Don’t twist and turn – MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said should state whether MACC has interrogated Muhyiddin for his corrupt practice of using RMAF Nuri helicopter

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Chief Commissioner, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan should stop twisting and turning and give a straight and simple answer whether the MACC has interrogated Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for his corrupt practice of using RMAF Nuri helicopter to officiate Umno division meetings in Sabah totally unrelated to his official duties as Deputy Prime Minister.

Both Sin Chew and Nanyang Siang today reported the MACC’s response to my earlier query whether it had started investigations into the allegation of Muhyiddin abusing his powers as DPM in using RMAF Nuri helicopter to officiate Umno division meetings in Sabah two weekends ago.

However, I was surprised to be contact by a reporter of another newspaper who asked for my reaction to Ahmad Said’s statement today that I should lodge a report on the Muhyiddin case if I have any evidence for the MACC on this case.

This is a most ridiculous statement from Ahmad Said. Hasn’t Ahmad Said read the reports in all the mainstream media about Muhyiddin abusing his powers in flying the RMAF Nuri helicopter to officiate Sabah Umno divisions two Sundays ago which were totally unrelated to his official duties?

If Ahmad Said does not have these media reports, I am prepared to send them to him!

All these media reports are sufficient evidence for the MACC to open investigations and to interrogate Muhyiddin for his abuse of power, if the MACC is an efficient, independent and professional commission committed to eradicating corruption and all forms of abuses of power without fear or favour, even as in this case where it involved the No. 2 in the country.

Malaysians will not easily forget Muhyiddin’s immediate reaction of utter contempt when informed that an official report had been lodged against him for abuse of powers in flying the RMAF Nuri helicopter for Umno rather than official purposes – where Muhyiddin declared that he was just not “scared” at all of the report or the MACC.

This is all the more reason why Malaysians want to know from Ahmad Said whether the MACC has started investigation into Muhyiddin and whether the Deputy Prime Minister had been interrogated by the MACC.

Or do we have a situation where it is not DPM Muhyiddin who is “scared” but MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said who is “scared” to say anything about the issue, let alone even to breathe any word as to whether the MACC had interrogated Muhyiddin?

Ahmad Said could give no credible excuse for not daring to answer as to whether MACC had interrogated Muhyiddin over the RMAF Nuri helicopter abuse of power while MACC officers had never been reticent about actions against Pakatan Rakyat leaders and elected representatives.

In February, even before the official launching of the MACC by the then Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Ahmad Said made the totally uncalled for announcement that the MACC had “good and strong evidence” that Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had misused his powers over the now infamous “Car and Cows” allegation!

The MACC’s “Car and Cows” escapade, causing the MACC to acquire the derogatory and derisory term of “Malaysian Agency for Car and Cows”, was in fact Ahmad Said’s first show of hand that the MACC had deviated from its statutory objective to declare an all-out war against corruption and its being hijacked to become the catspaw of Umno/Barisan Nasional to declare an all-out war against the Pakatan Rakyat.

The MACC has repeatedly proven that it could see corruption involving Pakatan Rakyat where none exists, as in the case of Khalid over the MACC’s “Car and Cows” caper while failing to see corruption which is evident to all Malaysians, as in the case of Muhyiddin’s abuse of power in flying the RMAF Nuri helicopter for Umno division meetings which were completely unrelated to his official functions as DPM.

Let me ask Ahmad Said whether he would concede publicly that it is a clear case of abuse of power by a Deputy Prime Minister to fly RMAF Nuri helicopter to officiate Umno divisional meetings completely unrelated to his duties as DPM?

If this is not an abuse of power by Muhyiddin, can Ahmad Said explain why the MACC prosecuted former third-highest ranking policeman in the nation, former Commercial Crime Investigation Department Director Datuk Ramli Yussoff on a charge of corruptly misusing his position in having used a police Cessna Caravan aircraft in June 2007 to survey two plots of land in Lahad Datuk unrelated to his official duties?

Furthermore, why is the MACC appealing to the High Court against the decision of the Kota Kinabalu Sessions Court which acquitted Ramli of the charge?

Isn’t this case the best proof of the double standards of MACC and that it has failed the test of efficiency, independence, integrity and professionalism of an anti-corruption commission acting without fear or favour to eradicate corruption from whatever quarter?

