The cow-head sacrilege an ominous warning that Najib’s first National Day celebration as Prime Minister will go down as a Black National Day if the genii of racism and religious chicanery are allowed to get out of the bottle

All patriotic Malaysians of goodwill and reason must condemn in the strongest possible terms the cowhead sacrilege in Shah Alam yesterday where a group of protestors claiming to be residents of Section 23 in the area protested the construction of a Hindu temple and threatened bloodshed and committed the ultimate act of religious insensitivity, insult and offence to Hindus by severing the head of a cow and stomping on it.

If such an ultimate act of religious insensitivity, insult and offence had been committed against Islam, Utusan Malaysia would have gone to town not only with full front-page coverage and denunciation, probably half the newspaper today would be devoted to it. Why the thundering silence from Utusan Malaysia?

In other multi-religious societies, such an ultimate act of religious insensitivity, insult and offence to one of the major religions in the country would have led to mayhem, riots and loss of lives and it bespeaks of the high degree of maturity, mutual tolerance, goodwill and co-existence that cool heads had prevailed in the response to such a deplorable act of sacrilege.

In a multi-religious society, the act of sacrilege to one religion must be regarded as an act of sacrilege to all other religions and the entire nation.

Let this serve as a overarching consensus of all political parties, mass media, NGOs and Malaysians if we cherish and love this nation.

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is to be commended for his quick response in ordering the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan to take swift action against those responsible for the cowhead sacrilege.

But why was the police so slow in its response to such a public act of religious sacrilege, when tardiness in dealing with “national security threats” had never been a weakness of the Royal Malaysian Police Force?

Police intelligence cannot be so obsolete that it is not aware of the act of sacrilege being planned and executed, when the organizers had taken pains to ensure that their protest would get the maximum mass media coverage – reported, photographed and videoed!

With two days to go before August 31, the cow-head sacrilege must serve as an ominous warning that Najib’s first National Day celebration as Prime Minister will go down as a Black National Day if the genii of racism and religious chicanery are allowed to get out of the bottle – as in plural Malaysia there is not just one genie but many genii threatening to tear apart the multi-racial, multi-religious, multi-lingual and multi-cultural fabric of Malaysia.

It must deeply trouble all right-thinking Malaysians regardless of race, religion or political affiliation that despite Najib’s 1Malaysia policy to serve as an overarching inclusive policy to build a united nation of diverse races, religions, languages and cultures, recent trends have worked in the opposite direction.

The past weeks in particular have seen various top political leaders and mass media acting with utter impunity and immunity to crank up racial and religious animosities to polarize the country along race and religious lines – as happened in the recent Permatang Pasir by-election – making a total mockery and repudiation of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan.

These divisive, polarizing, centrifugal forces emanating from top official directions must stop if Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan is not to meet an even quicker end of all Prime Ministerial mottos – including Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s short-lived “Islam Hadhari”.


95 Replies to “The cow-head sacrilege an ominous warning that Najib’s first National Day celebration as Prime Minister will go down as a Black National Day if the genii of racism and religious chicanery are allowed to get out of the bottle”

  1. Salam Ramadan, YB Sdr Lim Kit Siang,


    Beranikah YB Sdr Lim KS dan semua pembaca-pembaca blog ini buat komen komen mengenai artikel bertajuk “Apa dah jaid, tak aman lagi” di Malaysia oleh Salleh Majid dari Utusan Malaysia. Adakah Malaysia tidak aman lagi bila UMNO hilang kuasa ?

    Hello! Si Bodoah Salleh Majid , Berani kah kau buat komen di Utusan Malaysia pasal suara marah Ketua Pemuda UMNO, KJ terhadap tindakan liar orang-orang mad cow-head yang memalukan bangsa Melayu Islam di bulan Ramadan mulia ini.

    Kata bahasa English dari mulut Khairy :- “How would you feel if the proposal to build a mosque in a non-Muslim area – which is already happening – leads a group of non-Muslims to burn and stomp on the Quran?” Would not the Malays rise with anger? If yes, then parading with a cow’s head is just as insulting?” . Berani kah Utusan Malaysia atau Salleh Majid buat lapuran polis bahawa Khairy lupa akan sensitiviti orang Melayu dan mengkhianat agama Islam dengan ucapan tak masuk akal beliau?
    Adakah UMNO diam saja tak ambil tindakan keatas pengkhianat Islam dengan ucapan KJ ini ?
    Jika ucapan senstiviti ini dibuat oleh pemimpin bukan Melayu Islam , dia akan diheret oleh polis dengan ISA serta merta dan Utusan akan putar bilit ucapan beliau esok hari.

    Saya anak Melayu berasa sungguh malu and keji atas semua artikel-artikel perkauman dan incite hatred antara kaum bukan Islam dengan kaum Islam yang ditulis oleh si-bodoh pengarang dan editorial di Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, Metro dan Mingguan Malaysia.

    Tak kan UMNO dan kaum Melayu mudah lupa pepatah Melayu: ” Jangan tunjuk satu jari keatas orang lain bukan Islam tetapi terlupa tiga jari ditunjuk keatas kita orang Islam ”

    Kegagalan NEP polisi bukan lah salah orang bukan Melayu Islam yang kaya raya dan monopoli ekonomi negara kini tetapi tiga dosa-dosa besar dari pemimpin warlords UMNO dan bangsawan Melayu sendiri yang menyebabkan bangsa Melayu miskin sampai 52 tahun kini.

    Dosa 1 – Pemimpim pemimpin dan warlords UMNO dan bangsawan Melayu sendiri yang bolot dan tipu hak istimewa kuota 30% saham Bumiputera Melayu miskin dengan korupsi, kroni, nepotism dan memperkayakan keluarga mereka serta tycoon Cina dan India yang bersubahat dengan UMNO selama ini.

