All PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in PR if it is not to end up as a one-term wonder

All Pakatan Rakyat leaders of PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in the credibility, cohesion, integrity and common sense of purpose of Pakatan Rakyat if PR is not to end up as a one-term wonder.

If a state Exco member of a Pakatan Rakyat state government can publicly demand the removal of another state exco member from another Pakatan Rakyat component party from his portfolio, and be supported by the state youth wing of that party to the extent of wanting to hold a public demonstration, then the same thing can be done by the other Pakatan Rakyat component parties.

If in a Pakatan Rakyat state government, a PAS Exco member can demand the removal of a DAP State Exco member which is supported by the state PAS youth calling for a public demonstration, then a DAP or PKR State Exco member could also demand the removal of a PAS State Exco member from his portfolio and be supported by the respective state youth wings together with threats of holding public demonstrations.

The result would be utter chaos and discredit for Pakatan Rakyat, whether at the state or national level and Pakatan Rakyat leaders and component parties will then become PR’s own biggest enemies and not those from Barisan Nasional.

It is imperative therefore that any unhappiness and dissatisfaction by any Pakatan Rakyat component party or leader must be raised and dealt with internally in the grouping.

Without going into the specific controversy in Selangor, the proposed blanket ban on the sale of alcohol in Muslim-majority areas in the state, there can be doubt that the latest ruckus in the Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor has caused nation-wide dismay among Pakatan Rakyat’s own supporters.

It is best that Pakatan Rakyat problems whether at the state or local level should be addressed and resolved at the respective levels through internal Pakatan Rakyat channels and mechanism, failing which, they will have to be addressed by the Pakatan Rakyat national leadership. The Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council will have no choice but to meet if this problem, for instance, cannot be resolved at the Selangor PR state level.


60 Replies to “All PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in PR if it is not to end up as a one-term wonder”

  1. Some people just want cheap publicity, to enhanced whatever cause they think they cannot achieve through internal channel.

    Pakatan National National leaders,

    Please take not of these people. Make sure they are drop as candidates in the 13th General Election.

  2. This Hassan Ali has an UMNO face. PAS will either have to sack him so that he can join UMNO or the party risk loosing non-Muslim votes.
    Hassan’s stance is crystal clear – a mole planted by UMNO to disrupt public confidence in PR. Since he could not become MB, UMNO may have paid him a few millions to be their Trojan Horse.
    Wasn’t he the one who opposed a non-Malay be appointed manager of a selangor govt company.

  3. PAS is a very unreliable partner. It is dangerous to bet where its loyalty lies. Yesterday, it was Pakatan Rakyat, tomorrow it is BN. PAS was in BN before and it left. Who knows it will join BN again and leave again. Except for Nik Aziz, PAS is a party with no principles. Only DAP is consistent, unlike Gerakan.

  4. “If a state Exco member of a Pakatan Rakyat state government can publicly demand the removal of another state exco member from another Pakatan Rakyat component party from his portfolio,….”

    This is a disgrace. They meet regularly at Exco meetings and yet we have this communication problem. Don’t they see each other regularly if not every day to discuss issues of administration? Don’t the Exco members have offices near each other? Don’t they have telephones and cell-phones?

    So why all these press conferences to attack each other and air dirty linen? Is there anything to be gained or achieved by the PR government for all this?

    Sometimes I think PR don’t deserve to be the government. They don’t really know how to work as a team but will take every opportunity to bring down their own colleagues.

    At all levels conflicts take place non-stop and there is fire-fighting all the time. This gives a lot of opportunities to outside predators, and there are many, to hone in for the kill.

    It appears to me PR people likes to score “own goals” How to win like this?

  5. BN seemed to be working better than PR in terms of resolving issues internally instead of openly!!! Anyway, PR is quite new in this regard when BN had been there for so long!!! PR really need to speed up this process before BN got the chance to split up PR!!!

