Bagan Pinang…there is no Plan B (part two)

by Hussein Hamid

UMNO’s championing of Ketuanan Melayu from the time of Mahathir is not the result of its beliefs in the superiority of the Malay race nor was it looking at raising the lot of the Malays to what was promised in the context of the NEP. It was simply a ploy for the rise and rise of UMNO’S to its dominant position in Malaysian Politics so that they could enrich themselves to their hearts content….and their hearts are not content yet! .And so with Mahathir begun the divide and rule of the Malaysian people.

But now the Rakyat has seen that the rot has set in. We can see how precisely this policy was being used. In the enriching of the UMNO elite but not the Malays.

UMNO could not.

In the injustice and sufferings it had caused to the non-Malays by denying them basic rights and decency in a country they call home.

UMNO could not.

In the abuse perpetuated on its own people through PDRM, the Judiciary etc necessary to ensure effective imposition of its divide and rule policies – resulting in the death in custody of many many of it’s citizens, the ISA and the deliberate imposition of an all consuming passion to stifle dissent and opposition to its rule.

UMNO could not.

While we the Rakyat understood the inevitability of change as borne out in the last General Elections. .

UMNO could not!

Despite the last General Election results UMNO was adamant that it faced no immediate danger that would result in its demise. What has ‘helped’ UMNO cope with the crisis of losing 50% of the Rakyat’s votes was it’s inability to look within itself for renewal, for rejuvenation, for change. To UMNO the fault lies without.

This is what UMNO parrots. The Malays were being played out by the rantings of Anwar who will sell religion, race and country for political power. The Indians are not grateful for what President Samy Velu and UMNO has done for MIC. The Chinese are always against the Malays and they are instigating the Malays to go against UMNO so that political power will be in the hands of DAP. UMNO has been misunderstood. It had all the while been fighting to protect the rights of the Malays, the honor of the Malays and the wealth of the Malays….and UMNO tirades against it’s own people goes on and on.

Here comes the irony of UMNO’s calling ‘wolf’ too many times….we the people have become immune to these kind of talk from UMNO.. ….and now the icing on the cake, Bagan Pinang!

All the king’s horses, all the king’s men….all that they have said….. Expediency is still the prime consideration for UMNO. Always the need to make a quick profit from business opportunity overcomes all other consideration. The inability to wait made it all right for Najib to work with one pliant and two corrupt MP in Perak to grab that state from it’s rightful elected government. It also made it all right for Najib to meet and collude with that sorry excuse for a human being to conjure up another sodomy charge against Anwar. Najib with Altantuya? No he denied it in the name of ALLAH! Let me tell him this – an accusation like that made of you and Altantuya – if not answered in court becomes true within days!

And now Isa. When will they ever learn? From the moment they decided on Isa there have already lost the war. What is one battle in a war of attrition that will culminate in the next General Elections not too far away? It might be one battle but we want to win this battle at Bagan Pinang! Not by reducing UMNO’s majority but by ensuring that Pakatan Rakyat will win – even if it is with one solitary vote!

And so that is why you who are close enough to go to Bagan Pinang for Pakatan Rakat – you must make the time and go. Go and do what you can if it is even to just stand amongst our people and our cause.

A few minutes ago I received this email from a friend: “ The guy who takes care of my house here, when I am away, tells me that BN will win here for sure. And, he looks depressed. He says that voters each are getting RM100, a huge tin of Milo, and something else that I can’t remember. How lah like this, he asked me! Opposition cannot lawan if like this. The people here are very poor lah!”

Najib this is what your people are doing in Bagan Pinang…as if you do not know!

One thing we know now friend. UMNO focus has now shifted to survival mode. The naming of Isa confirms that. But UMNO is not on life support yet….we have to work harder! Our best defense is offense. And the only offense is relentless!

