Why has Najib condoned the Umno-inspired hysteria and gunning for Loke Siew Fook for insulting the Perak royalty and Islam when these allegations are completely groundless?

What has the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak joined in the Umno-inspired hysteria and gunning for DAPSY chief and MP for Rasah Loke Siew Fook for insulting the Perak royalty and Islam when these allegations are completely groundless?

This morning, Najib directed the relevant authorities to investigate Loke.

In directing the relevant authorities to investigate Loke without any background or preliminary check as to whether the DAPSY chief had make such grave allegations on his blog, and talking about offences under the Sedition Act, Najib is acting most irresponsibly as Prime Minister as he was in fact helping to fan the Umno-inspired hysteria that there is a systematic attack on Islam and the royalty.

Loke has today lodged a police report at Dang Wangi Police Station, Kuala Lumpur, denying unfounded allegations and lies spread by certain blogs and SMS that he had made scurrilous and seditious statements in his blog insulting Islam and the Perak royalty.

This is clearly part of the latest gameplan of a master strategy by Umno to tarnish the image of DAP and DAP leaders as anti-Malay and anti-Islam in a larger political conspiracy to break up and destroy Pakatan Rakyat.

Now that Loke has openly denied the wild allegations, will Najib issue a public retraction of his directive to the relevant authorities to investigate Loke and censure the Umno leaders who had irresponsibly tried to gain political mileage from the lies, including Umno Ministers and Deputy Ministers like the Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Deputy Minister for International Trade and industry Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir and Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Zambry Abdul Kadir?

These Umno Ministers and leaders must be very desperate of publicity that they have to jump on lies and falsehoods to get into the news in the Barisan Nasional-controlled mass media.

Are Ahmad Zahid, Mukhriz and Zambry going to be gentlemen enough to publicly apologise to Loke for making baseless imputations and allegations against him, even to the extent of demanding that Loke be detained under the Internal Security Act and be charged under the Sedition Act?


71 Replies to “Why has Najib condoned the Umno-inspired hysteria and gunning for Loke Siew Fook for insulting the Perak royalty and Islam when these allegations are completely groundless?”

  1. Hey look, blogging again. Idiots. A disaster. Were they trying to help? Pakatan Rakyat has to leave blogging behind. It’s a minefield that’s filling up with more and bigger booby traps every day.

    Any chance of converting The Rocket to an online newspaper, like TMI or TNG? The subscription fees look dirt-cheap – would DAP be better off selling DAP teeshirts, mousemats and mugs?

    What makes them think Loke is the culprit?

  2. This is UMNOputra type of Politics lah!
    Uncle Kit, you have been in Msian politics for so looooong, you should know better.
    You, amongst, your PR colleagues is the MOST suitable and knowledgeable to Counter this type of Dirty Politiking.
    No way these princelings will ever Apologize. Fat Hope.
    Anyway keep Pressuring these scums.

  3. YB

    The knives are out to discredit and spread as much misinformation about DAP as possible in the blogs and MSM.

    UMNO/BN cannot change itself and suddenly become honest; so, their tactic is to blacken DAP’s name as much as they can, since they see DAP as the beneficiary of Chinese votes which they lost in GE 2008 and are still losing by the droves. Thus these baseless and cowardly attacks on DAP as racists, anti-Islam and anti-Muslims, corrupt and as havin links to gangsters, Triads and fraudsters will continue and escalate.

    So, don’t sit back and just take it. You have to fight back and challenge UMNO/BN all the way. Get all DAP and Pakatan supporters to start a blog and MSM blitz to highlight these scurillous UMNO/BN/Najib scam and counter it.

    Attack UMNO/BN on performance – highlight statistics as regards soaring crime rate, corruption, FDI flight, failure to implement RCI’s, abuse of ISA, flip-flop education policy, losses in GC’s etc., and the racist articles and taunts in the Utusan, BH etc. Get all Pakatan component members to counter-attack UMNO/BN/Najib evil machinery!

    You must take the battle to them and win the battle in the media. Think like Margaret Thatcher who was the first to use Newspaper Advertisements and TV infomercials to win over the masses.

    Also, LGE’s public washing off his hands about Kg. Buah Pala in Penang is a PR disaster. A CM must NEVER be seen to abandon the poor and disadvantaged. He must change his stance and management style!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race. That is all that’s reall

  4. Naj is the most racist leader ever in the country’s 52-year long history. A defeat for umno in Permatang Pasir may jolt him back to his senses that he is living in a multiracial country

  5. “This is clearly part of the latest gameplan of a master strategy by Umno to tarnish the image of DAP and DAP leaders as anti-Malay and anti-Islam in a larger political conspiracy to break up and destroy Pakatan Rakyat.”

