Raja Petra’s Malaysia-Today website not accessible – any connection with disclosure of the PKFZ Cabinet documents?

Raja Petra Kamaruddin’s Malaysia-Today website is not accessible.

Has it anything to do with the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) documents, including Cabinet papers, on the website in the past three days?

New Straits Times reported today that investigations have been ordered into Malaysia-Today’s disclosures of secret official government documents showing how the Port Klang Free Zone issue had spiraled into disaster.

The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail was quoted as saying that if the document was genuine, action could be taken against the editor of the website under the Official Secrets Act.

The time has come for the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to honour his pledge of public accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance which must include a commitment to freedom of information and respecting the right of Malaysians to information about the entire process as to how Malaysia could be landed with a RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal through three Prime Ministers, three Transport Ministers and four Port Klang Authority Chairmen.

To do this, it is essential that the Prime Minister should declassify all relevant PKFZ government documents, including Cabinet papers, to public scrutiny as there can be no security justification to continue to protect these information as “official secrets” under the Official Secrets Act.

This is why I said yesterday that the best Hari Raya present Najib can give the country is to declassify all government official documents, including Cabinet minutes and papers relating to PKFZ scandal to demonstrate his commitment to accountability, integrity and good governance.

Are there Ministers whether from Umno, MCA, MIC, Gerakan or the other BN component parties who are prepared to come forward publicly to support the call for the declassification of all official documents, including Cabinet papers, on the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, for the country to move towards accountability, integrity and good governance?

82 Replies to “Raja Petra’s Malaysia-Today website not accessible – any connection with disclosure of the PKFZ Cabinet documents?”

  1. you post fake documents,MACC or MCMC come after you;you post real docs,AG comes after you,there shouldnt be OSC anymore for PKFZ scandals as it is a national issues ‘funded’ by the Rakyat!


    i will [deleted] if the scandals didnt involve any of UMNO coridors of power during that approvals,espcially the FM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Genuine or not, those 18 pages are grave concerned for those with skeletons.

    So what else the Special Task Force on PKFZ can do if the secret documents are not exposed to the full to get to the root of the problem.

    If STF fails, it mean more money down the drain now becoming bigger still.

    Out go the illegal PM of N of Rahman.

    Income IGGG soon.

    pw:50 nissan

  3. In the past, all I could see is a blank white page (not status code error message) when I keyed in the URL in my browser.

    However, I managed to access the website through Google cache. But today, I totally can’t access the website.

    I noticed that for the past few months, the visitors to RPK’s website is dropping judging by the number of comments he received for his posts. In the past, the comments used to be very long.

    If this blocking continues, I am afraid the wicked UMNO evil regime might win in the next general election.

    This blocking makes me hate UMNO & MCA & MIC & Gerakan even more than ever.

  4. No. Malaysia’s normal technique is to poison the local nameservers – Malaysia-Today’s records were poisoned at one point with the ‘localhost’ address, so your browser would query your own PC for the website – it didn’t reply, of course.

    They’ve upgraded recently to (possibly) using a DNSBL – a Domain Name Service Block List
    I think they have – because a site like faithfreedom.org is blocked using a ‘NXDOMAIN’ (Non-Existent Domain) record at the Malaysian nameservers, not a bogus localhost record.

    RPK’s problem looks more like a fumble – the error message you see is from his own proxy cache (a program that does something very interesting for possibly no readers of this blog)

    Generated Fri, 18 Sep 2009 06:34:48 GMT by us2.platform-m.com (squid/2.6.STABLE21)

    platform-m.com is RPK’s host, and ‘squid’ is a very popular open source proxy cache. I’ve seen it serving error messages a few times recently. Perhaps he’s just suffering from “can’t get the staff”.

  5. Pa-tahi is using the Official Shit Act (OSA) to charge the editor of Malaysia Today? What the Fxxx.? He should be thankful to the editor or else the document maybe “loss” during investigation by the super tahi cover-up force.

    It is funny that the govt can use all types of acts to interrogate or charge innocent people in a swift but stayed dead quiet or at super snail speed on PKFZ, TBH death, …

  6. Of course the documents are true. The damning conclusion that we can draw from the documents is that is wasn’t just a Chinese conspiracy – between MCA and SDPP – but includes all branches of government, particularly the Ministry of Finance.