29 Replies to “Bagan Pinang…there is no Plan B (part two)”

  1. Who is the real enemy of the state? Umno!
    Who is the real enemy of the people? Umno!
    They rob our land and our resources.
    They take away our rights.
    They deprive us of a government.
    They fielded monkeys are candidates for elections and expect us to vote them, the police and the army to protect them, the judiciary to favour them and the country to feed them.
    This cannot be right.
    Throw isa into the sewer. Flush him down the toilet. Deny his return. Vote pakatan.

  2. “UMNO’s championing of Ketuanan Melayu from the time of Mahathir is not the result of its beliefs in the superiority of the Malay race nor was it looking at raising the lot of the Malays to what was promised in the context of the NEP. It was simply a ploy for the rise and rise of UMNO’S to its dominant position in Malaysian Politics so that they could enrich themselves to their hearts content…

    So aptly said. And you may also like to add that Mahathir, being of South Indian paternal lineage, wanted to prove himself more Malay than Malay.

  3. According to TheMalaysiaInsider report of Oct 5 under title “Defending Isa, Najib says even a criminal deserves a second chance”, it was reported that ‘the PM told a group of students in France that candidates for by-elections were chosen based on their ability to serve the people effectively and whether they were liked by the people; that Isa, was already punished for his money politic offence by having lost the mentri besar’s post and Umno vice-president’s post; that Isa had remained faithful, served the people and party well throughout that period and that his offence was only a technical matter within the party and did not involve the judiciary..The question here is whether he deserves a second chance or not. In our system, even a criminal gets a second chance and can contest the post after serving his or her punishment. This (Isa’s offence) is only a technical matter in the party and he has already paid for his deeds,” said Najib when asked by a student on the decision to pick Isa for the Bagan Pinang by-election’

    No one questions that every person including a convict deserves 2nd chance at rehabilitation but whether the second chance is by way of a chance to hold public office as Yang Berhormat and the peoples’ representative in state legislature.

    If a convicted criminal gets a second chance and can contest the post after serving his or her punishment, why is it that the rules of candidacy bar and make ineligible candidates who have been imprisoned for at least one year or fine of at least RM 2,000???

    Of course Isa has neither been convicted nor imprisoned. His offence was “only a technical matter within the party and did not involve the judiciary”, so it is argued.

    However here it is UMNO/BN that holds claim that it is willing to re-invent to rid its own image from the stain of money politics/corruption – so how does it propose to showcase this to both rakyat and international investors if were more interested in rehabilitating and giving a ‘second chance’ to a candidate convicted of money politics without concern of its own image or the “second chance” given to the ruling party/coalition as a whole to rid itself the stain of money politics/corruption? Surely the rehabilitation of and second chance for Isa cannot assume greater importance than the risk of rehabilitation of and second chance for UMNO/BN???

    Whatever happens to the National integrity plan (“NIP”) launched by ex PM Badawi in April 2004 which extols the virtues of being honest, transparent, abstinence/avoidance from conflicts of interest by holders of public office and being seen so? In launching of the NIP and the establishment of the Integrity Institute of Malaysia in 2004, even Datuk Seri Najib (then DPM) told the audience in Intan Auditorium Bukit Kiara in KL on 12/09/2005 that “it is the first step towards building not only a high integrity and high reliability workforce in the public sector, but also in creating a society that puts positive values, strong moral character as well as high ethical standards above everything else” in line with his subsequent stipulation as PM of KPIs to measure his ministers’ and public officials’ performance.

  4. Did UMNO and Mahathir NOT think of uplifting the general Malays? I think not. They are too egostitical and weak minded to be honest that are they almost entirely selfish.

    But its true they thought of enriching themselves first but its a lot worst because they justified it in their mind i.e., that the corruption is right and proper against historical injustice. They reasoned that they should be rewarded for their political work, that its the only way most if not all of them were going to be rich and that its only moral they should be rich in ‘their’ tanah-air…

    The problem is each and everyone of their argument is a stretched at best, weak in their basis BUT the biggest problem lies in the fact, the reasoning condemns EVERYONE except for those that can run-away when things get bad….

