Are Najib, Muhyiddin and Umno leaders prepared to pledge that they are “Malaysian first, Malay second” in keeping with the 1Malaysia slogan?

The 1Malaysia logo dominated the Umno General Assembly and 1Malaysia is clearly the fad of the day in the speeches of the Umno President, Umno Deputy President and the leaders of Umno Youth, Wanita Umno and Puteri Umno.

But are all the Umno leaders, including the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his deputy, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin really serious and fully committed to the 1Malaysia slogan as the overarching national philosophy in nation-building?

Without having to go into details, the first test of whether Najib, Muhyiddin and the Umno leaders are serious about 1Malaysia policy is whether they are prepared to set the example of being “Malaysian first, Malay second” for everyone to be Malaysian first and Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban second?

Although the proof of the pudding is in the eating, there is no need to get to the eating stage even.

Are Najib and all the Umno leaders prepared to make a public commitment that in keeping with the 1Malaysia motto, they pledge to be “Malaysian first, Malay second” just as all Malaysians should pledge to be Malaysian first and Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban second?

Can we get to this pledge stage of a 1Malaysia slogan?

I have grave doubts.

I for one pledge to be “Malaysian first, Chinese second”. Let every Minister, Deputy Minister and MP declare in the forthcoming Parliament that he or she is Malaysian first and Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban second!

40 Replies to “Are Najib, Muhyiddin and Umno leaders prepared to pledge that they are “Malaysian first, Malay second” in keeping with the 1Malaysia slogan?”

  1. Diversify UMNO by absorbing in non-Malay members. Dump MCA and MIC from BN. Then we may say UMNO is for the United Malaysians National Organisation or becoming 1UMNO. There will be no future for UMNO if it has to depend on all these rotten component parties.

    The politicians are simply too THICK skin. Like Abdullah who did not want to step down no matter how he was attacked from outside. And now with this Ong TK, what is going to happen? He still wanted to stay after the no-confidence vote??

    We also have Samy and Taib who just wanted to stay forever as Sultans.

  2. But you’re not Chinese.
    Are you serious? Are you a Malaysian Racist, instead of a Racist Malaysian? Wow. What a difference the word order makes!

    I guess it’ll impress your traditional voter base, but are you sure this isn’t a complete and utter disaster?

  3. Najib defends his loosening of the bumiputra quotas by promising to keep certain aspects of the NEP intact. He says that there are Malays who still need help. Substitute “Malays” in the previous sentence with “Umnoputras”. Some things never change.

  4. Umno obviously is still elated with the bagan victory. And najib wants the people to think that the victory is a result of his “1malaysia” thingy. But of course we know the real reasons.

    Umno for all malaysians my foot. The recent EPU’s guidelines on property acquisition is a continuation of the NEP. Non-umnoputras who makes substantial property purchase (>20m) would have to share the acquisition with umnoputras. This if full enforced would apply even to acquisitions by individuals and not just companies. So those of you here with deep pockets and are thinking of buying say a small building of 20m for your wife and children and grandchildren, beware. The EPU could insist that you make the purchase through a company with 30% umnoputra equity.

    The cowhead incident is another recent example of umnoputras first and all else (not just everyone else) last. Fly kite. Go fly some kites mudderpharkers.

  5. Talk and sloganeering are cheap, what we want to see are real changes through affirmative actions. If umno leaders are sincere and really accept me as a Malaysian and not some kind of pendatang, let me provide you with some suggestions that will rhyme with the PM “1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now” rhetoric.

    1)Open the Umno membership to all Malaysians.

    2)Umno members can elect their President and vice Presidents but the Prime Minister should be elected, if not from all Malaysians at least from members of its component parties.
    Continue reading here.

    Take the poll:
    Is UMNO A Racist Party

    Malaysia For All

    GE 13 – Change The Federal Government No matter what, we must ensure that racist umno bn do not regain the power like they had for over the past fifty one years.

  6. As I said in the other thread, UMNO – the United Malays National Organisation is diabolically at tangent with 1Malaysia. You either treat everybody equally or none at all. There is no such thing as helping others when it is at their (UMNO) convenience or expediency.

  7. I really don’t get it. Some of your more frequent visitors may recall an Azly Rahman article you took down recently because it presented an amusing idea about a new race for Malaysia.

    You take that one down and leave this one up? What is this for? Are you positioning yourself as a champion for disenchanted ex-MCA supporters? I don’t think I recall you referring to yourself as Chinese before, even ‘second’. For me, that was part of your appeal. Are you convinced this isn’t a miscalculation?