Malaysians would want to know whether the 42 MACC Panel members of the five oversight committees are demanding accountability and integrity from Ahmad Said for the MACC’s double standards in the handling of the Muhyiddin and Ramli cases or whether the five oversight committees are just “paper tigers” which should just be dissolved for being utterly ineffective and impotent to exercise the necessary checks-and-balance to prevent abuses of power by MACC?

If Ahmad Said cannot answer why he is applying double standards in the two cases involving Muhyiddin and Ramli, this will be the first question to be posed in Parliament when it convenes for the budget session after the Hari Raya Puasa holidays.


35 Replies to “Don’t twist and turn – MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said should state whether MACC has interrogated Muhyiddin for his corrupt practice of using RMAF Nuri helicopter”

  1. To MACC Chief:
    Please answer plainly and clearly either yes or no to the question poised and do not try to twist and turn. Do you not have double standard? Isn’t this the month of fasting and yet you have evil intentions, hypocrisy and lies within you.

  2. Why no umno divisions calling for Pak Moo’s suspension?

    IPOH, Aug 25 — Five Perak MCA divisions have called on the party’s disciplinary board to suspend its president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and investigate the allegation that he received a RM10 million donation.

    Batu Gajah MCA division deputy chairman Datuk Lee Kon Yin said an investigation or an inquiry must be convened to determine whether the allegation was true to protect the good name, image and integrity of the party.

    He said a memorandum on the issue, which was signed by representatives of the Batu Gajah, Ipoh Barat, Ipoh Timur, Tambun and Bagan Datoh MCA divisions, was sent to the party’s disciplinary board chairman Datuk Ng Cheng Kiat today.

    The board has to stop Ong from carrying out his duty and activities related to MCA until his name is cleared, Lee told a news conference here today.

  3. it is not DPM Muhyiddin who is “scared” but MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said who is “scared” to say anything about the issue…..(Kit)

    MACC Chief Commissioner Ahmad Said, who is “scared” to say anything about the issue, is trying to safeguard his rice-bowl lest Moo Hee Din takes it away from him (Ahmad Said).

  4. ///Malaysians would want to know whether the 42 MACC Panel members of the five oversight committees are demanding accountability and integrity from Ahmad Said for the MACC’s double standards in the handling of the Muhyiddin and Ramli cases or whether the five oversight committees are just “paper tigers” which should just be dissolved for being utterly ineffective and impotent to exercise the necessary checks-and-balance to prevent abuses of power by MACC?/// — Kit

    Ahmad Said Hamdan might have to learn about serving without fear or favour. In that regard he has to be free from fear of losing his position. Since BN practises power sharing especially between UMNO leaders and the personnel of government agencies, it would be difficult to expect MACC Chief not to curry favour. He will have much to gain by not touching Muhyiddin now so that he would have some credits to draw down. As a career operative, it might just be understandable that he has fear of his boss of a heart-beat away.

    The 42 MACC Panel members of the five oversight committees are not career persons who had to depend on their position for a living. They are the eminent persons chosen to ensure that MACC serves its purposes. If they choose also to curry favour, or harbour fear that MACC chief might not spare them from investigation, they have then failed in their duties, and their life achievements on which they were appointed as MACC Panel members would be suspect. Are there so many fake towering figures running around in the country?

  5. ///Batu Gajah MCA division deputy chairman Datuk Lee Kon Yin said an investigation or an inquiry must be convened to determine whether the allegation was true to protect the good name, image and integrity of the party.///– k1980

    It is most interesting that a deputy Chairman of a MCA division will call for the suspension of the party chief over an allegation against the Chief who had instituted a court case to clear the matter. It shows that that Lee KY was jumping onto the van wagon to settle his own scores; worse, he could be fund raiser himself.

    Former MCA President Tan KS revealed that his friends became not too friendly when he was elected President. Tan said that he made multipurpose, the investment vehicle of MCA a bit more active since he became chief, and the member party which had the power was not pleased with MCA’s achievement. The history is repeating and that was why a deputy in MCA is appointed to position which might show that he had the external support to undercut MCA.

    Ong TK agreed to the investigation of PKFZ, a project approved by two former MCA ministers in charge of the ministry. Is the deputy chairman a mercenary for former MCA ministers who went to see PKFZ scandal swept under and buried? That of course coincides with the Sarawak politicians who consider RM millions as loose changes.

    Chinese do not normally support MCA because of their records, and Han Jians looming around. The announcement by Lee confirms that that party should just die. Before that let Ong TK settle the issue on PKFZ so that others would not follow the same procedures.