  5. UMNO is a party of A**holes and Jerks..Fullstop..

    If Bagan Pinang votes for Isa, when PR gets into power, they should tell the police to stay away when crime happens there because since they like crooks so much, all crooks can have their ways in Bagan Pinang…

  6. First, there was PAS which took part of the Malays out of UMNO. Then there is Keadilan which took another part, and now even DAP has a Malay wing. How many more Malays believe in UMNO?

  7. YES!!! We will go in droves. We will tell the voters in kopitiam the 100RM and a tin of Milo will not quench or rejunivate their long unattended thirsty soul.

    We will tell them ” YOU!! Umno goons” cannot buy our souls with a tin of Milo. We will tell them “YOU!! BN goons” cannot trade our souls for 100RM. We will tell them we will forego these “luxuries” and eat grass if we have to for a better government.

    We want justice and we want it now!!!

  8. #5 comment is worth commenting :- if u are so democratic so why get upset if the BP voted 4 Isa. Pls let democracy plyas its part, let them choose whoever they please with. U r talking about people right, why should u hav any grudges again the people of BP when PR in power by asking or telling the police to stay away from the area when crime do happen in the area. If that happen then PR is worse than BN

  9. A GOOD GOVERNMENT will not resort to dirty tactics like bribing the voters just before election day. This is a true reflection of what Isa was when he was in the government that is to bribe his way to winning.

    No wonder he was sacked by UMNO !

    A GOOD GOVERNMENT will not conjure up racial sentiments to win votes. This is not a responsible government as you are fanning racial hatreds among fellow countrymen.

    You can win the battle but not the war.

    Why do a GOOD GOVERNMENT condone acts of fabricated lies in the form of two books about their opponent leaders ? This is racism at its extremes.

    This is like fighting for your life and is losing grip on the government you dearly wants to hold on to.

    A GOOD GOVERNMENT need not resort to such scum politicking just to hoodwink the rakyat as they are more educated and can reson for themselves.

    Your track record, if any, will speak for you.

    However, this is sad for national unity when what is written in the two books commissioned by UMNO to spread lies about Anwar and Khalid.

    If what is written in the book is what UMNO believes that the non-Malays is not entitled to their equal opportunities then UMNO and BN do not deserve the support of the Chinese and the Indians.

    This is clearly demonstrates BN / UMNO forked tongue which is talking a different racial tone to different racial groups.

  10. Yes, charge charge charge!!! But it is the leisurely people of Bagan Pinang and those in the postal votes that matter. How to get them to see what we see? Even among us here there are so much of debates and disagreements over what is right and what is wrong (like for example, we have good guilt and bad guilt, but frankly I don’t know whether this is oxymoronic or not). What else can we expect from those people there. Think strategy and think action on how to turn the thing around.

  11. Comment 8 is worth commenting:

    It is not so simple. Democracy is not strictly election by the majority per se. There are also processes of leadership, education, convincing and ideas. Majority can make a wrong decision for various reasons – ignorant, lack of education, years of depraved indoctrination, and even corruption. Democracy is for good men and women to sell their good ideas. It is really a contest of ideas – who have better ideas to administer and manage the country. That is why, democracy is not just election. We must also have fair mass media to allow ideas to be debated and discussed so that people (i.e. the rakyat) can make a more informed decision.

  12. limkamput,
    Enough of your NATO. Our group of people here are planning to go there to support PR and talk to the locals in kopitiam. What are you doing?Are you just an Internet warrior or do you dare to walk the talk?
    So what are you going to do about the leisurely people and postal votes? What are your ideas?

  13. 888, good for you, go ahead. I am just a NATO, so you don’t have to waste time on me. But judging from the handle you use, I think you are the money lover type, always thinking of fatt fatt fatt. But since I know nothing about you, I guess I will not pass other judgements other than your handle.

  14. RM 100 n Huge tin of Milo! wow…. Then should pray for more by-election especially those so called Armno bastion. Get the manny & Mylo then vote 4 PR. Next time may b more manny and Mylo.