    To drive a wedge between PAS and Malay Muslim leaders and supporters of PKR and the ‘kafir’ DAP. Will they succeed? If the general theory on probabilities holds any truth, if the natural abhorrence for instabiliy that comes with change means anything, they are more likely than not to succeed.

  6. Illegal leaders esp Najib from 241 majority in Pekan 1999 to 22000+ in GE 2004 and GE2008 both rigged by the ex EC Chairman Rashid with the Ballot Issued discrepancy of 1,502 in GE 2004. The rigging was confirmed by Rashid to keep Malay in power and he was ‘rewarded’ by free land in Pahang and elsewhere as corruption.

    So illegal leaders only know how to use illegal methods as bad losers and losses for the nation.

    pw: shove I’ve

  7. As Umnoputras and the Utusans are going to town with their rhetorics, a question resurfaces in my mind:

    The spectre of May 13th 1969.

    Can history repeat itself to allow the adventurists perpetual stay in power ?

  8. ///Are Ahmad Zahid, Mukhriz and Zambry going to be gentlemen enough to publicly apologise to Loke for making baseless imputations and allegations against him, even to the extent of demanding that Loke be detained under the Internal Security Act and be charged under the Sedition Act?///– Kit

    No, they will not apologise. They will try again to harass opposition leaders so that people who are outside would be scared to join Pakatan Rakyat. That is part of the plan to flesh out Najib’s claim to win big come the next general elections.

  9. Actually, non-Muslims who insult Islam do not hurt Islam one little bit. It is those who profess to be Muslims but do not follow its teachings that insult and hurt Islam the most… Muslims who tell lies, abuse their power, detain innocent people, practise discrimination, engage in corruption, live flamboyantly beyond their means, people’s representatives who enrich themselves by providing pubic services… these are the people who hurt and insult Islam the most.

  10. tanjong8 :
    What kind of country is this ?
    In this world, where can you find a government which allows an instigation of a race against other race ?
    It is abhorrent ! absolutely

    Kan Malaysia Boleh? UMNO is a disgrace to Islam.

  11. tanjong8 :
    As Umnoputras and the Utusans are going to town with their rhetorics, a question resurfaces in my mind:
    The spectre of May 13th 1969.
    Can history repeat itself to allow the adventurists perpetual stay in power ?

    Can history repeat itself? Why not? If I were to bet my money, I will bet that we will have another bloodbath come the 13th general election. 13th is not only an unlucky number, it is going to spell the end of UMNO hegemony. And they will release THEIR army which we have not heard from so far. This is their last desperate card which they are holding close to their chest. Just wait and see. Muhyiddin has hinted but I don’t even need him to hint. I can see with my own eyes. They act like Malaysia belongs to them and they cannot accept that they are just a political party, like any other political party. When the time comes, they will justify the killings, maybe call it jihad to give it some credibility.

  12. “This is clearly part of the latest gameplan of a master strategy by Umno to tarnish the image of DAP and DAP leaders as anti-Malay and anti-Islam in a larger political conspiracy to break up and destroy Pakatan Rakyat.” (YB Kit)

    Najib’s plot is the same old tactics as the ones being adopted by Dato Harun during 1969. Firstly, DAP will be character-assassinated by Umno’s labeling it as Anti-Malay and anti-Islam. Secondly, some DAP leaders will be arrested under the ISA in order to provoke the outrage sentiment among the DAP supporters. If DAP supporters dare to come out on the street to carry out a protest of massive scale, then the Army will be ordered to keep peace on the street. Later on, Najib will declare an emergency rule in Selangor and then the Selangor State Government will be terminated for functioning and the power to implement and administer the state government’s daily administration will be transferred to the Federal Government. This is Najib’s coup d’tat plot for taking on the target of PR Selangor State Government.

    The stock market investors have better gotten ready to withdraw now before it is too late to cut losses from Najib’s launching disastrous coup d’tat move in Selangor.

  13. “….Now that Loke has openly denied the wild allegations, will Najib issue a public retraction of his directive to the relevant authorities to investigate Loke and censure the Umno leaders who had irresponsibly tried to gain political mileage from the lies…..”

    No, he (Najib) won’t. The “show” must go on. It’s the game plan.

