Before 1MALAYSIA can be extended to 1World …

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Adviser

The announcement by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak recommending his concept of 1Malaysia to other countries to adopt a similar concept and his call for the creation of 1WORLD dream are both astounding and confusing.

Najib must be commended for his inspiration but unfortunately he is quite premature to do so, as back home in Malaysia, the concept of 1Malaysia is not a done thing yet.

In the first instance, his definition of 1Malaysia is unclear. The people want to know whether 1Malaysia means all citizens are equal, that all citizens have the same status of first-class Malaysians.

If it is so, then why is Umno propagating a policy of MALAY SUPREMACY. Umno claims that Malays are ketuanan Melayu (malay supremacy) while the others the Chinese, Indians and indigenous communities are second class.

Najib is the president of Umno. It is incomprehensible for him to sponsor two conflicting concepts — 1Malaysia and Ketuanan Melayu.

The DAP is quite sure that the countries of the world do not subscribe to the philosophies of racial supremacy whether it is white supremacy, Malay supremacy or Aryan supremacy. Apartheid of whatever form stands condemned by the whole world.

The world has embraced the philosophy of a multiracial world, with different culturs, different religions, different mores and habits.

United States which comprises of 87% whites have chosen a black American to be their president. This is a signal for the world that race is no more a racial problem.

Surely, the president of Umno and his cohorts must accept this fact of life. If Umno persists to pursue its objective of ketuanan Melayu, it would be extremely difficult for Malaysia to be accepted as a member of a new global world. 1Malaysia cannot be a reality but will remain as a perpetual dream.

For 1Malaysia to be wholeheartedly accepted by all Malaysians, Najib must demonstrate by policies and practices that Malaysia is indeed a country where all races are equal, who enjoy.

36 Replies to “Before 1MALAYSIA can be extended to 1World …”

  1. Dr Chen Man Hin, is the 1Malaysia concept propagated by the PM original? I recall back then DAP had already promoted the Malaysian Malaysia platform?

    Oh, by the way Dr Chen, you should check up in that “One People, One Nation, One Singapore” was launch in 1990s in our neighbor down south back in 1990!

  2. Actually it is 1Money and 1Power

    The seven corruption charges of money politics and vote-buying which the UMNO Disciplinary Board had preferred against Isa are:

    * Allowed his political secretary Mohd Salim Sharif to pay RM300 to each delegate from the Telok Kemang division to the Umno General Assembly on or about September 2004;
    * Allowed his agents to pay various amounts of money to delegates from the Cameron Highlands, Kuala Lipis and Bentong divisons to the UMNO General Assembly on September 11.
    * Allowed his agents to pay RM1,000 each to delegates to the Umno General Assembly at the Crown Princess Hotel at 11 pm on September 22 and the morning of September 23.
    * Permitted his agents to pay RM1,000 each to delegates to the Umno General Assembly at or about 1 am on Sept 23 at the Pan Pacific Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
    * Allowed his agents to pay various sums of money to Sabah delegates to the Umno General Assembly about 1 am on Sept 23 at the Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
    * Allowed his agents to pay RM300 to Sabah Umno delegates at the Tanjung Aru Golf Club and the ‘Kandarah” Court, both of which are in Sabah in early September.
    * Allowed his agents to pay RM300 to Kedah Umno delegates at Holiday Villa Hotel, Alor Star and Kelab Cinta Sayang, Sungai Petani around two to three weeks before the 2004 Umno General Assembly.

  3. Listen carefully. [ want Malaysia] not [1Malaysia]

    Want Ketuanan Melayu
    Want racist policies
    Want Bumi heads in all institutions
    Want corruption
    Want power in all states
    Want corrupt judges
    Want Altantuya’s life
    Want TBH’s life
    The biggest want is money

  4. So many months have come to pass and I am still in the blur as to what 1malaysia is about. Well then I suppose that must be 1malaysia – somehow 1malaysia. Yeah. Somehow. I asked my neighbour’s dog recently for an answer. “Woof woof” she barked. I dont get it. How on earth could that dog see the connection between “1malaysia” and “woof woof”. I tried to understand that strange reply but failed. What has “woof woof” got to do with “1malaysia”? I laboured over this most intriguing mystery for close to two weeks. And slowly but almost surely things clear up a little. Tides will recede and dust will settle. So fuzzy thoughts and ideas too must clear up after a while. So it’s noise. Yes. Noise it is. 1malaysia is nothing but noise. The dog was right. And for that she got a new collar from me.

