Muhyiddin claim that BN unites various races in Malaysia never sounded so hollow when Umno most guilty playing racial card to cling to power

In the Bagan Pinang by-election, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin claims that the government would not allow any quarters to disrupt racial unity in the country and would promptly act against those who played up sensitive racial issues.

He said since the Barisan Nasional (BN) governed the country, it had managed to unite the various races which had different cultures, customs and religions.

Muhyddin’s claim that BN unites the various races in Malaysia has never sounded so hollow when Umno is most guilty of playing the racial card to cling to power.

It is now Pakatan Rakyat which has a more legitimate claim to represent the diverse races, cultures and religions in the country than Barisan Nasional as demonstrated by the results of the March 8 general elections last year and subsequent developments.

Even in the Bagan Pinang by-election, it is Umno which had been most irresponsible and divisive in its election tactics, starting from Nomination Day last Saturday with the vicious and racist mudslinging through two anonymous publications to incite communal hatred and animosities – “Wajah Sebenar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim: Nasib Orang Melayu Selangor” and “50 Kemusykilan Tentang Manusia Bernama Anwar Ibrahim” – to attack Khalid and Anwar as traitors of the Malay race.

Up to now, no Umno leader had denounced or apologised for these two racist tracts which bear all the marks of Umno sponsorship.

The Umno origin of these two racist tracts is most obvious as no leader from the other Barisan Nasional component parties, whether MCA, Gerakan or MIC, dare to condemn such racist mud-slinging and incitement for they would be directing their fire at Umno “Big Brother”.

It has been reported that the “growing irrelevance” of MCA, MIC, Gerakan and even PPP was a major theme at the retreat of the Umno divisional leaders last week.

What better example to illustrate the “growing irrelevance” of MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other BN component parties when their leaders dare not take a stand in the Bagan Pinang by-election on two issues, viz: (i) at the nomination of Tan Sri Mohd Isa Samad as the BN candidate despite his three-year suspension as Umno member for “money politics” but without being charged in court for corruption; and (ii) to denounce the dangerous and vicious race politics by the two Umno-sponsored books attacking Khalid and Anwar.

Will the Umno leaders allow the MCA, Gerakan and MIC leaders to publicly denounce the two Umno-sponsored books purveying race politics at its worst before the end of the Bagan Pinang by-election on Sunday to demonstrate that these BN component parties have not sunk into total irrelevance in Barisan Nasional and Malaysian politics?

40 Replies to “Muhyiddin claim that BN unites various races in Malaysia never sounded so hollow when Umno most guilty playing racial card to cling to power”

  1. Dear Kit,

    I used to remember that it used to be Ezam Mt Noor and NallaKarupan, whom will be sent as a frontline to denounce, attack and slander the PR esp PKR in every by-election. Obviously they are not effective and now are both histories. Since this is not effective they go back to publishing slanderous attack – a cowardly attack.

    For the result, somehow, if the majorities is further reduced, I can say that PR still won! But my 2 cents of opinion, I feel that PR will win.

    On another matter, to all the frogies, your time is short, You may gain in short terms in terms of monitories but come in next GE, surely BN will not nominate you and you will be just remembered as a frog whom betrayed the rakyat trust. For all that I can say, there is a hikmah in GE 12 that really showed those PR chosen representatives their true colors.

    Those whom fell into the trap and those that didn’t. By numbers many are from PKR. Being the new guy in town, I can say many will be tempted unlike the older brothers i.e DAP and PAS. Lesson learned hard.

    And please choose our future wakil rakyat with extreme careful! My recommendations:
    1. There should be a list of do’s & don’t, characteristic etc.
    2. If needed engage the consultant firm that can provide professional point of view – have a very stringent rules & regulation in selecting the right candidate for such position
    3. Some of the anti ex-BN hoppers said, there should be a cool off period when they enter PR, I suggest a three years grace period should be sufficient. Note : we could not afford another Perak happened here
    4. Professional qualification is a MUST

    Come GE 13, the battle will be more intensive and with god’s willing when PR won, there will be again another round of buy over etc esp I can see in Johor, Sabah and Sarawak – the new battleground for PR.

    And I do hope that the royalty when come in GE 13 will be neutral since I didn’t see this in the past. Next it will be the rakyat (through PR) vs BN, police, MACC, SPR, royalty, mass media etc. Thus PR must now be prepared.

