Dare Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from the Sabah and Sarawak component BN parties put the rank racism, incitement and sedition in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian totally subversive of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan as the No. 1 agenda in Cabinet

Utusan Malaysia has joined Berita Minggu to come out with an article entitled Melayu jangan jadi bacul by Noor Azam which spouts unabashed rank racism, incitement and sedition totally subversive of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia slogan.

If any Chinese or Tamil newspaper had published an article of the same nature but replacing the rank Malay racism with rank Chinese or Tamil racism, there can be no doubt that not only the writer would have been instantly arrested by the police and charged for racist incitement and sedition but the newspaper concerned would have been banned immediately!

Is the Barisan Nasional government having one law for Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian while another law for Chinese and Tamil media publications?

Are the Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from the Sabah and Sarawak component Barisan Nasional parties going to raise in the Cabinet tomorrow Noor Azam’s racist writing in Utusan Malaysia today – placing it as the No. 1 agenda in the Cabinet meeting tomorrow as otherwise all the talk of Najib about his administration’s new motto of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” would have lost all credibility. Continue reading “Dare Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from the Sabah and Sarawak component BN parties put the rank racism, incitement and sedition in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian totally subversive of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan as the No. 1 agenda in Cabinet”

ISA should be abolished, not amended

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Adviser


The ISA was introduced in the era when the Malayan Communist Party fought to control the country, at which time Tunku Abdul Rahman was the Prime Minister.

Communism is not a threat any more. Chin Peng the chief of the Malayan Communist Party surrendered at a widely publicised surrender ceremony at Baling. Later Russia and China, the two largest communist countries in the world, also announced their rejection of communism to dominate the world.
Continue reading “ISA should be abolished, not amended”

Malaysian Evasion

The Prime Minister should abolish the ISA.
Wall Street Journal | OPINION ASIA | AUGUST 3, 2009, 4:20 P.M. ET

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak promised in April that his government would conduct a “comprehensive review” of the Internal Security Act, a colonial-era law that allows indefinite detention without trial. On Saturday, 10,000 Malaysians marched in the streets of Kuala Lumpur to hold him to his word, asking him to abolish the act. They were soon dispersed with tear gas and water cannons, and 589 people were arrested.

The confrontation marks a turning point for Mr. Najib’s administration, which until now has refrained from employing roughshod tactics against political opponents. Earlier he won praise for releasing 26 ISA detainees and using that law to detain terrorists, not politicians or journalists as his predecessor did.

But even given that restraint, Malaysians increasingly want a more transparent and freer society. Saturday’s protest was nominally about the ISA, and it was organized by Abolish the ISA Movement, a human-rights group, along with other NGOs. But it was also a larger vote of dissatisfaction with the government’s decision to press ahead with a show trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and the unexplained death last month of a young opposition political aide following several hours of interrogation by anti-corruption officials. Politicians from all three opposition parties were present at the protest, including Mr. Anwar.
Continue reading “Malaysian Evasion”

Can Malaysia get out of the information black-hole as a result of snail-pace broadband to join the ranks of super-fast broadband nations?

I have received a report from my IT Manager Goh Kheng Teong on his meeting at a TM Customer Engagement convened by Telekom Malaysia last Friday on July 31, 2009 in Bangsar following his constant badgering of Telekom Malaysia with complaints about atrocious Streamyx service with little results.

The Engagement was attended by seven customers and some 30 TM staff led by Jeremy Kung, Executive Vice President, Consumer and Chief Executive Officer of TM Net Sdn. Bhd.

I find Goh’s report of great public importance if Malaysia is get out of the information black-hole as a result of snail-pace broadband to join the ranks of super-fast broadband nations and be among the front band of internationally competitive nations.

I have decided therefore to make Goh’s report public to initiate a public debate to ensure that Telekom Malaysia is not allowed to abuse its monopoly position to impede Malaysia’s long-delayed quantum leap to become an information and communications technology power.
Continue reading “Can Malaysia get out of the information black-hole as a result of snail-pace broadband to join the ranks of super-fast broadband nations?”

Anwar a traitor?

By Hussein Hamid

If like Anwar I am call a traitor for denouncing UMNO as failing to defend the special rights of the Malays and the Monarchy then let me stand beside Anwar and be a traitor.

UMNO defending the rights of the Monarchy? Was it not your President Mahathir who stripped away the legal privileges of the Sultans – the hereditary and cultural symbols of the Malays? The Sultans to whom we all go for protection against political and administrative excesses? And then you all have the audacity to put yourself on the same level as we had once had placed the Sultans on – but this time giving the Malays no access to protection from the excesses you have indulged in and now continue to indulge at the expense of the Malays? I did not hear of any Sultan taking Ringgit $500 million for services rendered. I did not hear of Sultans using the Police to impose their will upon the Malays. I did not hear of Sultans blowing up foreign nationals. I did not hear of Sultans willing to allow the Malays to suffer economically as they do in Kelantan, just because the people in that state choose to have, as their government, a party that is not UMNO.