  6. To all members of the 3 parties in PR,

    All members, especially from the top to the bottom, need to restrain themselves in vetting out their grievances, dissatisfaction and problems through public medias. If there is any issue, please address it through the internal PR channels and mechanisms whether state or national level to have an amicable and harmonious solution.

    BN/UMNO has taken intense advantage in such publicised outburst issues to portray a disunified PR where there are so many internal problems, conflicts and discord that they are not suitable, qualify and capable to be the Government of the day.

    Having a closer understanding, higher tolerance and better mutual respect are the vital keys of unity for PR in gaining back much confidence & respect from Malaysians of all races and to be overwhelmly successful in the next GE. CAT (Competency, Accountability and Transparency) is a strong point of PR and for also them to further develop and cultivate. UMNO being the big bully, selfishly ambitious, extremely racialistic, utterly corrupt and evilly cruel is the weakest link of BN.

  7. PAS people wanted to show their brotheren that they are not kowtowing to other PR component parties by voicing out openly which scare off other non-muslim brothers!!! or do they consider others as brothers???

  8. To avoid frictions between component parties within PR, Anwar, Abdul Hadi Awang and LKS should work out some kind of “inter party guidelines” or inter party agreements” for their members to comply with.

  9. Perhaps immature politicians are at their best where many instances uncalled overtures are heard loud and clear. DAP, PKR and PAS must act fast and discipline their members at all levels for failing so could prove disastrous.

  10. Dear All,

    Sometimes I wonder if Pakatan Rakyat has in fact established a well tested, stand the test of time executive management within its framework. All we know is the big wigs are Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Kit Siang and Hadi Awang, representing their respective political parties. Does Pakatan has a secreatariat which comprises second liners of the respective parties, who will ensure these teething occasional issues are brought up to the top so as to ensure effective decision making be made? How often does the second and third liners of its component members meet to iron out occuring issues?

    Pakatan is now moving around without unity and does not appear to me that they speak in one single voice. I firmly believe that Pakatan leaders should agree on several hard-core issues and move forward as one single unit. Of course, there will bound to have other minor and trivial issues along the line which may pit leaders within component parties to disagree as a result. However, the main issues that may affect party relationship should have been discussed and agreed upon.

  11. I don’t know. All these ruckus do add color to PR. In some ways its not bad considering that PR HAS DEALT with each and every issue publicly and successfully. Pakatan is showing its transparent AND able to deal with its problems and sooner or later these problem will lessen and make Pakatan looks really good!! So, I won’t put too much worry into it so long as PR deal with it logically and honestly…

  12. Wow … I love this article, I have been saying this for so long and always got knocked for it. PM wants 1Malaysian, can PR be 1Party? At the moment PR is a BIG JOKE! Given a golden opportunity they are throwing it down the drain.

    Fight fight fight fight … bicker bicker bicker … cannot be fair issit? Cannot speak as one issit? How to trust them in power?

    DSAI [deleted]… no comments on such issues. No guts to stand for what is right. Nothing from his mouth. Only keep quiet.

    Nothing said against that Kulim racists ADUN, nothing against Johari, he event got that racist into the Cabinet Committee to represent PKR!

    How to trust DSAI? [deleted] Cannot trust that man, he will be the one to bring the downfall of PR.

    He wants to be DE FACTO Opposition leader BUT dare not speak up when there is a wrong.[deleted]

  13. On your part, you have to curb in hot heads like Jeff Ooi who has shown poor diplomacy and behaves like the days when he was a blogger. He must remember that he is now a politician and must grow up quickly and know who his partners are and who are his enemies.ovid 18

  14. Please all of you in PR, do not let us down. Please do not let Beng Hock die in vain. Please get your act in order. Please do not major in minors. Major in majors and minor in minors We all depend on you all to lead us.

  15. It is now clear that Hassan Ali is acting in the interest of Umnoputra.

    DAP should focus its criticism on him alone and NOT all Pas Selangor.