    Dosa 2 – Banyak Bumiputera dan Melayu miskin dan mundur pasal kerajaan BN tidak tolong mereka tetapi menganaiyi orang Bumi/Melayu miskin di Kedah, Kelantan , Pahang, Terengganu, Sabah dan Sawarak. Semua kekayaan bumi di rampas oleh segelintir Melayu kaya raya dan kroni-kroni UMNO sendiri atas “Susu punya nama, Sapi dapat nama”. Kerajaan PAS Melayu Islam sejati di Kelantan disesak dan diperkosakan dengan wang ehsan rakyat berjuta billion dari Petronas telah di bolot oleh BN / UMNO selama 20 tahun.

    Dosa 3 – Hasutan Agama dan Isu Rasis yang dipermainkan oleh Utusan UMNO terhadap bukan Melayu Islam amat bahaya yang membawa kemerosotan ekonomi negara bila pelabur-pelabur bukan Islam dari luar negeri takut melabur berjuta-juta di Malaysia pasal mulut Utusan UMNO ini masih main api-api perkauman rasis dan salah guna agama Islam sebagai alat politik kotor mereka.

    Saya, anak Melayu Islam sudah bosan baca Utusan UMNO kini yang menipu dan memperalatkan orang orang Melayu selama 52 tahun. Rakyat kini sedar bahawa “keharmonian dan kedamainan negara” kini telah digugat oleh Utusan UMNO dengan artikel-artikel bodoh setiap hari. Bangsa Melayu sudah bijak tidak bodoh lagi dan tidak senang di perjudikan dalam sandiwara politik kotor UMNO kini.

    Sekian, Selamat Berpuasa ! Save Malaysia Today.
    Merdeka ! Merdeka ! Merdeka !

  2. genii huh? Now I wouldn’t have gone for that unless I was trying to make a plural out of ‘genius’. And are genies (or even djinns) necessarily bad? Wah, I didn’t know that ‘genius’ was an old Latin word for a guardian spirit that each person has. You and your creative English! Perhaps you could have used a word that more obviously referred to an evil spirit?

    Also, aren’t genies usually commanded by the holder of their bottles? Oh – perhaps that’s what you were implying.

    I think this might be a good opportunity to unite the nation in a bit of easy condemnation. This just doesn’t have the appearance of a genuine protest, and even if it was – all guys? Sure sign of a non-issue if no women turn out to protest. Guys have nothing better to do. And we all know who finds work for idle hands.

  3. Moo mooohiyyiddin, where art thou. For the past 2 months thou hath whip up religious and racial frenzy and this is what hath happened. Now, thou art very quite like a mouse, or is it thou art the poor cow that was beheaded?

  4. ///The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is to be commended for his quick response in ordering the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan to take swift action against those responsible for the cowhead sacrilege.///- YB Kit.

    Even Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin has strongly condemned it. He was reported to have said, “I believe this is not an action condoned by Islam, a religion which espouses humility and respect for other religions. This act is surely to anger the Hindus.” – Malaysiakini report of Aug 28, 09 11:52pm under caption “Khairy: What if they burn the Quran over a mosque?”

    How come the UMNO heads beat religious party PAS (an important PR coalition partner) to fast condemn this act as not being “Islamic”?

  5. They will be buried in the approaching 13th GE. They know it, and are doing all these nonsense to put fear into the hearts of rakyat; vote for UMNO/BN or there will be bloodshed.

    All Malaysians who value freedom and democracy must stand up to condemn in the strongest term their totally irresponsible acts.

    If police fail to act again, that means top UMNO leaders are involved. Simple as that.

  6. I say to all those protestors,don’t do to others,what you don’t want others do to you.There must be sponsor/s ,otherwise these kind of anti hindus protest would not happned.The sponsors have evil agenda and any equal irational respond by our indian citizen would definitely fullfil the hidden hand purpose.These protestors,did they know what they were doing?.The IGP must go to the bottom of this shameless act to find out the whole truth nothing but the truth and put these protestors and their sponsors to jail.Mr.IGP please no cover up.I add further to say that this kind of vicious act is not only un-islamic but also un-human.

  7. The only logical explanation why the police is not taking any action is because this is all orchestrated by umno. If they can detain those islamic extremist group, why are they afraid of arresting these extremists unless these extremists are backed by umno.

    The world is watching and I am sure they are thinking twice before investing or visiting this country. You can forget about the national celebration. It sounds so hollow.

  8. Those brainless and morons could not have been from MCA or DAP. Neither could they be from PKR or PAS, otherwise the poohlis would have arrested them, making heroes of UMNO government.

    Is there any Malaysian who doesn’t know where they are from and who sponsored them.? The poohlis is in the best position to clear any misconception the public might have.

  9. //The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is to be commended for his quick response in ordering the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan to take swift action against those responsible for the cowhead sacrilege.//
    Najib should have fired the useless IGP immediately. The police are quick to take action against people holding candle light vigil but allowed the cowhead sacrilege to proceed freely.

  10. Where is the IGP? Sleeping? Where is the swift action as instructed by the PM? The Police considering this gathering legal? Double standard? Waiting instruction for HM or DPM? Arrest all these racial rioters immediately who have insulted other race and also threatened bloodshed.

  11. vsp:
    Non torsii subligarium! De omnibus dubitandum.

    Even Umno Youth chief K…
    Yeah, how funny is that? Never mind, next week he will be exhorting his disciples to behead Nizar again. Is it such a big deal that PAS (Khalid Samad is PAS, isn’t he?) is late to the public denouncements? Najib and KJ were there like a flash, but I’m assuming they have a much easier time of getting their message to the mass media. Even LKS is 16 hours after the first message on his blog about the topic.

  12. Let state, the protestors have a right to demonstrate. It was ignorant and wrong-headed but they still have a right to demonstrate and express themselves.

    The issue is why has it come to this and who is responsible – the very same guys who are now shouting outrage (Najib) and condemnation (KJ).

    What is there to be outrage and to condemn? Is this about malice? Even if there was some, its based on ignorance. What is the point of being outrage about ignorance and condemning it?? Who is responsible for the ignorance in the first place – the same people expressing outrage and condemnation…

    Let make sure we point the fingers at the right people and its not those who protested. They are not shameful, they are pitiful..So sure of their own ignorance – dangerous yes, but surely should get our greatest sympathy and care because we Malaysians are better than that…

  13. I suspect 95% of the protesters are not even resident of the Shah Alam Section 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or even staying 5km away from the Hindu Temple. Why they were not arrested under ISA immediately? Another Khir Toyo’s game?

