Malaysia’s three-place drop in WEF’s Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010 because of worsening crime is powerful reason why Musa Hassan should not continue as Inspector-General of Police

Although the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak kicked off his premiership five months ago with a pledge to raise efficiency and productivity of the public delivery system, even appointing the Gerakan President Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon to be the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Minister, the new Prime Minister has not been able to convince Malaysians that he is prepared to do whatever is necessary to check the rot in public service standards.

This hard truth was illustrated by the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) 2009-2010 released a few days ago which saw Malaysia’s global competitiveness ranking dropped three positions to 24th from 21st spot last year.

This report was released ahead of WEF’s annual meeting of the New Champions, dubbed “Summer Davos”, in Dalian, China.

The drop in Malaysia’s international competitiveness was the result of a much poorer assessment of its institutional framework – with every indicator in the area exhibiting a downward trend since 2007, causing Malaysia to tumble from 17th to 43rd position in this dimension in just two years.

Security in Malaysia was of particular concern with its ranking dropped 25 levels to 85th.

In the past decade, DAP leaders both inside and outside Parliament had been making a major issue of the worsening crime situation, which was one reason why the Royal Police Commission was set up by former Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2004 to reform the Malaysian Police to reduce the incidence of rampant crime in the country and to make the country safe for Malaysians, tourists and investors.

Despite the Royal Police Commission’s 125 recommendations to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service with three core functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights, the crime situation has got from bad to worse in the past four years since the Report of the Royal Police Commission – until it became a major factor in Malaysia’s four-place drop in global competitiveness in the WEFs GCR 2009-2010.

The person who must bear the greatest blame for the worsening security situation in the country as to undermine’s Malaysia’s economic well-being and international competitiveness is none other than the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan.

If Najib is serious about efficiency and productivity of public service delivery, we should be having a new IGP as there can be no worse KPI for Musa Hassan as IGP in the past three years than the WEF Global Competitiveness Report citing worsening security as a major reason for Malaysia’s three-point drop of Malaysia’s global competitiveness.

This is a powerful reason why Musa should not continue as IGP.

(Speech at the Menglembu DAP Branch anniversary dinner in Menglembu, Perak on Saturday 12th September 2009 at 9pm)


16 Replies to “Malaysia’s three-place drop in WEF’s Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010 because of worsening crime is powerful reason why Musa Hassan should not continue as Inspector-General of Police”

  1. Anitá Sarawak’s husband Mahathir Abdullah was robbed and hacked yesterday. This speaks of the crime situation in KL.

    If the IGP has any self-esteem, he should have resigned to take the worsening security situation in the country.

    As long as Umnoputras and the Utusans rule the day, the competitive index of the country would continue to go down.

    When can there be change of government ? Please tell us !

  2. This IGP is one of the contributory factors to our drastic drop in ranking.
    He failed to check crime rate, accused of corruptions which he failed to challenge(plenty of it in RPK website) and doing the irrelievants like arresting people wearing black, lighting candles by the road side and lots more.
    The real issue like Altantunya’s murder the police failed miserably. Also Elizabeth Wong’s photographer still cannot catch till today(what type of police force), Balasubramaniam disappearance till today no sign of him(again how hopeless his leadership must be). Aiya, lots more,
    If he has pride he should not extend his service

  3. I can’t think of any government so dumb that they would renew the contract for a serving civil service officer, an IGP to boot, whose tarnished reputation has not been investigated or cleared! There is something definitely awry when his contract is renewed not once but twice. What if our politicians are beholden to him. He holds their ‘records’, good and bad. What if he uses these reports to squeeze their baLLS?

    God knows. One thing I know is Malaysia is SICK!

  4. The IGP’s credentials in itself is in doubt.

    The Star dated 3.9.09 reported:

    “Musa, who has a degree in law from Britain begin the career with the Force as an Inspector in 1969.”

    The Malay Mail dated 3.9.09 reported:

    “Musa who joined the police force as an Inspector on Nov. 11 1969 has a law degree from the UK.”

    The Daily Express dated 8.9.06 reported:

    “Musa Hassan takes over as IGP. Musa 55, who graduated in law in the UK.”

    The IGP doesn’t have a law degree neither is he a law graduate.

    During the earlier Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy trial, the following took place during the cross-examination of Musa Hassan:

    Lawyer: What is your qualification?
    Musa: I have an ADIL.

    Lawyer: Oh, you must be a member of Keadilan.
    Musa: No. It is Advanced Diploma In Law.

    Advance Diploma in law is equivalent to a degree. But Musa does not have a degree or any other qualification equivalent to a degree.

    However, the lawyer did not do a background search and failed to attack Musa’s credibility for lying in court about his qualification.

    Musa is only qualified with a Diploma in Law from Bristol University. If he is a law graduate then why do the papers not state the University he graduated from rather than just stating UK. The papers were also playing by his balls by misleading the public about his qualification.