    The strategy is to expose him in front of Pas supporters so that the latter are not turning against the DAP which is his and Khir Toyo’s intention.

    DAP must use its political acumen.

  16. It is time that DAP use its political skill in dealing with this situation created by Hassan Ali

    It must see differentiate him from the rest of Pas.

    Isolate him and persuade his other party colleagues to expose him, his wealth ( he seems to live like a duke !), his other money matters etc.

    Cool and firm head must prevail. DAP leaders at all levels must remember.

  17. First it was DAP making a big hoo hah over pigs in Kedah.

    Now it is PAS making noise in Selangor over beer.

    PR politicians as i mentioned are too used to making lots of noise. Problem is, make too much noise and eventually people get tired and don’t want to listen to you anymore.

    So where will PR be when people stop listening to them?

    To all PR politicians: please shut your bloody pie hole, and think before you speak.

  18. Another important reminder.

    Get the Pas central leadership to discipline Hassan Ali.

    LKS, as the supreme leader of DAP should preferably stay on the high moral ground. Please let DAP Selangor leaders handle this guy so as not to make him feel big and important

  19. I think for Jeff Ooi he made a simple mistake, the word was wrong in his mind. He should have made AN IMMEDIATE APOLOGY the next day, its okay to be wrong. By shutting up PAS starts to mengamok and that makes its bad. That allows things to escalate.

    That is why I say, Pakatan Rakyat has NO IDEA about PR, PUBLIC RELATIONS. That is their downfall. PR includes NOT FIGHTING and learning to show to the rakyat their strengths, working to create themselves as the top of mind recall political party.

    Pakatan Rakyat has strengths to serve the nation but they rather flex their muscles against each other. That is the path they choose. How stupid?

    TBH made news, Anti ISA rally made news … it put BN in a corner, now … BN is laughing!!!

    Bravi PR … Bravo DSAI … Bravo!!! Where is that BACUL DSAI? Opposition De Facto Leader … not a whimper. [deleted]

  20. DAP must continue to speak and fight for the rights of the people.

    This is the most important task, irrespective of whether it is in the PR or not.

    Justice, Equality, Fairness and Dignity are the principles for which DAP was born to struggle for, together with other like-minded parties or individuals within the PR and without.

  21. There is no doubt that Hassan Ali is attempting to split the PR.

    His scheme must be recognised so that PR can manouvre in such a way that his objective cannot be realized.

    It is a foregone conclusion that Umnoputras and the Utusans will exploit this issue which is not really big if we know how to apply our political acumen.

  22. DAP is about the only party in PR that has its act together. PAS shoots its ‘religiously racial’ mouth all the time … PRK just shoots its mouth without thinking all the time … DSAI got no comment.

    I remember once when PAS said, we are good, we are fair … that was when Nik Aziz was at its helm, with the new people … even Tok Guru is not respected.

  23. Top leaders of DAP such as LKS and Guan Eng should preferably not make too many public statements on issues regarding PR.

    The middle level leaders should take the initiatives to tackle such issues so that they can be embattled and experienced in time to come.

    It is a long march and the young leaders must start now. Political acumen must be learnt.

  24. tanjong8 :
    Political acumen must be learnt.

    I wish they can learn what you say … I think they are all too stupid and selfish. Its about them, not the well being of the Rakyat.

    Vote us … we know better! This is ANIMAL FARM in the making ok. So clear … PM will be laughing away tonight. He is happy now the headlines can blanket TBH and Anti ISA Rally issues. PR makes his day all the time … BRAVO! Useless MB of Selangor … promised in Nov ’08 there will be NO ALCOHOL ban … now we learn the ban is down to beers. Alcohol has been banned. Hard liquor. Lying MB.

  25. If necessary, DAP can withdraw from the Selangor government but continue to support Tan Sri Khalid.

    This can be a strategy for long term objective to thwart the evil intentions of Hassan Ali.

