Chief Secretary should explain why he had failed in past two years to carry out Cabinet mandate to identify and punish culprits responsible for the unlawful issue of four Letters of Support by two Transport Ministers?

It is a great disappointment that the MCA Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) is not being used for a united MCA call for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal to bring to book all MCA, Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders implicated in the “mother of all scandals”.

When former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin could say that the PKFZ fiasco provides the Barisan Nasional government the best opportunity to fulfill its promise of cracking down on corruption, abuse of power and mismanagement, why are MCA, Umno and other Barisan Nasional component parties dragging their feet when they should be acting decisively to identity and punish the wrongdoers, without fear or favour and regardless of their present or past position or status?

Daim speaks with great authority, knowledge and experience when he said:

“The government must punish all those lawbreakers, only then can it regain the public’s confidence.

“In the past, the public did not see those who abused their power getting punished, resulting in more abuses of power. As such, it (making the PKFZ audit report public) is a good start”.

Daim cannot be more right as witnessed the five-fold multiplication of the first major financial scandal in the Mahathir premiership some three decades ago – the RM2.5 billion Bumiputra Malaysia Finance (BMF) scandal – to the present RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal!

The Cabinet decision last week to set up a super task force, headed by Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan, to take over all investigations into the PKFZ scandal is not a demonstration of political will to get to the bottom of the “mother of all scandals” but the opposite.

I see it as a major step backwards in public accountability and good governance, as it smacks of being a super “cover up” task force for the PKFZ scandal.

What is needed is a Royal Commission of Inquiry to conduct a comprehensive and no-holds-barred investigation into the “mother of all scandals” including relevant Ministerial and Cabinet aspects of the scandal instead of trying to sweep the whole issue back under the carpet.

In the first place, is Mohd Sidek the most appropriate person to head the super task force on the PKFZ scandal?

Before Mohd Sidek takes up this appointment, he should explain to the Malaysian public why he had failed in the past two years to carry out the Cabinet decision in July 2007 when it resolved on the RM4.6 billion bailout of PKFZ, including giving retrospective approval to the four illegal Letters of Support unlawfully given by the two previous Transport Ministers, Tun Dr. Ling Liong Sik and Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, that the Chief Secretary should conduct an inquiry as to how the four Letters of Support could have issued unlawfully and to take the necessary disciplinary actions against the culprits who have now landed the country with a RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal.

Did Mohd Sidek carry out such an inquiry as not a single culprit had been identified, let alone penalised for the unlawful issue of the four Letters of Support in the past two years?

Clearly, Mohd Sidek had not carried out the Cabinet instruction or there would not be today a merry-go-round of multiple investigations into the PKFZ scandal, but all without the necessary sweeping powers to get to the bottom of the scandal.

Can Mohd Sidek succeed where he had failed in the past two years?

This is why the MCA, as the party which is most implicated in the PKFA scandal as so many MCA top leaders were involved whether as Transport Minister or Port Klang Authority Chairman, should take a stand to ensure that there should be no further cover-up of the PKFZ scandal and its EGM should, among other things, demonstrate the undivided support of the MCA delegates for a Royal Commission of Inquiry to bring to book all MCA, Umno and BN leaders implicated in the PKFZ “mother of all scandals”.

58 Replies to “Chief Secretary should explain why he had failed in past two years to carry out Cabinet mandate to identify and punish culprits responsible for the unlawful issue of four Letters of Support by two Transport Ministers?”

  1. Much have been said and comments raised by YB Kit so far on PKFZ. We all know all questions raised will never being answer.

    My believe in PKFZ ie that this was not a business venture and its was neither a project for the benefits of people, it was simply a criminal scheme to milked the tax payers money to rewards the political cronies, my believe was validated and prove that it was right from the latest revelation by RPK in the Malaysia Today today.

    The more you read the more you feel not paying your taxes and all we have contributed for the nation building has been gone to the crooks.

    No matter what YB Kit may have to say and demand this and that, we will never see light at the tunnel. I always mentioned much have been say and written by Mr. Nades in the Sun paper for the last 6 years. Please note that for the past 6 years nothing have been done, and so how would you expect anything to be done. The super task force if the final cover up act by the recent PM and efforts seen again to delay at least for the moment.