    Remember that the letter of “acknowledgement” issued by the MoF to the rating agency confirming that the letters of support issued by the two transport ministers constitute valid and binding obligations on the government was signed by Nor Mohamed Yakcop. Then there was the more recent letter issued by the MoF to PKA directing PKA to release payments to Kuala Dimensi.

    The Super Task Force is going to do a super sweep-under-the-carpet job. People – including those working in the government – are just fed up.

  7. Yes,in fact they blocked us from accessing it.
    I used Ultrareach and online proxy to access Malaysia-Today and I managed to visit the site.This already clearly shown that Streamyx and BN government conspired to block us.
    I can’t accept this truth.Shitmyx provided us a lame service and yet they partner up with government.
    It’s too bad.
    They thought we are stupid but the truth is,all of us have basic ICT skills to unblock ourself.
    This is the proof that I visited the site:

    Here are some proxy sites/software:

    Hope I helped you all.Thanks.

  8. I saw those scanned docu in MT. Honestly there was nothing there which aroused my suspicion on their authenticity. Umno is trapped in a die-die situation of their own creation. They relied on being opaque to hoodwink the people. The MSM basically reports nothing worthy of attention at all. So people turned to alternative media like MT. Because they disbelieved the MSM therefore they tend to accept the alternative media as correct. Ask them whether they think the revealed rahsia docu are genuine and the most likely is “yes”. Taking action against the editor of MT can only be translated in one way, i.e. snubbing the people in totality.

  9. Gani Patail was quoted as saying that if the document was genuine, action could be taken against the editor of the website under the Official Secrets Act.

    If Gani Patail takes action against the Malaysia-Today website editor, that means the published PKFZ Cabinet documents are genuine – this is how we can find out whether the documents are true.

  10. “…If it is, action could be taken against the editor of the MalaysiaToday website, under the Official Secrets Act. …” so said the AG.

    In Taiwan, if the ex President committed wrongdoings, they nail him and sentence him to life imprisonment. In Malaysia, the AG goes after the messenger to protect the wrongdoer.

  11. I tried the website and managed to open it, but when i tried to acess the postings, i was redirected back to the page that says the Malaysia today website is temp unavailable.
    Anyone with another website to acess it?

  12. Wasn’t the document signed by one of the Ministers of Finance?

    So why wasn’t he called up by MACC, Police, Special Task Force, PAC or whatever and whoever that is working on the PKFZ case?

    Oh, wishful thinking. It will never happen.

  13. Greetings,
    Lets make these into flyers, and distribute them like A Longs’ flyers. If Ah Longs are so good in promoting their illegal activities, why not use their marketing strategies in letting rakyat know about our government’s illegal activities?

  14. Do you have a local equivalent for “up and down like a bride’s nightie”?

    That’s m2day today. I’ve seen it momentarily today using my Dribblyx connection, and then it was gone again.

    If you use LKS’ URL in his article, you nearly always get the silly page (which you can’t see, unless you use cURL) with the META refresh in it. The big page that that lamely redirects to loads sometimes, sometimes it doesn’t. It is now, while I’m typing, it was earlier, just after my previous comment.

    It’s time to stop browsing from the jungle guys, sometimes things go wrong because someone trips over the power lead, or falls asleep on their keyboard – it’s not always Pink Lips!

    Sheesh. What will you blame on him next? A punctured tyre?

  15. “The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail was quoted as saying that if the document was genuine, action could be taken against the editor of the website under the Official Secrets Act.”

    The word is ‘should’ and not ‘could’.

    Anybody caught breaking the law should face its consequences. A paranoid schizophrenic and a pedophile exposing himself to school children would have to be arrested before he can do more damage. What is the difference between him and someone who divulges information which comes under the purview of an Act like the OSA? Both break the law.


  16. Patail’s declared intention to go after the editor of MT for breach of official secrets is a clear indication that the exposed docu (a) exist and (b) are genuine.

    Strange. How would he know? The police have not even commence any investigation work. The evidence collection (by benging witnesses and suspects) process isnt in motion yet. How would he know that he has in his hands a case involving breach of official secrets. Wow. The one 1Malaysia thingy is begining to make more and more sense to me.

  17. “Patail’s declared intention to go after the editor of MT for breach of official secrets is a clear indication that the exposed docu (a) exist and (b) are genuine.”

    The crescent and star on any flag signifies that it is a Muslim country. It is that obvious. But somebody using a handle because he wants – for reason or reasons only a demented mind like his would understand – desperately to be ‘one of us’ does not mean he is one of us. That is not obvious. I suppose it is the fear of rejection.

