Lim Kit Siang

Before 1MALAYSIA can be extended to 1World …

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Adviser

The announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recommending his concept of 1Malaysia to other countries to adopt a similar concept and his call for the creation of 1WORLD dream are both astounding and confusing.

Najib must be commended for his inspiration but unfortunately he is quite premature to do so, as back home in Malaysia, the concept of 1Malaysia is not a done thing yet.

In the first instance, his definition of 1Malaysia is unclear. The people want to know whether 1Malaysia means all citizens are equal, that all citizens have the same status of first-class Malaysians.

If it is so, then why is Umno propagating a policy of MALAY SUPREMACY. Umno claims that Malays are ketuanan Melayu (malay supremacy) while the others the Chinese, Indians and indigenous communities are second class.

Najib is the president of Umno. It is incomprehensible for him to sponsor two conflicting concepts — 1Malaysia and Ketuanan Melayu.

The DAP is quite sure that the countries of the world do not subscribe to the philosophies of racial supremacy whether it is white supremacy, Malay supremacy or Aryan supremacy. Apartheid of whatever form stands condemned by the whole world.

The world has embraced the philosophy of a multiracial world, with different culturs, different religions, different mores and habits.

United States which comprises of 87% whites have chosen a black American to be their president. This is a signal for the world that race is no more a racial problem.

Surely, the president of Umno and his cohorts must accept this fact of life. If Umno persists to pursue its objective of ketuanan Melayu, it would be extremely difficult for Malaysia to be accepted as a member of a new global world. 1Malaysia cannot be a reality but will remain as a perpetual dream.

For 1Malaysia to be wholeheartedly accepted by all Malaysians, Najib must demonstrate by policies and practices that Malaysia is indeed a country where all races are equal, who enjoy.