  2. “…two anonymous publications to incite communal hatred and animosities – “Wajah Sebenar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim: Nasib Orang Melayu Selangor” and “50 Kemusykilan Tentang Manusia Bernama Anwar Ibrahim” – to attack Khalid and Anwar as traitors of the Malay race.”

    So what’s the Police, Internal Security Ministry etc doing or going to do? I know, they will summon all the ‘usual suspects’, like all the PR Perak Assemblymen, Mano, Ean, Teresa Kok, Khalid, …..

    “….the “growing irrelevance” of MCA, MIC, Gerakan and even PPP was a major theme at the retreat of the Umno divisional leaders last week.”

    They never were, are and will be, relevant. How can ornaments, statues and decorations be “relevant”?

    “…Will the Umno leaders allow the MCA, Gerakan and MIC leaders to publicly denounce the two Umno-sponsored books….”

    No. All the Chinese newspapers and msm have already been warned not to report anything negative against Isa and BN.

    We are 1Malaysia….Today.

  3. Muhi, go unite the Malays first lah! You lost one big portion of the Malay community to PAS those days, and you lost a further portion to Keadilan. Now, you lose another portion to DAP. Just how many more Malays are left in UMNO? And that may just be the reason UMNO is taking in pseudo-Malays and even willing to be led by the nose by a Mamak for 22 years!!!!

  4. Umno claimed that the multimedia supercorridor was a gift to the world.
    And that macc was a success even before it had done anywork.
    And that our angkasawan was an earth shaking success.
    And that malays will stand tall.
    And that we would develop a knowledge-based economy.
    And that we would have our own heavy industry.
    And that we would become a car manufacturing hub in SEA.
    And so many more claims. So many of them.
    Of course all of them failed or not realised.

    Now umno claimed that they have united all races.


    Dont know about that but I have a two ft long willy wagging between my legs. If umno’s claim is true then my statement is a fact.

  5. You should have seen the “1Malaysia” unity performance, courtesy of the Infomation Department (I think) at the BN ceramah last night.

    Yeah. We can sure dance. And we can “perform”.
    But can we “Unite”?

  6. Total utter nonsense.The malays are educated nowadays.You (BN) cannot hoodwink us anymore.NEP supposed to give the malays a fair share of the economic pie but it only enriches the politician.Khir Toyo’s whole family “educational’ trip costs millions.PKFZ’s Kuala Dimensi case involved politician ripping the country billions.Look you BN politian.Malaysian won’t let you rip us off anymore.

  7. Compounded by their irrelevance and pressure from their political master, both the insignificant MCA and MIC now merged into 1 party within the BN to take on PR in GE13, and hence the birth of a new party named Liberated Association of Nationalist Chinese and Indian Action Union (in short “LANCI__”.

  8. MCA/MIC/PPP/Gerakan are all irrelevant to the rakyat since 0308. Wasting time and breath just mentioning them.
    Just look at the two anonymous publications to incite communal hatred and animosities – “Wajah Sebenar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim: Nasib Orang Melayu Selangor” and “50 Kemusykilan Tentang Manusia Bernama Anwar Ibrahim” – to attack Khalid and Anwar as traitors of the Malay race.”
    What PDRM and Internal Security Ministry etc doing or going to do? I bet as usual, they will summon and make a big huha against all the opposition suspects.
    Anyone with a bit of common sense, will know these are the work of whom. This is Bolehland.

  9. Dear YB LKS,
    I been following your blog for the past 4 – 5 months with great interest and i just registered on your blog yesterday ( 5/10/2009). Your intention is good in order to unite the suppose ‘divided’ nation but alas to my dismay when i go thru’ comments that are being posted on yr blog i found out most of the commentators ( same old group of writers ) making saddist / racist / ungentleman remarks. So when u ask yr opponents to own up for the racist booklets and apologised then it’s only becoming a mockery ’cause u yourself allow yr blog to be manipulate by others who posted dirty, lousy language towards others, degrading others people, making accusations without any revelent evidence. U should clean your own house first b4 asking other to do the same. I can safely say that, the rakyat are fighting against one another (BN supporters vs PR supporters) but the politicians are good comrades behind our back. YB LKS if u really what JUSTICE TO BE DONE THEN SHOULD TABLE IN PARLIMENT THAT SAIFUL CASE SHOULD BE GIVEN A PRIORTY NOT ONLY TBH. Thanks.

