Indonesia, we are not your whipping boy

By Tunku Aziz

The Javanese have done it again. They have burned our national flag.

Many years ago, I was interviewed in London by BBC Radio 2 as part of a series on the great languages of the world. I was asked about some significant differences between Bahasa Indonesia and our own Bahasa Melayu. I feigned ignorance about the existence of a language called Bahasa Indonesia. I said what Indonesia claimed as its language is really Bahasa Melayu.

They had no choice but to use Bahasa Melayu, the lingua franca of the Malay world to communicate among themselves because they never had a common language to begin with. Malay is undoubtedly the basis of their language. So, if we do what they in Indonesia do so well, we should be burning their flag every day because they have purloined our national language.

An excessive display of nationalistic zeal is generally considered “ugly” in civilised societies. The Indonesians by their actions have reduced themselves into sad figures of ridicule and fun. Their claim, and not for the first time, that we have infringed their “cultural copyrights” is totally absurd. They now have got it into their heads that we should stop singing our national anthem because the tune was Indonesian. What else next? Stop eating satay and wearing kain batik because these are Indonesian?

I remember the time when Indonesia took it upon themselves to rename the Indian Ocean as the Indonesian Ocean, and had the new name put on their official map. The Indians demurred, and Sukarno the regional bully boy realised that it was not such a clever thing to do after all.

Last year we had Wahyu Susilo of Migrant Care, an influential labour organisation telling us “We also want Malaysia to legalise illegal workers and not simply deport them home.” Then, again last year we were reminded by Indonesian lawmakers that Malaysia-Indonesia relations were “at their worst since Sukarno’s days of Konfrontasi in the sixties.”

The reference to Konfrontasi is mischievous in the circumstances. It was a attempt to stampede us into submitting to their will. Indonesians should want to forget that disastrously miscalculated adventure which ended with a bloody nose for their country. On the positive side, it brought to an end the reign of the megalomaniac Sukarno only to be replaced by the rapacious Suharto. Perhaps we had a match in our own country, and we should not gloat over it too much. As a matter of interest, even the normally calm and staid Najib when Deputy Prime Minister was moved to refer to Malaysia as the “Whipping Boy” of the Indonesian media whenever they felt they had a grievance, real or imagined, against us.

I mention all this as a way of reminding ourselves that history provides important lessons for us all. Patterns of political behaviour are often deeply entrenched in the consciousness of a nation, and in the case of our big and unwieldy neighbour, this phenomenon is more marked than is good for them. We want to continue to maintain good neighbour relations with Indonesia, but Indonesia must remember that we are not a client state, and there is a limit to how far we are prepared to go to be nice. We have to think about protecting our national security interests and not putting them at risk. After all, our responsibility is to our own people, first and last.

I recall vividly the burning of our flag in 2002 in Jakarta, that very violent capital of Indonesia. Dr. Mahathir, the then Prime Minister responded in a statesman-like manner to the crude officially orchestrated provocation in which the petulant Speaker of the People’s Consultative Council, Amein Rais played a big role. So, in the most recent incident, we were yet again treated to a pattern of behaviour that seems to have been well integrated into the great Indonesian cultural psyche, and that is part of their culture they can keep without any fear of copyright infringement by Malaysia.

It is obviously difficult for us to engage such a volatile country without causing offence and endless misunderstandings, but we must show patience and wisdom and do all we can to keep the relations on an even keel. Indonesia is still a country in transition and has yet to find its own realistic level in international relations. It seems to lack the confidence of a potentially rich and credible nation, and therefore occupies its time in the luxury of blaming others when things do not go their way. I suppose they will now want to take back all their nearly two million nationals, both legal and mostly illegal, working hard, and robbing hard, to keep body and soul together.

We are not your whipping boy. Grow up Indonesia!

38 Replies to “Indonesia, we are not your whipping boy”

  1. Apart from “stealing Indonesian cultures” the inhuman treatment to some Indonesian maids by their Malaysian employers may also be a contributing factor to the “anti-Malaysian fever” in Indonesia.

    If the Malaysian employer does not like the maid just ask her to leave, why resort to violence against her?