    If all enforcements agencies wish to be efficient the next days they can come be with persecution paper to be present and few, at least the GM who did not understand Cash Flow to be the first to be handcuff and be persecuted. For those who still doubtful read on what Nades has to say on this GM with no knowledge of Cash Flow, a clear case for failure to discharge her fiduciary duties under the Companies Act can easily build against her, but and it always but here. Whether they want it or not or are still contemplating the damaged that could bring along against BN.

    With the three stooges heading the Super Task Force, we can only expect a Super Crown Show and nothing else.


    The NST now describes BN’s struggle against PR as good over evil! So the evil TBH deserves to die?

    MIC now aims to deliver the Indian votes and ensure the Barisan Nasional is not defeated in another by-election by the Pakatan Rakyat in the peninsula.

    Should this be achieved, the glow of light from the traditional vilakku — oil lamps fashioned out of clay used to celebrate Deepavali, the Hindu celebration that marks the triumph of good over evil

  3. When the nut was about to be cracked wide open into the PKFZ scandal and revealed more dirt, this time leading to the door of UMNO itself, Najib did the most expedient and stupidest thing by forming a super task force comprising of a compliant super bureaucrat, an evil AG who has not upheld the law of the land, and other equally useless bureaucrats such as the Treasury secretary-general and representatives from Finance and Transport Ministries, it is no wonder what is on the mind of most rational thinking Malaysians: a super cover-up is on the book.

    If there is one person who should be included but conspicuously missing, it is the Auditor-General. Is Najib afraid that the Auditor General would be too professional and would not agreed to a coverup? Isn’t this the job of the Auditor General just as it was Ahmad Nordin, the Auditor General who investigated and broke the back of the Bank Bumiputras scandal in 1986?

  4. Malaysia has never failed to cover up scandals involving ruling parties! They will drag the issues infinite time, until all people forget about them. This strategy never fails, trust me! As such, we need more fighters like Uncle Lim to pressure them in Parliament!!!

    Despite Uncle Lim has repeatedly posted the same stories (sometimes quite boring), but they serve a reminder to us that we need to fight for a brighter future!

  5. If u can trust the PM to do what is right, just, honest – according to the books and just laws,
    and if u can trust the Chief Secretary to do the same, then u can trust the hyenas with our kittens and the foxes with our chickens.

    It is a verity: leopards do not change their stripes; tigers whet their teeth over their prey; neither change. It’ s over and beyond them. Tell me, do you not recognise the twisted stripes of BN, do you not see their warped designs and unbalance….despite their ‘balanced dacing’ symbol?

    Sigh. There is ABSOLUTELY NO HOPE WITH BN and their operatives.

  6. Oh, YB LKS, it surprises me that Daim would say such words. I thought his stint as the Finance minister marked the period when there was a literal scandals galore. Fortunately, for him there was no internet then.

    But someday, somewhere, someone, somehow will squeal and we can then match these ‘lofty’ words of Daim against the true nature of the man. You see there is inerrant prophetic accuracy in these words: ‘whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.’ So, I wouldn’t be so quick to praise this man. No, sir, not so soon…maybe, never.

  7. There is no corruption involved in the PKFZ fiasco — at least not as far as the government is concerned. What happened was exactly what the Cabinet wanted to happen. And that is why no action is being taken with regards to the RM12.5 billion disaster. It was no disaster. The Cabinet knew all along what was going on. And the Cabinet approved it.

    That is why those behind the PKFZ scandal are not scared. They did not do anything wrong. They did not commit a crime. They just did what the Cabinet knew all along they were doing and with the full permission of the Cabinet. (Raja Petra Kamarudin )

  8. What and how a person says on certain topic is dependent on whether the person is in power or out of power, in position or out of position. We read too much into what that person says at our own peril. Use it sparingly as ammunition is ok, but be careful, it can backfire. See, oneball and wannabe, can both of you comment like me? I do it effortlessly you know. Come I challenge you, you give one comment, I give one comment, how about it.

  9. Aiyah susah gua nak cakap. Tak habis-habisan skandal di Malaysia. Ala skandal cekek wang, ala skandal bunuh….skandal payrempuan pun ala juge! Selelum satu sulah selesai, satu lagi balu punya latang. Hairan betut semua skandal belum habit disiasat: Lingam la, Atantoya la, Kugan la Beng Hok la……… lulu Bank Bumiputra pun sama. Saorang anak Malaysia kita di hantar pergi Hong kong untuk tangkap pencuri wang Bank Bumiputra akhir sekali dijumpa mati banana plantation. Nama dia Jalil Ibrahim. Kawan doktor saya cakap saya mudah lupa…. aiyah gua tak lupa. Gua belum nyanuk macam dia.