  6. What abuse of power?
    MY put his life on the line while he did national service by personally testing the flight worthiness of the RMAF Nuri helicopter, which does not have a great safety record
    The helicopter could have crashed any moment, you know
    MY should receive an award for valor

  7. MACC clearly shows their intention is to serve UMNO as their ultimate master.

    MACC is not a national institution but a branch of UMNO which uses our tax payers’ money to fund this institution.

    MACC had insulted the dignity of Malaysian people.

    what a shame!

  8. LG :
    To MACC Chief:
    Please answer plainly and clearly either yes or no to the question poised and do not try to twist and turn. Do you not have double standard? Isn’t this the month of fasting and yet you have evil intentions, hypocrisy and lies within you.

    Let me help Ahmad Said out. What is your question again? Is it this one: “Do you not have double standard?”

    No, I don’t. I have many many standards, not just two. Any more questions? LOL.

  9. It is the act of GOD that reveals DPM’s misdeed in LAND BELOW THE WIND soil.
    GOD’s wrath will ultimately be upon those who plundered from the soil of the LAND BELOW THE WIND !! Beware of the ghost of the Mount Kinabalu !!!

  10. My friends are calling me to join them in the pub in Seberang Jaya to celebrate the great convincing victory of PAS candidate standing in the Permatang Pasir by-election. Anyone cares to join us, please feel free to celebrate the joyous victory. The moon represents our heart and this victory represents our body and soul. This VICTORY is to ensure justice for Teoh Beng Hock. Teoh Beng Hock should not die in vain.

    No time lah to write. Just a simple request to Ahmad Said to answer Brother Kit Siang with a SIMPLE “yes” or “no” answer. No need for Brother Kit Siang to lodge an official report before investigation can commence. Where is your initiative, Ahmad Said? Why so troublesome? I will come back to write if I am not drunk.

  11. Maybe Muhyiddin did make one official phone call during his flight so it counts as him being on official government business.

    The other things he did while on official business was to observe, from a helicopter view point, the eco-system, forest management, climatic weather patterns and human migration issues in Sabah. He also studied the State’s tourist potential when he looked at Mount Kinabalu. And not forgetting, he was also doing a spot check on air force equipment maintenance and the capabilities and readiness of its personnel.

    So no case. Insufficient information to warrant an investigation. Everything is in accordance with S.O.P.

    Besides, Said got his hands full doing all the other investigations into possible diversion of petty cash and the like. He’s answerable to the taxpayers you know. And the 42 “overseers” don’t seem to have any concerns about it. No one said anything so far.

    And maybe the DPM and UMNO has offered to re-imburse the air force for the cost of the trips if and when they receive the relevant invoices.

  12. //OrangRojak
    Posted Tuesday, 25-08-2009 at 9:16 pm | Permalink
    Just make the report. Claiming to stand for justice and failing to make the report is a double standard.//

    What are you talking about making a report and if not is double standard. They may turn around charging Sdr Lim for making false report. We know it does not matter whether the report is made or otherwise, there will be no investigation. The focus is to keep the pressure on.

  13. Sack this cow catcher and car hijacker. Yes Mujahiddin is right that he is not afraid of the MACC and looking at this shriveling idiot of a MACC chief makes you wonder whether this organisation is a corruption buster or an apple polisher.

  14. I believe some former ACA officers were quoted in malaysiakini that cases involving the big chiefs had to get clearance so one can come to the unhappy conclusion that the MACC is no different.
    MACC reports to their political masters so how can the PM ask everyone not to implicate the MACC in politics?

    Notice how the government adopts the 3Ds whenever a scandal occurs?

  15. limkamput says: They may turn around charging Sdr Lim for making false report.
    What false report? What does any one of us know about it? Only what is written by bernama. The report is “Bernama reported armed forces asset used for personal advantage”. What is false in the report?

    If it helps ease your mind, I don’t think it’s LKS’ place to lodge reports, unless he alone has evidence nobody else does. I think you should do it.

    There’s an obvious problem for LKS in ‘keeping the pressure on’: Ahmad Said says ‘no report’. It’s a reasonable defence. We wouldn’t want the MACC to go around hassling people just because some bigshot told them to, would we? Tomorrow, limkamput, you could win this for LKS by making that report. It’s your moment.

