in order to allow them more opportunities to continue collecting more “Ang Pows” from Tiong Keng Sing and then be shared among the three.

  31. 1M’sia is NR’s Emperor’s New Clothes
    [Actually, AAB can give him 1 from a KL boutique]
    Going around naked, keep shouting new clothes, OK 1
    Lots of corruption n abuse in the country, but keep shouting 1M’sia, ppl first, OK 1
    Umno supreme n rules, OK
    Ppl still loved n voted for Umno n BN
    So, what me worry, cha, cha cham bo, jiak jiak

  32. [Renewal of Tan Sri Musa Hassan as IGP – the ridiculous parliamentary answer by the Deputy Home Minister, Abu Seman Yusup that Musa’s term was extended for a year because of his “excellent performance”.]

    Wondering what is included and not included by Barisan Nasional government for the IGP post?

    Included :
    Arresting political opponents of Barisan Nasional and reporters who report the truth which is not BN-friendly-under ISA, sedition act, OSA, for peaceful demonstration.

    Victims: Tian Chua, Theresa Kok, Sin Chew Daily’s reporter, Raja Petra and many more –
    Score :IGP performed extremely well for BN


    Not included in IGP’s KPI – Fighting the crime in the country, ensuring the country a safe place to live in or visit

  33. [Teoh Beng Hock’s mysterious death at MACC Hqrs in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009, and the expert testimony by Thai forensic pathologist Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunand of 80 percent probability of homicide and only 20 per cent suicide.]

    So does this implies that :

    The expert appointed by the government :
    1. Given an order ‘to follow the scripts written by ‘someone in higher position’ not to give their opinion freely, but need to support the ‘wanted finding’ with some logical reasons by the appointed so-called experts ?

    2. The so-called experts appointed by the government is not competent?

    3. If no.2 is the case, why they are appointed as an ‘expert’ for the people to rely on in the first place? Any corrupt practice involved?

  34. “…Why is the MACC, which has taken over ACA to become more effective and successful in the war against corruption, proving to be the opposite – when it should be now full steam to investigate into the financial improprieties and irregularities as exposed by the Auditor-General’s 2008 Reports as it would have received them much earlier as is the practice?

    Is this because the MACC has nothing much to show for its investigations into the shocking exposes of financial improprieties, irregularities and malpractices of past Auditor-General reports and has learnt the lesson not to raise false hopes? ….” -kit

    When MACC do not take any action or doing their job when they are supposed to do as in PKFZ, Khir Toyo’s multi-million mansion, misappropriation of development funds for campaigningby previous Selangor’s BN government in early 2008, failure investigate into the financial improprieties and irregularities as exposed by the Auditor-General’s 2008 Reports

    this only implies that…..

    MACC themselves are corrupted!

    as they don’t do what they are supposed to do, because those involved are related to thier BN political masters, or perhaps by dropped the cases, their promised for promotions, will be getting recommendation/support from their political masters for DATUK’ship…’TAN SRI’ships…etc…..

    Are Malaysian now relying on a body or people which are not reliable?

  35. Once again BN has shown that they can make a mockery of the law and the country…..a pre budget special reminder of what BN has done for us:

    1. tormented the poor innocent civilised indians who took their plight to the streets by shooting them down with water cannons and gasing them
    2. invoking the ISA on tom,dick and harry as and when they wanted for their own personal political agendas
    3. insulted the judiciary system of the country by arresting lawyers who took part in peaceful protests for injustices
    4. directly influencing the passing of judgement in the courts eg: extending IGP’s tenure, dismissing significantly important incriminating cases such as the lingam’s case and inconclusive persecution of the main criminal behind the murder of altantuya by releasing the potential suspect razak baginda
    5. unethical regain of tenancy in perak despite perakians choosing of PKR as their government. Similar trickery or sleaze in the process for reclaiming penang and selangor.
    6. ?influencing the pathological reports on a PKR member who apparently attempted an unplanned bunjee in the capital.

    bullocks…if indeed anyone wants justice, vote this government off the map! period.

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