  10. That is why the Chinese the Dacing symbol by the BN as ngak ching literally cheating on the can the ordinary man believe what the gomen say these days?
    Gone are the days when any shit that comes out of NST,The Star,Utusan is biblical truth even when we know that there is massive corruption but have no say in it because there is cover up.
    Fortunately,TDM opened up the Multimedia Supercorridor.Inadvertently,the can of worms that has been lying dormant for years has finally been opened.
    The timing was great.He retired and AAB took over and he also inadvertently gave more press freedom.
    That’s how we have Malaykini,Malaysia Insider,Malaysia 2day,etc giving us the much awaited alternative news.
    We also owe much thanks to RPK and to the reporting team of Nadeswaran and Terence Fernandez of The Sun whose untiring efforts in unfolding all the scandals of the BN gomen made it possible for PR to wrest 5 states from the BN in GE12,a feat unheard of since independence. Malaysians,mustn’t let the momentum lose steam but instead must push the BN gomen until they bow to the wishes of the Rakyat.That is the way forward.
    We only hope that our East Malaysians brethren join us in this crusade to rid our society of corrupt bigoted regime.
    Power To the People!

  11. //What and how a person says on certain topic is dependent on whether the person is in power or out of power, in position or out of position…..See, oneball and wannabe, can both of you comment like me? I do it effortlessly you know. Come I challenge you, you give one comment, I give one comment, how about it.// – Lim Kam Put

    Well what and how a person like you say on a certain topic is dependent on the position(s) of the cycle of the moon in juxtaposition with the sun and the earth, and how much shadow is cast on it, at that precise moment!

  12. “Chief Secretary should explain why he had failed in past two years to carry out Cabinet mandate to identify and punish culprits responsible for the unlawful issue of four Letters of Support by two Transport Ministers”

    There are laws in UMNO Baru that must be strictly observed by every member. A member shall not speak or act without prior consent from the PM of the day. If, upon approval to do so, he shall at all times ensure that such speeches or actions do not tarnish the reputation of party leaders or the party.

    The Chief Secretary cannot be totally blamed because he did not get the ‘Green Light’ from Dolah, and the light flashing now by Najib is berwarna ‘MERAH’. We must forgive the Cheap Secretary,LOL

  13. “Well what and how a person like you say on a certain topic is dependent on the position(s) of the cycle of the moon in juxtaposition with the sun and the earth, and how much shadow is cast on it, at that precise moment! Jeffrey

    You’re too kind, Jeffrey!

    With paranoid schizophrenia, you’re less likely to be affected by mood problems or problems with thinking, concentration and attention. Instead, you’re most affected by what are known as positive symptoms.

    Positive symptoms

    Positive symptoms are symptoms that indicate the presence of unusual thoughts and perceptions that often involve a loss of contact with reality. Delusions and hallucinations are considered positive symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia.

    ? Delusions.

    In paranoid schizophrenia, delusions are often focused on the perception that you’re being singled out for harm. Your brain misinterprets experiences and you hold on to these false beliefs despite evidence to the contrary. For instance, you may believe that the government is monitoring every move you make or that a co-worker is poisoning your lunch. You may also have delusions of grandeur — the belief that you can fly, that you’re famous or that you have a relationship with a famous person, for example. Delusions can result in aggression or violence if you believe you must act in self-defense against those who want to harm you.

  14. The famous physicist Einstein said “One cannot solve a problem with the same intelligent level that created it”. Put this in perspective, it is the BN’s corrupted system created PKFZ scandal and now we expect the same BN’s corrupted system to investigate and correct this PKFZ scandal.

    Lessons learn from berak crisis. Most people believe, is the judiciary that created the crisis in berak, and now we are fighting through legal avenues and expect the judiciary to right the wrong, will it work and can it work? But then, what choice do we have? Except go the basic element of democracy i.e Rakyat, unless we help ourselves in next GE nobody can help us.

    All avenues are shut, you lost your tax money, sorry!. Unless we change the government, really what else can you do? Until then, keep shouting and yelling to wake up more, who are still sleeping?

    We used to say, developing highway is the best business venture in Malaysia. Now, someone has prove it wrong, is building free zone ports, it is faster and quicker, you just need to put a pipe into the ground the money just flow out like an uncontrolled ATM.