  14. The best excuse used each time by the Police is “This is an illegal gathering. There is no permit”
    Well..well.. did the cowhead protesters have one??
    If no..arrest them like you always do.
    Did the Anti ISA protesters a threat to national security? Did they say they guarantee bloodshed?

    Did the cowhead protesters guarantee bloodshed?
    Yes..then arrest them.
    Did they incite racial and religious hatred?? Big YES. Arrest them under ISA.

    We know all these won’t happen..we are living in Bolehland a la Umno

  15. //….it bespeaks of the high degree of maturity, mutual tolerance, goodwill and co-existence that cool heads had prevailed in the response to such a deplorable act of sacrilege.//kit

    I am not too sure this is the actual case. I think it is more based on dominance and subservient.

    Remove all state sponsored religions – that is the best way forward. Let religions be the personal relationship between men/women and their creator. Leave the state out of all these. Throughout history, we have seen “religious governments” were bigotry and stupid governments.

  16. Utter shame!!!!!!!!!

    Where is our IGP??????????

    If this is not a national security threat, what is????????? Go catch the news reporters again?????????

    Kerismudin are you at HOME ????????????????

  17. //….it bespeaks of the high degree of maturity, mutual tolerance, goodwill and co-existence that cool heads had prevailed in the response to such a deplorable act of sacrilege.//kit

    I am not too sure this is the actual case. I think it is more based on dominance and subservience.

  18. Kit,

    As a Muslim, I am so ashamed of what had transpired. The cow head sacrilege is itself an act of insensitivity to Hindu religion and stampede on the head is totally an act of inhuman. Even when we celebrate the Hari Raya Korban and make sacrificing of animals, we treat the remains of un-usable part of the animal with respect. Dispose them with a proper procedure and doa. Thus I could not understand why the above can occurred. Why a fellow Muslim can go so low to act such.

    Thus by considering the above factor and all the logics i.e inactive of police of doing anything, media coverage, banners of belittling PR gomen servant (mentioned by name) and the presence of the cow head itself, this is surely a well planned event organized and sponsored by the UMNO’s Selangor. That’s also explained why KJ very fast condemning the act.
    I really hope our Hindu brothers would not see this as an act of all Muslim but just (you know who), whom is desperate of bringing down the PR Selangor government.

    After ISA of Teresa Kok, the selected procecution of PR state representatives, Beng Huat tragic death and many others systematic (but yet stupidly & poorly executed). plan to topple the PR gomen of the day. UMNO is strategizing if you can’t buy the PR that bring shame its elective

    And as a Muslim and Malaysian, I ask for our fellow Hindu brothers for their forgiveness of this hideous act. I do not trust no more (have been for many years now) on BN-UMNO 1 Malaysia. Cakap tak serupa bikin!

  19. i read this:
    Najib pays tribute to Ted Kennedy

    and read this from a blog:

    “From his first year in the Senate, 1962, until his last votes, Kennedy was a stalwart Israel supporter. It is likely in this, too, he was living the values of his older brother. “Israel will endure and flourish,” John F. Kennedy once said. “It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.”

    “In the run-up to his tough 1994 Senate campaign against Mitt Romney, Kennedy accumulated some $45,000 from pro-Israel political action committees over the years, according to former American Israel Public Affairs Committee legislative director Doug Bloomfield, “and presumably a lot more from individual pro-Israel donors, considering his long record of support for U.S. taxpayer aid for Israel.” ”

    perhaps this is nr’s 1World.

  20. Najib’s slogan “1Malaysia People First performance Now” is WRONG…WRONG…WRONG. It should be “Performance Now People First 1Malaysia.

    Performance should be the top priority because if Najib does that for the security and welfare of the rakyat without fear, favour or pressure from any quaters including his UMNOputras, 1Malaysia need not be mentioned at all. It will happen naturally.

    Get it, Mr. Prime Minister? ( beware of Moooo, also )

  21. I doubt the protesters were Sec.23 residents or even Shah Alam residents. There are photos & videos of the protesters – hard evidence & PDRM still no action. If they were Sec.23 residents, it’s so easy for the Selangor PDRM to round up these uncivilised Malaysians by holding a road block to Sec.23. This is schoolboy stuff.

    The insensitivity & “cavemen nature” of the protesters over the issue not only shows the failure of 1Malaysia but of over 50 years rule by BN. I am also sure they are not even Malaysian citizens. If so, maybe only 1st generation Malaysian ie given IC before 12th GE.

    I am also betting RM1 that the protesters were paid by someone to try to incite hatred towards the Selangor State Govt. Fortunately, the 99% of Shah Alam residents do not buy their clowning around at the Selangor State Bldg.

    If they were Sec.23 residents, the PDRM would have held up those responsible by now or even earlier. The inaction or failure to hold up those responsible can only be due to the fact that they are not Sec.23 residents.

    This is probably part of the continued plot to bring down S’gor State Govt under Pakatan & BN’s sandiwara. The protest failed bcoz it didn’t gather momentum to attract more people other than those claimed to be Sec.23 residents.

    Our country’s politics has become an all time low down dirty tactics. Very shameful. Sad also.

  22. “People first, performance now!” is only a rhetoric… why? 24 hours after the incident, where there were threats of bloodshed, the police has still not acted. This was despite the PM Najib calling the IGP personally for quick action. Looks like the PM might not be in control of things lah… is his grip slipping, YB Kit?

  23. ///Is it such a big deal that PAS (Khalid Samad is PAS, isn’t he?) is late to the public denouncements?/// – OrangRojak

    Well, the protest/demonstration was directed against the Pakatan Rakyat state government.

