Najib’s defence of Isa’s corruption offence a mega-tonne explosion demolishing his NKRA to “fight corruption”

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s defence of Tan Sri Mohd Isa Ismail’s corruption offence as only a “technical matter” is a mega-tonne explosion demolishing one of the six National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) he announced on his Hundred Day as Prime Minister – “fighting corruption”.

Responding to the unabated criticisms of the choice of Isa as Umno/Barisan Nasional candidate for Bagan Pinang by-election, Najib told Malaysian students in Paris that Isa was chosen based on his capability and popularity, and that Isa’s offence was only a technical matter within UMNO and did not involve the judiciary of the country.

Najib said the question is whether Isa deserved a second chance or not, pointing out that in our system, even a criminal gets a second chance and can contest the post after serving his or her punishment.

Najib’s argument and logic are full of holes and do not stand up to scrutiny. They merely expose the hollowness and hypocrisy of the Najib administration in declaring “fighting corruption” as one of the six NKRA priority areas for constant assessment of “key performance indicators”.

Nobody would begrudge Isa being given a second chance if he had been fully punished for his offence of corruption, but this is not the case.

There can be no dispute by anyone that money politics whether in Umno or any other political party is pure corruption as has been publicly admitted by the former de facto Minister Datuk Dr. Rais Yatim and the current Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief Commissioner, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan.

There are two questions at issue:

• firstly why Isa had not been charged in court for the corruption offence for which he had been suspended for three years as Umno member; and

• secondly, why the Prime Minister, the Attorney-General and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission continue to close their eyes to the corruption offence committed by Isa as there is no statute of limitation for corruption prosecution and whether a policy decision had been taken to grant immunity to Isa from any corruption prosecution to allow him to contest as a candidate in the Bagan Pinang by-election.

In these circumstances, Najib had been wrongly advised in claiming that Isa had been punished for his offence and had paid for his deeds – when Isa had not even been charged in the court of law for his corruption offence.

49 Replies to “Najib’s defence of Isa’s corruption offence a mega-tonne explosion demolishing his NKRA to “fight corruption””

  1. Defending Isa, Najib says even a criminal deserves a second chance.

    So let’s ask Christ to resurrect Nordin Top from his grave and send him back to Indon to bomb more infidels there to hell

  2. Second chance huh? How I wish altantunya had a second chance. Wot did she do wrong to deserve death by bodily disintegration? And wot did beng hock do wrong to deserve death by falling from great height? And kugan too. Where are their second chance? Where?

    Vote the enemy of our country out of government!

  3. I think our PM got his values and ethics all mixed up. Yes some criminals deserve a second chance but they don’t get a second chance to be an ADUN or potentially to become a MB who may affect the livelihood of millions. Is he implying that we have no good men and women left to administer and manage this country? To be leaders, it is more than normal ethical standard we expect from the common folks. That is why potential leaders of our neighbour in the south have to go through vigorous tests and evaluation before they are selected as parliamentary candidates. How can we ever achieve great stuff when whatever we do here is in reserve, sad sad sad.

  4. ‘mega-tonne’ explosion? Of what? All his crap like 1Malaysia and fight against corruption? they were a cheap B-movie, so what is there to explode?

    But hey Minister of KPI – the girlyman known as Koh Tsu Koon and Idris Jala.. What happens when THE BOSS fails his own KPI?

  5. Mr Moderator, pls refer 2 comment # 1, i dont care what religion # 1 possess pls pls respect the dead, let him ‘nordin’ rest in peace, let him face Allah for the deed he done, pls don’t mix religion with politics. For comment # 2 pls be advice that those involved in Altantunya had been charged, tried and sentenced in court, pls don’t make assumption if u don’t has the trust in the legal system, 4 tbh, the inquiry in still in the process, let law take it’s course finally 4 Kugan, someone had been charged in court, let the court conduct the trial without fear or favour. When talking about criminal given the 2nd chance, i not mistaken YB LimGE n YB A.Ibrahim also had been given their 2nd chance. If we Malaysians to win election MUST WE MUD SLING EACH OTHER N BEHAVE LIKE GANGSTERS. I 4 1 had been the silent majorities, we do surf internet but we don’t slash out ******** or condemn any individual with harsh n ungentleman words. Go ahead voice your opinions but with gentleman style. By pointing a specific personalities as ENEMY OF THE COUNTRY ’cause of difference political ideology is as the same as dividing the soceity. I dont relly care who win or lose in BP cause it make no difference in the present political scenario but must we create a scene that will lead further breakdown between races. What had happen 2 our soceity since March 2008 MUST BE PUT TO REST DON’T AGGREAVATE FURTHER.