  18. The cat’s out of the bag.
    The milk’s been spilt.
    There is nothing Najib and his tuppence Cabinet can do about it. So much for UMNO’s ‘clean, accountable, transparent’ image.

    The Cabinet has been dragged thru’ the mud, no thru real messy poop…by its own doing.

    SYABAS, kitchen Cabinet. And goodbye BAgan Pinang.

  19. //“The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail was quoted as saying that if the document was genuine, action could be taken against the editor of the website under the Official Secrets Act.”//

    One half baked so smugly said the word is should and not could.

    To me the AG is correct; the word is could and not should as reported. There is always a discretion; that is what the AG is telling us. A half baked cannot get one thing right.

  20. “The Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail was quoted as saying that if the document was genuine, action could be taken against the editor of the website under the Official Secrets Act.”

    I thought that is only provided that there is no illegality to what the government is doing. Should the Official Secrets Acts be used to protect criminals?

    By the way, is Gani Patail beholden to UMNO for the post or is he really qualified? By “qualified”, I mean most knowledgeable to hold the post, not a questionable sheet of paper certification, without any sense of justice or of what is right and what is wrong.

  21. Today it could be over something the BN government does not want you to know. The next time it could be over a matter which is detrimental to the security of the country which everybody can agree and identify with and which is non-partisan. Don’t over tax that brain of yours.

  22. “I thought that is only provided that there is no illegality to what the government is doing. Should the Official Secrets Acts be used to protect criminals? ” ekompute

    Good question. The breach it would appear is in the disclosure and not in what is being disclosed.

  23. //Good question. The breach it would appear is in the disclosure and not in what is being disclosed.//

    would appear? you know or don’t know? If don’t know, just say so. no need to act smugly.

  24. Can evidence that has been obtained in defiance of the Official Secrets Act be used legally? Or do we still have to pretend we don’t know what the document contains?

    hackers were the culprits
    It wasn’t hacked! It was available all the time, just not working very well. The absolute worst it could have been is a Denial Of Service Attack – but you don’t need to be a hacker for that. You can create one yourself by just publishing something large that everyone wants to see. It was just unreliable. Get over it. Some people saw it in good moments, some people saw it in bad. They formed a superstitious belief system around it and saw Najib’s hand. What do I know? Maybe blaming Najib for ‘following through’ when you break wind is a vote winner, but how low do we have to stoop?

  25. The AG threatens to invoke Official Secrets Act to prosecute the MT Chief Editor for disclosing PKFZ related cabinet documents!

    I wonder whether using the official power to protect the criminal by harrassing and hindering further investigation of an alleged criminal case will constitute a crime of abuse of power that is chargeable under the MACC Act!

  26. Now you can access Malaysia today. Go to Google and type Raja Petra Kamaruddin, a long list of URL will show. Select Malaysia Today- no hold barred,corridor of power and more.
    you have to wait a little longer than before to get it. Be patient you will get it.

  27. You may have confessed to your wife the fact that you murdered somebody, but such information between husband and wife is privileged at common law. Your wife may have told the police but they cannot use it in court. It will require Parliament to introduce the necessary statute to allow its admission into evidence. In the U.K. exceptions have been introduced via statute for sexual offences against inter alia children.

  28. The Najib and UMNO gang wouldn’t care a damn whatever happens and whether all you smart alecs discover the truth. As long as half the population doesn’t read the internet and remains ignorant enuf to vote for BN, the rest of u can go rot in hell for all they care!

    That’s why we must continue to be enraged enuf to canvass far and wide for support to bring down BN. Condemnation must not begin and end on the internet only.

  29. Jaswant :
    The prosecution cannot call the wife to testify against the husband. For the prosecution to call the police officer to repeat what was said to him would be heresay and not admissible.

    Sounds like the people are now the police, and the criminal they are trying to investigate is the government. This role reversal is nothing short of a comedy, the stuff that sitcoms are made of.

  30. “This is why I said yesterday that the best Hari Raya present Najib can give the country is to declassify all government official documents, including Cabinet minutes and papers relating to PKFZ scandal to demonstrate his commitment to accountability, integrity and good governance.” Kit

    Any reason why the thief should disclose the location of his loot?