  2. The Javanese hates Malaysian muslims…which is very sad.
    UMNO have led and showed how low class devilish Muslims the are…that the Javanese have lumped up all Malays to be hypocrites.
    Dirty politics…do get innocent by-standers into trouble ..and be killed too.
    I mixed with alot of Javanese….real humble…nice open minded people.
    Yes….they hate UMNO spoiling the Islamic religion…by having false titles..clearly going against Allah.
    Mahathir encouraged it….and look at his blog…no titles. This man is the most cunning and dirtiest politician on Earth.
    Indonesian President may use all his powers to calm things down….which Malaysians appreciates deeply and thank him for that sincerely.
    But these UMNO … have gone too far.
    Javanese do keep a watch …what is happening in Malaysia…and noting UMNO keep insulting ..keep fooling the people…keep dividing Malaysians…claiming to be Muslims….are actually being confronted by Javanese….for protecting their cultural dance…that UMNO copied wholesale and call it theirs too..and usIng find trouble with UMNO.
    Do you blame them?
    Javanese may not be Muslims at all…but they will die for their true Muslim country… free and easy..for everyone to choose…..any religion..and not like in Malaysia…tying all Malays for 53 years …must be Muslims.. on going……getting worst and worst..because they are such hypocrites…the Malays are feeling shameful…more and more now…over UMNO’s dirty race and religion politics.
    UMNO thinks this is Middle East…behaving like Arabs….which in fact having Chinese …and India as forefathers.
    These UMNO buggers keep distorting history and facts……there is a limit to everything…and the signal was given in 12th GE..with the 13th shut their mouths.
    We have enough of UMNO.

  3. Claim to “cultural copyrights” is totally absurd – yeah right!

    When do Indonesians repect copyrights, intellectual or cultural? They are ironically one of the world’s greatest infringers of intellectual property rights, pirating software, branded goods, CDs, DVDs and songs too. We Malaysians also copy from them to be infringers. Both benefit from tourism. One of the attractions is to buy cheap pirated, CDs, DVDs from Pasar Malam..

    On subject of “cultural copyrights”, what do these agitators really expect?

    Malays are an ethnic group of Austronesian peoples. Even the word ‘Melayu’ originated from a river with name Melayu River near to Batang Hari River of today’s Muara Jambi, Jambi province of Sumatra, Indonesia. Of course much of Malay culture is derived from Indonesia, including language, food, music, angklung (bamboo musical instrument), Pencak Silat, kebaya-blouse, batik and wayang shadow puppets, Matrilineal adat perpateh rules of kinship and inheritance in Negeri Sembilan were derived from parts of Acheh and so on – because all these were part of the original Austronesian culture prevailing then in Indoensian archepelago spreading by migration outwards not only to Malaysia and Brunei but further beyond Indian oceans to even Madcascar where it was modified by local or other influences.

    T’is spat, an unnecessary quarrel. Its crazy that activists from the Ganyang Malaysia (Crush Malaysia) Volunteers conducted a street sweeps Central Jakarta to ferret out Malaysians. Malaysians in Indonesia are in constant fear of being lynched by mobs!

    To be sure there are differences between the 2 countries – we complain about haze from forest fires in Kalimantan; there are territorial disputes over Bintan, Sipadan and Ligitan islands, and more recently, Ambalat in the Sulawesi Sea; then an assault of an Indonesian karate referee by a Malaysian, the detention of an Indonesian diplomat’s wife, and claims of ongoing mistreatment of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia etc which forms perfect backdop for all the hullablo and bourhaha about the pendet dance featured in a video clip produced by a private company for Malaysian tourism promotion. All these activists are using Malaysia as whipping boy (excuse) to incite Indonesian patriotic sentiments and galvanise them against President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. This is not new. Even here we use certain groups and persons as bogeyman to politically undermine certain targets. Maybe our mobs here learn too from the mobs there!

    Farish Noor is right to wonder, “why is it that in the year 2009, more than half a century after the independence of both countries, is the state of politics and society in both Malaysia and Indonesia still rooted in primordial essentialisms and sentiments that are based on intuition and emotionalism, rather than reason?”

  4. Before this outbursts of anti-Malaysian protests, there were already other issues that irritate the Indonesians: Ambalat, Sipidan island off Sabah, etc. There is a saying: The surface of water freezes to become ice not the result of one day’s coldness but after many days’ coldness.

  5. I wonder at the need for a statesman-like response. Have I not read the news correctly, and is this not ‘Malaysia vs small group of silly-billies with pointed sticks’? I can’t help but wonder if hot-headed Indonesians with nothing better to do aren’t problem enough for the Indonesian authorities without senior Malaysian figures blowing more hot air on them.