  10. The way ‘Moo’yiddin and Hisha’moo’din are campaigning in this by-election spewing hatreds and racist statements, I am beginning to feel good because it tells me these people might know something we don’t i.e. they might just lose the poll. If PAS can retain the non-Malay votes i.e. at 32% and the 68% Malay votes split right down the middle, that would give PAS 66% of the votes. If only 1/3 of the Malay votes ie 22.5% goes to PAS, it will still win with a 54.5% of the votes…. the key is to hold the non-Malay votes intact. I am sure Makkal Sakthi Party and MIC and whatever will only confuse the Indian voters but these people have stayed with PAS last year and I am confident they will still be there. I don’t think they can sweet-talked since they have felt betrayal for 52 years….

  11. moo’s saying that the government will not allow any quaters to disrupt racial unity. actually, he means oppositions cannot do it but only UMNO CAN!!!!!! just like naSHIT, the talk of 1malaysia is a totally LIE to the world!!!

    these 2 men and everyone in bn should be taught a lesson…kick them out of the government as early as can because these are non-god fearing people!!!! so we will be ruled in hell by them if we still keep them!!!

  12. Muhyiddin is a whole bag of hot air, if u have not already noticed.

    Nothing of lasting importance has issued from his terms as MB Johor or Federal minister. So what makes anybody think that Muhyiddin will be different this time. His ascent to DPM’ship was luck plus sucking up to Dr M. But when UMNO is so short of talent, with the ilk like ISA, well…any Moo can do.

  13. Sebagai seorang perdana menteri Malaysia, Si Najis aka Najib tun Razak sanggup mengadai maruah kerajaan dan rakyat jelata dan menghalalkan politik wang dan rasuah di dalam UMNO dengan mengatakan bahawa Isa Tamak adalah calon terbaik bagi Pilihanraya kecil Bagan Pinang…Sungguh lucu dan tak malu!

    Maklumlah bunuh orang pun boleh jadi Perdana Menteri…apatah lagi cuma rasuah sahaja…tentu bolehlah jadi calon. …….Amanat Najib Tun Razak aka Najis.

  14. UMNO is only interested to win in Bagan Pinang and go against the empty slogan of “People First” as they filled a corrupted candidate ISa in the election. They will continue to manipulate the people of Port Dickson including MAlays, Chinese and especially Indian as they are the poorest!

    Kick these UMNO goon out of Port Dickson!

  15. no leader from the other Barisan Nasional component parties, whether MCA, Gerakan or MIC, dare to condemn such racist mud-slinging and incitement……(Kit)

    Malaysiakini (Chinese version) reported that already UMNO has stopped giving funds to MCA and Gerakan to take part in the Bagan Pinang by-election.

    If MCA or Gerakan dares condemn UMNO’s racist mud-slinging and incitement, wouldn’t they be kicked out of the BN family right away?

  16. These UMNO liars and cheap actors…led by Najib must have calculated…Bagan Pinang voters can be easily fooled again and again.
    Unity must what Bagan Pinang residents wants…so out come Muhyiddin shameless dirty political speech.
    Bagan Pinang can think and see…..who is dividing and who is uniting.
    They can think and see……12th GE..results giving more power to oppositions…to unite or disuniting.
    They can see PAS is corrupted or UMNO is corrupted.
    They can see….PAS have other races as members…meaning PAS is non racialist party.
    UMNO so call fights for Malays…MCA..MIC…for Chinese and Indians….come together and call themselves Barisan National.
    Do you believe MCA ..Gerakan…and MIC have equal powers to govern the country?
    Those are puppets and low class UMNO hyaenas….
    Let Muhyiddin do his acting and lying.
    Let Bagan Pisang think carefully……did the 12rh GE…giving mote power to PR…means.. to divide the people or to unite them.
    Who is dividing Perak?
    Are Selangor and Penang voters so backwards…gave PR powers to govern….to disunite Malaysians?
    Let Myhyiddin continue to act… lie and fool Malaysians. Lets see how many more can easily be fooled.

  17. Dear YB Lim,

    The following appears on the back cover of ‘Buku Latihan Bahasa Malaysia Tahun1;


    How do you and I parents explain this to our children and granr children. Please help me.