And you call us traitors to the Malay cause? Are the people in Kelantan not Malays?
Continue reading “Anwar a traitor?”

How to spot the Usurper between Ganesan and Sivakumar?

By NH Chan

News item in MalaysiaKini – July 24, 2009

I found this news item in MalaysiaKini – an online news portal:

Speaker vs. Speaker: Police report over letterhead
Humayun Kabir Jul 24, 09

Barisan Nasional state assembly speaker R Ganesan lodged a police report with the Ipoh district police headquarters accusing his Parkatan Rakyat speaker V Sivakumar of illegally using the speaker’s official letterhead twice to communicate with him.

Ganesan said the ‘abuse of official letterheads’ happened twice – Sivakumar’s July 14 reply to his affidavit and summoning Ganesan to an inquiry on July 27.

Ganesan claimed that he was appointed as the legal speaker on May 7 to replace Sivakumar and thus the latter had used the letterheads ‘illegally’.
Continue reading “How to spot the Usurper between Ganesan and Sivakumar?”

Can Hishammuddin wipe out the endemic crime in Johore Baru’s Fleet Street (Jalan Maju) within a month and wipe out JB’s notoriety as the capital of crime by end-2010 in an expanded NKRAs in fighting crime?

Nanyang Siang Pau today reported that its photo-journalist Loh Chen Chiang is the latest victim of snatch theft in Johore Baru’s “Fleet Street”, Jalan Maju (known also as News Bureau Street) yesterday. He lost a laptop and a 3G adaptor.

He is the fourth Nanyang Sian Pau journalist-victim in the locality within two years – the other three being Tan Sion Yen, Woo Kek Ching and Soh Xin En.

There have been at least 22 victims from snatch theft from the various newspaper offices in the locality, as four Chinese and one English newspapers, Nanyang, Sin Chew, Guangming, China Press and the Star (as well as the circulation office of New Straits Times) are located in Jalan Maju while other newspapers like Kwong Wah and Oriental Daily have their offices nearby.
Continue reading “Can Hishammuddin wipe out the endemic crime in Johore Baru’s Fleet Street (Jalan Maju) within a month and wipe out JB’s notoriety as the capital of crime by end-2010 in an expanded NKRAs in fighting crime?”

Why 8 STAR reports in 8 days on“black blog” to defame DAP Selangor leaders but no mention of RPK’s blog post detailing 5 flights taken by Ong Tee Keat in private jet of Tiong King Sing?

MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat yesterday thanked me for lodging a police report last Monday to protect his life over a death threat to him, but said I had no locus standi in the matter and that in any event, I was “one-step too late” as he had lodged a police report the same day.

There is no need for Ong to thank me as I was lodging a police report more for the public interest to ensure that Cabinet Ministers whether Ong or the others are not threatened by Malaysia’s version of “black gold” politics invoking “dark forces” of politico-business underworld combined with certain Barisan Nasional elements to compromise the integrity of their decision-making process.

However, it would appear that Ong has lodged a police report on a threat to him which is different from the death threat which had been made against Ong much earlier – which means my police report was indeed necessary to protect Ong’s life.
Continue reading “Why 8 STAR reports in 8 days on“black blog” to defame DAP Selangor leaders but no mention of RPK’s blog post detailing 5 flights taken by Ong Tee Keat in private jet of Tiong King Sing?”

Police arrest of 589 people in crackdown of peaceful “Abolish ISA” assembly a “black eye” to Police and BN human rights but which Najib and Hishammuddin seem to regard as a “badge of honour”!

It is indeed both tragic and pathetic.

The mass arrest of 589 people in the harsh police crackdown of the peaceful patriotic “Abolish ISA” assembly in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday using excessive force and indiscriminate firing of tear gas and chemically-laced water cannon at all and sundry, including women and children, passers-by and the residents in the vicinity, is a veritable “black eye” to the police and the Barisan Nasional human rights record – nationally and internationally as evidenced by the very critical and damaging international media coverage.

But to Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and their other Cabinet Ministers, the “black day” in the Kuala Lumpur streets of August 1, 2009 – where it is not the peaceful patriotic tens of thousands who caused breaches of peace and disorder with their remarkable discipline and commitment to peaceful protest but the “disciplined” 5,000-strong police force on the directives of their police superiors – and the “black eye” to the police and Barisan Nasional human rights record are regarded as a “badge of honour”!
Continue reading “Police arrest of 589 people in crackdown of peaceful “Abolish ISA” assembly a “black eye” to Police and BN human rights but which Najib and Hishammuddin seem to regard as a “badge of honour”!”

