PDRM instrument of their political masters

By Hussein Hamid

I will not refer to the Police as PDRM – it is an affront to our Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong to do so. There is nothing Royal about the Police.

PDRM is an instrument of the state. PDRM takes instructions from their political masters and what they do reflects the instructions given to them by their political masters who are the legitimate authority of our country (at least for the time being).

But I am getting ahead of myself here. Let us back up a bit.

Have you not seen a mata mata jump to attention when an Inspector comes into his peripheral vision? What about the Inspector jumping to attention when an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) casually walks by? Then you go past the Superintendent grade. When the mata-mata is privileged (and I use this term loosely…very very loosely!!) enough to come into the same rarified air as a Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police you will see him stand rooted to the spot standing at attention…not daring to breath, eyes front and just wishing that the earth would swallow him for having the nerve to be born on the same planet as the SAC in front of him….get my drift?

Were the mata mata baton hitting the demonstrators for personal gain? No. Were they doing it out of hatred or in defense? No. These mata mata had nothing against the demonstrators. It was a case of obedience to the orders given to them. They could not be faulted because they were simply following orders.

If he is instructed to contain a situation he will do so – if that involves tear gas, baton hitting a demonstrator – anything – he will do so because that action of his has been cleared by his superiors in the briefing before the act. The average mata mata simply do not have the capacity or ability to think further then the length of his nose and certainly incapable of promoting good governance by doing the right thing for the demonstrators who are simply exercising their democratic right to show that they do not agree with the ISA.

Now why would the Police allow themselves to be use as instruments of the state? Are they not drawn from the same stock – cultural and racial – as those that they have been asked to subjugate? At the least would that not make them unreliable instruments of state with the probability of them turning against the very people that is attempting to use them?

The answer is simple. Quid proco. For doing the bidding of their political masters against their masters domestic enemies their Political masters will turn a blind eye to what the Chairman of the Royal Commission to Enhance the Operation and Management of the Royal Malaysian Police describe as “ rampant corruption in the force’s traffic, commercial crimes, narcotics and internal investigation divisions” and “excessive use of force used against detainees” resulting in a number of deaths in police custody (an understatement to say the least!!). He also said that the commission inquiry into the Malaysian police has been inundated with allegations of corruption and brutality.

When all is said and done this has manifested itself in the failure to establish critical aspect of the commission’s recommendations: “An Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) aimed at dealing with complaints regarding the police and seeking to improve the professionalism of the force and to ensure that doctrines, laws, rules and procedures are observed and implemented by the police”.

The powers that be condones and turn a blind eye to the massive corruption that pervades all levels of the Police and in return the Police will rid the country of all organized opposition to the Government. Political opponents are held without trial and under conditions of cruelty – even death. You need only see what had happened to Anwar Ibrahim – a Deputy Prime Minister while under Police Custody and the perpetrator of that crime against Anway was the IGP himself. I shudder to think what could happen to others below the level of a Deputy Prime Minister.


13 Replies to “PDRM instrument of their political masters”

  1. YB

    I think we must not tar everyone with the same brush.

    We have to draw a line between the rank and file cop and those in the top line e.g. the IGP at who’s door the buck stops and the Minister of Home Affairfs to whom he reports.

    The IGP and his directorate are responsible and accountable for PDRM’s performance. Where the statistics clearly show that crime rates have soared, then by all means crack the whip.

    But it would ill serve DAP and Pakatan’s interests to demonise the whole force as the soldiers only do the general’s biding and take the cue from their leaders where integrity, honesty and performance are concerned.

    In the same breathe, there’s no percentage in taking the attack on the IGP to a personal level. It’s all abour performance, performance, performance!

    Strategise well, measure your words and rhetoric and do not antagonise the Rakyat whose support you need, just to score political points.

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race. That is all that really matters.

  2. “I will not refer to the Police as PDRM – it is an affront to our Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong to do so. There is nothing Royal about the Police.”

    How about changing it to PDUM then? Polis Di UMNO Malaysia? Sounds nice, right? Sounds like a mafia organization, alrite!

  3. K1980 says: “…but some people here are playing the racial card so that they can stay in power perpetually.”

    But Mahathir is out of power and scheduled to meet his Maker anytime, yet he still plays the racial card. In an article entitled “Non-Malays the real masters: Mahathir” dated July 22, 2009, the Singapore Straits Times quoted Mahathir as saying: “Those who lived in luxury housing estates were mostly non-Malays, he added, while saying that more Malays lived in squatter areas than in luxury estates. The former premier conceded that he is “sure to be branded a racist by the non-Malay racists” over his comments.”

    Well, I won’t call Mahathir a racist. I call him a betrayer of the Malay race. When he rejoined UMNO under Tun Razak, he was nowhere near being a millionaire. When he left office, his family has become a multi-billionaire family. Where did the bulk of his money comes from? He took a huge slice of the bumiputera allocation and put it into his pocket in what the world considers as institutionalized corruption. And he is living like a lord while many Malays are still living in squatter houses… and yet, he still dare to talk. Let Allah be the judge when the time comes in the not so distant future. What goes around comes around.

  4. By the way, is Mahathir a haji? I have never heard people calling him Tun Dr Haji Mahathir. With his billions, why is he not fulfilling his Muslim obligation? Time is running out for him so what is he waiting for? Or does he think that Tun and Dr are more valuable than the Haji title?

  5. By the way, is Mahathir a haji? I have never heard people calling him Tun Dr Haji Mahathir.
    The people there will stone him to death and not the devil for all his sin and for making the holy place dirty .

  6. Don’t be fooled by 1malaysia, whatever that means. Those fools who vote for BN (i.e. for umno) are knowingly or otherwise causing the partition of the rakyat into 2 groups— the tuans and the pendatangs. It had happened in Germany with the “master race” and the untermench

  7. MGR1940: “The people there will stone him to death and not the devil for all his sin and for making the holy place dirty .”

    Actually, what prompted me to write this is that yesterday, I was talking to a Malay guy and the topic shifted to Mahathir. I asked him why Mahathir didn’t tunai haji. He told me… when you are in Mecca, you will see all your misdeeds unfold before your eyes. And that is the reason why Mahathir dare not even go near. He got so much misappropriated money. Don’t say tunai haji… he can even afford to stay there like a lord until his end comes.

  8. The PDRM and the FRU are no different from a Gestapo. Gestapo is a secret police organisation. In our case, it is organised sanctioned by the State to attack and charged against peaceful demonstrators.

    The attacks by PDRM and FRU is a State organised attack on the citizens of Malaysia.

    Why is the Home Minister and the BN government so afraid to let the rakyat voice their differing opinions peacefully? Would suppressing such dissent and organised attacks by the PDRM and FRU help the BN retain power? Will this drive the rakyat even further from the BN?

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