    To move forward, sometimes we have to step back a while!

  26. What is wrong with PAS? Cannot sell alcohol … why can’t Muslims not drink? Why not ban smoking because a Fatwa has been issued its HARAM? Why is it that their view is God’s law to everyone?

  27. On second thought, Hassan Ali could be a friend of MCA , Gerakan and MIC.

    With his suggestion, these 3 component parties of BN could have the ammunition they are so short to attack the PR, especially DAP.

    The question now is : Will the 3 subseviant parties of Umnoputra make use of this golden opportunity to get a go at PR ?

  28. The Sec-Gen of Pas, Mustapha Ali had told a news conference that he did not agree with Hassan Ali.

    This is the real situation. Hassan Ali is acting on his own interest.

    Isolate him. Do not equate him with Pas

  29. tanjong8 … from insiders they suspect these troublemakers from PAS (not PAS a troublemaker) want to show that BN government would be more accommodating to their requests. They want to show that you better dance to my tune.

  30. We’ll never know from Hassan Ali’s own mouth, his real intention, will we ?
    He’s making use of race and make believes to disturb Malaysians.
    Uncle Lim, I believe in your capabilites and your intentions. BRAVO.

  31. Have anyone paid this PAS guy to make noise at this moment to distract other matters and coming re-election?

    He is more suitable as a religion lecturer.

    He is not suitable as a politician especially a coming Penang re-election soon.

    Now, this event it seem that if let PAS to re-election at Penang put is very very high risk to win the election.

  32. Is Hassan Ali trying to tell everybody that banning the sales of alcoholic drinks in muslim-majority areas will stop muslims from drinking? What makes Hassan Ali think that muslim drinkers will not get their supply from elsewhere if they cannot get them in their residential areas?

    Hassan Ali should take the more logical steps to strengthen the faith of muslim drinkers, to convince them against consuming alcoholic drinks.

  33. Jaswant :“Why can’t Muslims drink?”
    Ask limkamput. He drinks all the drink. The moral police doesn’t come after him.

    I am just too tired and sad to respond to all the half baked and just-one-ball comments. This nation is at stake, but of course for someone who is washing dishes in NY, I don’t think he gives two hoots about it. Bye bye.

  34. PR leaders should keep a close watch on Hassan Ali and his clique. They are dynamites planted at the doorstep of PR by UMNO Baru, Mahathir’s party. All members of PAS, PKR and DAP who are steadfast in their struggle for FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY must not be fooled by Hassan Ali and the like. Remove such people from PR come next election.

  35. Minta maaf semua terutama lim kit siang, saya rasa lebih sesuai saya bagi komen dalam bahasa malaysia daripada bahasa inggeris sebab tak berapa mahir sgt.
    Macam ni lah, sepatutnya dlm kes Hassan Ali apa yg beliau cakap itu berdasarkan hukum islam bukan hukum UMNO atau hukum PAS. Semua yg hentam Hassan Ali di atas tidak tahu langsung pasal Islam sebab telah dididik dgn sistem pendidikan UMNO sejak 31.8.1957 di mana pemisahan sistem pendidikan antara kaum telah dilakukan secara tersirat ( indirectly same like colonial do it b4 ) Jadi saya tak salahkan 100% anda semua yg bukan islam menghentam Hassan Ali. Beliau bukan dari UMNO tetapi kalau siapa yg kenal Hassan Ali, beliau telah di “ban” oleh UMNO untuk semua siaran tv pada 90an dahulu sebab beliau bukan sahaja seorang pakar motivasi tetapi agama serta aktif dlm perniagaan.