Does Tiong Lai agree with WHO estimates that some 110,000 to 500,000 people in Malaysia need hospitalization in A(H1N1) outbreak with 5,500 to 28,000 deaths?

The A(N1H1) death list has shot up by another two victims from four to six – an 11-year-old boy who died at 8.30 am at Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Baru yesterday and a 10-year-old girl from Bagan Seri who died at the Bagan Seri Health Clinic at 3 am on Friday.

In New Sunday Times yesterday, the Health director-general Tan Sri Dr. Ismail Merican warned that the influenza A(H1N1) outbreak is getting serious and about to break out of its present “cluster” level into a community disaster.

There have been 39 reported new cases of H1N1, all involving Malaysians – bringing the total number of H1N1 cases so far to 1,429.

It is shocking and outrageous that at a time when the country is facing the onslaught of two killer epidemics, A(H1N1) and dengue, they are not the No. 1 priority concern of the Health Minister, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai who abdicated his responsibility as Health Minister Continue reading “Does Tiong Lai agree with WHO estimates that some 110,000 to 500,000 people in Malaysia need hospitalization in A(H1N1) outbreak with 5,500 to 28,000 deaths?”

Malaysian Arrests Put in Question Vow of Rights

Published: August 2, 2009
New York Times / International Herald Tribune

BANGKOK — Soon after coming to power four months ago, Najib Razak, the Malaysian prime minister, vowed to temper the country’s repressive laws and respect civil liberties though they have often been ignored.

But Malaysia’s honeymoon of liberalism hit the rocks over the weekend, when the police broke up a large rally in Kuala Lumpur, arresting nearly 600 people and reaffirming the governing party’s longstanding policy of zero tolerance toward street protests.

Opposition parties, which organized the rally, were calling for the repeal of a law that allows the government to jail its critics indefinitely without charge. The opposition is also pressing the government to expand an inquiry into the recent death under mysterious circumstances of a political aide after a late-night interrogation by anticorruption officials.
Continue reading “Malaysian Arrests Put in Question Vow of Rights”

Enough of Pledges! We Need Actions!

By M. Bakri Musa

Prime Minister Najib Razak’s pledge to improve six key areas (crime, corruption and poverty reductions as well as education, infrastructure, and public transportation) would have met widespread applause if only he had indicated just a wee bit more on how he would go about achieving those lofty goals. Malaysians are rightly fed up with highly optimistic targets and stirring slogans; what we desperately need are leaders who could execute things and get us there.

Najib refers to those objectives as national “Key Results Areas” (KRAs). If he is not diligent and imaginative in the execution, Najib’s KRA could very well end up as KeRA (monkey). Kera would then join with Najib’s earlier glokal Malay to be the next laughing stock of the nation.
Continue reading “Enough of Pledges! We Need Actions!”

IGP Musa – play hardball with murderers, robbers, rapists, Ah Longs and gangsters but not with teenagers and peaceful, patriotic advocates for abolition of ISA

The four-day remand of 16-year-old Faizudin Hamzah who was arrested in yesterday’s anti-Internal Security Act (ISA) for four days is outrageous, deplorable and underlines the biggest human rights problem in Malaysia – that the greatest violaters of human rights are often the police and the law enforcement agencies.

It is very clear from yesterday’s proceedings that it was the police and not the peaceful and patriotic advocates for abolition of ISA who provoked breaches of peace and created disorder, precipitated by the indiscriminate police firing of tear gas and chemically-laced water cannon on all and sundry.

The Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan must be told in no uncertain terms by the Cabinet on Wednesday – play hardball with murderers, robbers, rapists, Ah Longs and gangsters but not with teenagers and peaceful, patriotic advocates for abolition of ISA.

Otherwise, the entire Cabinet must bear responsibility for the IGP playing Continue reading “IGP Musa – play hardball with murderers, robbers, rapists, Ah Longs and gangsters but not with teenagers and peaceful, patriotic advocates for abolition of ISA”

Musa Hassan wreaking personal vengeance against me and other Pakatan Rakyat leaders for the Parliamentary Roundtable last week calling for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia

I come straight from Kuala Lumpur where this afternoon tens of thousands of Malaysians of all races participated peacefully in a mammoth gathering to demand the repeal of draconian laws, in particular the infamous Internal Security Act (ISA).