  15. “…affected by mood problems…”

    I mean “Moon”: the position of the moon in juxtaposition with the sun and the earth determines the extent of gravitational force exerted by the sun on earth – and the minds of certain men.

  16. Someone speaking from experience. Someone repeating what his doctor in Tanjung Rambutan told him. Good, it is good to get it out from your chest. I understand your frustration, jaswant. I understand that you are a “in between” person.

    Out of respect for LKS, i will stop all these nonsense right now. It is not bantering anymore, it is obvious that you are a psycho. You need medical help and i am not joking or trying to belittle you.

  17. And Jeffrey, you too. Please, for too long you have held sway in this blog. You just can’t accept reality that there are people out there smarter and more informed than you.

    Again out of respect for LKS, i will stop all these nonsense right now. it is enough.

  18. You can, out of respect of LKS, stop your nonsense but don’t try to seize the high moral ground as if others are at fault and that you were not the one, like a virulent blog virus, who contaminates the blog by abusing commentators here, as and when you like, using any language you like. Those who have been long here enough know this is not an unfair accusation. The blog is replete with your rude and uncalled for remarks for many commentators. So much so that even visitors to Susan Loone’s blog discussed the state of affairs in this blog linking your name.

    Don’t speak of me or Jaswant, the obvious targets.

    Take one example of others re your comment #42 on July 5th, 2009 19:17 under Thread “3-point formula to resolve the Kedah Pakatan Rakyat crisis” in which you called Dawsheng “the biggest dick head, how about it?”

    Surely I don’t need me to rake up further instances in the the archives record do you? I could compile a small booklet if I were to record all the cases in the archives of your immoderate language and abuses.

    Why even the Moderator was not spared – eg comment #44 May 8th, 2009 21:50 under Thread “Uproar in Perak state assembly” in which you catsigated (and I quote), “Moderator, I see that you are acting like Malaysian Police, very fast in showing your biasness against me. Never mind, you don’t have to moderate me, i quit despite the fact that i love this blog and have been contributing probably when you were still sucking milk. It is not just the qualities of bloggers have gone down, even the moderator is also a phua tang sai (half baked in case you don’t understand).”

    If you say you are the most abused person in this blog I can believe it for you amply earn it by casting the first stone and drawing first blood in majority of the cases. Don’t play a vioctim when you’re principal offender. We’re not stupid here.

  19. “The government must punish all those lawbreakers, only then can it regain the public’s confidence.” (Tun Daim Zainuddin)

    It is surprised for me to hear that former Finance Minister Tun Daim is the loyal supporter of the concept of transparency and the rule of law, as implied by his above statement.

    However, in order to prove that his personal integrity still remains intact and unfettered by his suspected personal connection with Al-Queda, Tun Daim is hereby requested to clarify himself of his conscience and to explain to all Malaysian people about the immediate reason which prompted Tun Daim’s sudden resignation from the post of Finance Minister of Malaysia not long after the happening of 911 terrorist attack at Twin Towers of World Trade Center at New York City. Tun Daim’s suspected personal connection with Al-Queda is evidenced by the abandoned project of construction of an Islamic university situated on a piece of 100-acre land at Kampung Kundor, Negeri Sembilan nearby Pedas-Linggi Toll Plaza of PLUS North-South Expressway. The abandoned construction project is believed to have been sponsored and operated by members of Al-Queda who resided in Malaysia before the happening of 911 event.

    Tun Daim must also clarify himself to the outside world that whether the members of Al-Queda who were Tun Daim’s business partners in funding the abandoned construction project had involved themselves in Malaysia in any form or any kind of illegal money laundering operations for purpose of sourcing funds to support terrorism in the United States!

  20. Onlooker,

    On the subject of the separation of church (read: mosque in this case) from state, it is not easy to apply when it comes to the Muslim religion. Islam is more than a religion. It is a way of life. So my Muslim friends tell me.

    Turkey comes to mind when we talk about a secular constitution. Well, Turkey is facing problems with Muslim conservatives today. Its recent ruling regarding the wearing of the hijab to the workplace is unpopular with the Muslim conservatives of that country. The ruling prohibiting the wearing of the hijab to the workplace has alienated many because it encroaches on their religious freedom. Some have sought refuge in the United States where you are free to wear the hijab anywhere you go.