    Kalau nak dikata Hassan Ali telah memburukkan PAS, bagaimana pulak dgn sikap Jeff Ooi yg tanpa usul periksa terus melabelkan org sebagai ekstremis islam? agama tak sangkut dgn ekstrimis itu hanyalah propaganda BARAT yg diketuai oleh Amerika sendiri, jangan lah kita di malaysia ni pulak yg jadi seperti lembu dicucuk hidung terus melabelkan islam tu ekstremis…..
    bagaimana dgn puak agama sikh dlm kes membunuh indira ghandi serta pengeboman terhadap kargo di narita jepun serta pesawat air india di laut ireland…kenapa mereka tak label sikh sebagai ekstrimis?. jadi fikir secara waras,jangan suka hati IKUT SUKA AKU – ISA, anda dan UMNO sama ja ISA

    Kalau semua orang sedar atau tak apa yg terjadi kepada PR skrg ni adalah mainan UMNO untuk merosakkan PR melalui media mereka.Ini semua bukan salah semua pemimpin PR. UMNO tahu kelemahan PR ialah iaitu masing2 baru berputik untuk bersatu tetapi pada asasnya masing2 mempunyai ideologi sendiri yg berbeza iaitu :

    PAS – Islamnya
    DAP – Malaysian concept
    PKR – Anwar concept

    jadi di sini sepatutnya, ketiga2 pihak patut cari satu titik persamaan. apa dia? iaitu menjadi parti gabungan yg di mana menegakkan keadilan untuk semua bangsa & agama dlm satu negara. dgn konsep ini sahaja ketiga2 pihak boleh bersatu.

    masing2 perlu tolakkan ke tepi SIKIT agenda masing2 dahulu, utamakan rakyat. tapi bagaimana?

    dgn cara ketiga2 parti perlu menubuhkan satu majlis di mana mempunyai jawatankuasa tertinggi parti seperti BN. tak salah PR meniru apa yg BN buat selagi benda itu satu kebaikan.
    kemudian dipecahkan kepada peringkat negeri dan seterusnya bahagian mengikut parlimen dan adun. di mana semua peringkat itu melibatkan ketiga2 parti komponen PR. ini baru betul. dari situ barulah pemimpin atasan menerangkang semua perkara bagaimana nak mengelakkan taktik kotor UMNO yg sedia mengambil kesempatan. sekiranya ada pemimpin PR terlepas cakap di media, ( harus diingat semua kita manusia, tak terlepas buat silap ) jadi dgn segera bahagian2 ini terus menyebarkan perkara yg sebenar dari atas sehingga ke akar umbi. ini baru betul. sistem penerangan itu paling penting. pantas dan cepat.

  36. Can I suggest PR has its own symbol like three colours(green,red and blue) rectangle boxes with PR in black at the center? I think the three PR parties can comes closer together and cooperated better to win the next GE! All PR members and supporters will not shy or reluctant to vote this symbol in the next GE!

  37. A statement by LKS good as reminder to Selangor Pakatan leaders to resolve differences in a matured manner. Open bickering among leaders had continue too often and public are wondering whether this is a good choice to govern state, frankly speaking quite frustrated to see bickering continues. Pakatan leaders must prove they are a cohesive force to replace BN, but so far not convincing yet.

  38. Me personally, PR will be a 1-Term-Wonder … after 1 TERM we all WONDER why we voted them in. Simple thing cannot also do, just serve the people and not your bl00dy political or personal ideology!!!

  39. nicolee :Enough of this in-fighting. Get one thing straight, that’s to kick out BN/Umno in the next election. After that you can all fight it out for I care.

    The issue here is fair enough you’ll have a dominating, reckless and greed stricken government finally layed off but what would be the consequences of a novice government such as PR with internal disunity and mutiny! Another big headache for innocent citizens!

    SpeakUp :Me personally, PR will be a 1-Term-Wonder … after 1 TERM we all WONDER why we voted them in. Simple thing cannot also do, just serve the people and not your bl00dy political or personal ideology!!!

    I agree with this, we all want that but polticians are great liars,swindlers and embezzlers until proven otherwise!

  40. “…the proposed blanket ban on the sale of alcohol in Muslim-majority areas in the state,…..”