    This is something very serious coming from a top cop of the country. He committed perjury during Anwar Ibrahim’s trial and now distorting his qualification to the public through the papers. He cannot blame the papers for misreporting because he didn’t come up with a correction or retraction to rectify the mistake.

    By keeping silent he appears to be condoning what was reported in the papers. The question begets is, “Is he fit to continue as the IGP when he has lied or allowed the lie to perpetuate about his basic qualification?”

    His credibility is at stake and does he deserve to be the IGP?

  5. The BN goons can’t loot the country in peace if they don’t have a fellow robber as the IGP. Nothing the people says or desires matters.

    As usual the BN goons thumb their noses up at the rakyat, and says: “shut up, we know what we are doing. You elected us as the government. We hold the majority in parliament. So you should just quietly accept what we decide.”

    That’s BN’s idea of democracy for you.

  6. Referring to Endangered Hornbill’s comment:

    The IGP is not holding the politicians balls. It is the vice-versa. The politicians are holding the IGP’s balls. If he is a threat, then the politicians would have removed him nice and clean. When he is removed from power then he will be useless and the threat is extinguished because he can’t do much without power.

    The politicians are smart and cunning. They are using him now to do their errand work and he has become a tool to toy around by the politicians.

    Look at the incident of the cow-head protest. Any protest and what the protestors have intended to do would have been known in advance by the Special Branch. The CPO and the IGP would have been briefed well in advance.

    But the IGP appeared ignorant of the whole incident and took no action to prevent it. They sent a junior police officer to handle the situation and in the event of a public outcry, the junior officer can be made a scapegoat. This is what actually happened.

    On the other hand, the peaceful candlelight vigil by Uthayakumar was responded with arrest and dispersal. See the difference. The politicians are behind all these scenarios and how they dictate the IGP to act and react. The IGP has been turned into a slave by the politicians to serve their interests and this will go on for another year. God bless!

  7. Putrajaya assumes everything is fine or will be taken care off by PDRM.

    IGP Musa only cares for his fortune and laying a red carpet for his son’s future in the PDRM.

    I personally suspect IGP Musa is blackmailing the Prime Minister as he has the dirty documents Rosmah don’t want the public to know.

    If the above is true, IGP Musa is the real King of Malaysia.

  8. “The IGP is not holding the politicians balls. It is the vice-versa. ” – sumun osram

    Actually, that’s not completely true. Both the politicians and the IGP are holding each others balls like a band of thieves.

    If one falls, they take the others down with them. That is why the politicians and the IGP are all holding each others balls making sure neither of them slips up.

  9. Malaysia could have done better! No thanks to our IGP who is so power crazy, Malaysia can only satisfy at 24th place.

    I believe Malaysia will regain its pride in the old days if reformation is successfully carried out! Give Pakatan Rakyat a chance….:)

  10. All not true. Lies. Bias assessment. Malaysia is safer than singapore, hong kong and japan. There are more crimes there. We are unique. Different. We are better. In fact most of our criminals come from singapore. Look Mahathir and umno people (and of course mca and mic too) protested by burning singapore flags and posters of LKY when he likened JB to a cowboy town of rapists, kidnappers and carjackers. The protest is good evidence that we are ok and safe. Hmmm. Sounds like umno is talking, doesnt it? It’s not that hard to do an “umno-talk”. Try it.

    Our IGP has got an advanced dip in law and that piece of paper he said is equivalent to a degree? Hey man. Why dont you go crumple that dip scroll of yours thoroughly so that it is nice and soft. Then use it to wipe your backside. You will certainly feel no loss.

  11. “Malaysia’s three-place drop in WEF’s Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010 because of worsening crime is powerful reason why Musa Hassan should not continue as Inspector-General of Police” – LKS

    Musa Hassan knows a lot about Najib but he is not telling. He is using this as his ‘weapon’ to get what he wants from Najib. Is not this a more powerful reason why Musa Hassan is allowed to continue as IGP, Mr. LKY?

  12. Scenario 1 :- THE holy month of Ramadan has not stopped some Malay youths from drinking beer and watching table-top dancing by bikini-clad women at a club in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday night.According to the Metro Ahad’s reporter, who went undercover, five bikini-clad women climbed onto the tables at 11.50pm and started dancing suggestively to cheers from the audience. Of course, I had fun. I get to drink beer while watching bikini-clad women performing sexy dances.
    No immediate actions from PDRM in KL.

    Scenario 2:- DAP peaceful ceramahs cum dinner held in Ipoh and video showing the unethical policemen taking actions against the Perak speaker. The PDRM took immediate actions against the organiser in Perak.

    Based on the above two scenarios, please answer all Malaysians today.

    Does MUSA is eligible to retain the IGP post ?

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