    Where does that leave me? If I was to hope one day for Malaysian citizenship under PM Lim, do I also have to be Malaysian first, WhiteMan second? What about my kids? What are they? They are already Malaysian. Are they Malaysian first, Rojak second? Malaysian first, WhiteMan / Chinese Joint Second? Or is it Chinese / WhiteMan Joint Second – what order do you recommend I put those in, exactly?

    Please reconsider your punchline. I don’t think it’s the Change Malaysians are hoping for.

  8. Recently the Ministry of Education has given a lot of financial sponsorships to the primary schools in order for the schools’ administrators to organize joint schools tour among the students from Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan China (Chinese medium primary school), Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (Tamil medium primary school), and Sekolah Kebangsaan (the Malay medium primary school).

    The iteneray of the 1Malaysia Tour included visiting a surau or a mosque for saying prayers.

    I think the actual implementation of 1Malaysia concept can be clearly described with this slogan “Islam First, Other religions second”. Sooner or later the non-muslim students will be able to get much more exposure to Islamic influence and to get much more familiar with Islam and they will be much more open to accept their conversion into Islam someday in the future.

    1Malaysia actually means 1Islam, by the actual implementation in our primary schools!

  9. OrangRojak :
    I don’t think I recall you referring to yourself as Chinese before, even ’second’. For me, that was part of your appeal. Are you convinced this isn’t a miscalculation?

    I agree with OrangRojak. Totally inappropriate choice of words. I wonder if DAP will really dare go around campaigning, Malaysian first Chinese second. I can imagine the shocking silence at DAP ceramahs. Or going to the Penans and telling them, we are Malaysians first and Penans second, please vote for me!

    Lets face it, even the chinese and Indians are highly communal and only care about their respective communities interests. Only a very very very small minority would buy into such Malaysian first slogans.

    Bad slogan. Come up with a better one. Or better yet, stop sloganeering and start working on a common working platform for PR.

  10. That Khairy gave a fury speech…asking UMNO members to change and took a swipe at Anwar…calling Anwar…a hypocrite.
    Not one word to ask UMNO members to stamp out corruptions.
    3000 Youths met and confirm corruptions is the main contributor to slow progress…in nation building.
    UMNO Youth Chief have spoken…supporting corruptions….and Isa is the hero of all.
    Yes…all UMNO members very happy.
    Next year……can change cars…change house… problem. Easy money coming again.

  11. “As I said in the other thread, UMNO – the United Malays National Organisation is diabolically at tangent with 1Malaysia. You either treat everybody equally or none at all. There is no such thing as helping others when it is at their (UMNO) convenience or expediency.” >>> limkamput

    “diabolically at tangent”??

    It is ‘off tangent’ – and “diabolically”?? What’s so diabolical about it??

    “No such thing as helping others when it is at your convenience”. Why not? People do that all the time e.g. when someone gives a ride to a fellow office worker.

    This is what happens when Pendek tries to act tall.

  12. In the past whenever UMNO has their general assembly or “perhimpunan agung” I will avoid reading anything concerning the assembly as they are vexations to the spirit.

    I find it near impossible now to believe that they have sincerely changed. Only time will tell…

  13. What sweeping changes for 1Malaysia of the rottenness for 52/46 years of profligacy
    in favour of a majority group against the minority one in what we call
    Malaysia as a new nation since 1963?

    The profligacy of RM30 trillions is irreparable.
    The loss of Sabah and Sabahans of at least RM100 billion is also
    hard to be repaid and indemnity is expected to a trust fund.
    So the only sweeping changes are not enough to clear the many layers
    of the scourge of the curses of the people who are poor, deprived, depraved
    oppressed, and even degraded to slavery largely due to Governments’ Rampant
    Excesses, Exploitation and Destruction [GREED] because the natural
    resources had dwindled over decades to feed the mindless and unending policies
    which led to the mad profligacy. This GREED was supported by GREAT GRIEF
    of the many rigged general elections for the dominant group who want to
    dominated every thing and suck the people dry. The list of national frauds and scams
    but without ‘criminals’ is very long.

    So the best is for BN to Be eNd with UMNO reduced to a retired club.

    Pakatan Rakyat has also lost its credibility with the way East Malaysian states
    had been treated.
    If Anwar really want to show a changed man with sincerity, then he has a long list
    of public apologies to make such as Bakun Dam project which sent RM400m to
    the Sabah General Elections in 1994 to pull down the PBS’s rule by power grab
    after the GE. The other item is his stay in the 4 Star hotel in downtown KK with many
    PCs to dish out voting slips of the illegal people. The list is best provided by DSAI .