    Firstly, how do you determine conclusively a “muslim-majority area”.

    Secondly, what’s next? No pork, no Toto, no 4D, no cigarettes, no church, no temples, no hot pants, no cosmetics, no dogs, no pubs, no entertainment, no malls, no 711, no western influence, anything that these warped minded people think is not in accordance with Islam is no-no-no in “Muslim majority areas”.

    Thirdly, these same people will then push for the implementation of anything Islam in “muslim majority areas” e.g. Islamic dressing and way of life, hudud etc etc. They can start by tearing down Toyo’s RM 24 million house in Shah Alam because the complex is Balinese and therefore Hindu which is a no-no.

    Fourthly, Non-alcoholic wine and beer OK or not? And turkey ham? Is it all in the mind?

    It is sad that after 52 years, we, the people and the nation, are still divided and separated according to race and religious lines.

  41. UMNO/BN has been spinning a lot about reforms and anything and everything that is dear to the hearts to Malaysians but just look at the mass of questions raised by Uncle Lim in this blog and you’ll see that NONE of them has even been given any clarification from DAY ONE of the blog!
    I believe that PAS may have been infiltrated by UMNO influenced Trojans to wreak havoc in the PR.
    So, in order NOT to fall for such tricks, know who these Trojans are and remember never to give them another vote.

  42. Winston … please la, we have to stop all this BLAME BN 4 EVERYTHING. This is a PR problem. NO DISCIPLINE. They rewarded that scum mouth ADUN in Kulim with a ‘post’ in the cabinet committee ok. Wake up and stop saying everything is BN’s fault.

    How do you then call it for:

    i. Wee Choo Keong – KL
    ii. Johari – Png
    iii. HINDRAF

    Also become BN trojans? Wake up la … smell the coffee

  43. I am saddened to see the continuing bickering of the PKR parties. As LKS state, PR will be a one-term wonder, if it contines to bicker.

    And, is PAS becoming drunk with power that they are starting to demand this and demand that. Recent signs that they are talking to UMNO is also raising the suspicion of their reliability as a partner. As TDM pointed out, are they reliable partners?

  44. sheriff singh :“…It is sad that after 52 years, we, the people and the nation, are still divided and separated according to race and religious lines.

    This reminds us of the fact that 1 million indonesians were given citizenship and bumiputra previlleges in contrast to the natural born citizens of other races who are still treated as second class citizens

  45. The PR government especially the MB of Selangor must beware that there are wolves in sheep’s clothing among the PR coalition partners.

    Some are inevitably former UMNO members planted to create problems for the new PR government at the right time.

    Recalling back, Dr. Hassan Ali from PAS, was courted by Khir Toyol / UMNO during the first few days after the March 08 elections and was offered the MB’s post by Khir Toyol in his coalition of PAS/UMNO.

    Dr Hassan Ali almost accepted until was told off by his party leaders. His loyalty to the PR coalition is suspect.

    The question in everyone’s mind is why is he stirring up the beer sale issue when it is a non-issue ?

    If Dr Hassan was really sincere with his concern over the beer sale, why didn’t he raised a hue and cry during Khir Toyol’s BN government ?

    Beer was also sold in the same outlet where he led the enforcement officers to confiscate it.

    He had used the MBSA’s enforcement officers to conduct this “exercise” just to create the havoc immediately after the MACC’s fiasco with the DAP.

    This is part of the grand strategy of grabbing power by UMNO.

    What is his motive or political agenda ?

    To sow dicontentment among the non-Malays with the PR government and to show the Muslims that PR government is not sincere with Islamic tenets implementation; nothing more and nothing less.

  46. “If Dr Hassan was really sincere with his concern over the beer sale, why didn’t he raised a hue and cry during Khir Toyol’s BN government ?”

    Oh this is most interesting, how true. How very true … wonder why now?

    Anyways, I am keen to know why there is a liquor ban when MB said last Nov that there will be none. I wonder why too?

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