  6. What do you expect fellow Malaysians?

    Najib with so much garbage at his backyard allows to be the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

    No surprise more and more garbage happening in this nation with such tainted politician be the PM.

  7. He is a gone case….a low class tongue twisting dirty politician.
    He needs his adopted father to help him out…..and wait for father and son repeat performances.
    One an forget 14 times in 30 minutes…swearing to tell thew truths…one can swear telling the truths
    Both love to swear ….to tell the truths……but the father is teaching Najib how to swear to tell the truths by the Koran… and utter..all lies..,.fearing nothing…because UMNO makes all the rules and is governing.
    Mahathir can allow prisoner to go home every day. UMNO can do anything!!
    “Why worry?”……. first lesson from father to son.

  8. The battle may be between a political heavy weight Isa, who has been found guilty of money politics, and novice Zulkefly who is yet to be tested but the main issue in this election is corruption. The people of Bagan Pinang must decide who between the two candidates will be in a better position to fight to rid of this vice that has plagued the nation for too long and undermining every effort to elevate the nation to a developed status.

    What is needed is for candidate to be free of corruption, is trustworthy, and is willing to go down to serve the rakyat. The people must be their judge to decide who that is.

    The people know one thing for sure – hardly any corruption in Pakatan ruled states and I am sure will accordingly.

    The politicians have taken the voters wisdom and maturity for granted all these years. The voters today are mature enough to decide for themselves the good and bad of each candidate. They cannot be hoodwinked by the antics and empty promises by the political parties anymore.

  9. Now this pitiable vassal, the “1 Malaysia” king is being summoned to the throne of the French overload to pay obeisance. This is akin to the annual tribute exacted by the Chinese emperor on his vassals such as the Malacca Sultanate and the Majapahit empire in olden times.

    Be rest assured that most of the mega projects will be awarded to French interests in the coming years. This is how the French will squeeze the balls of this king from the Malay peninsula.

  10. Why is Najib ‘associating’ Isa with criminals, saying “even criminals deserve a second chance”? Why isn’t Isa given a chance to clear his tarnished name in a court of law. Charge him for corruption and, if he is innocent, let the court of justice absolve him, not UMNO politicians!

    Why should Najib and UMNO take risks with even the remotest ‘criminal-like’ candidates? Criminals given a second chance are ususally asked to wash toilets, clean drains, sweep the streets. Here najib and Muhyiddin says this Isa, even with his not-so-criminal, maybe slightly criminal or somewhat criminal-like record, is good enuf to hold public office.

    Good grief. Now I don’t want any part to do with criminals. So I am not only anti-ISA, I am also anti-Najib, anti-Muhyiddin and anti-UMNO and anti-BN. Where is the logic – UMNO says criminals or somewhat criminal-like or ‘how-do-you-describe-that-again’ can hold public office without first paying their penance at Batu Caves. This is everything that’s wrong with Malaysian KPIs!!!!! People can just get away scot-free with murder – figuratively or literally, you decide-lah!!!!

  11. Ular ajar anak apa macam jalan pun boleh..kiri kanan…balek sini… balok sana….pun boleh jadi satu bola….rollin dan rockin.
    di UMNO banyat ular ini macam nya.
    Mereka Malaysians sudah siap dan tetap undi…PR…buang… UMNO pergi di Tong Sampah.

  12. These jokers continue to amuse me. Now a proven corrupt practice which they fail to charge in the civil court is called “technical matter”. In my opinion, there are a few possibilities.
    • The moral values in this political party is so low that their best choice is this man whom
    even their own disciplinary committee found guilty. The rest of the leaders in the party do not see anything wrong with what this particular joker did.

    • This is the man with the money and without him the party would have finical problem.

    • This man knows all the loop holes in getting more money so that all the cronies are rewarded accordingly.

    This decision is in complete contempt of moral, ethical and religious values. This party should be voted out beginning now at Bangan Pinang.

