All PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in PR if it is not to end up as a one-term wonder

All Pakatan Rakyat leaders of PKR, DAP and PAS must exercise responsibility and discipline to strengthen public confidence in the credibility, cohesion, integrity and common sense of purpose of Pakatan Rakyat if PR is not to end up as a one-term wonder.

If a state Exco member of a Pakatan Rakyat state government can publicly demand the removal of another state exco member from another Pakatan Rakyat component party from his portfolio, and be supported by the state youth wing of that party to the extent of wanting to hold a public demonstration, then the same thing can be done by the other Pakatan Rakyat component parties.

If in a Pakatan Rakyat state government, a PAS Exco member can demand the removal of a DAP State Exco member which is supported by the state PAS youth calling for a public demonstration, then a DAP or PKR State Exco member could also demand the removal of a PAS State Exco member from his portfolio and be supported by the respective state youth wings together with threats of holding public demonstrations.
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Horror of horrors – BN government wants to put up Internet filter blocking “undesirable websites” in total violation of the MSC guarantee of no internet censorship!

I had tweeted: “Horror of horrors. BN govt wants Internet filter 2block ‘undesirable websites. Dear Rais – “Et tu Brutus”? M’s MSC guarantee?”

This must be the common reaction of Malaysians, particularly in the Malaysian cybersphere, blogosphere and twitterverse to the Malaysian Insider report that the Malaysian government is evaluating the feasibility of putting an Internet filter to block “undesirable websites” — similar to China’s aborted “Green Dam” software.

Malaysian Insider reported that the Minister for Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Dr. Rais Yatim is commissioning a study which is to be completed in December to filter blogs and websites.

Rais’ Ministry had initiated a tender exercise calling for companies to put proposals to assist the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) evaluate an Internet filter.
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Musa’s gift to Najib in exchange for another term as IGP packaged as “elixir of life” to win next general elections but may really be a “poisoned chalice”

Tan Sri Musa Hassan’s last month as Inspector-General of Police in his two-year renewed term is not to act as the country’s Top Cop to draw up a blueprint and National Action Plan to roll back the tide of crime in the past five years but as a politician to lobby for another two-year renewal as IGP next month.

In exchange for another term as IGP, Musa has cleverly packaged to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak an “elixir of life” to win the next general elections but it may really be a “poisoned chalice”.

Musa is offering something many Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders have been dreaming of – to finish off the Opposition in one stroke.

This is a prospect Musa is holding out to the Prime Minister – to knock out the Pakatan Rakyat leaders from PKR, DAP and PAS in one blow by arresting and charging Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang and I for “masterminding” last Saturday’s peaceful gathering in Kuala Lumpur of tens of thousands of Malaysians demanding for the abolition of the Internal Security Act.
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Teoh Beng Hock inquest 3rd day

Inquest in recess Next witnesses on DNA and a criminologist But I have 2leave
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:57 AM

Tan re-examination – Witness is attached 2toxicology dept basically poisons drugs alcohol
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:46 AM

Chemist agrees that adrenaline level high if deceased under stress. She did not do adrenaline test.
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:35 AM

Gobind – is it not true that taxicology rpt can show whether a person is under stress. At first chemist says not certain then says yes.
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:32 AM

Heated argument between Tan Hock Chuan n Gobind whether questioning cld raise various possibilities of death
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:24 AM

Lab analysis only based on police request n case history that it fell from high places did not look into other possibilities
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:15 AM

Gobind – Postmortem rpt says stomach contain traces of brownish fluid witness at first says did not recd brownish matter but later retracted
Thursday, August 06, 2009 10:08 AM Continue reading “Teoh Beng Hock inquest 3rd day”

Ministry of Health website latest fatal casualty of the A (H1N1) killer pandemic?

The A (H1N1) flu pandemic toll in Malaysia jumped by four in the past 24 hours from nine to 13.

The latest fatality is six-year-old Mohd Hyafiq Aiman Mohd Saiful Afendi, first death from Pahang, who died at 12.40 pm yesterday after he was admitted to the Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) Hospital, Kuantan after he developed fever and complained of stomach ache.

The other three latest confirmed A (H1N1) deaths were a three-year-old girl, 12-year-old boy and a 20-year man – all from Malacca.

Since the first case of A (H1N1) flu death two weeks ago on July 23 – a 30-year-old Indonesian – the rate of fatality has increased in pace and numbers, as illustrated by the following table of fatalities:

July 23 – 1 (KL)

July 27 – 1 (Subang Jaya)
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What need is there for Ku Li?

By Hussein Hamid

Who are these people that will lead us. Anwar Ibrahim did not know of his destiny until he was faced with the reality of life within the four walls of his cell. Lim Kit Siang and Karpal never did have the taste of power as Anwar did but are familiar with the harshness and isolation that the ISA impose on those that are unfortunate enough to endure its shadow. Tok Guru had his son put away under the same ISA and I believe that the sorrow and pain of a Father with a son put away for his beliefs is almost as great a sorrow as anyone can endure. By circumstance or design their destiny is to lead us and we are grateful for their commitment and presence in our ranks.

If I am asked this question of the next GE “In this hour of its greatest need, will you not, as a Malay, support UMNO after all that it has done for the Malays in this country?” The answer from my heart will be “yes” but my judgement is “NO !!” I will not be for UMNO because it can no longer champion the cause of the Malays – the reason UMNO was established many years ago”
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