International Internet Bandwidth

Updated with data from 1992-2004 (from independent source)

Parliament Q & A:

Lim Kit Siang [Ipoh Timur] minta Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi, dan Kebudayaan menyatakan dalam jadual dari tahun 1994 sehingga 2009, berapakah kapasiti jalur lebar Internet Antarabangsa (International Internet Bandwidth) yang dipunyai oleh Malaysia mengikut syarikat yang

Jawapan :

Kapasiti jalur lebar Internet antarabangsa secara umumnya dimiliki oleh konsortium-konsortium anatarabangsa. Kapasiti antarabangsa ini disampaikan melalui 12 kabel dasar laut yang disambungkan melalui stesen-stesen pendaratan kabel di Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia (TM) selaku penyedia perkhidmatan Internet terbesar di Malaysia merupakan pengguna dan antara pemegang ekuiti utama di dalam konsortium terbabit.

Syarikat-syarikat lain sama ada tidak mempunyai sebarang pegangan, atau menpunyai pegangan yang amat kecil di dalam konsortium yang membekalkan kapasiti jalur lebar Internet antarabangsa.

Oleh yang demikian, kapasiti jalur lebar antarabangsa milik Malaysia secara umumnya diukur melalui kapasiti Internet antarabangsa yang dimiliki oleh TM mengikut tahun secara kumulatif adalah seperti berikut:

Telekom Malaysia (TM)
Tahun Jumlah Kapasiti Antarabangsa (Mbps) (kumulatif)
2005 11,521
2006 16,328
2007 41,099
2008 64,121
2009 112,000

Nota: Pengumpulan data kapasiti jalur lebar antarabangsa hanya dibuat bermula 2005


Year Amount (Mbps) Rank
2004 3,193 #41
2003 2,308 #36
2002 1,320.5 #40
2001 733 #39
2000 540 #33
1999 188 #30
1998 85 #10
1997 50 #7
1996 6.13 #9
1995 1.54 #5
1994 1.54 #3
1993 0.13 #4
1992 0.06 #4

Related Post : Malaysia in unchecked plunge in IT international competitiveness as illustrated by another adverse global study – the 2009 Oxford/Cisco Global Broadband Quality Score (2 Oct. 2009)

16 Replies to “International Internet Bandwidth”

  1. The cumulative total international internet broadband capacity of 112,000 Mbps (Mega Bits Per Second) as of 2009 can just be a joke!

    Currently my computer is just getting an internet data transfer speed of 54 Mbps. If Telekom Malaysia is able to give me 112 Mbps speed, I would be happy to pay TM double my present bill every month!

  2. Dari tahun 1994 hingga tahun 2004. Alamak! itu bermakna 10 tahun tiada system berkerja dalam TM. Biasanya kalau adanya kekurangan urusan dalam sesebuah syarikat, syarikat tersebut itu akan mengalami kerugian besar. Tetapi peliknya TM tidak rugi malah keuntungan bertambah. TM memang hebat. Dan kalau tak silap waktu itu Tun Dr. Mahathir adalah Perdana Menteri. Ramai orang kata dia ‘pandai’ dia ‘berbakat’ dia ‘boleh’ Secara peribadi saya tak nak buat apa-apa komenlah.

    TMB=Telekomunikasi Malaysia Berhad. Bagi sesetengah orang TMB= Tun Mahathir Berhad

  3. Onlooker Politics :
    The cumulative total international internet broadband capacity of 112,000 Mbps (Mega Bits Per Second) as of 2009 can just be a joke!
    Currently my computer is just getting an internet data transfer speed of 54 Mbps. If Telekom Malaysia is able to give me 112 Mbps speed, I would be happy to pay TM double my present bill every month!

    Nope, you’re the joke, 54mbps is your local area network speed, which I believe is from your WiFi 802.11g connection.

    I’m a streamyx subscriber, enjoying super fast local connection, but turtle speed when browsing international website, TMNET needs to buck up !