    This is what The Malaysia Insider reported on Aug 28 under caption “Protesters threaten bloodshed over Hindu temple” :

    “I challenge YB Khalid, YB Rodziah and Xavier Jeyakumar to go on with the temple construction. I guarantee bloodshed and racial tension will happen if this goes on, and the state will be held responsible,” shouted Ibrahim Haji Sabri, who identified himself as the Deputy Chairman of the Resident’s Committee against the building of the temple in S23, amid strong chants of “Allahu Akbar!” ‘….. “Mohd. Zurit Bin Ramli, who claims to be the secretary of the “Coalition of Malaysian NGOs” echoed Ibrahim’s stand on the matter, saying that it was irresponsible on the part of the state government to approve the construction as there was apparently a “90 per cent” majority Muslim population in Section 23.” He told the press that the state should move the temple to Section 22 as ‘originally planned’, and also labelled Khalid a “traitor to the Malay race and Islam”.
    “It is understood that the protest is an immediate reaction towards the Selangor MB’s visit to the Hindu temple site yesterday, an act seen by the “residents” as disrespectful to the Muslims of the community.
    See: link –

    The attack was against Pakatan Rakyat’s policy. This is not an UMNO or BN issue but a Pakatan Rakyat issue. This goes to the heart of the matter – what great misdeed has Selangor MB PKR’s Khalid done?
    In the true spirit of Pakatan Rakyat’s multiracial spirit – as espoused by Anwar – Khalid has allowed the construction of a Hindu temple in 90% Malay majority area of section 23. However these protesters committing the sacrilege claimed there were PAS’s and PKR’s supporters. According to The Malaysia Insider, “when asked whether members of the protest were affiliated with any organisations or movements, Ibrahim claimed that the people present today were members of PAS, PKR as well as Umno who are “united in the name of Islam and the Malay spirit”….’
    “The Chairman of the Residents Committee, Mahyuddin Manaf excitedly proclaimed that the committee would uncover “the lies” and find proof of the state’s misconduct. “Khalid Ibrahim wears a mask of a Muslim, but in truth he is a liberal. PAS stands to lose out as a result. I voted for PAS as well as Khalid in the past elections,” Mahyuddin claimed.’

    When PR state government and PR’s multiracial/multireligious policy upheld by MB Khalid has been attacked by people, who even claimed that they were PAS’s & PKR’s, will it not be proper in this context, for PR’s coalition partner – PAS and its top honchos – to quickly take a stand to dissociate and condemn the protesters actions when UMNO honchos have already even done it faster??? PAS claims to be a standard flag bearer of the Religion! Is it going to say that this is OK or not OK by the Religion? At least Khairy already said it was not OK. Or should we take that PAS leadership acquiesces or condones these acts?? Isn’t this on everyone’s mind who support the PR coalition with PAS?

  24. Good for Najib and KJ to come out quickly to condemn this act.

    This small group of Muslims probably have their hands greased by parties who will never rest until the Selangor govt is toppled.

    Whoever is the sponsor of this mindless, despicable act will be plotting their next move. With money, bribery is no problem when there are still some people who can be swayed using this carrot to do the dirty work.

    When other acts of chicanery failed, they will resort to more dangerous acts and the govt should be wary of that. They are like maggots that should be weeded out eventually.

  25. And if one speculates like oldman99 in #25 that protesters were not section 23 residents and that “this is probably part of the continued plot to bring down S’gor State Govt under Pakatan & BN’s sandiwara” – though there is no evidence as yet that such speculation is true – then there is MORE and not less reason for PAS’s to respond its dissociation and publicly register its public outrage that it is not face of Islam that it stands for!

  26. I’m so grateful for the numerous sincere “apologies” posted by so many Malay/Muslim readers for the foolish acts of a few out to sow racial/religious hatred.
    Why does it need the PM to instruct the IGP to investigate ? What will be the outcome of the investigation ?
    ” we just came from a tempe eating session at the new 24 million mansion and we wanted to have some exercise during this fasting month to work off some tempe induced fat. while exercising and also karaoking along the jalan SUK, suddenly a cow’s head fell from the sky ! some MAS guy must have toss it out from their plane. so we just picked it up for some weight training and being good citizens, we put it infront of the SUK building so that the MB can get Alam Flora to collect it. so what is all the fuss about? we just don’t understand.”

  27. In such a short time period under Najib “I wish Mahathir can help me this time” Razak – we have the Mongolian lady that name could not be mention gag orders (and now her country flag could also can’t be waved) Perak fiasco, police brutality, MACC disappointment, Beng Huat untimely tragic death, the ketuanan Melayu re-visit, 6 defeats in by-election by BN-UMNO, UMNO Trengganu/ Perlis/ N Sembilan in –fighting, MCA/MIC infighting, 2 failed rangsangan ekonomi, PPMI fiasco and wastage, PFKZ scandal, Maybank scandal (RM2 billion being write down in Pakistan & Indonesia), bleak economy, H1N1 poor containment, consistent of PR rep select bought over, and now the cow head sacrilege.
    I pity Idris Jala on how to formulate leading (not lagging) KPI when he have all these in the background. The goal of Wawasan 2020 and 1 Malaysia is so so far away. God willing GE 13, PR will rule!

    p/s : hushhush, these days all toll rates increment/ negotiation will only be made after 2012. Sources very reliable on this one. This showed two things. PR12 will be sometime before 2012 (MHO) and that the BN-UMNO already know that they are losing and want the gomen in waiting –PR to handle these problematic issues.

    Kit, please advised all PR machinery to be ready and buckle up.

  28. nazryan says:

    “I really hope our Hindu brothers would not see this as an act of all Muslims but just ( you know who ), whom is desperate of bringing down the PR Selangor government” ………. “And as a Muslim and Malaysian, I ask for our fellow Hindu brothers for their forgiveness of this hideous act”

    nazryan, I respect you from the bottom of my heart. Your strong dislike for such senseless acts comitted by man against their fellow man is expressed with the sincerity that can be felt by everyone. Your apology on behalf of your fellow Muslims and Malaysians should have come from people like Najib, Muhyiidin ……, but, regrettably, this is not the case.

    nazryan, You are a true Muslim in every sense of the word. I wish you, my brother and fellow Malaysian, and all your loved ones “Selamat Berpuasa and Selamat Hari Raya”

    May your Allah bless you

  29. From:

    “We saw the situation was not right because we did not want to spark more anger….”- Shah Alam OCPD ACP Noor Azam Jamaludin
    In this case 50 odds protestors already reduced the Malaysian police force to a mere bystanders (shame or not?????) and yet in another case they have shown unequal bravery in shooting canons & tear gas at 50000 PEACEFUL marchers.