  31. It comes as no surprise that the Cabinet knew about the PKFZ problems long before the thing exploded – no not with C4 but the overkill of the projects to milk Malaysians more. Maybe we are a masochistic lot who keep voting in governments that continuously leech on taxpayers – just watch F1 take off with that expensive wind tunnels etc.
    The Malaysian government always talk about “collective decisions” but to me that is a major handicap when you are trying damage control.

  32. Try this to reach the site if you have the site book marked previously:

    1.Goto bookmarks.
    2.Select your usual Malaysia today site.
    3. Right click and select “Properties”
    4. Use mouse to highlight the URL in “location”.
    5. Select “copy”.
    6. Goto address bar of your brouser, right click and select “paste”
    7. Hit “Enter” and you will be taken to the site.
    8. It just worked for me.

  33. Anybody who wanted a copy of the “secret” cabinet papers would have printed it out long ago as it was available on RPK’s site for a few days.

    So what’s the big deal about blocking the site?

    It already up and running again. RPK Boleh!

  34. As reported in Star paper, Najib seemed to confirm that what was posted in MT was actually a Cabinet paper. I believed it was so. Does such exposed paper threaten our national security? No. Rather such paper clearly showed PKFZ scandal involved a much larger circle of very top Government officials than was earlier thought of.

    The BN Government is using OSA as a cloak to cover up their many lies, hypocrisy, corruptions, abuse of power, etc. Thus OSA is being rampantly abused by the BN Government and also to prosecute those who exposed their evils.

    This MT incident with Najib’s press statement, actually exposes that the PM is not committed to transparency and accountability he talked of. He just talk to project he is “clean” and he want a “clean” government. A hypocrite! A cup that is outwardly clean but inwardly is filled with all dirts and corruptions.

  35. what is this for so fast action like F1?

    Police Summon Several Individuals In PKFZ Cabinet Paper Probe

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 18 (Bernama) — Police have summoned several individuals to record statements on the posting of the Cabinet Paper on the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) on a website.

    Deputy Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar said police were investigating how the Cabinet Paper which involved the Official Secrets Act (OSA) could be exposed online.

    “We are investigating to find out who is responsible for exposing information on the Cabinet Paper.

    “However, I can’t comment more on this as it will disturb our investigation,” he told Bernama here Friday.

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak told a press conference that police would investigate the exposure of a document said to be that on the PKFZ Cabinet Paper on the ‘Malaysia Today’ website.

    He said the investigation was not to deny the peoples’ right to information but the act of exposing the Cabinet Paper on the Internet was unacceptable.


    pw: identity Na-

  36. Jaswant :If information is considered privileged, legality cannot attach to it despite its disclosure.

    Jaswant @ Just an undergrad2, Hello, wise up, we are seeking to expose the wrong doing; we are not strictly speaking seeking a legal solution to this problem. The purpose is to show how inept and perhaps corrupted the government was/is. So, please, there is no need to confuse the issue here. Besides, please take note, there are exceptions to the non-admissibility of hearsay. You see, if you want to know stuff, you must know enough to know the exceptions to general rule; otherwise you are just a half baked. That is what I always told my post graduate students.

  37. Have you done something to upset The Malaysian Insider?
    What is the “Malay DAP”? Is it some sort of creche for people who can’t be properly involved in politics?

    “I have no problem with DAP being led by Chinese.” [apparent Malay name] told The Straits Times

    ‘The Chinese’? Like Hu Jintao? Mao Zedong? Zhang Ziyi? I understand they’re extending their influence, but what are they doing operating a political party in Selangor?

    Increasing participation in DAP’s activities by Malaysians of all backgrounds is a marvellous thing. I wish it were reported less sensationally. It’s not accurate is it? You don’t actually have a racially profiled branch, do you?

  38. With paranoid schizophrenia, you’re less likely to be affected by mood problems or problems with thinking, concentration and attention. Instead, you’re most affected by what are known as positive symptoms.

    Positive symptoms

    Positive symptoms are symptoms that indicate the presence of unusual thoughts and perceptions that often involve a loss of contact with reality. Delusions and hallucinations are considered positive symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.


    In paranoid schizophrenia, delusions are often focused on the perception that you’re being singled out for harm. Your brain misinterprets experiences and you hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur — the belief that you can fly, that you’re famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.


    *My advice and that of Jeffrey’s and the advice of many others here is for you to get urgent medical treatment for your condition.