  14. It is typical and not a surprise for BN and UMNO to try to capitalize on this issue and crucify Loke on this matter. PR has done the same with Najib on the Altantuya issue – flagging and fanning the conspiracy theory of Najib’s guilt on this matter when it is obvious that there is no shred of evidence produced so far! Again, whether it is BN or PR, this is to be expected of politicians; using any issue to further their political mileage!! So LKS and PR better do not use the `I am holier then thou’ approach because you yourself employ the same dirty tactics!!

    To be honest, is Loke really speaking the truth? If he’s innocent, than he has nothing to fear.

  15. Woah… some students of the Ronnie Liu school of prescience commenting… so if what Onlooker Politics is saying is true, my savings in a British bank will soon become worth some Ringgits again? Great! Then if what ekompute says is true, I’ll be able to buy myself a really decent coffin!

    You’ll pardon me if I keep digging in the mud to see if there are any other options…

    evankoay asks: can not write chinese.??????

  16. For a start, let all Pakatan component parties refrain from using the words “Malay”, “Chinese”, “Indians”, etc. when dealing with any problems. We are all Malaysians and this should be the case. I always have goosebumps on my skin whenever DAP uses the word “Chinese” to highlight the problems of the Chinese community. This is an indirect way of accepting the second-class status as final. Please, don’t ever refer to any Malaysians as Chinese, Indians or Malays. Your are accepting what UMNO wants to be the reality in this country.

    I would also suggest that when people fill any forms that ask for one’s race, they should not tick or fill in that particular blank. Just leave it empty or just write down “Malaysian”. This divide-and-rule requirement has been going on for too long and it’s time that the people put their foot down. I hope this suggestion would frustrate UMNO’s divide-and-rule supremacy. Can’t Pakatan ask the people to do just that? This “weapon” can be an effective nonviolent civil disobedience and peaceful resistance in the struggle against UMNO. Anyway is there any constitutional law for UMNO to force people to deny their citizenship?

    Once again, DAP must not cooperate with UMNO requirements of calling Malaysians as Malays, Chinese, Indians or non-Malays. Everyone is a Malaysian except those immigrants. If DAP can stick to this stand, it would go a long way in realizing a united Malaysia.

    Thank you very much.

  17. Do keep up the good work please, Mr Loke Siew Fook. Please don’t worry about the Pharisee-like legalistic preaching of Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee, for the Royal Family in Negeri Sembilan will never buy Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee’s false theology.

    All three Yamtuans of Negeri Sembilan, namely the late Tuanku Munawir (Tuanku Mukriz’s father), the late Tuanku Jaafar (Tuanku Mukhriz’s uncle), and the present Tuanku Mukhriz, would know very well that forgiveness, and not punishment, is what the humans really need. This is because these three Yamtuans knew very well that the first Agong of Malaysia, the late Tuanku Abdullah Rahman, would never agree that the behaviour of sexual immorality is a sin which has to be severely punished by being sent to banishment.

    The rulers of Negeri Sembilan always preached the value of forgiveness to the subject of Negeri Sembilan. Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee’s false theology of insisting on punishing with banishment for the sin of sexual immorality will never win the royal patrons anywhere. I believe Razak Baginda will also advise Najib not to listen too much to Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee. A sinner never needs a Pharisee-like preacher such as Dr. Mohd Ridhuan Tee, for Pharisee will never get a good glimpse on the loving kindness of God’s wonderful grace and mercy upon the sinners. It is always the first priority for God to want to save us the sinners from further fallenness. The intent to punish is just a secondary purpose served as the deterrence force to prevent the sinners’ committing further sins!

  18. Najib and all top UMNO Baru leaders are getting panicky, knowing that more and more thinking Malays are leaving the party. The only hope these idiots think they can bring back the Malays to support UMNO Baru again is to ignite a racial fire; little realising that these thinking Malays who are good muslims will further distance themselves from such desperate, irresponsible and dangerous actions by UMNO Baru leaders.

    LKS, you need only to keep on exposing their lies and evil plots. 21st century Malaysians are educated and intelligent enough to tell humans apart from the devils. Know this: Many Malays are saying “taktik UMNO makin kotor……memalukan bangsa dan agama…..”

  19. Yb, i thought that that issue already clear last month. If settled, then the idiot below must tell the truth, not that you explain to him.

    Quoted from malaysianmirror today.

    Kedah Bumi housing quota: Lim must explain

    Monday, 10 August 2009 16:02

    ALOR STAR – It looks like the issue relating to the increase of the Bumi quota in certain housing developements has yet to be settled.