    So the next is IGGG for Malaysia.

    Joshua Kong, PM for IGGG Malaysia a time to rotate national leadership.

    pw: STRAVINSKY seducing

  14. After Isa Samad win, Najib needed to do damage control for the rest of Malaysia. Right-wing rhetoric would have damaged him beyond repair.. Its quite clear the leadership sent out a signal that the tone this time must be more inclusive.

    The right-wingers after getting drunk on Isa Samad victory knows it can’t behave like power-drunk. So they kept quiet.

    Its all nonsense.. Reform. 100,000 Umno division members does not represent Malaysia – it does not even represent Malays. The right-winger will emerge in the end and take over the party…

  15. Najib said that some Malays still required NEP. Razak said NEP was meant to be for 20 years. During that time all Malays were given assistance under NEP. Now only some Malays need NEP. So help those who need it. Identify those who are in need of assistance. Stop those Malays who do not need NEP from enjoying it. It would be unfair to those needy Malays if those who should not depend on NEP hijack their share. It is unfair to non-Malays, and some of them also need assistance.

    The NEP ways of helping Malays just because they are Malays should stop. NEP was such a scheme, and NEP should stop

    The above argument is based on Najib’s statement that he sincerely wanted to help those Malays who need NEP. Najib may be using it as an excuse to continue with NEP, which has been extended 20 years now. Can we expect him to honour is father’s promise?

    Najib talks about 1Malaysia, but he only sees that there are still Malays needing NEP-type assistance, but he saw no non-Malays needing it. Was it a privilege of Malays to be needy?

    Najib can create whatever assistance needed for the Malays he says as requiring NEP-type assistance, but just remove the NEP. But without NEP, there will be no protection for nationwide corruption. I wonder whether it was corruption that needed protection or the needy Malays.

  16. Dear Lim,

    Like i said b4, some of yr die hard supporters ie comment # 4 taiking IS RACIST N VERY ILL MANNER, PLEASE READ HIS COMMENT.

    U ARE TALKING MALAYSIAN FIRST CHINESE SECOND, what a laugh, if you really mean it, have your ceramah/meeting/meet the people sessions in 100% Bahasa Malaysia have your BLOG in Bahasa Malaysia supplemented it in English. What we see here your Blog is in English….. how many percent of the rakyat that can have and understand the language and how about the Chinese Version…… it’s the same. If u really Malaysian First then have your blog in Bahasa Malaysia so everybody can participate.

    Comment # 9 : it’s too much, now religion is being dragged into the blog????? Why Bro Lim u allowed this type of people to log and post comment on your Blog???? It’s fair or just to satisfied your lust for power and hate. Bro Lim, u used to be arrogant, i still remembered that u had a slogan that DAP will capture Penang a few general election back and u failed. I still remembered u make a loud noise when Dr Lim Chong Eu and the Federal Government make announcement about the PLAN TO BUILD PENANG BRIDGE in the 70s….. u said said it was alousy plan and a waste of people rakyat and also i still remember u refuse to pay toll on PLUS Highway. Lim Kit Siang MUDAH LUPA BUT PEOPLE LIKE ME ON THE FENCE STILL REMEMBER!!!!!!!!.

    Bro Lim,

    All these time, u and your cronies harpening issues and try to garner votes among urban dwellers BUT HAVE U BEEN TO THE INTERIOR OF OUR COUNTRY?????? Go and pay the visits and you will find out that people there is living on day to day basis, u will find out there are children seven / eight / nine years old and more who can read and write properly,. So how about that Bro Lim.

    Is UMNO a racist ?

    The answer is YES n NO. Almost all the comment said YES. Good NOW WE CAN ALSO SAID PAS IS RACIST N EXREMIST, MCA is RACIST , MIC is RACIST n DAP is RACIST. Show me any one occasion that DAP is championing the RIGHT of others except one one occasion when LIM GUAN ENG goes to prison due the allegation on rape case in Malacca years back a very rare case. THE ONE MEMBER OF DAP who is on rakyat heart is the former member of parliament BUKIT BINTANG DATO LIM LAM THYE……. I WILL GIVE MY VOTE IF EVEN HE IS AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE.