  6. “Cultural” copyright? Wow. Does it exist?
    Micheal Jackson started numerous dance moves involving a large group of dancers. I suppose one could consider that american culture. But bollywood has adopted and adapted them for their own use. How about dat huh? Infringement is it?

  7. Does cultural copyright exist? I don’t know. Let’s wait and see if India nukes the UK because we all say chicken tikka masala is the True National Dish and it was ‘invented’ in Glasgow.

    My stomach’s growling now. I really want a ‘British’ curry. I see lots of restaurants making dishes that look similar here – but you can’t beat The Authentic British Curry.

  8. The reaction is pure jealousy, and we have a national “new economic policy’ to pander to the people who wanted to ameliorate their sense, by making them easy to get rich. The problem starts with Khir Toyo displaying his expensive palace-like residence. Indonesians know that Khir Toyo was a second generation migrant to Malaysia and yet he had the bumiputra status. His wealth shows that gold paves the road everywhere in Shah Alam. They are only hoping for a special NEP across Malacca straits.

    Malaysia better toes the line and satisfies the demand of Indonesia. Our armed forces are only for parades, and our equipment including the submarine which had RM 500 million on service contract is only for joy rides. If Indonesia decides to go on confrontation, and since Gurkhas are guarding palaces around the world rather than doing what they were famous for, we will not only lose Putra Jaya, but Petronas as well. Let us appease them like MCA did to UMNO.

  9. Those Indonesian goons who went around to sweep clean the streets of Malaysians remind me of the similar behaviour of those Umnoputra cowhead thugs.

    Why are these Umnoputras and the Utusans so quient when confronted by the Indonesian mobs ?

  10. Ken G has a point.

    Khir Toyo has bumi status. Why can’t other Indonesians ?

    They can claim the same rights. Syed Hamid Albar is another case in point.

    Is there any wonder if Indonesians lay claim to Malaysia ?

  11. Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin is reported by MCA’s newspaper (that I refuse to buy) to have said:

    “Indonesians should understand that Malaysians are also sensitive, and get angry at hearing our country labelled negatively, and seeing our national flag burnt.

    Why it is alright for KJ (and his UMNO Youth Mat Rempit gangs) to burn the American & Israeli flags when Condoleeza Rice was here but it is not alright for the Indonesians to burn Malaysian flags?

    Why our former education minister encouraged students to burn American flags

    Why can’t KJ understand the sensivity of our biggest trading partner?

    Why are they following Pakistan & Arab culture of flag burning?

    Why Malaysians are so afraid of the Indonesians?

    What if Singaporeans were the one burning the flags of Malaysia?

    Why we always bully Singapore but when it comes to Indonesia, our leaders dare not say anything against Indonesia?

    Is it because the majority of Singaporeans are Chinese or is it because many UMNO leaders were immigrants from Indonesia?

    Why our politicians are making noise over trivial matters such as flag burning but keep quiet when the Indonesians were killing the Christians in Ambon, Maluku and massacring, killing, and raping the Chinese in 1998 riot?

    In fact, some Malaysians even volunteered to go to Indonesia to kill Christians there or help them with bomb making.

    What did the Malaysians get in return for helping the Indonesians during the Tsunami tragedy? The Americans helped the Indonesians more than the Malaysians. But were Indonesians grateful towards the Americans?

  12. Yes rojakman me love british curry. Especially those served during supper in hall of residence. Taste better than boiled cabbage anytime.

    Copyright has a life span of 20-30yrs (depending on the type of creative works involved). And for an event to gain recognition as a culture I guess it must have been in existence for ages. At least for way longer than 20-30 yrs.

  13. Yeah. It just struck me. At least singaporeans do not burn malaysian flag in protest. If at all it has always been the reverse like when LKY equated johore with a cowboy state didnt those umno fellas burn a few singapore flags in protest. Wow. How rempit! Why not burn some indonesia flags now. Dont bother to warn them that you fellas are capable of getting angry. Just go and burn some indonesian flags now.

  14. It is not jealousy— the indons just want to be paid royalties every time malaysians sing the negaraku, or wear batik, or even speak certain malay words deemed to be of indon origin. Imagine 25 million malaysians each having to pay RM10 a day to the indons as copyright royalties– RM250 million a day!