    According to the Harakah Daily of July 10, 2009, a meeting was held between the DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang and the Menteri Besar of Kedah Azizan Abdul Razak on July 9 at Kuala Lumpur.

    The MB of Kedah claimed that the issue relating to the increase of the Bumi quota in certain housing development was fully explained to Kit Siang and the issue had been resolved.

    However, the Gerakan Youth chief for Kedah, Tan Keng Liang, says that a month after the proclaimation by the MB of Kedah that the Bumi housing quota issue had been resolved, the increase of the Bumi quota from 30 per cent to 50 per cent for certain housing development had remained in Kedah.

    Disappointed with Kit Siang

    Keng Liang said such a policy could have been cancelled immediately by any state exco meeting within that month.

    “I would like to express my disappointment with Lim Kit Siang and DAP Kedah in failing to ensure the cancellation of the said increase of the Bumi quota after a month since the proclaimation by the MB for Kedah,” he said.

    “It is now important for Kit Siang to explain why nothing concrete had been done,” added Keng Liang.

  20. YB LKS,
    frankly, I think it is time for Dap to stand up against PAS in Kedah.

    From what i heard from a friend, the policy of 50% bumi quota in kedah only apply to “swap” malay reserve land. But last time was only 30%. In any event, this issue really anger a lot of non-bumi (especially chinese) in Kedah.
    If this policy continue, i believe a lot of non-bumi will not vote for Pakatan in Kedah in next election.
    As for now, I think PAs has broken their promise to DAP in Kedah.

  21. and I agree with Tan Keng Liang of gerakan that this policy could be cancel in any state exco meeting.
    Already one month past. The more Dap wait, the more people, especially chinese in kedah is going to hate Dap in Kedah.

  22. Some DAP leaders think that they will become more popular if they were to shoot from the hips at any moving target. Normally such leaders will never think that what they shoot out will boomerang on them.

    Recently, there were popular leaders such as Jeff Ooi, Guan Eng, Teresa Kok and others who would prefer to shoot first rather to strategize. As a result they got mud being thrown back into their faces. Yes they might have got some traction from such misadventure but when the wind begins to blow hard on them, they began to desperately find shelter.

    Look, to all these leaders: you are no more in the days when you can shout all you wanted because you don’t have anything to lose. But now the people have given you the opportunity to serve, you are still behaving like bare-knuckled politicians. The people expect you to be mature and level-headed instead of pointing fingers at each other. If you keep on in this manner, I shudder to think if the people would ever give the DAP another chance.

    So think first before you use your most mischievous member of your body – tame your tongues and use your brains.

  23. Why is Najib and his fellow UMNO leaders not equally incensed when Muslims are spying on, if not, insulting other religions?

    Remember the two Al Islam reporters from Penang who came to KL to spy on the Christians and also to partake in the Christian rite of Holy Communion just two months ago? And they subsequently published their spying activities?

    This incensed the Christians and was the subject of police reports. So what is the progress of this investigations?

  24. This is funny, why must the DAP guy lodge a police report stating he did not do it? Does he know the law? If not then why is he holding some position in DAP? This is so pathetic.

    Let’s PM say what he wants la, if nothing wrong has been done it will make PM look stupid at the end of the day. A bit only, shake rattle and roll? Sad case …

  25. PM you cannot fool the Rayat. Unless you do it right UMNO is out in the next election. Selective punishment, persecution harassment will not work on the Rayat. PM why u protect the corrupt Mat Toyo? Is it because he finance UMNO. Why do you protect the racist utusan writer? charge him?
    The Rayat is watching!!

  26. Sheriff Singh, do you know what is Ketuanan Melayu? It means that they can do the things that others are not allowed to do. The way I see it, UMNO has lost its senses and does not know right from wrong. They keep deceiving themselves that they are righteous. As Muhyiddin says about the Opposition, “when they keep repeating a wrong thing, it appears to become right”. I think what Muhyiddin says apply more to UMNO than to anyone else. Muhyiddin has syit in his pants but he can’t smell the stink… he sees the mote in other people’s eyes but cannot notice the log in his own eyes. Ask him to reveal his bank account and see… he himself will pengsan.

