My question on RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal for first day of Parliament on Monday has been kicked off to seven weeks later to Dec 3

My question on the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal for the first day of the budget session of Parliament on Monday, 19th October 2009 has been kicked off to seven weeks later to December 3 at the tail-end of the meeting, as if the PKFZ scandal is a trivial and inconsequential matter.

DAP MP for Segambut, Lim Lip Eng, had also submitted a question on the PKFZ scandal for the first day of Parliament on Monday, and his question had also be knocked off to Dec. 1, 2009.

I had slated to ask the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak in Parliament on Monday “the outcome of 2007 Cabinet decision commissioning the Chief Secretary, Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister’s Department to look into various aspects of irregularities in the Port Klang Free Zone scandal, including unlawful issue of four Letters of Support”.

Why is the Prime Minister not ready to answer this question on Monday?

This has reinforced my reservations about the Super Task Force into the PKFZ scandal set up by Cabinet in early September, headed by the Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan.

The question that needs answer is what had happened to the Cabinet decision two years ago that the Chief Secretary head an investigation into the PKFZ scandal, including “determining the type of misconduct or criminal element on the part of individuals or entities involved in the project and recommend actions to be taken against them”?

If the Cabinet decision in 2007 could have ended in a blank, what guarantees are there that the Super Task Force set up in September this year would be any different?

I do not want to get involved in the intensifying MCA power struggle but many are seeing any departure of MCA President and Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat as the effective end for any full accountability and transparency of the “mother-of-all-scandals”.

Are all the Cabinet Ministers, whether Umno, MCA or the Gerakan Minister in charge of KPI, prepared to give a categorical commitment that there will be no compromise in the full disclosure of the PKFZ scandal – whatever happens to the MCA power struggle?

The displacement of the two questions Lip Eng and I had submitted on the PKFZ sandal for the first day of Parliament on Monday to some five weeks later in December does not inspire confidence whatsoever that we will head in this direction.

16 Replies to “My question on RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal for first day of Parliament on Monday has been kicked off to seven weeks later to Dec 3”

  1. Ha, ha, count your blessings that both you and LLE did not get kick out fr the Parliament
    Of cos, this PKFZ thingy is of low, low priority
    Money is still being siphoned off mah
    You n LLE kacau only, Y like this one
    Umno B n BN control Parliament, can’t touch them lah

  2. When you corner a tiger to the end of a wall, it will leapt out from the wall at all cause.

    BN goons always make silly ideas to happen

    Submarine – No submarine pent
    Shukoi jet – Not yet assembled
    A1Team – No driver

    “Chief Executive of the A1 Team Malaysia, Jack Cunningham explained that, “The opening round of the new A1GP season is less than two weeks away. It is unfortunate for us that we do not have a driver available for this event.”

  3. Kit:

    If you remember our earlier discussions, you were supposed to demand in late July (or was it June) that PKA withhold the next payment due to KDSB (about RM 1 billion) until the situation got clearer. PKA then voluntarily withheld that particular drawdown from the soft loan, but then were instructed by the Ministry of Finance to make the payment irregardless of the status of the ongoing investigations on the ground that any default by KDSB would affect the sanctity of the local bond market.

    You should ask Najib (as Finance Minister) why the MoF made that instruction to pay KDSB. Why did they worry about the sanctity of the local bond market when a few months later PKA sued KDSB for overcharging to the tune of hundreds of millions ?

  4. Now that the guy who was originally instructed by najib to answer all questions on that big-time-pharked-up pkfz project is himself in limbo, does it mean that the investigation will now slowly limbo-limbo-limbo-rock itself into obscurity? Of course it will. And dont ever expect the same bunch of people to review themselves or their own work. Cabinet papers (as revealed by Raja Petra) is clear evidence of knowledge and approval on the part of everyone responsible, esp najib the fin min then. He sure has some hard questions to answer. But first ask him why he pretended to know nothing about the whole issue?

  5. “…Why is the Prime Minister not ready to answer this question on Monday?”