For the first time in 43 years in politics under six Prime Ministers from Bapa Malaysia Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir, Tun Abdullah and Datuk Seri Najib Razak, I experienced first-hand today the indiscriminate police use of tear gas and its corrosive effects.

Is this an indication that the Najib premiership is going to be the most draconian of all Prime Ministers since Merdeka in 1957?

It was clear that the cause of breach of peace and public disorder in Kuala Lumpur today was not the peaceful tens of thousands of Malaysians who merely wanted to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Prime Minister that draconian laws like the ISA must be removed from the statute books, but the police who indiscriminately fired tear gas and chemically-laced water cannons at the peaceful masses, in utter disregard of human rights of Malaysians to freedom of speech, expression and assembly.
Continue reading “Musa Hassan wreaking personal vengeance against me and other Pakatan Rakyat leaders for the Parliamentary Roundtable last week calling for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia”

Strange mainstream media behaviour about Tee Keat lodging police report for threat to him – prominent even front-page treatment in Chinese press but totally ignored in English and Bahasa media

It is indeed a strange behavior of the mainstream media today – prominent even front-page treatment in Chinese newspapers on the police report lodged by MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat about a threat to him but totally ignored by English and Bahasa Malaysia media (even by MCA-owned Star)!

Why is this? A Cabinet Minister and leader of the third largest Chinese political party in the world receiving threat or death threat but not newsy enough to be reported in the English and Bahasa Malaysia mainstream media, even by MCA’s own Star newspaper?

Is it a farce and all-in-the-know in the media business know that it is a charade – to be played up in the Chinese media but ignored in the English and Bahasa Malaysia media?

This is the first question that intrigued me when I saw the various media coverage of Ong’s police report of a threat to him.
Continue reading “Strange mainstream media behaviour about Tee Keat lodging police report for threat to him – prominent even front-page treatment in Chinese press but totally ignored in English and Bahasa media”

Why was health, in particular the war against two killer epidemics – A(H1N1) and dengue – excluded from Najib’s National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) announced last week?

Health Minister, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai cannot be serious about his ministerial commitment to provide the best health services in the country when the health front, in particular the war against the two killer epidemics of A(H1N1) and dengue are excluded from the National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) announced by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak last week.

In fact, it is not only Liow but also the Minister for KPIs, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon who should also explain why the Prime Minister’s short-term targets for six NKRAs had excluded health, especially with the country facing two killer epidemics.

There have been 69 new locally-transmitted influenza A(H1N1) cases reported on Thursday, bringing the total number in the country to 1,371 with four deaths so far.

At a recent briefing to the National Influenza Pandemic Task Force meeting (July 27, 2009), Dr Tee Ah Sian, director of communicable diseases of WHO, painted a possible scenario for the Malaysian A (H1N1) pandemic.
Continue reading “Why was health, in particular the war against two killer epidemics – A(H1N1) and dengue – excluded from Najib’s National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) announced last week?”

Each new day is the dawn of a new horror….

by Hussein Hamid

I know that in the last UMNO meeting chaired by Dato Onn before he left UMNO, he wanted to know who was going to take his place as leader. Nobody was prepared to answer Dato Onn’s question. He then turned to Tun Razak and asked: “Adakah awak yang hendak menjadi Ketua Umno?”. Tun Razak replied: “Belum sampai masa lagi untuk saya nak jadi Ketua UMNO – tapi saya ada satu orang yang saya fikir layak …ya itu Tunku Abdul Rahman” and so it came to pass that Tunku became UMNO’s President.

I obtained the above information from just five minutes of surfing the internet. Now what has this got to do with Najib son of Tun Razak? Very simply this – through the internet we know what you have done in the past, what you have done while you were with MINDEF and what you are doing now. We know about your personal life, your social life and your political life. If you had known then about the internet and that you would one day be Prime Minster of this country you might have done some things differently. With hindsight so would we and be better people.

and now to the present…. Continue reading “Each new day is the dawn of a new horror….”

So who has ‘Misunderstood’ the ISA?

By Farish A. Noor

It is now being claimed by some that the Internal Security Act has been ‘misunderstood’ by a significant section of the Malaysian public, and if only they can be made to ‘understand’ it they would come to realise that it is after all a good tool that ought to be kept in the coffers of the state.

That such a claim can be made today is interesting, for at least it makes the concession that there are enough Malaysians out there who reject the manifold uses and abuses of the ISA so as to warrant the call to have it abolished, or at least so radically revised that it cannot be abused further. However we are left with the question: Who, exactly, has ‘misunderstood’ the ISA? The Malaysian public or the politicians who run the country?
Continue reading “So who has ‘Misunderstood’ the ISA?”