  15. When I read the newspaper account, I wondered whether Najib was defending Mohd Isa, or Dato Seri Chua Soi Lek. It does sound the same, if you exchange the names with a few minor adjustments. Maybe Najib is trying to tell the MCA EGM that Soi Lek too deserves a second chance.

  16. //A few minutes ago I received this email from a friend: “ The guy who takes care of my house here, when I am away, tells me that BN will win here for sure. And, he looks depressed. He says that voters each are getting RM100, a huge tin of Milo, and something else that I can’t remember. How lah like this, he asked me! Opposition cannot lawan if like this. The people here are very poor lah!”// (Hussein Hamid)

    I do not believe that money can really buy all things. However, if PAS candidate knows how to fish, it is quite likely that he can win over the heart of many kampung people of Bagan Pinang. Fishing game is one of the popular sport activities in Bagan Pinang area. Even though the voters may be given RM100 each by a corrupted candidate, they can spend their RM100 on hand easily within 10 hours by spending 10 hours continuously in a private fishing pond, which charges RM10 per hour. Those voters will never remember their getting RM100 from the corrupted candidate if their pockets have been emptied on the voting day.

    However, if PAS candidate can spend about RM150 to buy some big fishes like Ikan Keli (Catfish) or Ikan Rohu in order to release the live fishes as the new stock into the fishing pond for purpose of organizing a prize-winning fishing competition, then PAS will probably make the kampung people happy go crazy for the whole election month.

    Fishing fun sometimes can be much more valuable than the cash on hand. This is what the kampung people usually think. So, PAS candidate must play smart because the kampung people also like to play play sometimes! If they really like money so much, they should have migrated to big city long time ago. Money is not everything to Bagan Pinang people!

  17. Undertaker888….Estimated to arrive around lunch time and hope to find some clean food there.
    Will stay as long as needed to.
    Hope to listen to Tok Guru…LKS and Anwar speeches.
    Loose by-election expected…but by some mysterious miracle..UMNO looses this one…wait for Najib’s calm and casual comments…”We must work harder..bla bla bla”
    But if UMNO wins …as expected…watch pout Najib’s mouth…wide open….saying…”The people have spoken. They want UMNO..and we will not disappoint them…bla bla bla”
    Aziz. LKS and Anwar..may say…”We accept the result….which is not unexpected”
    But if PAS wins…rocks will crackers….non stop…with celebration and jubilation …singing….”Congratulation”…famous song by Cliff Richard.
    All three leaders are speechless…waiting for monsterball to speak…..hahahahahahaha
    Me…sleep abit and let my driver drive home slow and steady..smiling all the way. Loose.also sleep..feeling contended…..I did my walk the talk….never ever give up…until 13th GE.
    See you in Bagan Pinang…….undertaker888.

  18. 888, who is judging who first? At least there is a basis of my judgement on you which is you are a lover of money and fatt (or is it fart?).

    Owah Volvo 960, how much does it cost, 30k?

    Honestly and sincerely, it is better for both of you not to create a mess there. It will be a disservice to PR, trust me. By the way, I will be there with my helicopter, just turn your head upward and wave.

  19. 888 and monsterball could be the same person using different handles. What is the odd of both using the word “loose” and when it is supposed to be “lose”.

    I hardly used foul words, not even misspelling it just to get the sound. But monsterball likes to use foul words and now 888 is also doing the same. What is the odd again? We have a perfect DNA match.

  20. UM…NOOO!!
    just looked at yr neighboring country….
    all the ministers are at least had the degrees or masters from harvard or oxford U

    our minister??
    local? or NO cert…? simply anyhow shout here and there and become heroes of the party and qualified for minister post…

    what a shame……

  21. //You are such a retard or maybe cartoon// – Undertaker 888.

    Never underestimate.

    Even an aberration/deformity of nature can contribute to the blog.

    Engaging in self adulation, substituting civil debate by vituperation without the foggiest idea in the first instance of the basic issues in dispute before launching into dispute – indeed by just being a ‘retard or maybe cartoon’ does provide the occasional refreshing change from the monotony of sensible and serious commentators in this blog. This is in itself a contribution. But not too much of it though!

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