Cow-head protest sacrilege – Hishammuddin just does not get it

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein protests too much. He said he has evidence that the cow-head protesters involved both members of the Barisan Nasional (BN) and the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) parties of PKR and PAS.

Hishammuddin just does not get it – that he is accused of double police standards illustrated by the instant police arrest of 16 persons for peaceful candlelight protest at Dataran Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday night while cow-head protestors are still scot-free 10 days after the Shah Alam sacrilege.

Hishammuddin’s latest claim that the cow-head protestors come from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat parties, which is not proven, does not answer the charge that the Home Minister and the Police had failed their most elementary duty of being independent, impartial and professional in discharge policing duties which is not influenced by any personal, party or political bias.

Why is the Police still tip-toeing over the cow-head protest in Shah Alam on August 28, which not only put Malaysia in the dock of world opinion with adverse international media reports scaring off intending investors with the spectre that Malaysia is on the verge of greater racial and religious polarisation and intolerance, but spoilt the national mood for the 52nd National Day celebrations three days later.

Is this because of Hishammuddin’s earlier defence and justification for the cow-head protestors?

Can Hishammuddin and the Police explain why they had no time for niceties when arresting 16 peaceful candlelight protestors at Dataran Merdeka on Saturday night as compared to the kids-glove “special treatment” for the cow-head protestors, enjoying immunity and impunity for their deplorable action in the past 10 days?

If Hishammuddin is right that the cow-head protestors come not only from Barisan Nasional but also from Pakatan Rakyat, then all those guilty of the religious sacrilege to Hinduism which is a sacrilege to all religions in plural Malaysia, then let actions be taken against all the culprits concerned!

36 Replies to “Cow-head protest sacrilege – Hishammuddin just does not get it”

  1. HH’s arguments just confirm to everyone that he is thick up there
    Cannot even reason properly
    If he kept his mouth shut, no one knows, people just suspect
    Once he opened his mouth, he confirms to people that he is really keris cow n stupid

  2. Dear All,
    Hishamuddin does not only get things right, he will never get anything right. Don’t be surprised, he could be the next PM of Malaysia. Yes, thats the pathetic state of Malaysia now. This are my demands:
    If the people from section 19 and 23 are deciding where the temple should be located, can any masjids in a predominantly Indian populated area be relocated too? Can the Chinese temples in Malay areas too be relocated? Can the Buddhist temples in a Malay area be also relocated?
    I believe the time is right to implement the Civil Rights Act ( like the one in the USA) where the rights of the minorities will be protected with a set of laws and regulation.
    Until then, we will witness all these nonsensical doings.
    Take care and God bless.

  3. Some medical experts said that eating too much lead might cause mental retardation problem on children.

    Sometimes I wonder whether some BN Ministers like Hisham had ever played too often with pencil and accidentally swallowed too much lead when they were still a baby!

    Why protest made by someone in favour of Islam should be given special favourable treatment than protest by someone in favour of other religion? Doesn’t Al-Quran always preach fairness to all its believers?

  4. He is accusing everyone so that no one will accuse him to be unfair and unjust.
    This man have no guts nor backbone…is full of siht…exactly like Syed Albar.
    That’s why he took over that ministry post.

  5. Naib’s cousin Keris-Din, the Home Minister should have allowed Police to investigate and take action on the cow-head protest against the relocation of the temple, but he chose to be the spokesman of the protesters.

    Now Keris-Din announced that among the Malay protesters, there are also PAS and PKR members.

    The announcement by Keris-Din shows that he was concerned about who did what rather than what they did. To him, the same action can be rendered different interpretations. So long as the Malays involved are UMNO members, the protest was justifiable, and excusable, and the law would not be applied. Thus UMNO members are above the law. As for other Malays, they will be subjected to the full weight of the law, unless they became friendly to UMNO, like the PKR-turned independent ADUNs of Perak. For non-Malays, they are guilty on sight.

    Keris-Din practices multi-standards.

  6. According to Kerismudin, he didnt want to take action against the cowhead protestors because some were PAS & PKR members, he was trying to tell the Rakyat is that he is friendly to PAS & PKR members!!!

  7. In the first place, people like Kerismudin should not have been appointed as the Home minister by just looking at his characters and tract records!!! A person who only know how to play with keris wont be good material for even a soldier lest as a minister, may be just good enough for cleaning the gutter!!! I have great respect for those who clean the gutter, may be he should not even qualified for that, may be just good enough for fighting in the street!!!

  8. UMNO is in the hands of those 2nd and 3rd generations of Malay bangsawan & those whose fathers had been PMs.
    According to the Chinese saying, the fortunes of the family wont pass down beyond the third generation!!!
    First generation – Generate money
    2nd generation – keep money
    3rd generation – spend money

    This is very true especially with UMNO, where the third generation is now holding the power, they only know how to spend (Rakyat’s) money instead of generating and keeping money!!!