    Just admit your mistake and stop making more lame excuses.

    We are one international joke after another. Sigh!!!!!

  30. Taxidriver,

    Any good leader should have done that, not just condemning but also apologies. And being the gomen of the day BN leaders should come out and apologize and act upon it – head must roll. Seriously something is wrong if such basic sensitivity is not respected amongst all Malaysian.

    Being KJ, whom at odds with KT – this is an opportunity for his to gun down the later. Too many coincidence and I do not believe any PR supporters will have done this. As much as we respect the right to voice out and demonstrate but when the police do not do anything, it puzzles me.

    My part is very small – I am taken to apologize since I myself feel offended by such act by the so-call Muslim brothers. Thanks anyway for your kind words. To a better Malaysia for all. And nobody should feel as a 2nd class citizen in Malaysia – that is my dream for future.

  31. gofortruth #36 “We saw the situation was not right because we did not want to spark more anger”- Shah Alam OCPD ACP Noor Azam Jamaludin

    Please don’t add or subtract words spoken by our highly efficient poohlis cif.

    He actually said ” We saw the protesters had stamps of UMNO on their foreheads because we thought it wise not to anger them”

  32. it was great that the PM called for swift police action and Khairy also condemn the actions of the irresposible morons. Why up to now the police have still nto arrested these idiots. They are going to call them to take their statements. Are the police so incompetent that they don’t realise that the actions of the culprits are clearly an act of sedition. They stood there and just watch. Now they apologise for their inaction and they still ahve not arrewsted these culprits. They have no problem arresting people taking part in candlelight virgils and wearing coloured T shirts. Arrest first question later but this was not practice in this incident and we are still waiting. They have just made us the laughing stock to the rest of the world.

  33. Slightly off topic but I think our PM should be reminded again and again.

    Dear PM, you may talk about your reforms and efforts to make Malaysia more competitive. You may appoint Idirs Jala or whoever to become another minister to oversee KPI, KRA or scorecards. The reality is all these are as good as useless. If Idris Jala is indeed so good, why can’t you make him Minister of Finance, Trade or EPU? Why appoint useless people in charge of important ministries and have another person to oversee their performance. Isn’t this nincompoop logic?

    It is meaningless for you to talk about 8% GDP growth from now till 2020. It is also meaningless for you to talk about 1Malaysia when the focus should be on something more substantive and meaningful. Let me give you a few examples of reforms that would bring immediate impact on the people:

    Remove all tolls within the cities, and reduce inter-state tolls substantially. There is no need for you to justify or to do any more study. We all know tolls roads are sweet heart deals meant to enrich the cronies at the expense of Malaysian people and Malaysian economy. So you can forget about 8% GDP growth when the economy is saddled with so much inefficiencies and distortions.

    Remove the APs for all car imports. Again it is pointless for you to do one study after another. We all know APs are meant to enrich the well-connected people at the expense of Malaysians and Malaysian economy. Honestly APs are not even benefiting the national car company Proton. Do it now, you may just save yourself and your BN government.

    Liberalize taxi permits to all those who wish operate a taxi. There is no need to give permits only to well-connected company. Please, there is no need to study any more on the pros and cons of taxi permits issued to companies or individuals. We all know it is a hot bed of corruption.

    Improve the public transportation especially within major cities now, not later. Build extensive and intensive LRT infrastructure now. This would be the most effective stimulus package you could ever imagine. Other stimulus packages are mere waste of government resources which would lead to unsustainable fiscal deficits and debts.

    Don’t play racist card please. There is no need to justify here and there. We know the police, MACC and so many other government institutions and also the newspapers are bias. It is really stupid for the police to say that the officer on the ground was inexperienced to handle the cow head incident and another statement to say that the situation yesterday was too volatile and therefore prevented the police from taking action. I mean who are we kidding except some nincompoops here? Also on TBH, just order the Police to investigate the case based on foul play, I am sure the truth will prevail very quickly. The entire inquest to me is a waste of time and almost tantamount to whitewashing the whole thing. I think most of us know except for some nincompoops here.

    You should keep Idirs Jala in MAS. It is a waste of talent to appoint him to some nincompoop post in the cabinet. Please don’t waste your time talking about grandiose things like becoming developed nation by 2020 or 1Malaysia. May be you don’t get it; if the policies are right, if we focus and do the right things, developed nation status and national unity would come about without us consciously knowing it. For example, it is pointless to talk about 1Malaysia then you have allowed so many newspapers and religions to play such a divisive role in our society.

    Dear PM, you have the power, just do it, damn the rest.

  34. Moderator, for what reason you put my post above under moderation? Is it an automatic moderation for all my postings at new threads. Please advise so that i know where i stand. Seriously, if I am no longer welcome here, i need to know.

    [admin : automatic – probably because of the length of comment]

  35. Slightly off topic but I think our PM should be reminded again and again.

    Dear PM, you may talk about your reforms and efforts to make Malaysia more competitive. You may appoint Idirs Jala or whoever to become another minister to oversee KPI, KRA or scorecards. The reality is all these are as good as useless. If Idris Jala is indeed so good, why can’t you make him Minister of Finance, Trade or EPU? Why appoint useless people in charge of important ministries and have another person to oversee their performance. Isn’t this nincompoop logic?

  36. Went out to my favourite Malay stall for my afternoon tea and some pisang goreng. As it being Ramadan, I did not get to enjoy my favourite pisang goreng. Overheard something very encouraging, though.

    This group of Malays waiting to ‘tapao’ their buka puasa kuih showed their disgust for the cowhead protesters saying, ” Macam tak ada kerja lain. Tak masuk akal orang bangsa kita boleh jadi bodoh macam itu. Aiyoyo…..betul betul malunya.