    You should direct your question to Kamput who is a practising Muslim.

  21. “You can, out of respect of LKS, stop your nonsense but don’t try to seize the high moral ground as if others are at fault and that you were not the one, like a virulent blog virus, who contaminates the blog by abusing commentators here, as and when you like, using any language you like.”

    No one can put it more succinctly than Jeffrey.

  22. Refer to post 23 above. This is a typical one-track mind talking. At one time the church and the state were also inseparable. But look at them now. But if this fellow was born, say before the reformation, I think he would most probably say the same thing, i.e. the state was not able to separate from the church. Remember of the King of England have to kneel before the Pope overnight to ask for forgiveness. Think outside the box lah. In fact I would even venture to say that if the mosque were to continue its intrusive way as being practise in most countries, some day it will suffer the same consequence as the church.

    From now on I will not respond to personal attack because I respect LKS. But I will comment on substantive issues. I am still waiting for the greatest commentator here say something substantive. We shall see.

  23. If Islam is more than religion, what about Christianity? For someone who claims to go to church every Sunday, may I remind him that Christian is not even a religion. It only shows how hypocritical at times some of fellows talking here.

  24. sorry repost:

    ….Remember one of the King of England had to kneel before the Pope overnight to ask for forgiveness.

    If Islam is more than religion, what about Christianity? For someone who claims to go to church every Sunday, may I remind him that Christianity is not even a religion. It only shows how hypocritical at times some of the fellows here are.

  25. //Kudos to Jeffrey for speaking out his mind. This problem can easily be overcome by peer pressure.//

    You are wrong as usual. I don’t feel any pressure from you at all. I only have LKS’s interest to think about and so decided to declare unilateral truce on personal attack. We debate on substantive issue if you dare. So far you have said nothing other than attacking me personally. I, on the other hand, despite all the distractions, have continued to contribute meaningfully to this blog. My records show.

  26. #32 by limkamput on September 14th, 2009 07:32

    “ … luckily there are only few stupid asses like you around. Otherwise the world may be still in stone age.”

    #41 by limkamput on September 14th, 2009 20:36

    A real psychopath – you just go ahead believing what you want to believe, for that is what a psychopath does. There are smart psychopath and stupid psychopath, you belong to the former.

    Why why why, did you cause you pain in your posterior? Turn around, you may see that it was wannabe or monsterball.

    #31 by limkamput on September 14th, 2009 07:24

    Yes, look carefully btw your legs, you may notice that you have nothing, not to mention whether you have foreskin or otherwise. Please don’t pour your frustration on me if you are in between. It is not my fault that you are that way.

    #5 by limkamput on September 15th, 2009 17:58

    I pick my targets. I notice both of you are now very careful with your comments. That is good, because you fellows are fearful of me. I can easily point out where you fellows have gone wrong because of my vast experience and knowledge. For example, Jeffrey’s comment on PKFZ was half baked. He does not know the real issue and was just commenting based on text book knowledge. As for Jaswant ball, he only knows Pariot Act, ISA, Islam and the state are not separable. NO way lah you fellows want to talk real substance with me. I challenge both of you to comment on substantive matters in this blog and you shall see my rebuttal.

    #28 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 16:27

    Jeffrey, please don’t think too highly of yourself. I may be self centred, frank and direct (for this is what cyberspace is all about), but I have never indulged in pretension and showiness. But i think everybody knows what are you trying to prove by using words and writing stuff perhaps only you understand.

    #35 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 20:40

    did u go to church this morning? did you press your pants before going? did you confess your sins?

    #41 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 23:30

    Wannabe, write short simple English like mine, that is the hallmark of good English. No pretension and showiness please.

  27. LKS Political blog expresses Kit’s views on a wide range of political issues. He invites readers to comment (“Commentators”). He likes to know your feedbacks, if any. Hence the blog is a medium for everyone’s/readers’ voice – if they wish to say something or express their sentiments. There is no compunction that they must express an opinion or leave behind a comment much less a “substantive” one. If anyone wants to leave several comments in one thread, there is also nothing wrong with that. There is certainly no obligation for anyone to make any comment that should constitute a “substantive” contribution the way Lim Kam Put puts it.

    There is no running competition here; no price for the top the best or most erudite commentator.

    If Lim Kam Put aspires to be the top commentator and make the most substantive contribution, we wish him the best and say, “good for you”. That all.