  13. For those Negeri Sembilan residents who are close to the Umno politicians, it is not difficult for them to find out that the present MB of Negeri Sembilan is the right hand man of PM Najib. When MB Dato Sri Hj Mohd Hj Hassan said that he was the person who first told Isa to get ready for the by-election even though the late Bagan Pinang State Assemblyman was still in coma stage, he could have received the instruction much earlier from his immediate boss Najib on the matter of allowing Tan Sri Isa Samad to have a come back to Umno Politics.

    To allow Isa to come back may be a smart, albeit risky, move of Mohd Hassan based on expediency in view of Mohd Hassan’s imperatively needing to mobilise support from all the fighting factions in Negeri Sembilan Umno in the name of party unity. Nevertheless, Mohd Hassan will never dare to promise a State EXCO membership for Isa Samad because Isa is still an outcast in the eyes of present Royal Family of Negeri Sembilan, due to Isa Samad’s bias against present Tuanku’s family during his 22 years’ tenure serving as the MB. By befriending Isa Samad, Mohd Hassan may also weaken the influence of Lenggeng State Assemblyman, who has launched several fierce attacks on the elder brother of Mohd Hassan, who was a veteran Umno party leader in Negeri Sembilan, accusing the latter of interferring the State Government’s operations through nepotism.

    Even though Isa may win Bagan Pinang by-election, he will never go too far in his political career due to his being blacklisted and unwelcome by the present Royal Family because of his past unfair treatment to the present Royal Family. Najib’s second chance to Isa may mean that Najib has desperately adopted a “divide and rule” bypass strategy in the party administration of Umno in view of the super tough hindrances and obstacles lying ahead on the road towards strengthening his personal grasp of party power. The bypass strategy is actually meant for the purpose of buying time through pacifism in order to avoid outbreak of direct conflicts among all the warlords within Umno itself.

    By choosing Isa Samad as the candidate for Bagan Pinang by-election, Najib’s biggest loss is not in Bagan Pinang but is in Umno itself. How far could Umno still achieve when Najib only managed to send a message to the whole world that he himself personally gave endorsement to Money Politics through the behaviour of accepting indiscriminately a candidate choice whom already had his political image tainted by convicted corruption practices during Umno party election in the past?

  14. Undertaker888 will meet me at Bagan Pinang on Saturday afternoon. The more the merrier for a tea tarek and roti chanai…or mee goring.
    Maybe all can chant….”Umno minang…biasa la…lawan detap lawan lagi. PAS minang…UMNO wayang habis..lialo…cetapok”

  15. ///Nevertheless, Mohd Hassan will never dare to promise a State EXCO membership for Isa Samad because Isa is still an outcast in the eyes of present Royal Family of Negeri Sembilan, due to Isa Samad’s bias against present Tuanku’s family during his 22 years’ tenure serving as the MB…… Even though Isa may win Bagan Pinang by-election, he will never go too far in his political career due to his being blacklisted and unwelcome by the present Royal Family because of his past unfair treatment to the present Royal Family./// – Onlooker Politics in comment # 22 on October 6th, 2009 00:11.

    This may no longer be true.

    Isa might have some problems with members of Tuanku Jaafar’s family but you will recall NS Undangs recently by-passed Tunku Naquiyuddin from
    Tuanku Jaafar’s family for position of 11th Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan in favour of Tuanku Muhriz from the other (half uncle, the late Tuanku Munawir ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman) side of the family.

    This is what Wikipedia on subject of “Tuanku Muhriz” said (ie if you believe it): ” Tuanku Muhriz also has powerful backers within the political establishment in the state, with the former state Chief Minister Tan Sri Isa Samad among his supporters….” (reciprocal).

    Isa is interested in Bagan Pinang by-election because if elected he wants former position of MB (which needs blessing of present Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan). How could he hope be MB if he were still blacklisted and unwelcomed by the present NS Royal Family?

    This cannot be. Isa might not be so interested if (say) current Yang di-Pertuan Besar is from Tuanku Jaafar/Tunku Naquiyuddin ‘s side of family.

    Ref –

  16. What I mean is that Isa, if elected, will be appointed state exco (which needs present Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan’s endorsement) and next in line to take over MB slot from current MB Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan. Lets be realistic. Isa was ex MB and won’t be contented with state exco member’s position. Neither Isa nor his backers at Federal Govt would support his candidacy with the view of his being elected and getting the state ex co member position going ultimately to MB position – at great cost of public flak and opposition attack on Isa’s previous money politics record – if it were otherwise felt that the present Royal family of NS has any problem in giving Ruler’s approval for Isa’s appointment to State Ex-co or MB eventually.