  37. things are getting ulgy nowadays. even we are going to celebrate our merdeka day in just 2 days time, we are still fighting. i guess our heroes that fought for our merdeka will rise from their graves and slap these people. in that case, we better take 1 minute of silent to think what have we done for our country before we start the celebration at 8am on 31st august.
    what can the police do? can they do the simplest thing for us… catch few mat rempits? ta apa…..the number of saman papers will tell us at least our police are working hard during the coming op sikap!
    so watch out ya mr Taxidriver!

  38. When I was a kid, I held up the Malayan flag and together with hundreds of others shouted “Mendaykar, Mendaykar, Mendakar” without proper understanding of what it was all about.

    It was some years later that I got the picture in my little head, was so proud that Tengku secured independence for us; that this is our land and we want to be ruled by our OWN people.

    “Phang Choon” or “Kapal Layar ” a coalition of UMNO, MCA and MIC. Indeed, then the rakyat were colour blind. We went to English schools, we mixed freely. We used to play and called each other things like “babi” china kui or kling kui without anyone getting offended.

    Fast forward to 1974, those good times evaporated at a fast and frightening pace. Mahathir’s policy of divide and rule continues till today, making monsters of certain group of Malaysians, who go one better than the man who started it all-Dr. M-: who are prepared to win elections at whatever cost even to the extent of destroying the country with their racial slurs.

    The 52nd Merdeka ( not Mendayka ) is three days away. Under the present UMNO Baru led government, I see no point to celebrate it as it does not make sense. I am now wondering if our forefathers made a mistake freeing ourselves from British rule.

    Anyway, you all can celebrate for all I care.

  39. My prediction is that nothing will become of this issue. As with the Al-Islam reporters who insulted Christianity….now these 50 individuals are insulting Hindus. Let us all remain level headed and pray for divine intervention as our government or police will not lift a finger…. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord….

  40. carcinoma #1

    u mau tengok poohlis tangkap mat rempit? jangan harap brader. Tangkap mat rempit hanya buat sibuk sendiri….kena bawa mereka ke balai poohlis, lagi nak angkat motosikal naik van, bawa ke balai. Itu semua buang masa, kerja orang bodoh. Mat rempit tak ada wang ‘bayar sini’

    Nasihat carcinoma Taxidriver akan prihatin. Terima kasih. Taxidriver mampu bayar ‘on the spot. Mereka tahu, bukan bodoh. Jadi mesti berhati-hati di jalanraya,LOL

  41. That such a sacrilege could have been allowed to happen, or could have been planned and executed, in broad daylight in our beloved country Malaysia is indeed UNTHINKABLE, to say the least.

    Someone must have known about the plan, and that is FOR THE POLICE TO FIND OUT; they cannot say they could not due to insufficient clues or information.

    If the police could take drastic action against those participating in peaceful candle-light vigil, there are no reasons why they could not take MORE drastic actions against trouble makers and those who “promise bloodshed and racial tension”.

    Everything was videotaped for all to see. The police cannot say there are no proofs nor any clues.

    To say that “only junior officers” were present as the reason why immediate and firm action could not be taken against the demonstrators is utter rubbish, or is the police officer trying to insult our intelligence?

    What about the ulamas and muftis, what do they have to say? If consuming beer in public could land Kartika in hot soup with RM5k fine and six strokes of the rotan, what could be meted out on those who “guarantee bloodshed and unrest”?

    Malaysians are crying for justice!

    Happy 52nd Merdeka to One and All!

  42. It is good to see the truth. It is good but sad to see how screwed people’s minds can be. It is regretable to see how much ill feelings do people hold. If they never show, we will never know. So it is time for damage control. Where is the ISA act for this scenario ? It is equally provocating. It is equally threatening for the nation’s security. It is equally sensitive. They look like they are all going to heaven.

  43. The Malaysian Police Force is probably one of the most incompetent and corrupted in the world! They are not working for the citizens, but for UMNO politicians taking care of their vested political and financial interests. They can just sit back and watch the law being broken in front of their eyes and do nothing about it. On the other hand, they are fast to catch innocent people and torture and kill them under detention. They are like kings of the country and can do and say what they like, under the protection of UMNO and the corrupted judiciary.


    Public attacks suspected robbers (Aug 29 2009)

    Three days after two suspected robbers were arrested in a 30-minute chase in Pandan Indah, Malaysia, videos of the Malaysian public assaulting the suspects surfaced on the Internet.

    The videos were sent in by a reader to citizen-journalism website Stomp. The unnamed reader told Stomp that his Malaysian colleague had brought the story to his attention.

    The reader said: “It shocks me to realise that Malaysian civilians are allowed to get involved in the law.”

    The reader pointed out: “Take a look at the footage where the civilian used a hammer four times on the robber.”

    In the video, one man held a suspect down while another punched the suspect with his fists.

    The reader commented: “The video clearly showed the officers allowing the robber to be beaten repeatedly before intervening.”

    The reader told Stomp that the video questioned the integrity of the police officers in Malaysia.”

    “Although the suspect could have been a robber, isn’t it the job of the police to uphold the law?” the reader asked.

    “Is this the right way to handle criminals?” the reader added.

  44. With Umnoputras and the Utusans venomous diatribe in the past few months, with impunity and immunity, is there any wonder this kind of sacrilege happened ?

    Definitely not.

    Just a few months ago, could anyone be able to think of the Umno youths goons harassing Karpal Singh in the sacred compound of the parliament ?

    Nothing is impossible in this country as far as the Umnoputras and the Utusans are concerned.
    As the “cow” demonstrators, they are prepared to shed blood to achieve their objectives and the police would not do anything to make the matter worse. Can you imagine that ?

    Wont you be enboldened if you were the hotheads of the cow incidence ?

  45. This is an easier case to solve than the MACC death scandal. Pay those guys who put their feet on the cow’s head more money and they will spill the beans as to who instigated them to disgrace themselves. How about asking that loaded guy who can afford to pay out RM10m to inspire the cowhead stompers to sing?