  4. Let us compare our country under UMNO with Singapore under PAP (People’s Action Party)’s :


    Streamyx’s Fastest Package:

    Download Speed: 4Mbps
    Upload: 512 Kbps
    Monthly Subscription Fee: RM 268


    Starhub’s Fastest MaxOnline Ultimate

    Download Speed: 100Mbps
    Upload Speed: 10Mbps
    Monthly Subscription Fee: S$$124.12 = RM299.39 (Today’s exchange rate – 1 SGD = 2.41208 MYR)

    In fact, Singapore’s Mobile Broadband is much faster and much cheaper than Malaysia’s home broadband.

    Starhub MaxMobile Elite:

    Download Speed: 21Mbps
    Upload Speed: 5.76Mbps
    Monthly Subscription Fee: SG$118.00 (RM284.49) (50% OFF for MaxOnline and existing Business customers)

    Why Singapore’s PAP fastest broadband is much much more cheaper than UMNO’s 1MALAYsia?

    Oh man! Internet today is so damn slow. How I wish Lee Kuan Yew was the second Prime Minister of Malaysia replacing the late Tunku Abdul Rahman instead of Najib’s father.

    We have a bunch of idiots from UMNO in charge of our telecommunication & Internet. That is why the upload speed is so damn little – 512 Kbps? How to upload videos to YouTube? How can big companies do business or run websites in Malaysia?

    We have people with “tidak apa” and “apa apa pun boleh” attitudes running our country. No wonder we are losing to Singapore, South Korea, and Vietnam.

    MSC = Maha Super Corruption

    Telekom is overcharging poor Malaysians!

  5. Just to provide faster more efficient service from civil servant is so sucks…..
    so how do u expect the outcome of faster broadband?
    In this Bolehland……i really doubt it works….in fact i never trust anything related to govn plp,
    esp from Be eNd era
    they only know how to improve the bandwidth to get more corrupted money!!!!!!
    eat sleep, talks cocks, make babies and get more dirty money is what i see from them!!

  6. They only know how to squeeze us dry…make high profits and leave upgrading…aside .as long as the can.
    Regular breakdowns…..with words and informations that something is wrong with your computer system……not he main station. pick up signals is so slow…what to do…got to live with it…as UMNO controls all.
    And Astro is charging more with no improvements at all. You view the same all things for months…sometimes…for years…….repeat and repeat again.

  7. Singapore 100Mbps / Malaysia 4 Mbps = 25 times faster than Malaysia.

    25 times faster means Malaysians will be less productive and less efficient than Singaporeans as Singaporeans can complete their Internet tasks in less than 1 hour while Malaysians need about 24 hours (1 day) to complete the same amount of tasks that the Singaporeans did in less than 1 hour.

    Singapore’s Monthly Subscription Fee: S$$124.12 = RM299.39 / 25 = RM11.98

    By right, Streamyx’s fastest 4Mbps montly fee should only be RM12 per month.

    But our damn greedy UMNO’s Telekom is overcharging us by RM256 (RM268 – RM12) for 4Mbps broadband.


  8. Sabah and Sarawak must pull out of Malaysia in order to enjoy FULL privilege of everything.

    Both states would have been like Singapore today.

    Wake up before it is too late … before the whole economy is bankrupted by UMNO/BN!

  9. And let me tell something BoycottLocalPapers. TM is damn proud of its achievement. And they do have reasons to be so. Look. Getting the system to work is already a huge step. Almost a miracle to them. What more now they can provide broadband speed of 4mps (download).

    Dont mention singapore. Umno people hate singapore. You may be writing about singapore’s broadband service and they will retort with god knows what. Err maybe something like malaysia broadband service is still superior because we have more lembus and matbodohs on our street. And how could I forget this. Singapore has no angkasawan and therefore their broadband service is really nothing. You know those off-track arguments.

  10. Oh yes one more thing. Going by the figures you gave, and factoring in the difference in cost of living between singapore and malaysia (which I conservatively assume it to be 2:1) broadband service in singapore really is only about RM150/month.

    Still, we are better in our broadband service because here we can supply photocopied books to the umno gobermen at the price of, wot, RM2000-3000 each(?).

  11. At 64000mbps, bn has already lost 4 states, what more with 112000mbps. So they are not studpid, but indeed smart enough not to make it better. Too many smart rakyat is a problem to ummno la… That’s why in rural areas, ummno is a big hit.

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