    There is no rule or reason that the comments of other Commentators of less lofty aspirations to be substantial or even intelligent. The comments may be foolish, insubstantial, and flippant – so what?? Whether they are so or not would depend on subjective judgment of the individual reader, and it may well be the case that a stupid reader may adjudge an intelligent comment as stupid!

    Because of the extreme subjectivity of such assessment, one can, by all means, argue and debate the issues with another but whether the views and comments or conclusions of the others, whether by themselves or as they unfold in the course of exchange, meet one’s expectations, and whether they are viewed intelligent or stupid, common sense dictates that Lim Kam Put should keep your views, especially derogatory views, of that to himself – because no one here is interested in his judgment and assessment of the merits of another’s comments….

    If you liken this blog to an invitation by LKS to his readers friends to his house to socialize and chat, common courtesy dictates that if the guest thinks that another is talking nonsense or silly, he can move away and not listen or he can stay and talk all he wants and as loud as he wishes what he thinks is sense to others but that does not mean he can rudely tell other guests that in his judgment they are talking nonsense! That is real rude – and showing nothing of respect to the host!

    As I said this blog – or any other respectable blog – is a medium for everyone’s/readers’ voice, whether that voice is loud, soft, intelligent or stupid, no one is interested in your (Lim Kam Put)’s assessment of others’ voices of how to measure up to yours, nobody even cares about your expectations, and this is not a forum for you to deride and put down others comments because your expectations are not met or because you need a permanent ego trip to relieve other pressures

    If you want to do so – do it in your own blog -
    (if you have the readers/guests, that is, to invite according to your nincompoop criteria).

    There in your own blog, you can draw your own rules and be a King but don’t assume the mantle here!

  28. I have commented on your posting on substantive issues. So please debate on substantive issues if you have what you got. Otherwise pointless, all those things you quoted were said in response to your provocation, every one of them. I guess your whole life is spent cataloguing and keeping score, but not me. Too bad. In case you have chosen to overlook what i have posted earlier, let me post it again here. Please respond to these:

    1. Refer to post 23 above. This is a typical one-track mind talking. At one time the church and the state were also inseparable. But look at them now. But if this fellow was born, say before the reformation, I think he would most probably say the same thing, i.e. the state was not able to separate from the church. Remember one of the King of England had to kneel before the Pope overnight to ask for forgiveness. Think outside the box lah. In fact I would even venture to say that if the mosque were to continue its intrusive way as practise in most countries, some day it will suffer the same consequence as the church.

    2. You have said Islam is more than a religion and therefore by your logic or illogic not separable from the state. If Islam is more than religion, what about Christianity? For someone who claims to go to church every Sunday, may I remind him that Christianity is not even a religion. It only shows how hypocritical at times some of the fellows here are.

    Just focus on these. I am waiting.

  29. If someone wishes to come here to give his/her opinions, then it is his/her burden to accept comments or criticisms from others, simple. If you can’t stand criticism, don’t give any opinion, that is the best approach to adopt I think. This is a public forum, if stupid opinions do not get challenged, they may be misconstrued. If someone challenges you, it is best you defend your arguments. You can not claim that, your view, once given, can not be commented on. That is stupid.

  30. Jeffery is simply saying that you got problems with yourself and this is affecting the health of this blog. There is no need to go through the laundry list of what is wrong with you. It is public knowledge to readers who freqent this blog over the last several years. It is not new.

    Kamput, it is best to end this spat before admin steps in to end it for you.

  31. Jeffrey, give one substantive comment here and we shall see. Yes, I am not important. If I am not important, why must you spend so much time and consume so much energy on me.

    If you dare, give me one substantive comment here. I have every right to comment on comments made here. I have debated with you before on substantive issues, you just can’t handle me, let’s face it. Please don’t take it out on me if my feather is too bright.

  32. See, you are at it again, who is personal here? Just answer my comments on your postings on substantive matters like Islam is more than a religion, and that Islam and state are not separable. Guess you have no idea on things that you so blatantly said.

  33. //Kamput, it is best to end this spat before admin steps in to end it for you.// jaswant

    I think the admin has some idea who really is the main culprit here. I am not a nice guy, i admit, but my comments are usually on substantive issues until someone came along to harass me endlessly on my religion and my mental health and what not. All the nasty things i said, i said in response, i maintain that.