  15. Malaysians are patient by nature. Indonesia should not interprete it as weakness. Before they go one step farther, please be informed that we now have a kapal selam with one more due to be delivered. Our Malaysian leaders don’t spend so much on them for nothing, albeit, RM500 million commission is a bit too much,LOL

  16. I don’t think Indonesia see us as their whipping boy, they are expecting more from Malaysia. For years, Malaysia government established over-kind of ‘brotherhood’ relationship with Indonesia. All this while, I felt Indonesian has been given privileges and special treatment compared to other. This type of privileges somehow developed into detrimental expectation and reliance over the relationship.
    Just to explain on this type of detrimental relationship happened in Botanica Garden of Penang. In Botanica Garden of Penang, there are many Monkeys, the Monkey are the real owner of the land/jungle which later developed into Botanica Garden. Years before, visitors are encouraged to feed the Monkey with peanuts. These monkeys, after awhile, became very pleasant to the visitors, they approach the visitors and take the peanuts from visitors like a small boy, sometime they even say thank you. Until a stage, the monkeys expect the visitor to feed them with peanuts. If you have a packet of peanut in your hand, they will grab that from you, sometime they bite and attack for the packet of peanut in your hand. This is called detrimental relationship leads to detrimental expectation and reliance. So, maybe Indonesia is in detrimental expectation and reliance.
    Now, how about those umno-putras that rely on Ketuanan for a fortune? If those are not properly managed, might end up seeing Botanica monkeys syndrome in Putrajaya, or we are seeing it now?

  17. “,,,,,,much of Malay culture is derived from Indonesia, including language, food, music, angklung (bamboo musical instrument), Pencak Silat, kebaya-blouse, batik and wayang shadow puppets, Matrilineal adat perpateh rules of kinship and inheritance in Negeri Sembilan were derived from parts of Acheh…..” (not Aceh but Minangkabau).

    The word “Malaya” is also derived from Indonesia. There is a place in Java called Tasik Malaya where the song “Terang Bulan” (our national anthem tune) originated from.

    They reason why Indonesia hates Malaysia is quite simple. Indonesia is THE Malay country with some 240 million Malays living there, compared to about 15 odd million in Malaysia. And out of this 15 million, a good percentage originated from Indonesia anyway (e.g. Najib, Hishamuddin, Musa Hitam, Toyol etc etc). And who are these “pendatangs” to Malaya to now turn back on their ancestral birthplace and dictate terms to them?

    So many Indonesians feel Malaysia should be a vassal state and be a part of greater Indonesia. Remember Konfrontasi? They wanted Sabah and Sarawak and even Malaya, thats why their troops paid us some visits. And don’t forget all the little islands here and there too.

    So how can big Indonesia allow a puny nation like Malaya dictate terms to the “mother country”, and call many things theirs when their origins were from Indonesia? And don’t forget, the Malay peninsula and beyond were formerly a part of the Majapahit, Srivijaya and the Riau-Lingga empires.

    It is a fact that many Indonesians do look down on the Malays in Malaysia as “inferior” even though we may be more advanced than their country in many aspects. They cannot accept our “small” to be equal to their “big”.

  18. For years, Malaysia government established over-kind of ‘brotherhood’ relationship with Indonesia. How true..
    Ever noticed how easy it is for Indonesians to obtain PR status in Malaysia?
    Their children gets Bumi status thereafter..
    Never remembered a time we Malaysians burnt an Indon flag.. yet we must’ve burnt hundreds of American,Singaporean Flags. Yet it is the american and Singaporean who had invested billions and provided jobs to millions of us.

    Even the war declared upon us during the 60s were rarely mentioned in the media.. seems like we would rather forget that event. My father served additional years in the armed forces to defend our country from the Indonesian Konfrontasi.. yet I am ‘chinese’ and the indon kids are bumiputeras..
    My uncle was born in this country.. yet he died with a red IC,
    Thousands of spouses of Malaysians with strings of degrees are waiting for their PR applications to be processed, yet thousands of Indons without any qualifications are walking proudly with their indon flag who have PR status.
    Yet, a second generation Indon can call non malays pendatang.. when these Malaysians fought the Japanese during the 2nd World War, defended Malaysia during the Indonesian Konfrontasi..
    The irony of it all….

  19. If they have the 240 millions Malays, they can change their name to Melayunesia if they wanted. What’s the point protesting against song, runaway wife, runaway workers, dance, and almost everything else that is related to melayu?

    We should never forget “Konfrontasi” and should always be prepared.

    For once, I would like to say, there is always a limit, if anything crossed the line, Malaysia is ready to be “1Malaysia”.