  17. What is a technical corruption? To me, it is just playing with words.

    I wonder if the judge can accept a defence like, “Bukan saya nak rogol dia, tapi dia tak nak kasi,” hehehee. A technical rape, so to speak. If the girl does not object, there would have been no rape, so to speak.

    Anyway, they can go and tell Allah, “Ohhhh, saya cuma melakukan dosa teknikal.”

  18. Why 2nd chance for him? Are you telling us that there is no more “Clean” man around in Umno? What do you mean by technical corruption? A corruption is a corruption, you don’t have to explain more!

  19. Dear Mr Moderator’
    With reference to comment #28.
    “Anyway, they can go and tell Allah, ‘Ohhhh, saya cuma melakukan dosa teknikal.’
    My question, it’s worthy or it’s berbaloi to mention the word ALLAH in that sentence to prove one’s point just to win 1 by election. Maybe the commentor is too carry away or just has the bad intention while posting the comment. Go ask any Mufti or Nik Aziz, if anybody had been mention in The Quran had been able to see and talk with ALLAH ’cause the why the commentor #28 say, “they can go and tell Allah” means they go see and talk to HIM. Hope u as the moderator able to perform yr duty without fear or favourism just in order to win a by-election. TQ

  20. Jeffrey,
    I have good reason to believe that the following paragraph of wikipedia needs to be amended because of some accuracy problem:
    “Tuanku Muhriz has throughout his life established and maintained strong ties with the Undangs, the general nobility, the lesser royalty and people of Negeri Sembilan, and more so since moving back to the state a few years ago. He also has powerful backers within the political establishment in the state, with the former state Chief Minister Tan Sri Isa Samad among his supporters.”

    As far as I know, Tuanku Muhriz had established a strong tie with only two Dato Undangs of Negeri Sembilan throughout the early stage of his life. One was the late Dato Undang of Johol, who was believed to be a close relative of Tuanku Muhriz’s late mother (the wife of Tuanku Munawir). The other one is Dato Undang of Sungai Ujong. Tuanku Muhriz hardly knew the present Dato Undang of Rembau until mid 2000s because Haji Muhamad Sharip (a former JKR officer) was elected as the Dato Undang only in year 2003. Tuanku Muhriz’s connection with Dato Undang of Jelebu might have been done secretly in the past when Tuanku Jaafar was still alive (through a new access road from Ampang to Jelebu). Tuanku Muhriz never moved back to Negeri Sembilan until he was elected as the Yang Dipertuan Besar. He lived in Klang area in the past (partly to keep his residential address secretive from Tuanku Jaafar).

    The present MB Dato Seri Hj Mohamad Hj Hassan married to a close cousin of Tuanku Muhriz. Tuanku Muhriz does have siblings. However, some of his siblings already changed their name status to commoner as a contingency plan to keep their royal blood hidden from the public (also for the sake of personal safety). The person who was said to move back to Negeri Sembilan from other state could be one of Tuanku Jaafar’s younger brother.

  21. Onlooker, your comments #31 on accuracy of “Tuanku Muhriz has throughout his life established and maintained strong ties with the Undangs, the general nobility, the lesser royalty and people of Negeri Sembilan, and more so since moving back to the state a few years ago” are noted, with thanks.

    The material issue is relationship between present Negri Royal house and current Yang di-Pertuan Besar,Tuanku Muhriz whose endorsement of Tan Sri Isa is necessary for Isa to be appointed by current NS MB Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan to the NS state ex-co if Isa wins in Bagan Pinang paving the way to future MB’s post.

    So do you think that the other part of Wikipedia’s information (more related to above issue) is accurate – “Tuanku Muhriz also has powerful backers within the political establishment in the state, with the former state Chief Minister Tan Sri Isa Samad among his supporters….” – which implies reciprocity?

  22. Roman Polanski the child rapist has found out that criminals are forgiven and allowed to have second chances here, so he has applied for Malaysian citizenship. Also moving here are Comrade Duc from Cambodia and mullah Omar from Afghanistan.