  18. Ramesh Laxman….UMNO will keep on programing school children how good they are.
    My Form 3 niece said.,..her teacher told the classmates….how great Mahathir and Najib are.
    Now you know…..brainwashing by UMNO is on….and children should trust parents more than anyone.
    Your children and grands are lucky to have you.
    Slowly explain.
    Tell them in papers and movies…TV…the see alot of advertisments. Tell them not to simply believe all those products are good… what they advertised.
    Then guide them slowly to focus on studies and not simply believe what are printed at back of books….until they understand what they are and not simply believe.
    I ask the Form 3 girl to ask questions.and she did…and based on her questions…I have convinced her…UMNO ministers is not good sincere people.
    You see……you have stages to rad the fight off brains being brainwashed.
    You need to be involved…to save your children and grands.

  19. “BN unites various races in Malaysia” – Muhyiddin.

    That claim by Moo is not far from the truth. I mix freely with many friends of all races. We are all very united when come election time. We all help the opposition parties in whatever way we can and vote for them. Thank you BN for your misdeeds unite us.

  20. The true Malays who are honest people are sick of UMNO and that’s why many have flocked to PAS.

    UMNO today is made up mostly of ‘pretend’ Malays like Dr. M or the immigrant Khir Toyo. Just look at Sabah and look at all the ‘imported bumiputeras’ there. It is places like these that you find the UMNO strongholds.

  21. I really don’t understand…..they are so many poor families in our country but everywhere and then i only hear
    UxNO wanted Unite and protect
    So …..united against WHAT?
    So …..Protect against WHAT?
    If they care for nation, then better off they scrap off the F1 project and use the $$$$ to feed the poor regardless from what race
    How to be proud of malaysia F1 team if
    everytime, everytrack, everyseasons, everywhere
    mostly NO.1 but…….from behind???

  22. Moohidin and the rest in UMNO are nothing but a pack of liers and swindlers! Look at Najib, he is the champion of dishonest sloganeering. First 1malaysia, and now he has the thick skin to talk about 1region and 1world when 1malaysia has produced nothing! The people of France should put him to shame in his upcoming trip.

  23. don’t they feel ashame of the slogan?
    even if he need to share his brilliant ideas of zero implementation….
    there’s few neighboring country to share such as singapore, thailand or indonesia
    better still, save money for transportation and accommodation and channel the rest of the money to poor kids!!
    think LK.YEW should be laughing whole time
    imagine…..hmm……small concrete island beat bigger country? misson impossible?
    that’s mission possible for sin
    i have been there so….i know……..actually concrete small island really beat bolehland

  24. Hmmmmm.

    Looks like “Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang” is dead, like the DODO.

    Dollah 37 had 10 commandments for his Harihari thingy. Looks like its dead and forgotten too.

    But Najib has only 8 commandments for his 1Malaysia thingy.

    And now in Paree he espouses the 1World to the whole world.

    What’s next? 1Galaxy? To include them Martians, Moonies, Uranuses, Plutonians, Jupitans and more?

  25. asmehane says:

    Dear Sir, do you truly and honestly believe that Saiful has been denied justice and needs LKS to champion him in parliament? You seem to be a gentleman chastising people who made unreasonable comments here and I look forward to be convinced by you that Saiful needs LKS to champion him.

  26. ” … u yourself allow yr blog to be manipulated by others who posted dirty, lousy language towards others, degrading others people, making accusations without any revelent evidence. U should clean your own house ..” asmehane

    There’s only one and that is limkamput ..>> he has been booted out.

  27. YB Uncle Lim KS,

    We believe that the new Pakatan Rakyat’s manifesto of REJECT BN, REUNITE MALAYSIANS, RESTORE JUSTICE will provide a road map for 1Malaysian Malaysia slogan.

    Today, we want a strong and united Pakatan Rakyat. We want all Pakatan leaders who serves the Malaysians and not their own interests.

    DAP and PAS infighting and differences must ceased immediately and get rid of the “marriage of convenience” in Pakatan Rakyat. Malaysians are fed up with DAP and PAS war of words and behaved worst than Mat Rempits.

    The Future of All Malaysians people are in OUR VOTES but the future longevity or diminishing of Pakatan Rakyat in next 13GE are in YOUR DAP and PAS HANDS.