  46. Like I said before,the MACC was pretty slow to act or not act at all ,on anything coming from Umno/Bn.Now the PDRM is acting pretty like MACC.The reason is simple,both these two institutions are Umno tools.Malaysians have endured such bias treatment and may GOD help us to end it before some new vicious attempt by Umno sponsors group to disturd the honnet nest to make the bees pretty angry and furious to attack the provocators and subsequently attacking everyone including the police.Lets hope this ugly scenario would not happen but if PDRM still do not want to lift their butts,the silent majority may take the law into their own hand and the subsequent result would be tragic.I appeal to the prime minister to be vigilant,un-bias to all citizens irespective of race and religion to prevent or put an immediate stop to this and other ugly nonsense by any person or group.

  47. There is the lingering hidden agenda of 513 hopefully not to be repeated

    Don’t fall for that SHIT – Selfish Hideous Illegal Trap…

    We are all now wiser as some stupid fools want to retain power illegally after the illegal and rigged GE 2004 and GE2008.

    Whatever the nation is to rot further – down, down, down even without 513 now as such attempts
    only bring the nation to its knees – hopeless as profligacy of RM30 trillion is irrecoverable..

    Why should we allow this as Sabah feeds those greedy ones and endless as that?

    pw: wars special

  48. This is a country with sick corrupted government spreading out to one groups and thousands of individuals….heading towards …confrontations…with worst things to come.
    Najib knows his “1 Malaysia” is nonsense and should do the right things…if he ever want Malaysians to respect him as a PM…forgetting about trusting him as a man of his words.
    He should not fool around with Teoh’s death and sack all MACC men from the police force and show his sincerity by getting a group..totally non partisan…towards any political party…but act for the people and country.
    He should discard the idea that all IGP and MACC heads must be a Malay..and choose the best..especially a Chinese or an Indian.
    Let a Chinese MACC head play out Chinese..and since the two most troublesome ..according to UMNO are the Chinese and Indians…a smart and sincere PM…will get Indian IGP..,and Chinese MACC chief..or vice versa….never an Malay.
    That will be him showing some signs of “1Malaysia”…he wants it to be.
    And in Universities…and schools…same format with full power to those do what they see fit… and not keep defending ultra Malays..supporting UMNO.
    As I write…it sound so ridiculous and impossible for UMNO to do all these things…so best is to vote them out…end of story.

  49. The name UMNO is today synonymous with megacorruption and abuse of power. Maybe it ought to change its image by using its Malay acronym, PKMB for Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu…. but PKMB really sounds crude, LOL.

  50. Jaswant :Abusing a cow’s head in this way is a sin for limkamput since he is fasting.

    Why is Jaswant’s posting above not moderated when you have moderated my serious posting here? Do you really know your job? If not, I suggest you let another more capable person doing it. Remember, DAP stands for meritocracy, am I right?

  51. limkamput … there is no ‘moderator’ who hides your comments, only one who makes them visible. When our comments go ‘into moderation’ it is because our comments trigger some simple rules that are intended to stop people posting bad comments.

    The ‘moderator’ is probably some person busy with something else who only takes a brief look at the blog once every now and again. It’s just a blog where any idiot can write any nonsense – don’t get so worked up!!

  52. DAP stands for Democratic Action Party.
    Acting and fighting for a democratic country…to free Malaysians from the evil doers..job not finished yet.
    After it is done…meritocracy must follow to strengthen democratic rights of all Malaysians.
    Get the priorities right.
    UMNO is ruling with double standards.
    Why keep harping for fairness from freedom fighters?
    Jaswant…I like to try teach a students…logic and truths. Those who are guilty may call me..” loud mouth”. Never mind la…lumpa kia can fast…not to sin. I keep on sinning….hahahahahahaha

  53. Anybody remember the protest outside the Danish Embassy in London after the Muhammad cartoons? People and press in the UK were outraged because the police didn’t immediately act against the people holding “murder…”, “behead…”, “kill…” etc placards. I think it was a month or two before the police pressed charges against any of the participants. Some of those people were given quite lengthy prison sentences for incitement.

    I’m not trying to excuse the PRDM, just wanted to point out that another police force has appeared to be slow to act in a similar situation.

  54. What OrangRojak said in his posting #19 on August 30th, 2009 above is (probably) true but I hope the part said by him – “the ‘moderator’ is probably some person busy with something else who only takes a brief look at the blog once every now and again” – is not.

    His comment, “it’s just a blog where any idiot can write any nonsense”, my response is, nonsense is Ok; nonsense is after all dependent on how the reader adjudges a posting and whether to read it but what is dangerous is the type of posting/comment, whether or not adjudged nonsense, gives a legal basis for authorities, inclined to curb down on freedom of expression (especially in these times when 1 Malaysia is under criticism, and the excuse of racial tensions being high is available as it is plausible), to crack down on this blog on grounds of libel and sedition.

    Kit’s messages, intended to be disseminated here to readers and supporters, are always circumspect of the pitfalls of these dangers.

    After all, as a poster here described, he is an “old ginger”. Not only has he received legal training – once long ago – but his sheer experience on being entangled with the law and charged by the powers-that-be- for sedition etc makes him something of an ‘expert’ in respect of these dangers. He knows how to say the same content in the “safe’ form to avert being cauight by the law…The same however cannot be necessarily said of some of his readers and supporters who, in exuberance of the moment, may be carried away by the emotive content of subject under comment.

    If the moderator were really ‘busy’, this would pose a ever present problem – since a defamatory and seditious posting can be made without triggering those “automatic rules” as to cause it to be immediately “suspended” (under moderation) for review by moderator and deleted…..

    As the law implicates not just the reader/commentator but also vicariously the blog owner for publishing such a comment, then, when such a comment escapes the net of automatic moderation and is ‘inadvertently allowed to stand, everything next becomes dependent on the “grace” and vagaries of judgment of the authorities whether to take action against our Opposition icon (another blow the PR) and the political consequences of such a decision! They can even “plant” a commentator – not to praise the BN or criticise PR but to condemn personalities in BN in defamatory manner as to create conditions for a crack down of this blog! There is no ,limit to human ingenuity where there is intentional malice aforetghought!

