Najib will have to explain in Parliament next month why Hishammuddin is not prosecuted for sedition if Malaysiakini is charged for cowhead protest video clips

I am giving notice that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak will have to explain in Parliament next month why the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein is not charged for incitement and sedition in initially defending and justifying the cow-head protest in Shah Alam section 23 three days before National Day, committing the crime of ultimate religious insensitivity and sacrilege, if Malaysiakini is charged for showing the cowhead protest video clips.

The Malaysiakini video clips of the cowhead protests is highly offensive, not because of the news portal but because of the action of the irresponsible people who showed utter contempt for the sensitivities and sensibilities in a plural society as well as a top Cabinet Minister who could be guilty of such offensive conduct as to defend and justify such protest.

The cowhead protestors should be prosecuted. Even the Home Minister should be prosecuted. But it would not enter into any sensible, rational and reasonable person’s mind that Malaysiakini should be prosecuted – except those who have an axe to grind in wanting to penalize the news portal for the audacity of reporting the truth!

It was as a result of intensifying and irresistible public pressures that the culprits responsible for the cowhead sacrilege in Shah Alam were charged in court, but they comported themselves as if they were national heroes with the support of Umno leaders!

Former Selangor Mentri besar Datuk Mohd Khir Toyo had been highly offensive and insensitive when he used the language of “stupid cow”. Are Umno leaders immune from action for such insensitive and offensive conduct?

Deputy Minister for Information, Communication and Culture Joseph Salang Gandum cannot be more wrong when he said that the public expect action to be taken against Malaysiakini by the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) for the videoclips.

MCMC will go the way of the Police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in having its institutional independence, impartiality and professionalism doubted if it embarks on the road to become Umno/Barisan Nasional catspaw in a campaign of selective prosecution against Malaysiakini and independent news portals or websites over the cowhead videoclips.

32 Replies to “Najib will have to explain in Parliament next month why Hishammuddin is not prosecuted for sedition if Malaysiakini is charged for cowhead protest video clips”

  1. Najib will have to explain in Parliament next month why Hishammuddin is not prosecuted for incitement and sedition in initially protecting the cow-head protestors if Malaysiakini is charged for cowhead protest video clips. (Kit)

    A brilliant argument!

    I like it, Kit.

  2. Well, has LKS forgotten that a precedent has been set in the case of Tan Hoon Cheng and Ahmad Ismail on 12 September 2008? Opppphs, that’s exactly one year ago. Well, Malaysia follows the principle of precedents….. when it is expedient to do so.

    1Malaysia! 1KindMalaysia! Malaysia Boleh! Apa Pun Boleh, asalkan ada wang, semua boleh….

  3. I have to say I take issue with Sdr. Lim pushing Najib to make good is public-spin-doctoring of liberal image. My issue is whether it will lead to anywhere really?

    UMNO people have no problem with being hypocrite and it does not matter to them Najib is a hypocrite. The Malaysian public already know Najib is a hypocrite. Is there any point in pushing this idea?

    The key to PR beating BN must be a fight between Najib and Muhiyiddin. If Najib adopt the policy he spins in public, it will lead to a fight between him and Muhiyiddin as Muhiyiddin is a traditional UMNO ideologue that think liberal policies are to fool the liberals in Malaysia.

    In the end, the answer must lie in making Najib think there is no future in the tradition of UMNO ideologues i.e., Muhiyiddin should never become PM. In other words, its actually pay more to push Hisshamuddin as the next PM over Muhiyiddin rather than cut him down over what is being caught in a rock and hard place for him.

    If Muhiyddin think he is never going to be PM,he got nothing to lose and will fight it out with Najib. Najib is known to not to act on the worst idiots in his administration. He actually act emotionally only in private. But he is an intellectual pretender that hate to be thought off as very common or below average in intelligence. Push THAT button that Muhiyddin makes him look dumb, and he will send all sort of signal that will result in clash with his deputy and lead to PR victory…

  4. Perhaps Uncle Lim has forgotten the definition of 1Malaysia! In Malaysia, one law is for UMNO members and another law is for ordinary citizens for most of us! It is not surprising that Kerismuddin will not be prosecuted!

  5. “…… if Malaysiakini is charged for cowhead protest video clips……….”

    it can be concluded (or confirmed) that it id an offence in Malaysia(if lead by Barisan Government) that TELLING THE TRUTH of REPORTING THE FACTS is AN OFFENCE!!

    It happened before…sometime last year when a reporter from SIN CHEW DAILY NEWS was detained under INTERNAL SECURITY ACT (ISA) for reporting the fact on action of a UMNO leader from Bukit Bendera….

    so what shall we call this kind of government? ROGUE GOVERNMENT ?