  5. Lets think about what happened. He when to Paris and in front of a bunch of overly polite, diplomatic, hoitty-poitty crowd used to all sort of absurdity, he decided something absurd will not be out of place…

    You get that when you have power and money…

  6. Najib has sought to defuse racial tensions by launching a racially inclusive campaign called “1 Malaysia”, dismissed by critics as little more than a branding exercise.

    “The strategy is to pledge a yet unsubstantiated programme of ‘1 Malaysia’ while on the ground running campaigns based on the outdated model of race and money,” Welsh said.

    The Umno leader does not see much chance the Barisan will fare any better at the 2013 general election than it did in 2008, raising the prospect of a prolonged period of political uncertainty that will further unnerve investors. – The Malaysia Insider

  7. 1Malaysia 2people, 1 house 2 prices, 1judge 2 standards, 1 SD or police report 2 treatments.
    Whatever 1malaysia means, it is not euality of race or religion. Najib prefers people to laugh at what he said rather than to talk about the said to have been solved murder case.

  8. Najis selling Snake Oil??

    How can this keris-man and practitioner of demanding for Chinese blood extol the concept of 1World when even his own countrymen can sense the reek of his doomed 1Malaysia idea?

    Years ago, the Bee Gees sang the song ‘My world’ which contained the words “…my world is your world…”. It was only a song but many believed that and the words were sung with sincerity. I doubt we can say the same for this creep and his cr@p.

  9. The greed BN slogan for the year 2009 quoted:

    ” 1Malaysia, Double Standards,
    Ketuanan Melayu, Rasuah DiDahulukan,
    UMNO Money Politics, Injustice DiUtamakan.”

    The People quoted:
    “1Malaysian Malaysia still the BEST for Rakyat”.

  10. Why would the world want to accept 1MALAYsia?

    Why would the world want to listen to Najib’s idea of 1MALAYsia when back here in Malaysia a Chinese MP in Perak can’t even be appointed as the Chief Minister all because he is not a Malay Muslim?

    I would rather accept Ketuanan American than UMNO’s Ketuanan Melayu. At least the Americans have facts to back them up if they claimed that their civilization is the most supreme in the world.

    What do we have here in Malaysia?

    Tarian Pendet? Batik? AngkasaWang? Cow head demonstrators?

  11. Why are some caught up with an idiotic meaningless slogan….but can also say…a slogan with double meanings too.
    Meaningless or with double meaning from our unelected shameless PM. It is very sinful to keep fooling Malaysians…..but then he can use the Koran to swear on a murder case….that’s it…all truthful.
    Wait for his “1 Universe”…his future slogan to aliens and demons.
    This is the biggest joker of all PMs.
    He is simply.. a NUT!!

  12. /// It is incomprehensible for him to sponsor two conflicting concepts — 1Malaysia and Ketuanan Melayu /// – Dr Chen Man Hin.

    1 M’ysia is but a mere political slogan – based on an aspiration, not the reality. Its intended to be “catchy”, easily memorable repetitive idea or mantra, if you will, pursued by a new administration to address a national problem (ntional unity) or the other facet of it, to address the ruling coalition’s immediate problems of how to retain dwindling support (from non Malays voters) to maintain its traditional façade of being a multi-racial government with minorities being represented in the government by their respective component parties (principally MCA, Gerakan MIC etc under UMNO’s hegemony).

    Façade is premised on these parties truly represent interest and aspirations of their respective constituencies but the 2008 general election (308 political tsunami) debunked this façade and pretension with (probably 75% to 80% of minority voters voted Opposition than BN component parties). Many of them voted PAS even if they feared PAS theocratic agenda. No surprise for they would have voted a dog or monkey if it had stood for election (against a component party’s candidate) – that’s the extent of alienation growing out of 50 years of progressive marginalisation.

    When marginalisation of non Malays reached break point, pushing to 80% withdrawal of voting support for BN’s component parties, the very pretension of BN’s multi racial representation is put to severe challenge. 1 M’ysia is to intended to address and reverse this problem of Non Malay voters’ feeling of alienation and to maintain BN’s traditional facade of multiracialism in the face of Ketuanan pursued to retain Malay Muslim votes.

    But here to comes another big problem. Inspite of Ketuanan & NEP, a substantial portion of Malay vote bank esp of the younger set are withdrawing support because of the “class” issue linked to political corruption ie perception that only UMNOputras and the connected reap benefits of these policies ….That is why MACC & hype about tackling the scourge of corruption perceived to negate the benefits of NEP/Ketuanan and exacerbate class divisions!