  34. //Jeffrey, give one substantive comment here and we shall see// – Lim Kam Put.

    I don’t owe you anything to give a substantive comment. As a commentator here, I don’t care to prove anything to you, another commentator. Your good opinion or bad of me or my comment is a matter of complete indifference to me – as long as you keep it to yopurself. By what right can you expect it (a substantive comment) – answer me?

    ///If someone wishes to come here to give his/her opinions, then it is his/her burden to accept comments or criticisms from others, simple///.

    ///You can not claim that, your view, once given, can not be commented on. That is stupid.” That shows you do not understand whats being said. I have said there was nothing wrong in debate or arguing points (civilly) which is different from criticising others, who have equal right to voice their opinions here, as expressing a stupid opinion or that they are stupid themselves just because you don’t agree their opinion or that you are of the opinion that their comments or they are stupid. (Equally they may think that your comments are stupid if not worse and if they adopt the same atitude as you, where would it lead to?)

    This is civility of which you have absolutely no notion about in your imperative to self aggrandise and show how favourably you measure up against others. As I said before this is not a place for your therapy.

    If you persist in acting such, people, no matter what you think of them, will surely retaliate which you surely cannot think that the blog owner, whom you say you respect, will be happy with the developments in his blog/house caused by your attitude.

  35. “I, on the other hand, despite all the distractions, have continued to contribute meaningfully to this blog. My records show.”

    So far that is only your opinion of your own record. I don’t hear anyone else corroborating it. Be that as it may you may contribute meaningfully or unmeaningfully, thats your rights, I grudge you not for thinking well of yourself, even solitarily, as long as that does not translate to speaking ill of others.

  36. ///Yes, I am not important. If I am not important, why must you spend so much time and consume so much energy on me.///

    Is it a matter of great importance to you that I I say you are important, and thats why I spend so much time and consume so much energy on you – that you will ejaculate in ecstasy?

  37. This fetish to constantly want to prove one’s capability to make a ‘substantive’ comment – when there is no need to – is a sign of low esteem that makes a person require constant reassurances of substantiality from others by way of favourable comparisons of himself against the world to lessen his fear/denial of his own low esteem. It is a psychological condition.

  38. “I think the admin has some idea who really is the main culprit here” – Lim Kam Put

    Yeah the one who said, “Never mind, you don’t have to moderate me, i quit despite the fact that i love this blog and have been contributing probably when you were still sucking milk. It is not just the qualities of bloggers have gone down, even the moderator is also a phua tang sai (half baked in case you don’t understand)”??

  39. Give me substantive comment, that is what I am waiting for. Calling names, I am no longer interested. I am waiting, unless you have nothing….

    See as expected, always thinking they are the best; when challenged, nothing come up except venom. You know what; all those things you said of me are most appropriately applicable to both of you. I need not say more.

  40. O wise one! Please don’t go. Please say something! We beg of you, please … please …please. What will we do without you O wise one? You’re the clever one with an Ivy League education. Just the other day I met Ivy and she said she knew you! Already we can see wisdom flowing out of your ears. Without you LKS will be at a loss as to what to do next. O wise one. Please say something. Please don’t go.

    We beg of you. Please! We need your ideas which are brilliant and original. This blog will never be the same without you, O wise one!

    Have you broken your fast O wise one?

  41. #28 by limkamput on September 13th, 2009 16:27

    “Never mind, you don’t have to moderate me, i quit despite the fact that i love this blog and have been contributing probably when you were still sucking milk. It is not just the qualities of bloggers have gone down, even the moderator is also a phua tang sai (half baked in case you don’t understand)”??

  42. Thank you for appreciating me finally. I am glad you have finally come to your senses.

    When we fight, we must adhere to issues, not fearing how many people are on the other side. That is the hallmark of leadership and tenacity. So, you can go ahead, canvass as many nincompoops as you can and even the moderator as well. I am as steady as the rock. Remember the house built on sand or rock? You are on sand.

  43. ///Thank you for appreciating me finally. I am glad you have finally come to your senses./// – Lim kamPut

    The conclusion of a man who either does not understand parody or deliberately chooses to embrace the opposite of its intended effect in order to satify his cravings for self aggrandizement.

  44. //The conclusion of a man who either does not understand parody or deliberately chooses to embrace the opposite of its intended effect in order to satify his cravings for self aggrandizement.//

    owah, so insightful, i did not know that! Thanks.

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