  9. Remember how a screw driver has cost tax payers RM 1000s in the Ministry of Education and that’d happened under HH’s watch? If he can’t even look after a screw driver, what good can come out of such a person????????

  10. The Police are guilty of serious misconduct when the practice selective law enforcement…. That applies to the Home minister too.

    Why does the police arrest people who hold peaceful protest while do not taking any action against ‘the terrorist-like’ demonstrators?

  11. 513..They had DAP as the scap goat.
    Now the have DAP.. keDAILan and PAS…plus more than 65% Malaysians to deal with.
    Not easy…but you are right…they are trying and that’s the sign of desperation.
    Notice how much Najib have aged recently?
    Not only crazy for power….but to save his own skin.
    One fall….all will fall..all exposed….all gone case.
    That’s what he is afraid of.
    They are contradicting each other….another sign…UMNO is not united….with low class ministers.

  12. It is very clear that the government is out to persecute the opposition. Hoardes of police to suppress a peaceful candlelight vigil but cannot allocate resources to a inciteful, extremist group, threatening the peace.

    As Dean John put it, we are heading for Mooderka.!

  13. Pewaris is also acting like the Mafia. It claims it has the right to fence of the temple car park as the land belongs to PKNS?

    Question: Is Pewaris=PNKNS and vice versa. Does it mean that land belonging to PKNS can be taken by Pewaris even though the temple has been occupying the land. Does it mean that Pewaris has greater right and might than other NGOs or religious organisations? Or this a collusion between Pewaris and the state government and PKNS?

  14. The problem with certain groups (not all) of Muslims is that their ego-centric view and this gives Islam a bad name.

    I would that thought the Islam is a tolerant magnanimous religion. Look at Ottoman Empire. Many parts of the Empire are non-Muslim and they proper. The Ottomon kings did not destroy some of the oldest churches in Istanbul (then called the Constantinople). It is this magnanimity that attracted people to embrace to Islam.

    In the case of the Section 19 temple, does building the temple make the Muslims in Section 23 less Muslim? It can only go to show the magnanimity of the Muslims. In Colombo, you can find a street with churches, temples, mosques all within 100 meters of each other.

    Are we growing 52 years into the dark ages or are we becoming more enlightened? Is this more politics at play or real backward emotions being bandied around.

  15. It must the joke of the whole world.

    How can an interior minister sat shoulder to shoulder with those who are being investigaged for sedition and violence in a press conference ?

    How can Malaysia have such a minister ?

    We are lost for words !!!

  16. all those guys should be charged under Section 298 of the Penal Code:

    “Whoever, with deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of any person, utters any word or makes any sound in the hearing of that person, or makes any gesture in the sight of that person, or places any object in the sight of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.”

    sedition act is too vague but good way for them to escape with a slap on the wrist at the end of the day

    Great to see people have taken up the new name for KerisMoodin…hehe.

  17. In the video posted by Hussein Hamid in the previous article, “UMNO or Three Stooges? Who will u Vote?”, Hisham says that the very people who are asking for the ISA to be abolished are now asking him to use ISA against the cow head protestors.

    Hisham seems to have a very strong point and has seemingly caught those who have been asking for the ISA to be abolished red-handed. However, the truth is that our dear Home Minister has only succeeded in proving himself to be a very shallow and brainless man.

    First, the people who are asking for ISA to be abolished are not against ISA per se. They are against the abuse of ISA. Had ISA being used against subversive elements and those who threatened national security such as religious terrorists, yes, by all means use ISA against them. But not against opposition party members where there is obviously a conflict of interest.

    Those who are asking for ISA to be abolished are fighting for fairness and justice. In calling for the ISA to be abolished, they are in fact merely saying that if a small boy cannot handle a gun, take it away from him.

    The call by these groups to use ISA against the cow-head protestors is again a call for justice. Don’t practise double standards, that’s all they are saying. Since the ISA has not been abolished, use it and prove that UMNO is partial. Don’t give excuses because the people are not stupid.

    Hisham’s latest claim is allegedly that the cow-head protestors come from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat parties. So what? Use it, whether it is PR or not! Why don’t you? Is the hesitation because some BN supporters are involved?

  18. The Home Ministr was trying to hide his weakness when he said that the cow-head protesters allegedly come from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat parties. They were all law-breakers, weren’t they?
    They were all law breakers and, as Minister responsible for keeping law and order ans internal security, he should immediately order the police to arrest all of them without hesitation. He mustn’t treat the rakyat like children who know little.
    Little by little, the government is losing the credibility of the people.