  6. typo…
    it can be concluded (or confirmed) that it is an offence in Malaysia(lead by Barisan Government) that TELLING THE TRUTH or REPORTING THE FACTS is AN OFFENCE!!

    ‘you shall not report or write or publish any wrong doing by BARISAN NASIONAL leaders and cronies !

  7. YB

    MCMC is clearly wasting the public’s time and money by going afer Mkini when the news has been reported in the public domain and videos are available on Youtube and elsewhere on the web.

    Their pursuit of Mikini cannot be seen as being in the public interest; it is clearly selective persecution!

    DAP’s lawyers can assist Mkini in looking at the Multimedia Act and find ways to show that the MCMC is acting beyond its powers or that what they are doing is tantamount to censorship which the Act does not allow. MCMC claims the Hindus have complained about the videos. Ask then to tender proof. I bet you they have none!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  8. This is one way MCMC is doing malaysiakini a favour – the court case will boost their subscriptions and circulation. Basically this is a follow-up of the cow-head incident.

    First, the police failed in their duties to uphold law and order and allowed an illegal protest to happen without lifting a finger.
    Then the Minister played his silly role in front of the TV inviting those “friendly chappies” in a for chat.
    The final player is the MCMC who probably cannot even analyse the contents of the video but are acting “on orders”

    This is the type of government we get after supporting them for 50+ years without trying/testing other political parties.

  9. If we dont want to be seen as bias or prejudice, we should respond professionally. That is, we must have facts. Whatever is being writen by anybody, be it uncle lim or najib, we must have abide our logics and reasons within the ambit of the law, including the highest law of the land, Perlembagaan.

    But sometime we want to change the law. Ok go for it. But make sure we are talking on that basis. In other words, if we use cowhead issue as an example, then treat it as an example. Dont let the example be further discussed, since this will derail our discussion.

    I dont want anybody to be over reacted, but sensible and responsible.

  10. Here are the reason Najib will give:

    – No action taken because Kerismuddin is his cousin
    – No action taken because his cousin is also an Umnoputra, and Umno always protects its members at the expense of the rakyat
    – No action taken because Umno will lose the support from all the hardcore racists who support it.

    Well, Umno can let Kerismuddin off the hook, but the rakyat will make sure Umno pays for this in GE13.

  11. Governments and their police would would be happy to have video clips which can help them identify offenders and law breakers, making their work easier. But in Bolehland they don’t want to rely on pictures prefering, instead, to “siasat” in the way they know best.

    First, they “mengadakan siasatan” After sometime, they would say “kes tengah di-siasat to be followed by “siasatan hampir 80% siap” and…….. mamma mia! the remaining 20% will never be “siap”

    Malaysia memang boleh. Hidup wawasan 2020!

  12. ///The Malaysiakini video clips of the cowhead protests is highly offensive, not because of the news portal but because of the action of the irresponsible people who showed utter contempt for the sensitivities and sensibilities in a plural society as well as a top Cabinet Minister who could be guilty of such offensive conduct as to defend and justify such protest.///– Kit

    Malaysiakini might be charged for infringement of copyright for showing the video clips of a play orchestrated by UMNO. The defence had to be whether UMNO had applied for permit to stage the show. We know that UMNO members enjoy double standard protection.

    Remember that Justice Azahar commented that “the decision of the legislative assembly on May 7, 2009 to remove the plaintiff as speaker and to appoint the defendant was conclusive and had been fairly determined by the state assembly on May 7, 2009”. That is a representative sample of the judges we have in the country. UMNO members would win the cow-head case on copyright.

    This is Malaysia Boleh.

  13. Najib did it again. Giving with one hand and taking back with the other. This time the stunt was on umno and people he fooled are umno members. “Abolish quota system” he declared. But candidates standing for election must first satisfy “some criteria”. WTF is this? Then again it affects umno and will only wear umno down lower. Do I care? No. Rot for all I care, umno. Why mention it at all then? Well. Just to let people know the sort of person najib is. Seemingly giving something but always taking it back. Like for eg, remove the 30% umnoputra quota for ipo but set up special investment fund.

  14. Charge Malaysiakini for what? Very stupid charges.
    The world is laughing at us. Our Hishamuddin is the chief clown defending criminal acts.
    Just look at his stupid argument:
    Animal heads were not used for the first time. It had been found UMNO flag was used to wrapped pig head.
    Since a precedent has been set, there fore using a cow head is justified.
    Is he a lawyer? My God, how did he get his law degree. If his argument holds, a bank robbery suspect can argue in the same way.
    Some one has robbed a bank before and therefore he is hystified in doing the same thing.
    Yes, he is condoning their act and he is a party to the despicable act. Charge hishamuddin under the same act and NOT Malaysiakini

  15. i wish to add-on on Richardqed section.

    najib says :
    1) hisham is not charged BECUASE HE’S DOING THE RIGHT THING that malays have special rights as mentioned in the constitution. no-one can question or take away their rights. hisham is just doing his job to protect the malays.