  27. SpeakUp :
    This is funny, why must the DAP guy lodge a police report stating he did not do it? Does he know the law? If not then why is he holding some position in DAP? This is so pathetic.
    Let’s PM say what he wants la, if nothing wrong has been done it will make PM look stupid at the end of the day. A bit only, shake rattle and roll? Sad case …

    Well, I think Loke did the right thing. When the country’s justice system is upside, driving on the left lane may be dangerous. You can be right and still be punished. And if you try to sue UMNO people in court, you can be quite certain that you will have a kangaroo as a judge, or that judge will be removed after passing judgment.

  28. How to believe in the 1Malaysia mantra, Mr Prime Minister? Day in and day out we can only see you twisting your words and practising double-standards… how can you ever tell us we could believe in your 1Malaysia concept? Don’t blame us, you’re the one screwing up….

  29. ekompute … just because you lodge a police report in this instance to deny the nonsense on the net, will not make a difference. That is my take because legally it does no good. BN wants to get a reaction … let them have none.

  30. This is what happens when INTEGRITY is lacking in national leaders who are concerned PRIMARILY with getting power and then holding on to it.
    Unfortunately for most ordinary Malaysians, we have so many public institutions that are now broken.

  31. sheriff singh asks: So what exactly did Mr. Loke Siew Fook actually say? Can we know?
    He is accused of being the author of an article on sjsandteam’s recently defunct blog “The Might of the Pen” which mentioned the Sultan of Perak, his son, hell, along with a liberal sprinkling of defamatory adjectives. His accusers are other bloggers, I think.

    I saved a copy of google’s cache of the page on archive.org, if anybody is interested – just search for ‘sjsandteam’. I don’t know how long it will last in Google’s cache. It’s a puerile article, nothing of value in it. I guess the authors of the blog got fed up waiting to become the next RPK and went for the money shot. I hope the repercussions will be educational for them.

  32. In ancient Japan they use ninja stealth to take out their opponents. In the age of the Internet, they can use free blogs to impersonate a person and do the damage and when the heat is on, they just delete the site and disappeared.

    For all you know, they could be residing anywhere from KL to Timbuktu to conduct their dirty tricks.

    It’s obvious that there is now a concerted effort to shake up the DAP and take them out with every available weapon that they can grab at. LKS and his people need to be on full alert not to make any false moves that will allow these bunch of losers take the upper hand.

    Remember, desperate men are at work! And stupid women simply point accusing fingers when there’s no solid evidence to show.

  33. We should leave religion and concentrate on nation building.We should not give way to self destruction.The people will be given the chance to decide at the polls.If Najib feels and decides to act on unjustified facts the truth will be translated in the coming Penang election.We have to be cool.Both the present and the oppositon want to rule the country; only the people will decide.

  34. Just leave race and religion out of all the topics. Accept the fact that Malaysia is and always will be a multi-cultural country. PM should concentrate on important issues like economy, safety and security. Look at the big picture and not through a microscope.

  35. Actually this is GOOD intellectual question.

    Najib has carefully crafted a certain generally acceptable public image apparently expensively paid for since he got into office basically because of his low mass popularity. Until now, he has send the troops and machining to do the dirty work..Why is he now stepping out to do the dirty work himself even just a little?

    Is it a sign he has lost confidence in trying to gain the middle ground back? Is he slowly turning to the traditional right to gain traction? Are we seeing the same turn-left-turn-right switch that was successfully done by Mahathir BUT which Najib is failing at and now is completely lost at what to do?

    I think it is and its a GOOD sign. The man is desperate now – his strategy is failing and his administration may be starting to fall apart..

    The time is here to prepare PR for the final battle that is clearly coming.. Najib administration is unravelling and it will soon be apparent – exposed for the pretention it was always is. This battle will not be easy. It will be dirty, it will be hard, long and everything will be thrown into it.

  36. People die of the flu every year in the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands somewhere in the world. Soon they’ll have the vaccine. Then another type of flu comes along. And so it goes on.

  37. “Dr. V. M. Palaniappan said that such activities caused the body to develop friction heat which in turn, produced acid and made the body hyperacidised.

    “Thus, the body becomes an easy target for H1N1 infection,” he told Bernama, emphasising however, that normal sexual union between members of the opposite sex was absolutely safe.”


    Very interesting. I think the doctor’s normal sexual union is not based on friction and therefore produces no frictional heat. Must be having a thumb-sized one, LOL.

  38. k1980 … its true all rights shall be equal … DSAI said it, one of the only few things he has ever said right.

    Why is it that the Malays are so worried about a level playing field? I don’t get it … do we not want privileges to be given to the poor etc only like in so many other countries?