  23. //So do you think that the other part of Wikipedia’s information (more related to above issue) is accurate – “Tuanku Muhriz also has powerful backers within the political establishment in the state, with the former state Chief Minister Tan Sri Isa Samad among his supporters….” – which implies reciprocity?// (Jeffrey)

    As a matter of fact, Tan Sri Isa is a clever opportunist who knows when to turn his steering after the death of Tuanku Jaafar. It is also a matter of fact that the Royal Subject will need money to survive, especially when leading a rural life in a situation of long-term unemployment with several wives to support.
    It is no surprised for me to see that Tan Sri Isa has since then made up his personal relationship with the New Royal House after he has stepped down from the post of MB.

    The New Royal House was quite disappointed with the former MP of Rembau, Dato Mohamad Rais, who was said to be the person who could embrace the body of former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi when they met. Since Dato Mohamad Rais was an experienced construction contractor, many state-operated road construction projects had been awarded to him by NS State Government in view of his forming a conglomerate which includes the prodigal son of present Dato Undang of Rembau. Dato Mohamad Rais did not perform well in his contract award. That was probably the main reason why the New Royal House started to appreciate the management capability of Tan Sri Isa, simply because the New Royal House have always had the interest of Negeri Sembilan people at heart.

    Tan Sri usually awarded the state-operated road construction projects to a Chinese Muslim by the name of Shukor (originally from Jelebu but now lives in Rembau). Shukor obviously is a much more efficient contractor as compared to Mohamad Rais. Therefore, there is good reason for the New Royal House to reconsider using Tan Sri Isa in a way which will benefit the whole Negeri Sembilan. However, Tan Sri Isa may not be appointed as an EXCO member because the New Royal House is still beware of his corruption record in the past. The New Royal House is surrounded by some pragmatic advisors!

  24. Limkamput, I don’t think that our PM got his values and ethics mixed up.
    He has none of those in the first place!
    The earlier Malaysians realise that, the better!!
    Just concentrate having the PR take over the reigns of the Federal Government.

  25. With BN, you are luckier than cats. You get more than 9 lives each. In fact, they get 12 each and they are all expiring soon. So in PRU13, we the tax payers and the paymasters shall terminate their service and engage PR.

  26. Onlooker Politics, thanks for the comments #37. I personally think that Tan Sri Isa’s appointment as an EXCO member upon being elected will be endorsed by the new Royal household. I don’t think he would run as candidate without first covering that angle.

  27. Re #42
    Seriously too premature to be concerned with issue like that. Besides, it is imputing too much power into certain institution which is not there in the first place. Don’t surrender the power of rakyat too eagerly. This is just one of my numerous wise contributions.

  28. “Najib said the question is whether Isa deserved a second chance or not, pointing out that in our system, even a criminal gets a second chance and can contest the post after serving his or her punishment.”

    Najib’s argument that Isa should be given a second chance as ‘even a criminal gets a second chance’ -is a lame excuse! No doubts that a criminal is given a chance to rebuild his life after serving the appropriate sentences….. But in Mohd Isa case, he is going for a public office -a people’s representative. He will have to access to millions Ringgit of people’s money in the form of constituency allocation and development funds, etc…

    For this position, the people need a person whose integrity is beyond reasonable doubts.. As Mohd Isa has been found guilty of corruption(term softened by UMNO as money politics), his integrity is now not ‘beyond reasonable doubts – sort of questionable character’..

    Perhaps he has repented….. and perhaps not…. only God knows….

    So the people can’t leave it to chances. As human beings, we have limitation -we don’t know whether a person who has previously corrupt is now really no longer corrupt! Sure we can give Mohd Isa a second chance -he can do own business and contribute to the society in different ways-but letting him holding a public office is a ‘Big No!’

    When public funds and power are involved, we only can elect a person with a clean record! We can’t leave it to chances! We can risk the people’s money by electing someone with doubtful character.

    Remember..bad habits die hard!

    Bagan Pinang’s electorates must be wise in exercising their rights.

  29. Read more in malaysiafree2008.blospot

    Sebagai seorang perdana menteri Malaysia, Si Najis aka Najib tun Razak sanggup mengadai maruah kerajaan dan rakyat jelata dan menghalalkan politik wang dan rasuah di dalam UMNO dengan mengatakan bahawa Isa Tamak adalah calon terbaik bagi Pilihanraya kecil Bagan Pinang…Sungguh lucu dan tak malu!