    Bro Lim,

    U want Malaysian First… okay good and fine. U want independent Police Force / Military /MACC well that suit me fine because u said the organisation is being monopolised by certain race. Go and and try to recruit from the 2nd largest group of ethnic to join the police and military. For your information get the stastistic about the breakdown composition of races from the goverment during the coming sitting…… HOW MANY % ARE MALAY / CHINESE / INDIAN / OTHERS ARE IN THE OFFICERS GROUP ANNNNND HOW MANY % ARE MALAY / CHINESE / INDIAN / OTHERS ARE IN THE RANK AND FILE GROUP.

    Bro Lim,,

    Have u visited and have heart to heart talk the policemen families, do u know the suffering of these families , the shame their sons and their daughters face in school / IPTA /IPTS when they being look down upon knowing that their fathers n mothers work in the police force.

    Bro Lim,

    Did u go thru’ some of the job advertisements in our media…. did u observe the requirement these companies asked profiency in ENGLISH n MANDARIN…… it is not RACIST. I bet most of the commentors doesn’t read PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA n some of thecommentors suppose 2b the brain doesn’t know WHAT IS COBBOLD COMMISION. BRO LIM WAKE UP CLEAN YOUR HOUSE AND BACKYARD THEN ONLY COMMENT ON THEIR PEOPLE BACKYARD.

    Bro Lim,


  17. asmehane – I am not sure about your grievances.

    The Chinese in Thailand, Indonesia were forced to either choose nationalization or be expelled. They had to change their names.

    The Chinese in Msia learnt to speak and write bahasa well. Hence, majority of the Chinese are able to speak at least 3 languages – English, Mandarin and Bahasa.

    What chances have the Chinese people to get a contract or job with the govt ? Virtually none. Most of the contract has been accorded to Bumi’s. Hence, a need for the Chinese to create job opportunities amongst themselves.
    So what chance have they got to employ a Malay only speaking employee to sell to a Chinese speaking customer ? It’s a zero sum game for them.

    What you should query is why in a short space of less than a week, the likes of Khairy and Najib are suddenly espousing about Malaysia for all when their policies has all along been tilted towards the Malays.

    If they want me to believe them, kill NEP tomorrow. I suppose by then, the sun will also rise from the West.

  18. asmehane,
    Just to point out some things about some of your points. Probably, you are confused by some of the UMNO propaganda so i would just like to make some corrections.

    – Is UMNO/PAS/DAP racist? Party wise DAP and PAS is NO because they allow members of any race to join. UMNO only allows ‘Malays’ to join. Are some members of PAS/DAP memebrs racist? THe answer is YES. So which definition do we use to conclude that a party is racist?

    – Is PAS extremist? Answer, NO. Extreme in what way? They are not terrorists nor do they condone violent acts. They are ultra conservatives, maybe. But extremist? This is just a lie from UMNO that you have been fooled into believing.

    – Requiring mandarin in job applications is not racist. Example, if i advertise that i require someone who is versed in japanese, does that make me racist? Its the 21st century. Most products/suppliers/factories are now based in China. Requiring mandarin speaking employees is actually quite important nowadays and has nothing to do with race. There is no secret conspiracy to deny the Malays jobs. Your misguided linking of mandarin to racism is probably due to false propaganda spread by UMNO.

    – Wanting to keep our traditional names is not racism. America does not demand that people all adopt American names. Do we then say that American Arabs are racist because they do not adopt American names?
    Again, you have been misled by UMNO propaganda. Reality is quite the opposite. Harping on racial names is actually racist. It is when you can look beyond a persons racial origins that one is above racism. Trying to HIDE a persons racial origins by demanding that everyone adopt similar sounding names actually is a sad sign that one is incapable of accepting and dealing with people of other racial origins.

    Asmehane, please do not fall for the UMNO propaganda.

  19. //…if you really mean it, have your ceramah/meeting/meet the people sessions in 100% Bahasa Malaysia have your BLOG in Bahasa Malaysia supplemented it in English. What we see here your Blog is in English….. how many percent of the rakyat that can have and understand the language and how about the Chinese Version…… it’s the same. If u really Malaysian First then have your blog in Bahasa Malaysia so everybody can participate.//

    Hello English is also our language. If you want to participate, learn English. Not only that, it will also help you to get a better job and be internationally competitive. It is precisely because of people like you that Malaysia is losing out rapidly. One of the reasons why Malaysia has done relatively well when compared to regional economies was because we have a pool of dynamic English speaking people here in Malaysia.