  16. “Tomorrow, limkamput, you could win this for LKS by making that report. It’s your moment.” (OrangRojak)

    If you are sincere, why don’t you just tell your wife to lodge an MACC report on behalf of YB Kit? Just in case your wife is being filed a lawsuit by Muhyiddin Yassin for libel or slander, you can still take her back to your home country and lead a good life in England. However, if your wife really dares to lodge the MACC report against Muhyiddin Yassin, please allow me to pray for her so that she will be protected by God from the possible Police arrest under the Sedition Act!

  17. “Between a dog and a dog owner, who is scared of whom?
    Ahmad Said is the dog and Muhyiddin is its owner.” (sightseeing)

    You made a mistake here. While Ahmad Said can be accurately described as a dog (a watch dog who only knows how to watch but doesn’t bite), Muhyiddin can never be accurately described as the dog owner.

    Since Muhyiddin had a father who was a “kadi”, his father must have taught him not to own a dog when Muhyiddin was young because a dog was said to be an unclean animal in Quran. Someone else must be the dog owner.

    If someone really plans to lodge an MACC report against Muhyiddin, then he must ensure that he has gathered adequate evidences to charge against Muhyiddin. The real dog owner would be happy to let Muhyiddin down so that the vacancy henceforth created from Muhyiddin’s downfall will help the dog owner’s cousin in such a way that he can therefore save many steps in the process of climbing up the ladder of political adventures!

  18. When the press asked him about his son’s conviction for child pornography in an Adelaide court, he brushed off saying every man has dirty pictures in their mobile phone too…

    Now he would probably tell the press that everybody also takes a ride in the RMAF Nuri once a while…

    This MACC Chief is a recalcitrant lah, YB Kit!

  19. I know that RMAF does provide mercy flights for the very ill so perhaps that statement of getting a ride can be considered a “correct” one.
    So who wants to apply for a Nuri ride?
    Maybe MY’s jaunts can be considered a mercy flight? The RMAF is having mercy for UMNO who have been trashed so many times…..

  20. MACC has “interrogated” Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for using RMAF Nuri helicopter to officiate Umno division meetings in Sabah. Below are the transcripts:

    Ah Said: Sila duduk, Tuan Besar, sila duduk. Kopi atau Milo?

    Moo: Nak interview Limpeh untuk apa?

    Ah Said: Tidak apa, Tuan Besar. Cuma nak bagi tahu Nuri itu bahaya. Tuan Besar sila gunakan helicopter Apache yang baru dibeli.

    Moo: Itu saja? Limpeh boleh balik?

    Ah Said: Ya, Tuan Besar. silakan. Patik pohon sejuta ampun….

  21. When you feed a rotweiler, capable to kill, well, he won’t bite.

    How can a man simply walk in and confiscate your notebook, pc and take away your organisation belonging, are we still living in uncivilize society where there is no law required? It is unacceptable for a lawless division to run amok, declaring war to all PKR starting from Selangor then the rest of the PKR state. Will there be retribution for them, let’s lived healthily to wait for the day when BN lost the next general election. If this day doesn’t come, maybe my children and my grandson will see. I’m sure the day when Malaysian rise to overthrown this unjust system will come, maybe not in this life but in generation to come if we survived.

    By then, hopefully PM from PKR will punished these people who mastermind the “gestapo tactic” to scare or harass the opposition. The Police force will need to be independence as well.

  22. “How can a man simply walk in and confiscate your notebook, pc”
    Why not?
    Esp the kaki of a boss whose son is a confirmed kaki child pornography
    The kaki wants to please their boss who told the world that every man has dirty pictures in their mobile phone (n of cos laptop n PC too)
    So the kaki simply walks into your office, carts your laptop n pc, n searches for child pornography or CSL’s oral n umph-umph video in there
    Downloads them for the boss n his son
    Promotion guaranteed

  23. ahmad said,

    you dont expect the ppl to forget so many corruption charges that had been swept under your ACA/MACC carpet.

    just to name one,the year-in-year-out ,corruptions that revealed by National Audit Department related to the govn. officers marking-up purchase prices 10-100 times!how many ppl had been prosecuted?

    yes,you may say that it’s up to the AG whether to proceed with the prosecutions previously,now,under your ‘new ‘Commission,you can prosecute directly,WHAT ARE YOU WAITNG FOR?just like your pinang MACC lady said,now by having new evidents,she is going to charge PKR ex-Pinang deputy MB,now that the prosecutions are solely under your hand,bring out all the govn. corrupt culprits!infact,you can see them driving expensive vehicles,big-bikes or building bid mansions,why so difficult?

    once again,it shows that you are the lap=dog of UMNO!!!

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