  20. Many have said and seen. This is a part for us to reconsider the national anthem and the Bahasa. Just wondering there is a Bahasa Malaysia ? When you pronounce it bapa as bape, ada as ade ?

    So, leave all the past and create our truly Malaysian identifities with 214 races to celebrate the festive. How rich is the culture of ours.

  21. If Malaysia belongs to Indonesia, then India should claim rights to Indonesia because Indonesia islands used to belong to Indian Hindus. That is the reason why the islands in this region were called “Indian Islands” by the Europeans.

    Indonesia = Indian Islands = Hindu Islands

    The word ‘Indonesia’ itself means Indian islands. It is a proven fact that Indonesians used to be Hindu & Buddhist. When the Indonesian kings converted to the religion brought by the Arab merchants, the citizens have no choice but to follow the god worshipped by the kings as that was common practise among the ancients.

    So why can’t those cow-head demonstrators understand that the Indians, Hindus & Buddhists were here first before them? They should go to Java to pay a visit to Borobudur Temple to discover the shocking facts that their ancestors used to be Hindus & Buddhists.

    That explains why the Malays & Indonesians are very hospitable and tolerant just like Thai, Balinese and Japanese people who are very polite and hospitable.

    Sadly, that is not the case anymore as many Indonesians today behave more like Pakistanis (in general) – rude, selfish, intolerance of others and prone to violence.

  22. BoycottLocalPapers, by the same reasoning the Pakis and Afghans along with the rest of Central Asia people are also of Buddhist and Hindu ancestry. This explains why the mamaks act like they are always the most religious of them all

  23. By the fact that we became independence on 31 August 1957 and then formed Federation with Sabah and Sarawak(and the later booted out Singapore) on 16 September 1963.

    There is no such thing as “if Malaysia belongs to Indonesia”, it is only in those transformers’ dream.

  24. k1980 :BoycottLocalPapers, by the same reasoning the Pakis and Afghans along with the rest of Central Asia people are also of Buddhist and Hindu ancestry. This explains why the mamaks act like they are always the most religious of them all

    Thanks! Yes, I am aware of that. Unfortunately, these Pakistanis & Afghans are trying to become more Arab than the Arabs. In their desire to become more Arabic, they destroyed Buddhas of Bamyan and breaks India into 3. Pakistan & Bangladesh (East Pakistan) could’ve become one great nation if they live peacefully with India as 1India.

    Malaysia and Singapore could’ve become a greater nation too if meritocracy was accepted back then instead of Ketuanan UMNO.

    In their desire to be more Arab than the Arabs, these people are now ashame of their past, culture and language (where many words originated from India) e.g. ban Mak Yong, Wayang Kulit, joget etc; adopting boring Arab dresses & culture instead of wearing better looking sarong kebaya. That is why now we are left without any culture to call our own and adopted some culture brought by the Indonesian immigrants.

  25. I wonder whether those Chinese in China & Indians in India would burn Malaysian flags & shout “destroy Malaysia” if they saw on TV that lion dance & Indian dance are accepted as
    part of Malaysian culture.

    UMNO leaders thought that the Indonesians would love them because of their shared origins. That is why when bestowing citizenship & PR, Indonesians will be given preference above Chinese, Indians, & Thais. I am glad that this incident happened because it proves to us that UMNO was wrong.

    The Indonesian terrorist Abu Bakar Baasyir would more likely to get Malaysian citizenship than Jet Li (who is now a Singaporean), Jackie Chan and Vijay Singh if 4 of them applied together.

    Jackie Chan came to Malaysia more often than Shah Rukh Khan, & contributed more to our economy. In fact, Jackie Chan’s best friend & manager is a Malaysian. And yet Shah Rukh Khan was the one given Datukship. Is there any reason why Shah Rukh Khan was given the preference? Any idea?

  26. Who is UMNO famous whipping boy?
    Why blame others when UMNO keep bragging and belittling others?
    Between Indonesia and Malaysia….who have more sincere and faithful Muslims?
    Indonesian fault lies in lumping up all Muslims into one…under UMNO.
    UMNO is the real disgrace to the Islamic world…which Indonesia represents the largest in the world.
    They will not have kuching kurap UMNO hypocrites to keep on insulting their religion….now taking their cultural dances to promote Malaysia. looks like some Indonesians are taking this advantage and burn the Malaysian flag.
    We say…wherever USA government goes to help a country…there will be trouble.
    UMNO Maybank …Proton and Petronas are not welcomed….but corruptions conquers all.