    //Comment # 9 : it’s too much, now religion is being dragged into the blog????? Why Bro Lim u allowed this type of people to log and post comment on your Blog???? It’s fair or just to satisfied your lust for power and hate.//

    I agree we should not politicize religion, but may I know who is really abusing it to the core in this country?

  20. //Bro Lim, u used to be arrogant, i still remembered that u had a slogan that DAP will capture Penang a few general election back and u failed. I still remembered u make a loud noise when Dr Lim Chong Eu and the Federal Government make announcement about the PLAN TO BUILD PENANG BRIDGE in the 70s….. u said said it was alousy plan and a waste of people rakyat and also i still remember u refuse to pay toll on PLUS Highway. Lim Kit Siang MUDAH LUPA BUT PEOPLE LIKE ME ON THE FENCE STILL REMEMBER!!!!!!!!.//

    That was because the people of Penang were in slumber for too long – they got scr*wed but was not aware of it till they woke up in 2007. If they have listened to Bro Lim earlier, the situation in Penang would not be as bad as today.

    We all want development, include roads and bridges. But they must be done properly with proper studies and costing. In Malaysia almost every damn thing we touched, we have turned it into sh!t. Yes we are masters in converting a gold mine into a quarry.

    Yes, with regard to tolls, it is not Bro Lim who refused to pay. Most toll roads in Malaysia are sweet heart deals meant to enrich the well-connected. If given the choice, I think most would not want to pay, or would only be willing to pay at much lower rates.

    By the way, you are no fence sitter. In fact, from here we can gauge your sincerity and honesty.

  21. //All these time, u and your cronies harpening issues and try to garner votes among urban dwellers BUT HAVE U BEEN TO THE INTERIOR OF OUR COUNTRY?????? Go and pay the visits and you will find out that people there is living on day to day basis, u will find out there are children seven / eight / nine years old and more who can read and write properly,. So how about that Bro Lim.//

    What is wrong with fighting for urban dwellers? Are not contributing the bulk of Malaysian GDP and taxes? I don’t see why people who contribute more should not also enjoy more of the government attention. If you want everything equal, why don’t you turn communist? Wasn’t that the communists tried to do?

    As for rural poor, you should ask why after 50 years and after countless “rancangan”, these people remained marginalized. Were aid programmes effective, and have they really reached the target groups. During the last 50 years who were the ministers in charge of rural development and finance? You drink water, you know where it comes from.

    //Is UMNO a racist ? The answer is YES n NO. Almost all the comment said YES. Good NOW WE CAN ALSO SAID PAS IS RACIST N EXREMIST, MCA is RACIST , MIC is RACIST n DAP is RACIST. Show me any one occasion that DAP is championing the RIGHT of others except one one occasion when LIM GUAN ENG goes to prison due the allegation on rape case in Malacca years back a very rare case. //

    You must be blind. Is fighting for inclusiveness racist? It is simple, those who fight for the rights and privileges of a single race or religion are racist. DAP is not racist. DAP fight for equal opportunities and inclusiveness. If DAP fight for a “Chinese Malaysia”, I will be the first one to opt out. Those who labeling DAP racist because the party fight for equality and inclusive are racists because they want to remain above others, got it?

    //THE ONE MEMBER OF DAP who is on rakyat heart is the former member of parliament BUKIT BINTANG DATO LIM LAM THYE……. I WILL GIVE MY VOTE IF EVEN HE IS AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE//

    That is your opinion just like many others here. To me he is turncoat, a stooge, someone that the enemy loved to use.

    //Bro Lim, U want Malaysian First… okay good and fine. U want independent Police Force / Military /MACC well that suit me fine because u said the organisation is being monopolised by certain race. Go and and try to recruit from the 2nd largest group of ethnic to join the police and military. For your information get the stastistic about the breakdown composition of races from the goverment during the coming sitting…… HOW MANY % ARE MALAY / CHINESE / INDIAN / OTHERS ARE IN THE OFFICERS GROUP ANNNNND HOW MANY % ARE MALAY / CHINESE / INDIAN / OTHERS ARE IN THE RANK AND FILE GROUP.//

    So, what is the problem here? First your facts are not even right. Second, assuming that you are right, were there privileges accorded to certain races so that they could become officers easier than others? In fact, on the contrary, they have to be extra good to become officers.

  22. //Bro Lim, Have u visited and have heart to heart talk the policemen families, do u know the suffering of these families , the shame their sons and their daughters face in school / IPTA /IPTS when they being look down upon knowing that their fathers n mothers work in the police force.//

    First, I am not sure the attitude (you described)toward the children of police personnel is rampant. Even if it is true, I believe it is really up to the police force to study and reflect why the society as a whole have not looked at them kindly. There is always some truth in perception.