    Maklumlah bunuh orang pun boleh jadi Perdana Menteri…apatah lagi cuma rasuah sahaja…tentu bolehlah jadi calon. …….Amanat Najib Tun Razak aka Najis.

  30. #3 by limkamput

    Good comment. I hope Najib gets to read it and do some soul-searching. It would be good too if those who are thinking of voting for Isa Samad can understand the difference between those deserving a second chance and those who should not be given a second chance.

  31. How can a corrupted person fight corruption?


    Dad reminds Najib of his stake in the Altantuya affair

    I am sorry I could not be in Paris, France to meet Mr. Najib Razak, while he is on his official tour as Prime Minister of Malaysia. I am sick and have been hospitalised due to poor health. I had so wished to speak to Mr Najib and send him this message and to shake his hand. I tried to meet him at the Malaysian Parliament in 2007, but he left the House early and my trip there was not complete.

    “She died during the month of Ramadhan in 2006?

    It’s been three painful years since my daughter Altantuya Shaariibuu died mercilessly in the hands of the Malaysian Royal Police. She died on October 19, 2006, during the month of Ramadham, which is one of the holiest months for the Muslims.

    “How do I explain her murder to her two sons?”

    She was blown up by military explosives and the reason for her grotesque murder is still unknown until today. Although the two policemen(Azilah Shaari and Sirul Omar) involved in her murder has been convicted and are facing a death sentence, my family and I are still unable to explain to my two grandsons, Altantuya’s sons- Altanshagai and Multanshagai – that their mother had died so violently and cruelly in a far away land called Malaysia.

    “She died while working for Malaysia”

    I hope PM. Mr. Najib Razak enjoys his trip to France, where a deal with a French company which his close friend Abdul Razak Baginda help brokered led to the circumstances surrounding my daughter’s murder. It cannot be denied that she died being a translator for a Malaysian company to purchase French submarines worth a billion Euros and know of many things that the neither the Malaysian nor the French public know about.

    “Two more orphaned children in the world”

    I have filed a civil suit against the two policemen and the Malaysian government to compensate for the death of my daughter. She was the soul bread winner of her two sons. Now her two children are left orphans and I am very uncertain of their future and my wife and I are growing in years and we are not wealthy people. It is only fair and just that the Malaysian government take responsibility for what had happenned to my daughter.

    “Why did the court choose to ignore Musa Safri?”

    The two policemen committed this most hideous murder of my then 28 year old daughter while being under the service of Najib Razak, who was then Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister. Najib’s aide de camp, DSP Musa Safri was reported to have told the policeman (chief inspector Azilah) to help Abdul Razak Baginda, deal with Altantuya, when she was said to be visiting him to ask for her commissions. However, Musa Safri was never asked to appear in court to be questioned about his involvement in this case.

    “Najib acts as if nothing has happenned”

    With so many closely linked to Najib in this murder, it is impossible and irresponsible for Najib to now wash his hands off this mater and act as if none of this tragedy has befallen my daughter and my family.

    “Would she have died if the French deal was fair and transparent?”

    The French company involved in the Malaysian deal also cannot escape with impunity. My daughter would not have met her cruel death if the deal had been transparent and fair.

    “Let her not die in vain”

    I appeal on behalf of my deceased daughter, my wife, my two grandsons and all Mongolian citizens, not to let my daughter Altantuya die in vain. Her body may have been blasted into a million unrecognisable pieces, but our hearts remain one: to seek justice for my beloved daughter, to put her spirit to rest, and to ensure her orphaned son have a reasonable future.

    Thank you.

    Sincerely, from a Mongolia citizen whose daughter was murdered by police in Malaysia:Dr Shaariibuu Setev.

  32. If I know about your crimes and you too know about my crimes, it will be in our best interest to become buddy-buddy and to defend each other when one party is in trouble. That aptly applies to Najib and Isa. By saying that Isa’s corruption offence is a “technical matter” Najib will be expecting Isa to return his ‘kind deed’ later on and say that his link to the Ah Tan Toya case is a “technical matter”

    We see plenty characters like Najib and Isa in movies. They may appear to be helping each other but, like in the movie, one is hoping for the other to die faster so that there will be one person less who knows about the crimes of the one still living.

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