Take a secret poll among the 2,000 top police officers from ASP upwards and an overwhelming majority will definitely vote for a new IGP

Will the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, recommend to the Yang di Pertuan Agong another extension of tenure for Tan Sri Musa Hassan as Inspector-General of Police from next month?

I have said that there are over a hundred reasons why Musa should not have another extension of his tenure as IGP and nobody, whether Musa himself or the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, dare to throw a challenge to me to list out the 100 reasons to subject them to public scrutiny and judgment whether they are weighty and substantive enough to have a bearing on the decision as to who should be the No. 1 Policeman in the country from next month.

I have no personal axe to grind against Musa and am acting purely in the national interests, to roll back the tide of crime in the past five years which Musa had failed to do as well as to inject the Malaysian police force with the adrenaline, dynamism and a reinvigorated sense of purpose that only a new police chief could evoke in another attempt to scale the goal to become an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police force respected internationally for its competence, ability and success to fulfill the three core police functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights.

I do not have a candidate to be the new IGP but I believe Malaysians as well as the 100,000-strong police force just cannot believe that the present batch of police leadership are so short of leadership material that the Prime Minister cannot find a single one from the topmost 100 Police officers of Deputy IGP, CPs, DCPs, SACs I and II to qualify to be the new IGP.

I have no doubt that if the issue of whether the country needs a new IGP is put to a referendum in the country or the police force, the result will be an overwhelming “yes” for a new IGP.

Of course, if there is a referendum among the top 2,000 police officers from ASP upwards, it would have to be a secret poll to get the true and authentic voice and vote of the overwhelming majority for a new IGP.

If more reasons are needed to buttress the case for a new IGP, they can be found in the various opinion polls on the Home Ministry website since last month – where 9,729 persons or 97% of 10,060 respondents polled from 20th to 28th July 2009 felt unsafe because of the high crime rate, with only 1% or 89 respondents felt safe and 2% or 242 respondents in the “uncertain” category.

In the same poll, 95% or 8,883 out of 9,319 respondents felt that the safety of the people was not guaranteed as compared to 3% or 248 respondents who felt it was still guaranteed, with 2% or 188 respondents in the “uncertain” category.

To the question whether the government has done its best to ensure that the safety of the people was at the best level, 94% or 8,743 out of 9,261 respondents replied in the negative; 2% or 185 respondents replied in the positive with 4% or 333 persons “uncertain”.

A total of 78% or 7,366 out of 9,406 respondents disagreed with the statement that crime was a global issue and that Malaysia was not the only country faced with the increasing crime rate, while 18% or 1,659 persons agreed with it, with 4% or 831 respondents “uncertain”.

How can the top police officer who had served for three years as IGP, including a two-year extension of his tenure, ask for a renewal as IGP with such disastrous record and abysmal vote of no confidence as illustrated by the Home Ministry’s own website polls?

The latest opinion poll on the Home Ministry website regarding the Internal Security Act, which went up on Wednesday night is another crippling vote of no confidence in Musa as IGP.

As at 1.30 pm today, a total of 6,614 people had participated in the poll, with 5,779 or 87% of the respondents dismiss it as “draconian law”, while 10% or 666 respondents accept it as “preventive law” with 3% or 169 persons “uncertain”.

From the poll, 91% or 6,117 out of 6,752 respondents want the ISA repealed, 9% or 610 respondents want it retained with amendments while 25 were “confused”.

On the question whether respondents were aware that “United States and Great Britain have their own preventive laws. ISA is one of the acts referred to by them”, 57% or 3,369 out of 5,932 respondents clicked “Yes, I know”, 40% or 2,365 respondents answered “This means nothing to me” with 3% or 198 respondents in the “I do not know” category.

All the Home Ministry website polls in the past weeks highlight one imperative – there must be a new start for the police force under a new Inspector General of Police to begin the concept of democratic policing and rewrite the very mission and vision of the police, not to be the protectors of the government regime but to be the friends and protectors of the people, the rights of citizens and the rule law, and ensure the safety and security of all.