    //Bro Lim, Did u go thru’ some of the job advertisements in our media…. did u observe the requirement these companies asked profiency in ENGLISH n MANDARIN…… it is not RACIST. I bet most of the commentors doesn’t read PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA n some of thecommentors suppose 2b the brain doesn’t know WHAT IS COBBOLD COMMISION. //

    Now what ass are you talking? If I am doing a business that have to deal with Chinese or English speaking people, may I know what choice do I have? Abandon my business? The next minute you may accuse me for not creating GDP and paying taxes.
    I read the Cobbold Commission and what about it? Did you read? I doubt so.


    You don’t get it, don’t you? If everyone is treated equally, there will be no issue about name, language, school or whatever. Do you seriously think if today all Chinese in Malaysia used names other than Chinese and abolish all vernacular schools, we would have achieved 1Malaysia? That is how an intolerant, extremist ultra thinks. I don’t so.

  23. …Wonder how many people will agree with “Asmehane” that he is a fence sitter…lkt56

    No he is not a fence sitter. Probably a paid umno mole sent here to neutralize this blog. Remember the “Is Malaysia a racist country” article posted yesterday? Not even 2 hours it was posted here, najib already provided a reply in the Star Online.

    we have agents and moles everywhere. Am i getting paranoia? Where is 007?

  24. ” In Malaysia almost every damn thing we touched, we have turned it into sh!t. Yes we are masters in converting a gold mine into a quarry.” >>> limkamput

    Who is “we”??

    You spent 20 years slogging, pushing pen and paper behind a desk paid for by taxpayers, “turning gold to sh!t” (to use your expression) – and now you complain?? What an idiot!

  25. undertaker888 :
    No he is not a fence sitter. Probably a paid umno mole sent here to neutralize this blog.

    Come now, lets not assume that everyone who does not share the same views as DAP are UMNO moles. He is but many of the thousands who have been misled and been taken in by the UMNO propaganda to paint the non-malays as anti-malay.

    We must just politely point out to him that he is gravely mistaken. There is no hidden DAP agenda or secret chinese conspiracy to threaten or to take anything away from the Malays.

    It is the UMNOputras who has been helping themselves to millions in taxpayers money thus leaving only little left for the poor everyday Malays.

  26. This One Malaysia thing must be re-visited. Many Central African countries took on this slogan a some 10 – 15 years ago and see where they are now.What we need badly is higher standards in cleaning towns and villages, better education standards, better health services where the doctors are aware that their time is as important as the time of the people who wait for hours to see them, and meaningful social welfare services. If you look at the Budget more that 70% of the money is poured into theses areas and people are still complaining. Clearly Heads of Government Departmernts have abdicated their responsiblity and got the politicians to answer for their shoprtcomings. Measures to improve the services in the above areas alone will give substantial substance and meaning to One Malaysia..

  27. hhhmmmm..”gold mine into quarry”…is not nonsense.
    Glad Limkamput said it is patented…that it his original idea…as only he can talk like that.
    Hugos is a wooof wooof….so said Limkamput.
    I am senile….and the rest who goes against him are all not so smart….which means…Limkamput is the one and only smart one in this blog?

  28. //THE ONE MEMBER OF DAP who is on rakyat heart is the former member of parliament BUKIT BINTANG DATO LIM LAM THYE……. I WILL GIVE MY VOTE IF EVEN HE IS AN INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE//

    Ya, I forget, you should ask Lam Thye to stand as independent in the coming 13GE and I will persuade Monsterball to join DAP and to stand against him and Monsterball will win (.i.e. provided he lives long enough to finish the term).

  29. Life is uncertain…..death is certain….and certainly…Limkamput cannot guarantee he can out live me too.
    His suggestion…his persuasion…all cannot pakai..all empty boastful words.
    His wish may come true though…that if Lee Lam Thye dares to stand for election…I love to stand against it independent or supported by a party….does not matter.
    Just that I get a chance to debate or talk straight to the biggest low class Chinese political traitor.. …one can ever imagine …one can become……for money..from UMNO.

  30. The post of PM should be rotated among Sabah, Sarawak and Malaya, maximum term 5 years, and also rotated among Kadazan, Iban, and Chinese candidates, in order to reflect the real meaning of “1 Malaysia”

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