  39. RPK have again demonstrated the need for Freedom of Information act. Why should the Rakyat be kept in the dark on what transpired in the Corridors of Power. The government is answerable to the people. Secrecy will encourage corruption. The Rakyat shall not and should not be ridden roughshod by the Govt of the day. Good governance require an open culture and freedom of information.

  40. I am new to this site but comments from this one fellow jaswant seems like he is suffering from superiority complex syndrome.

    Jaswant, why don’t you just post your comment and all of us would go “oh ya, why I did not think of that”.. ” ohhh, this jaswant fellow is so smart”, just to make you happy and superior.

    Can you wake up from your delusion as well?

  41. Welcome to Malaysia, the land of plentiful n forgetful
    In each of the past GEs, we elected the BN to rule the nation
    Our elected servants have become more n more powerful
    N they have twisted the laws
    N they have got the entire government agencies to work for them
    To enable them to sapu as much RM as possible
    To cover all their corrupted practices
    To suppress the bosses (rakyat)

    Almost everyday, we hear of negative n senseless things
    Negative energy, time, efforts are wasted
    While the nation sinks like the Titanic

    We reverted from the teaching of Maths and Science in English to BM
    Crawling back into the sh!t hole
    In contrast, the education minister of the little red dot just issued a challenge
    To all teachers for the year ahead: Raise the standard of English
    He not only stressed the need to speak better English
    He wants the little red dot to be an English teaching hub in Asia
    To cater to English language teachers in the region and beyond
    Another avenue of making money for the nation

    The little red dot is constantly improving its public transport system
    More train lines are being built (the entire Circle Line will be completed soon)
    More bus routes are being introduced
    To serve the people there
    To enable them to move faster and more comfortably

    And Malaysia?
    NR n his cronies decided to throw billions away annually into F1
    Really F the rakyat big time, yeah, a big one, F1

    And there are still people dying to vote for Umno, BN
    Sheesssh ………
    Is there anything to celebrate in the coming HRA?

  42. //Disclosure of classified information would attract criminal sanctions was what I said// jaswant

    Wow!! Such a genius this jaswant fellow. Why we did not think of this before? Pls keep enlightening us. You are such one smart fellow.

  43. NR, who wanted the media to not only report ethically but also responsibly, hailed Utusan Malaysia for its role in representing the interest of the Malays
    This from the guy who frothed at his mouth about 1Malaysia
    LOL, loads of crap

  44. And why would i get entangled in this mess, in which you will classify us as a delusionist or a schizophreniac later when you are out of ideas or arguments.
    Might as well give you the “praise” you so badly wanted which you are unable to get at your home no matter how smart you are.

  45. There are people not happy with you, Jaswant, I told you so before. Anyway, that is beside the point, let’s move on. The Admin has been patient with us and I feel bad for LKS because this is his blog. I sincerely want to stop all these nonsense. I know I have said this before but relented, that is because you keep coming after me. Fight me with your ideas and knowledge.

  46. 1. #32 by limkamput on September 14th, 2009 07:32

    “ … luckily there are only few stupid asses like you around. Otherwise the world may be still in stone age.”

    #41 by limkamput on September 14th, 2009 20:36

    A real psychopath – you just go ahead believing what you want to believe, for that is what a psychopath does. There are smart psychopath and stupid psychopath, you belong to the former.
    Why why why, did you cause you pain in your posterior? Turn around, you may see that it was wannabe or monsterball.

    #31 by limkamput on September 14th, 2009 07:24

    Yes, look carefully btw your legs, you may notice that you have nothing, not to mention whether you have foreskin or otherwise. Please don’t pour your frustration on me if you are in between. It is not my fault that you are that way.

    #5 by limkamput on September 15th, 2009 17:58

    I pick my targets. I notice both of you are now very careful with your comments. That is good, because you fellows are fearful of me. I can easily point out where you fellows have gone wrong because of my vast experience and knowledge. For example, Jeffrey’s comment on PKFZ was half baked. He does not know the real issue and was just commenting based on text book knowledge. As for Jaswant ball, he only knows Pariot Act, ISA, Islam and the state are not separable. NO way lah you fellows want to talk real substance with me. I challenge both of you to comment on substantive matters in this blog and you shall see my rebuttal.

    #28 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 16:27

    Jeffrey, please don’t think too highly of yourself. I may be self centred, frank and direct (for this is what cyberspace is all about), but I have never indulged in pretension and showiness. But i think everybody knows what are you trying to prove by using words and writing stuff perhaps only you understand.