    He’s busy lah. You know with the UMNO EGM and then budget, then another overseas trip to here and there, plenty of things to keep him busy and away from Parliament.

    Besides, after Bagan, he needs some time to “enjoy” and at the same time make PR people feel small and frus. Thank God, if he’ll answer this year and not next year.

  6. Why is the Prime Minister not ready to answer this question on Monday?

    Apparently the ruling party is using delay tactics to avoid answering your and Lim Lip Eng’s questions.

    They think that sooner or later the rakyat will forget the PKFZ scandal. So the longer they delay answering your questions the more likely they do not have to answer them at all.

  7. hahaha…. not new thing to know, PKFZ not the only one tengalam!! so many cases is lost… who dare to answer it? who dare to dig it out? well let it tengalam is the best. who bring who will face, 5 hourses tear the body lor, just like shown in the movie. hmm.. wondering PM have no time for this, then what about that DPM? tot he speak a lot, why not he into this? well i guess BN members are not free right not, so dont disturb them lah hehehe

  8. Najis has a good gurus.

    Now he is using Sun Tzu Art of War to garner popularity. Attending all kind of function, in the north he have Zambry and in the South BN firmly gripped its claw. Moving to Penang he will have to mobilize the Makkal Sakthi by winning their confidence. What do PR leadership have? Looks like it is using another Sun Tzu Art of War, “yang bin qien ri, yong zai yi shi”

  9. It has to be kicked off seven weeks later as they need time to let the MCA saga play out and for OTK to exit from the stage altogether. Then the Super Task Force will take about forever to investigate and appointing sub committee after sub comittee and paralyse the entire investigation until the opportune time to declare NFA by the AG and everyone lives happily ever after except the rakyat who will be screwed for another billion or so as further interest charges caused by the delay and court cases.

  10. When UMNO is cornered and feel voters are backing them to win 13th GE…they are back to their old self…to avoid answering any questions concerning PKFZ RM12.5 billion scandal…that actually have all Malaysians interest to know the real truths….little by little being revealed.
    After the Bagan Pinang win and declaring UMNO have 65% support from Malaysians…they can do as they like again….putting PKFZ questions in Parliament….as trifle matters……not important.
    Let all Malaysians……especially those who voted for UMNO…go and think hard and check their conscience.
    If feeling nothing…they are either idiots or downright racialists…that cannot think properly…being consumed by the devils at work.
    Day in day out…so much are truthfully exposed ….sincerely said or written…by Lim Kit Siang….how many UMNO supporters will listen to serious stuffs?
    I guess very all UMNO members love to dream….that UMNO is the owner of Malaysia ….their Savior..and UMNO will reward all … that are loyal and willing to lay down their lives to protect UMNO.
    How can UMNO reward all Muslims..with so much money needed to keep their millions of Muslims?
    Firstly……impossible…therefore we see the haves.have not and the untouchable…exactly like few hundred years ago.
    Keep raising taxes…increasing petrol…electricity…toll… one way…to churn up more do as they like.
    Naturally….the oil rich company funds are for UMNO to use…without any question…and not enough…go to EPF.
    You see…not many understands…how much EPF money used and taken by UMNO.
    Not many understands…the very low interest earned by contributors…are infact saying billions are loan out to UMNO companies …with low such interests earned by poor Malaysians.
    The difference of 1% less to all contributors….means hundreds of millions paid less to them. This is the part…..most Malaysians do not UMNO steal…..little by little…avoiding anyone to complaint.
    This is Malaysian contributors matter.
    They want to be cheated…..LKS cannot say anything………but thousands of contributors already know…and these are the people that will vote against UMNO.
    The more you know….the more you will understand…UMNO is evil.

  11. Guys,
    Why do you think Najib said Ong Tee Keat should resign?

    They just want all to be swept under the carpet.

    With the distractions coming from some of the PAS goons, I would be stretching my luck to see PR having any chance of winning the next GE.

    Unfortunately, it would be left to the few good men in DAP and Keadilan to pursue the matter.

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