23 Replies to “Take a secret poll among the 2,000 top police officers from ASP upwards and an overwhelming majority will definitely vote for a new IGP”

  1. Maybe, PM already decided that Musa is to retire as IGP but because Lim Kit Siang tells him not to reappoint Musa, he may decide to renew Musa’s contract just to spite LKS and not let LKS have the pleasure of saying thank you, i told you so.

  2. Even if he is more “qualified” than the other 2000 top officers, they will definitely want a new IGP as he has been holding up their promotions for 2 years.
    The best thing for the government to do is to not extend his contract on medical grounds as he had a major heart surgery recently.
    That alone should be enough reason as a top policeman’s life must be really stressfull with such a serious crime situation.
    Of course UMNO can appoint him to a GLC post as usual practice.

  3. “Maybe, PM already decided that Musa is to retire as IGP but because Lim Kit Siang tells him not to reappoint Musa, he may decide to renew Musa’s contract just to spite LKS and not let LKS have the pleasure of saying thank you, i told you so.”

    That’s right. So it is YB Kit who wants Musa to continue.

  4. i support the move of restricted sales alcohol. not in majority malay but all area and all PR led state. And not only alcohol and also cigarratte.
    now aday the underage youngster drinking and smoker raising and raising.
    actually i found malaysia goverment is giving to much of freedom to malaysian

  5. my father went to abu dhabi working,
    he told us their law is very straight one.
    so their place is safer than malaysia alot.
    their house never fix grille. not like malaysia
    buy beautiful house but have to fix grille like prison.
    somewhere thier car cannt simply illegal park ,if kena catch. driver and car have to suspend.

  6. Jaswant :A new IGP does not mean a different police force. Everybody knows that. So why are we wasting public space even talking about that

    To a moronic coconut head, of course there is nothing that can be done on anything. I mean who can blame a nincompoop who can’t hold more than two variables in “its” head and yet want to so much here. A monkey is what a monkey does. So now you are back to Subang Jaya to work in one of those mamak shop? Don’t feel bad, you will never reach half of what i have achieved in life, i assured you that. If you are not undergrad2, i will never want to come to this blog again, you assh*le.

  7. //That’s right. So it is YB Kit who wants Musa to continue.// just-one-ball

    I mean who can blame a moron for this is how a moron “think” if indeed there is something between “its” eyes. How is your day today – working all day and yet can’t even earn enough to buy a kancil? I would expect so. A monkey is what a monkey does.

  8. Why 2000 ASP’s and above.

    hey, take the whole lot of them, PC and above – all 100,000 or more, all of them. Mark my words, no less than 98% will vote to get IGP Musa out. This old horse is lame and blind to injustice and crime!

  9. Jaswant :The top brass of the police wants a new IGP because they feel the old IGP has had his chance and has made his pot of gold and it’s time for somebody else to make his.
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    <P sizcache="10" sizset="30"

    This how a corrupted nincompoop thinks and act, i mean who can blame him, after all he is a binatang.

  10. What we really want is not for an old IGP or a young IGP, or for this old IGP to go and be replaced by a different one. What we really want to see are changes among the top brass of our police force i.e. new faces among the senior ranks who will undertake serious reforms and not just talk about underaking reforms.

    The old are too closely identified with the status quo to want to see change taking place. They must go.

    What are the chances of that happening? Zilch.

    Visit my blog to learn more


  11. Just-one-ball, by extension, the change of entire top brass of the police force would also not bring about significant reforms when the whole police force is beholden to the political master and vice versa. Cardinals appointed the pope who was in term appointed by former popes. Of course I don’t expect this stupid ass to see it, so as usual it will continue to vomit lots of sh!t here.

    Of course the stupid ass has not realised that it is making my blog more popular each day.

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