  27. Why is Tunku Aziz so quick to judge the Indonesians? Sure it’s not “hired” hands at work?

    Jangan mudah lupa, each time UMNO has problems with its own people back home, they will want to ‘create’ problems with our neighbours, to distract attention from domestic problems at home, so as to gather support for Malaysians to stand by them. That’s Mamakutty’s scheming moves lah, what else and Najib has not forgotten it!

  28. It is not the first time they burn our Malaysia flag. Each time this happens, UMNOputras start jumping about and say it is “perbuatan orang biadab”

    But didn’t UMNOputras every so often burn America, Britain and Israel flags?? What type of people burn another country’s flag???

    “Do not do unto others what you not wish others to do unto you”

  29. Jackie Chan came to Malaysia more often than Shah Rukh Khan, & contributed more to our economy. In fact, Jackie Chan’s best friend & manager is a Malaysian. And yet Shah Rukh Khan was the one given Datukship. Is there any reason why Shah Rukh Khan was given the preference? Any idea?
    Its because he shot his movie in the historical Duch village not in a historical Malay or Melaka town. What history do the malays have in Malaysia? The orang Asli do.
    The malays are pendatang from Indonesia ‘kacang lupa kulit’. The Indonesian were civerlised more than a thousand year ago under the influvence of Hindusim and Buddisum and Bahasa Indonesia spread the whole of South east Asia which is also known as Bahasa Melayu.
    The malays are here are the best copycat in the world from language,food,clothing,education,technology,science,religon ect, ect. In fact a malay is 95% copy. Just compare how thy were 60 years ago.

  30. So by Indon logic, many countries in the world stole cultures of Mat Sallehs (MS), Many wear their clothes following MS style, Many make their music out of MS, Many copy words from their (MS) languages, Many copy legal system of theirs, etc etc

  31. Tunku Azis has mention the same old story of being in London before this and of Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Melayu.
    What is Bahasa Melayu? Is it 100% native malay? Come on man,you know better. It is 50% forign. You dont even have your own writing as other countries in Asia. All civilized country has 100% their own language without English except for science and technology from the West. How can you say B.Indonesia is really B.Melayu?
    Can Singapore claim that Mandarin is theirs?
    You better find out your roots before claiming to be all mighty. Only then will you realise who you are. Your people did not fall from the sky. Why can’t it go to the thick skull of you lot?

    Just like wrote how many of you have been there and mixed with them. The muslim there have Hindu names as their forefathers but are true muslim in faith. Over here we hear names which was never heard 50 years back. They all sound like Osama bin Ladin Arabic gang now.That is why they are killing innocent Indonesians by bombing like a coward and carring cow heads arronnd.

  32. “The muslim there have Hindu names as their forefathers but are true muslim in faith.” MGR

    If you stay long on this blog, you’ll soon be acquainted with someone frightened of his own name, scared by his own shadows and whose language has given rise to the expression ‘otak lembu’ – meaning slow and stupid.

    He is the blog’s resident gatekeeper and you’d be better off paying your respect to him before you say anything further.

  33. “…….whose language has given rise to the expression ‘otak lembu’ – meaning slow and stupid…..”.

    The English word for that, in the blog’s resident gatekeeper’s vocabulary, is “Oxymoron”, his description of me in his comment #30 on September 15th, 2009 11:43 in the other thread, “Anwar Ibrahim – he cannot sing he cannot dance”.

    In his understanding, “Oxymoron” must be a reference to Moronic Ox with “otak lembu”.

  34. I prefer not to say much about the burning of Malaysia flag by the Indonesians. If they have nothing better to do, let them continue burning more……….100,000 flags, 1,000,000…2,000,000 flags. Let’s see how many flags they can burn. And, besides, I am only a “PENDATANG”. Don’t want to be a busybody, LOL

  35. Some of us here think Indon is a nation of 240 million Malay, This is wrong! Indon is a nation of many races, Javanese (East, Central, West), Bugis, Batak, Amboinese, Timorese, Sumba, Papuan, Malay, Chinese, Dayak, Minahasan, etc, etc. In fact the most numerous mother tongue is not Malay, it is the Javanese.
    It is just the Indon govt choose Riau-Johor Malay language (not the majority mother tongue) to be Bahasa Indonesia.
    Indon is still a poor nation, many ppl are hungry, Hungry ppl makes angry ppl,
    Hunger= Anger = Danger !!

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