    2) malaysiakini is charged because it screened a video that CAN LEAD TO CHOAS among the races. malaysiakini is making the protestors as fools. in other words, malaysiakini is insulting the malays!!!

    so for LKS, i hope i have answered on behalf of najib and the morons for you. why need them to explain and from past experiences, all their explanations, actions and comments MADE NO SENSES AT ALL.

  16. did toyol really utter the word that cows are stupid ???

    to the indians,this is a sacred animal. luckily the malaysian indians are REALLY MATURED ENOUGH not to over-react to such comments by this person.

    if cow is really stupid, i think 100% of us are STUPID TOO INCLUDING TOYOL WHO TAKES THE LEAD!!!

    why?? well, onlt stuoid people has connections with stupid animals. we consumed their meat (except for indians) & drink their milk (susu-cap-junjun) when we were babies. unless toyol never drank cow’s milk or eat their meat, then toyol is the CLEVERISH OF US ALL!!!

    i now brand myself as ‘stupid’ because of toyol’s remarks but i’m very very sure my brain is in my head and not in the ass. i wonder where’s toyol’s brain….i’m very sure its not in his head !!!

  17. Voter :najis said if popular in party but lose in election is no use in BN.WHAT ABOUT HIS CABINET LINEUP ? MANY OF HIS CABINET ARE LOSER IN GE12 TOOSTUPID PEOPLE PUT SALT INTO OWN WOUND.

    Najib wanted to say but left unsaid MIC candidates can only get elected with the support of Malay voters, since MIC has no Indian majority constitutency, so they would better not argue with UMNO. MIC should withdraw from BN, just like MCA should, since UMNO would not honour the social contract.

  18. “MCMC claims the Hindus have complained about the videos. Ask then to tender proof. I bet you they have none!” (donplaypuk)

    You lose your bet this time!

    MCMC can easily pay Dato Nara (a PRO of foreign Chics) or Lawyer Lingam (also a PRO but in legal circle) to find a Hindus to lodge a police report about the videos from time to time!

    Within Barisan Nasional, money can buy almost anything, including Samy Vellu’s soul!

  19. So why don’t all bloggers carry the offending clips? This way if 300 blogs do it, then let’s see if the MCMC will bring all of them to court?

    Mr Lim himself should take the lead and carry the clips in this blog to report the truth. Then let’s see what the MCMC, Police or whoever will take legal action.

    Walk the talk!!!

  20. Lembu punya kepala, Malaysiakini dapat nama(jahat) UMNO will always be shooting the messengers who are just doing their jobs reporting the truth, as UMNO want to always report fables as it is doing thro utusan and NST. What a bunch of a r se holes who ‘re running this country, what a home minister , bird brained good 4 nothing SOB.

  21. Who is annoyed by the video?
    HINDRAF already supported Malaysiakini.
    MIC did not protest.
    Most Hindus I know of supported 100% that the video is screened.
    PAS, PKR and DAP do not protest.
    Oh yes, MCA, Gerakanalso did not protest.
    ONLY UMNO la! Hey, UMNO why so scared of the video.
    We enjoy watching them
    MCMC stop acting stupid!!!

  22. If Malay residence in Shaha Alam Sek 23 can reject a Tamil temple simply by saying the majority in that area is Malay, that means, they can also reject all other races in Malaysia simply by saying the majority in Malaysia is Malay.
    This is actually another example of the majority races bullying the minority happening again and again in Malaysia.
    Their thinking that they are more superior or have more rights compare to other races could be the Malays nature or it could be inculcated by the Malay leaders through out the many years of their ruling. Either way, if this persisted, Malaysia is doom as all advance country like America has no races boundry and Malaysian Malays are still living in the Jurassic period partly pampered by the Umno government by rules like : Malay Quota and special rights in all sectors. Race base politics is not helping, it is time for a change now. 1Malaysia slogan is only for Malays I presume.

  23. Hissmoodin sounded out at MIC members for putting a garland of slippers around Dr.M’s photograph saying, “it is rude of them. If you want others to respect you, you must first respect them”

    This cow-head is now talking sense. But I cannot remember him saying that when UMNO Baru members spat and stomped on KTK’s photograph. In fact he did not say anything at all! What UMNOputra-Hypocrisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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