  19. He felt powerful for he could sense the well of raw electricity pooling up within the very frame that is holding his body. With the keris now clasped chest high in two hands, and with his feet firmly planted on the ground and his eyes totally blank of all expressions, lembudin is all ready to unleash that awesome raw power in Xtreme high mega V. Immediate discharge is definitely not soon enough. Not this time my friend. In fact the energy burst is happening right now even as his thought is gathering pace. BANG. ZAP. BOOM. The incandescent blade on his keris sends a sudden concentrated blast of searing light and heat out through its tip.

    “Aduh” squeaked his older cousin. “My backside!” “For phark sake wot the hell you think you are doing?” “Celaka betul lembu ini!!” Yes indeed. How true. “Celaka betul” for no other word in the malay dictionary could describe lembudin’s predicament better. He had undergone an anatomy upgrade only recently. By that upgrade he was suppose to have a better and more sophisticated head. But through sheer inadvertance Tan Sri Dato Dr Prof Apapunboleh fitted the wrong head upon his shoulder. The case has now been classified “SULIT” by the government. And unknown to lembudin the confidential dossier on his case contains the following remarks:

    Cow head fitted.

    External condition of fitted head – apparent good order (note: stomped and spat on).

    Condition of brain in fitted head – unknown – suspected moderate damage (note: subject still capable of basic functions).

    Original head: destroyed.

    Of course lembudin does not know better.

  20. “Hisham says that the very people who are asking for the ISA to be abolished are now asking him to use ISA against the cow head protestors.” (ekompute)

    Hisham has gotten no sound proof that the very people who are asking for the ISA to be abolished are now asking him to invoke the ISA against the cow head protestors. When people are asking for the legal action being taken against the racist cow head protestors, it can mean that they are asking the Police to do a through investigation and gather adequate evidences for submission to the A-G’s Chamber. If the A-G finds that the evidences henceforth gathered by the police is good enough to form basis for a legal charge against the protestors for allegedly causing damages to the public tranquility, then the A-G should be able to find a relevant law in the Penal Code as a basis for preparing a charge sheet and take the cow-head protestors to a magistrate court.

    It is not necessary to invoke the ISA against the cow-head protestors. This is the basic principle which all supporters of repellation of the ISA and Sedition Act will adopt in order to prove that they really have the true intent to get the ISA and the Sedition Act repealled from the current set of enforceable Law of Malaysia!

  21. Sorry, I find it necessary for me to correct the grammatical error!

    If the A-G finds that the evidences henceforth gathered by the police ARE good enough to form basis for a legal charge against the protestors for allegedly causing damages to the public tranquility, then the A-G should be able to find a relevant law in the Penal Code as a basis for preparing a charge sheet and take the cow-head protestors to a magistrate court.

  22. If Hisham really feels that it is not necessary to take any legal action against the cow-head protestors, he will set a very bad precedence of indulgence and hence provide inspiration and encouragement for the other group of protestors to come out on the street to break the social peace and public tranquility!

    Other group of protestors may find it justifiable to do a demonstration on the street with a hog head too in order to get even with the cow-head protestors. When this thing is to run out of the control from the Security Enforcement Units, then it will create a chaotic situation or, worse still, an anarchic situation in Malaysia! Najib as the power-that-be surely will not like to see that this country is running out of his control in his capacity of the Prime Minister!

    No matter what, I personally feel that it is inappropriate for Hisham to have the thought of invoking the ISA against the cow-head protestors! There is no strong proof indicating that this group of racist protestors are going to plot a terrorist attack on any individual or on any group of dissidents or dissenters in Malaysia. If the ISA is to be invoked in this case, then Hisham is going to set another example of abuse of the ISA. The Malaysian legal framework already provides adequate law in Penal Code to form a basis for charging the cow-head protestors in court! Of course, the Police Force must show their impartiality and fairness when doing an investigation on the cow-head protestors. The Attorney-General must also act above politics and serve the Rule of Law in good professionalism without fear or favour, and without grace and mercy!

    The Police Force and the A-G’s Chamber are two important law enforcement units of the Federal Government of Malaysia. Since these two organizations are required to pledge loyalty to the Yang Dipertuan Agong, the Officers working in these two organizations are expected to serve dutifully and diligently for protecting the interest of the Rule of Law in the name of Yang Dipertuan Agong! They should not act like an underdog of any cabinet ministers or of the Prime Minister!

  23. When the Good Lord handed our brains, I suppose Hisham must have missed the queue.

    One would also expect the Prime Minister of the day to stand tall to declare that the stomping on the cow’s head, a symbol of Hindus belief, is an insult that has gone beyond normal protest.
    But no. It was muted silence to be followed by an idiot who has now orchestrated the guilty to include members from PAS and PKR.

    What a joke !

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