    #35 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 20:40

    did u go to church this morning? did you press your pants before going? did you confess your sins?

    #41 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 23:30

    Wannabe, write short simple English like mine, that is the hallmark of good English. No pretension and showiness please.

  47. A regular contributor to this blog has put it succinctly:

    “He uses arguments like a torch light to selectively aim at discrediting postings of those whom he wants to selectively discredit (for only the sake of discrediting only) to satisfy the cravings of a demented/vengeful mind instead of to illuminate the issues raised for answers.

    Discussion of issues is but a mere cloak to camouflage this subterranean motive to revile as a pretext that he has improved from “name calling” to another platform of so called civilised discussion. Although tactics are superficially changed, his fundamental objective is the same, and the result of it – to disrupt the forum here – remains.

    Do not expect him to change anymore than leopards to change their spots.”

  48. Even the moderator is not spared.

    #28 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 16:27

    “Never mind, you don’t have to moderate me, i quit despite the fact that i love this blog and have been contributing probably when you were still sucking milk. It is not just the qualities of bloggers have gone down, even the moderator is also a phua tang sai (half baked in case you don’t understand)”??

  49. MT is up, it’s just very slow.

    Some Denial Of Service attacks are social – all you need to do is whip up the idea that a site is under attack, and everybody visits it. The influx of ‘concerned visitors’ or ‘carnage tourists’ overwhelms the server, and it fails to deliver pages. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy.

    Probably the best thing you could do to boost MT’s availability is not to mention its trouble for a while. Use cached pages from Google.

  50. Let me answer you in this way: Those things you said about me are my responses to your uncalled for provocations you heaped on me at least 10 times more. I think everybody knows that except you. That is why the one that needs medical attention is you, yes you, please don’t look left or right, in front or behind, yes you. You obviously have selective memory or was it senile dementia? I don’t have to quote anything you said of me, because I believe the truth will prevail and I have better use of my time.

    You don’t have to go because of me. If you want me to leave so that you are happier here, I can consider that seriously.

  51. OrangRojak, the better idea is to have an IGNORE button.

    Those egoistic primadonnas need to be ignored.

    Their useless postings contaminate this blog shamelessly and yet allowed by the moderators.

    If only we could have an IGNORE button like some of the other forums.

    I have even developed a phobia regarding their nicks and have to use the scroll button everytime those F**king names came up. It’s tedious but why waste time on some social failures masquarading as smart asses.

    To those smart asses, you are not smart all by your constant bickering on the site.

    Like they said “Winning the bickerings on the internet is like winning the Special Olympic, you are still RETARDS.

    To the rest of the blog’s esteemed commentators, keep up the good works.


  52. Jaswant, OSA in layman’s term is like you and your friends (umno and the sunshine gang aka mca, mic, etc) raping your own daughter (us, the rakyat) and nobody can know or talk about it.
    When OSA is abused to cover up all the corruptions and wrongdoings, it will be like the description above. OSA is a man-made law designed to shut-off all information to the public which are embarrasing to the ruling govt with regards to high level corruptions. This is what the majority is perceiving OSA right now.

    If OSA is used to protect national security then it is a different story.

    The “you” above is used figuratively. It does not refer to anyone.

  53. Are we so guillable? So easily accepts what has been told? The days of “kow-towing” to our leaders must end. They are to serve us and not the otherway round. We elected them to serve us but yet we are being punish for their greed? Whether or not there is truth to the documents, the integrity of the whole cabinet (past and present) is at stake should and must be scrutinized. Are politicians above the law?

  54. When it comes to free food and free gifts you would be sure to find there are many Malaysians who would feel deprived, worse than war refugees. Mind you, I am not talking of less fortunate Malaysians, but these are Malaysians who can afford to own big houses and cars, can invest in shares, can sent their children overseas for holidays and studies and can afford the best food in restaurants and hotels. But they behave like famished wretched creatures who had not had a meal for days. Do you want to witness what I am talking about?

    Go to any public company’s annual meeting, like Maxis or Tanjong. There you would find an overcapacity crowd around the area where food is served, pushing and grabbing for food. There are even those who would bring extra plastic bags or even their handbags to pack the food, the forks and spoons and plates. But look at the meeting proper of the annual AGM: only less than 10-20% attended to hear the proceeding.

    So a big crowd at any meeting does not indicate real participation.

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