  39. SpeakUp :
    k1980 … its true all rights shall be equal … DSAI said it, one of the only few things he has ever said right.
    Why is it that the Malays are so worried about a level playing field? I don’t get it … do we not want privileges to be given to the poor etc only like in so many other countries?

    Hahaha… don’t you know that UMNO leaders wants an uneven playing field so that they can become richer and richer? This NEP benefits them more than the average Malay. While as Mahathir says, many Malays still live in squatter houses, these people live in mansion. If they are really fighting for Malays, they should live like the average Malays… take out their loot and share share with the Malay community. But they loot and enjoy life and you call them what? I can’t think of a better word than “hypocrite”.

  40. “Why has Najib condoned the Umno-inspired hysteria and gunning for Loke Siew Fook for insulting the Perak royalty and Islam when these allegations are completely groundless?”

    Elementary, Mr. Watson… because he is the mastermind and he fools all of you into thinking that he is not part of the plot.

  41. //Why is it that the Malays are so worried about a level playing field?//

    Imagine the country to be a huge piece of pie (not cow pie lah) to be shared among the 25 million Malysian citizens. Now, if 10 million of the above can be labeled as pendatangs and thrust aside, hence ineligible to eat the above pie, the remainder 15 million would get bigger helpings. This is the basis of the NEP

  42. k1980 :
    //Why is it that the Malays are so worried about a level playing field?//
    Imagine the country to be a huge piece of pie (not cow pie lah) to be shared among the 25 million Malysian citizens. Now, if 10 million of the above can be labeled as pendatangs and thrust aside, hence ineligible to eat the above pie, the remainder 15 million would get bigger helpings. This is the basis of the NEP

    To help Malays achieve the 30% share of corporate equity, non-Malays should divest their corporate assets in Malaysia and invest overseas. This will bring the figure down overnight. Let the Malaysian economy shrink by some 20%-30%, no problem… then UMNO will wake up and realize that it is the non-Malays that have hitherto being supporting the Malaysian economy. Have a “Buy Malaysian shares last” policy. Someone should start a company to help non-Malays invest in Singapore, China, and India… the latter two being two potentially high-growth economy. Then we can hear UMNO sing a different song… only more melodious this time, LOL.

  43. SpeakUp :
    ekompute … k1980 … it was meant to be a rhetorical question … heheheheehehee … thanks for the replies anyways.

    Hi SpeakUp, I knew it was meant to be a rhetorical question. Some of my posts have been misinterpreted because I say A to mean B, and I thought readers should know, but they don’t seem to. Anyway, LKS is an old bird… he knows far far better than I do.

  44. Hi guys,you now don’t have to imagine how evil NR/Umno are.He has shown his true color and power.He turns lies to truth against his PR opponent and turns all true charges against himself and his cronies into lies.Just how strong and powerful he is,the IGP,the AG,the MACC,the CJ,the EC ,the PAC ,Utusan Melayu,NST,Star,etc ,all these and many more have to “kowTou” him .Something must be done to stop him before he destroys the country.

  45. so worried about a level playing field?
    They’re not worried about a level playing field.

    They’re worried about a return to the playing field that made them change the rules the first time. When the NEP was dreamed up, one in-breeding community held a disproportionately large slice of k1980’s pie. Amidst all the cries of “Abolish NEP”, I never hear anything from Pakatan Rakyat to say what they’re going to do to allay genuine – in my opinion – fears that Malaysia will return directly to the pre-NEP playing field. That’s a major failing in PR’s manifesto, from my point of view.

    Legislated racism is not the only racism in Malaysia. It’s the one that must be tackled first, but it’s only one side of a coin. It can’t just be taken away without leaving … an unbalanced coin (imagine I’ve offered an intelligent and helpful analogy). If PR really want to persuade NEP supporters (I mean the ones that are actually getting little from it, but believe something is needed for balance) that it’s an ugly and counter-productive system, then they have to offer a better solution to the pre-NEP problem.

  46. OrangRojak is correct… PR does not have a strategy to win over those who have for years been having some kind of special privileges. The thing about human beings is that we will always justify… more so, when we are having an advantage. Who doesn’t want free money and special discounts? Criminal researches have shown that even criminals justify their crimes… they feel that they are never at fault, it’s society that forced them into crimes… So even if the Malays know that what is being practised in Malaysia is not consistent with Islamic values, so what? They will find one way or another to justify their positions. As we know, many so-called Malays come to Malaysia later than some non-Malays. But so what?

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