  28. It looks like asmehane is trying be too smart to corner LKS to do this and that…in the name of fair play and justice…where dozens of unjust and unfair actions by UMNO are known to Malaysians…yet he kept ignoring ALL.
    Truths are all powerful.
    No matter how much one to twist…in the end….truths always win.
    Truth hurts…as the first sign….and that is my kopitiam style to speak without fear.
    What more with so much love and understandings from guys in this blog.
    Less educated we are….kopitiam fellas are sincere and dead against MCA and Gerakan.
    Those idiots know that all along…trying so hard to use Chinese schools ..temples…preserving Chinese cultures to buy Malaysian Chinese loyalties…to agree to be divided and be ruled by UMNO.
    All along..MCA and Gerakan needed Malay votes to succeed..yet the felt no shame.
    You have one Muslim here..trying so hard to show how smart…Malays are..and he is absolutely right.
    The differences is…this asmehane is an UMNO hyaena…exactly like those MCA nd Gerakan jackals.. and majority Malays are really not supporting UMNO right now.. and as hungry as others to throw UMNO and BN out into orbit.
    Some need high dosages of medicine to wake up…so I write and speak like a jungle man…which UMNO loves to bring all back to become that …anyway.
    To beat them…we must never be afraid.

  29. EC will never be neutral in any election as proven in past 12GEs.

    So this is it –

    So Sabah politicians in the opposition front should
    consider to contest on single platform to avoid problems
    like this in the next snap GE 13 any time now.

    PR may miss the boat again if it fails to registered a single
    identity soon.

    EC may then play havoc with removing component parties
    not contesting respective state and parliament seats. This
    would fatigue the opposition in this unpredictable tussle and
    wasting scarce resources – human and money in the short campaign period.

    Joshua Kong, PM for IGGG in Malaysia.

    EC should be seen as neutral, says Kit Siang
    Posted by admin
    Wednesday, 07 October 2009 03:18
    Written by Yong Min Wei, The Edge

    The DAP has reminded the Election Commission (EC) to play its role as a neutral body and not concentrate on removing campaign materials of parties not contesting in the Bagan Pinang state by-election.

    pw: N.Y aery

  30. And please choose our future wakil rakyat with extreme careful! (#2 by nazryan)

    Let me add another recommendation to nazryan’s list:

    5. Do not select candidates who are heavily in debts or whose spouse is heavily in debts. These candidates, when become MPs, may use political defection as a means to rake in quick cash to pay off their debts (as what happened to DAP’s ex-lawmakers Lee and Hee).

  31. Sheriff Singh says:
    “BN unites various races in Malaysia” – Muhyiddin.
    No, no, no. Muhyiddin was misquoted (as usual). It should be:
    “BN unties various races in Malaysia” – Muhyiddin.

    This is UMNO’s actual intention. Divide and rule….

  32. Umno’s actual intention? Dont know. Wot they do huh? Take money lor. Wot els they do? Dont know. Learly 1. I dont know. Take money. Take money. Take money lor. Then build mansion lor. Palace lor. Buy felali lor. Plyvate jet and many many things. They hoh corruption ok 1. Corruption orso got another chance 1.

    Huh? Umno unite laces ah? Why umno got chinese inside ah? Got many indian inside ah? Ya hoh. Mamak got many. But why pas malay orso dont want dem. You say why lah? Why PKR malays orso dont want dem? They say unite unite unite only mah. All stupid nonsense. Anyhow simply simply say. Suka suka say only. Always simply simply say this say dat. Say 3 say 4. All orso not true 1. See angsakawan. Dog and monkey orso can angsakawan. Old man hoh orso can. Money only ma.

    I no elucasion so I speak bely no good. But I not stupid 1. Think I stupid ah? No. Not stupid 1. They give milo and 100 lollar I take lah. Who dont wan to take. Take lah. My own money buy 1 wat. I pay tax ma. So my money hoh they use 2 buy milo ma. I sure take. Got kill long no give chance.

  33. I saw something sickening TODAY in the newspaper. There he was picture perfect, wide devilish grin, talking to an old chinese lady pledging help. He said he will look into this matter TODAY. The poor old lady will receive monthly allowance from welfare dept starting TODAY. So will her son I think starting TODAY.

    Where were you YESTERDAY, Isa? Will we see you again after TODAY, Isa?

    Jeezzz. There goes my breakfast.

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