    However a political system evolving over 50 years is hard to reverse gear or re-invent its character. Hence the imperative to fight political corruption/money politic is no sooner debunked/contradicted by the imperative to put up a tainted candidate in Bagan Pinang to ensure a win and avert the warlords’ boycott. Tun Dr Mahathir pointed this out – win the battle but lose the war!

    Coming to 1M’ysia, when aspiration of multiracialism is a stark mismatch against reality of the ground – when it is extrapolated further into global stage to lecture the world about 1 region and 1 world – then such a slogan instead of achieving its purpose will instead attract the opposite : attract ridicule when potshots are taken by the alienated to expose the hypocrisy. It is not helped by component parties like MCA (already marginalised by both UMNO and its own constitutency) refusing to acknowledge its dilemma and responding to it by intra party feuds with one faction calling itself 1 MCA! Soon a MIC faction will also call itself 1 MIC as the man on the street makes it a 1 Joke or calls it 1 hypocrisy! Just like MACC, a symbol to fight corruption has been ridiculed by jokes like it stands for Mafia Association of Corrupted Commisioner etc..

    Judging from the ridiculing of these acroynms (MACC)/slogans (1 M’ysia), it is clear than the ruling coalition has not yet convinced many that it has summoned the political will or found the formula to counter voters’ demystification of (1) the facade of multiracialism and (2) the facade of tackling corruption to reverse the trend of withdrawal of support evinced in 308 12th GE.

  13. Sorry for typo omissions – re 4th para, “1M’ysia is to (intended) to address” without word “intended”; re 5th para, “But here TOO comes another big problem; re last para – “demystification ‘with’..” not not “of”.

  14. Yes…”1Malaysia”…all corrupted…all depend on hands out by thieves and robbers…..all willing to be divided and ruled.
    How nice.
    Nooooow…”1 WORLD”…follow Najib’s advise….be like UMNO.
    Doubly nice.
    Has anyone saw the original……”Nutty Professor”…written and acted by Jerry Lewis?
    Perhaps Noble Price panel of judges should award Najib…the most idiotic original leader in the world.

  15. Please lah, LKS, please tell NR to shut his mouth up
    Not to continue to talk c0ck n embarrass the nation and himself
    Even my little foreign friend told me
    Why your PM so stupid n thick skin one
    Isn’t he the president of a monoracial n racist political party
    Isn’t he the keris-waving, thirsty-for-nonMalay-blood bast..d racist
    Why can’t he first dissolve his racist party, form a truly multiracial party, n then talk abt 1M’sia
    How come he keeps preaching abt lies, nothing but lies
    No shame one, how come

  16. How can UMNO preach 1World to the world when in 1Malaysia non-Malays have to pay more when purchasing a home and not allowed to buy Malay land?

    Under 1Malaysia, my application for a place at local university was rejected while my Malays friend whose SPM / STPM grades are far worse than mine were accepted?

    Under 1Malaysia, I have to find a job in Singapore after my STPM because my parents can’t afford to send me overseas (there was not many universities in Malaysia back then).

    Under 1Malaysia, the Chinese and Indians who were here longer in Malaysia than the Indonesians are treated like second or third class citizens while the second generation Indonesians are accepted as a bumiputera if they are Muslim.

    Under 1Malaysia, Chinese and Indians whose spouses are from China or India are facing a big problem because the Immigration Department refuse to give them permanent resident status while Indonesians whose motto is “GANYANG MALAYSIA” can easily get PR even though they are terrorist leaders.

    Under 1Malaysia, if Indonesian terrorist Abu Bakar Bashir, professional golfer like Vijay Singh, and Jet Li (who is now a Singaporean) applied for PR or citizenship at the same time, Abu Bakar Bashir will be given approval immediately while Vijay Singh’s and Jet Li’s application rejected.

    1Malaysia Boleh!

  17. That is why I said before 1malaysia is like the cover to a book with horrible and absolutely unreadable content!

    And in fact my neighbour’s dog told me that it means “woof woof” or “noise” in dog’s language. And why ask a dog? You may want to know. Well the true meaning of 1malaysia is quite clearly beyond me. In fact it is beyond everyone here I fear. So I had to ask a dog. Tried asking my daughter’s hamster, actually. But I got no reply. At least the dog woofed.

  18. 1Malaysia – you don’t understand, I don’t too. It is just another slogan shouting, just like Malaysia Boleh which turned out to nasty ‘macam macam boleh’.

    Please get on with your life and don’t worry about rhetorics – Malaysians are well known for that. Get a life mate!

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