    The main duty of moderation is not so much of moderating or deleting nonsense per se if it does not harm the blog this way (though this is certainly a part of it if one thinks the preservation of reputation and dignity of the blog were equally important to be maintained), instead I would think that the principal objective of moderation is to make sure that comments putting both Kit and the commentators themselves to risk of official action are not allowed to stand…..

    Which is why the part commented by OrangRojak (that the moderator is probably “some person busy with something else who only takes a brief look at the blog once every now and again”), if true, poses a clear and present danger and risk.

  55. May I ask where the hell is MIC Youth chief T. Mohan and his “Liberation Tigers of Kg Buah Pala”, who had so bravely marched to Komtar to protest against the DAP? Is it because a severed cow’s head has scared away this whole lot of Liberation Tigers?

  56. Apparent moderation test – none of this is true
    I have high definition video footage of LKS sneaking into a mosque creche to steal babies and then feasting on them at DAP headquarters, in between swigging Chivas Regal from the bottle and snorting coke from a great heap he has regularly parachute-dropped in from Kim Jong-il.

  57. Ramesh Laxman…The matter is done in the open and concerns all Malaysians….not MIC.
    MIC is nothing to Malaysians….but if MIC is so important like MCA….LKS have the right to represents Malaysians and speak up on any political ..situations..that may affect us..doing his job to represent us….as he sees it.
    So far…excellent work done. That’s why DAP is getting so much voters support.
    You will notice LKS cannot be bothered with MIC party at all.
    He has much more important things to do ..than talk about MIC.

  58. Jeffrey, I’m not sure that relaxed moderation is such a great threat. It must be clear to anyone considering legal action that the comments are the responsibility of those posting them (shouldn’t it say that somewhere)? But nevertheless, if a complaint is made, doesn’t LKS only have to say “OMG what idiot posted that!” and immediately delete it?

    The problem for moderators is that the blogs they are responsible for are a 24/7/365.25ish operation. Automatic moderation is the only reasonable method if you want people to leave comments. The bar has to be set fairly low, usually just a few keywords, URLs in new domains and perhaps length and frequency. It would be impossible to write a ‘perfect’ automatic moderator. Sometimes some comments that LKS might prefer not appear on his blog will be immediately published, sometimes some innocuous ones will be delayed.

  59. I think sedition/libel is technically predicated on the fact of publication of the seditious or libellous comment, ignoring the distinction between commentater and (vicarious culpability) of the blog owner. Maybe some lawyers here may elucidate on this point.

    The laws of Sedition/Libel probably have not been developed since the wider usage of Internet and blogs, to factor ion this phenomenon and to clarify with exactitude the precise extent of liabilities/culpabilities between blog owner and his visitors…so the situation is not really clear.

    Looking at the scene, it does look like, from a practical standpoint, action is more likely taken against what the Blogger himself says than the response and comments from his many anonymous readers – unless the comment causes a public furore from some aggrieved party.

    I imagine many of the comments in the many blogs proliferating cyberspace are technically seditious or libellous that raises the question of how many can they proceed against?

    Hence I imagine action, if taken, is carried out on a selective basis.

    You are probably right that relaxed moderation is (so far) not posing such a great threat. It however pays to be vigilant.

  60. Limkamput who has had a taxpayer funded education and a job pushing pen with the corrupt UMNO-run government for more than twenty years, could afford to have his people stomp on a cow’s head.

    Apart from offending the sensitivities of people of another religion, it is called abusing animal carcass in public and that is not healthy.

  61. tell me Mr. Lim if PKR win the next GE13,do you think they would let go power,wealth,status,fame etc.. that easily??? or do you guys really have a master plan? you should know how powerful they are,i’m sure you seen it all.From my point of view by the time we reach 2020 we gonna be like Zimbabwe instead of being a developed country, maybe self declared lah…i may sound negative,i just do not want being NAIVE…

  62. “After all, as a poster here described, he is an “old ginger”. Not only has he received legal training – once long ago – but his sheer experience on being entangled with the law and charged by the powers-that-be- for sedition etc makes him something of an ‘expert’ in respect of these dangers. He knows how to say the same content in the “safe’ form to avert being cauight by the law.” Jeffrey

    You don’t say!!! You must be talking about the blog’s former gatekeeper who has a blog that nobody goes to! Isn’t he fasting?

  63. “Abusing a cow’s head in this way is a sin for limkamput since he is fasting.”

    What’s wrong with this comment?? Hace non-Malays offended Malay and Muslim sensitivities with this? If so, how so??

  64. Why was the police blind towards this incident? All because it was done by UMNO idiots? If the offended party carries out the same act, would the people who participated be arrested under ISA?

  65. Take those sick people and stick them into a jail on Fri evening, they cannot see the Magistrate will Tue morning! Teach them what reality is and that their actions cannot be tolerated.

    BN has failed to take any real action, they have no guts to move on this one. All the non UMNO component parties dare not say anything harsh. UMNO is just making so called harsh statements that are not followed up with some real action.


  66. Jaswant ball @ dish washer, are you longing to read my blog? Just give me your email here and may be i will let you read without charge. I know business is bad in kampung attap. Given your age and over-used posterior, I don’t think you can charge very much. May be i should petition the government to set minimum wage even for this profession, just like dish washing you did in NY.

  67. When the news in CNN and Fox portrayed a group of Muslims burning flags or shouting into their cameras, they claimed that the same footage was being replayed over and over. When the western media continuously wrote about Muslim being terrorists or fundamentalists, you will hear the same outcry from the Muslims that they are being victimized.

    In public and in the media, you can hear them argue that Islam is a fair religion, a religion that respects other religions. Yet their very own action contradicts what they said or portrayed.
    And the same group of people who cries foul are the same people who will has caused the most damage to Islam.

    Strangely enough, the Muslims have always claimed with the statement – Islam the Misunderstood religion”. Yet Islam continues to be used by UMNO political masters to achieve their bedeviled ends.

    Muslims can no longer blame others for their own faults. If they continue to vote in the political party that caused this mess, then they have only themselves to blame.

    Malaysia is sliding fast down the track to becoming a failed state. Please do not make Islam a hostage to your politics.

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