What a shame, would Muhyiddin be another “Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burned” if he had been Health Minister and faced with two killer epidemics, A (H1N1) and dengue?

What a shame! The MCA Health Minister, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai has to seek refuge in an UMNO leader to come to his defence in the face of criticism of his playing truant from his ministerial duties when Malaysians are faced with two killer epidemics – A(N1H1) and dengue – to the extent that there are people who liken him to “Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burned”!

And what a poor, outrageous and unprofessional defence.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin defended Liow’s Ministerial performance with the declaration: “Even if I am health minister, I cannot guarantee your safety.”

Is this an admission and even confession by Muhyiddin that he would be another “Nero playing the fiddle while Rome burned” if he had been Health Minister and similarly faced with two killer epidemics, A (H1N1) and dengue?
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Is Najib giving an undertaking that if inquest is unsatisfactory to Teoh family, the RCI will be empowered to probe into the causes and circumstances of Teoh’s death?

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is reported as saying in Pekan today that the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) set up by the government following the mysterious death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock will take into account the findings of the n ongoing magistrate’s inquest.

He explained to reporters that the RCI’s full scope, which includes looking into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) investigation procedures, is pending the completion of the inquest into the death of Teoh.

“We have to go through the inquest first which will determine the cause of (Teoh’s) death.”

Najib said the RCI, which will look into the procedures of the MACC, would also take into account the findings of the inquest.

“The sequence has to be right,” he said.
Continue reading “Is Najib giving an undertaking that if inquest is unsatisfactory to Teoh family, the RCI will be empowered to probe into the causes and circumstances of Teoh’s death?”

Dare Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from the Sabah and Sarawak component BN parties put the rank racism, incitement and sedition in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian totally subversive of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan as the No. 1 agenda in Cabinet

Utusan Malaysia has joined Berita Minggu to come out with an article entitled Melayu jangan jadi bacul by Noor Azam which spouts unabashed rank racism, incitement and sedition totally subversive of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 1Malaysia slogan.

If any Chinese or Tamil newspaper had published an article of the same nature but replacing the rank Malay racism with rank Chinese or Tamil racism, there can be no doubt that not only the writer would have been instantly arrested by the police and charged for racist incitement and sedition but the newspaper concerned would have been banned immediately!

Is the Barisan Nasional government having one law for Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian while another law for Chinese and Tamil media publications?

Are the Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from the Sabah and Sarawak component Barisan Nasional parties going to raise in the Cabinet tomorrow Noor Azam’s racist writing in Utusan Malaysia today – placing it as the No. 1 agenda in the Cabinet meeting tomorrow as otherwise all the talk of Najib about his administration’s new motto of “1Malaysia. People First. Performance Now” would have lost all credibility. Continue reading “Dare Ministers from MCA, Gerakan, MIC and from the Sabah and Sarawak component BN parties put the rank racism, incitement and sedition in Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian totally subversive of Najib’s 1Malaysia slogan as the No. 1 agenda in Cabinet”

ISA should be abolished, not amended

By Dr Chen Man Hin, DAP Life Adviser


The ISA was introduced in the era when the Malayan Communist Party fought to control the country, at which time Tunku Abdul Rahman was the Prime Minister.

Communism is not a threat any more. Chin Peng the chief of the Malayan Communist Party surrendered at a widely publicised surrender ceremony at Baling. Later Russia and China, the two largest communist countries in the world, also announced their rejection of communism to dominate the world.
Continue reading “ISA should be abolished, not amended”

Malaysian Evasion

The Prime Minister should abolish the ISA.
Wall Street Journal | OPINION ASIA | AUGUST 3, 2009, 4:20 P.M. ET

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak promised in April that his government would conduct a “comprehensive review” of the Internal Security Act, a colonial-era law that allows indefinite detention without trial. On Saturday, 10,000 Malaysians marched in the streets of Kuala Lumpur to hold him to his word, asking him to abolish the act. They were soon dispersed with tear gas and water cannons, and 589 people were arrested.

The confrontation marks a turning point for Mr. Najib’s administration, which until now has refrained from employing roughshod tactics against political opponents. Earlier he won praise for releasing 26 ISA detainees and using that law to detain terrorists, not politicians or journalists as his predecessor did.

But even given that restraint, Malaysians increasingly want a more transparent and freer society. Saturday’s protest was nominally about the ISA, and it was organized by Abolish the ISA Movement, a human-rights group, along with other NGOs. But it was also a larger vote of dissatisfaction with the government’s decision to press ahead with a show trial of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim and the unexplained death last month of a young opposition political aide following several hours of interrogation by anti-corruption officials. Politicians from all three opposition parties were present at the protest, including Mr. Anwar.
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Can Malaysia get out of the information black-hole as a result of snail-pace broadband to join the ranks of super-fast broadband nations?

I have received a report from my IT Manager Goh Kheng Teong on his meeting at a TM Customer Engagement convened by Telekom Malaysia last Friday on July 31, 2009 in Bangsar following his constant badgering of Telekom Malaysia with complaints about atrocious Streamyx service with little results.

The Engagement was attended by seven customers and some 30 TM staff led by Jeremy Kung, Executive Vice President, Consumer and Chief Executive Officer of TM Net Sdn. Bhd.

I find Goh’s report of great public importance if Malaysia is get out of the information black-hole as a result of snail-pace broadband to join the ranks of super-fast broadband nations and be among the front band of internationally competitive nations.

I have decided therefore to make Goh’s report public to initiate a public debate to ensure that Telekom Malaysia is not allowed to abuse its monopoly position to impede Malaysia’s long-delayed quantum leap to become an information and communications technology power.
Continue reading “Can Malaysia get out of the information black-hole as a result of snail-pace broadband to join the ranks of super-fast broadband nations?”

Anwar a traitor?

By Hussein Hamid

If like Anwar I am call a traitor for denouncing UMNO as failing to defend the special rights of the Malays and the Monarchy then let me stand beside Anwar and be a traitor.

UMNO defending the rights of the Monarchy? Was it not your President Mahathir who stripped away the legal privileges of the Sultans – the hereditary and cultural symbols of the Malays? The Sultans to whom we all go for protection against political and administrative excesses? And then you all have the audacity to put yourself on the same level as we had once had placed the Sultans on – but this time giving the Malays no access to protection from the excesses you have indulged in and now continue to indulge at the expense of the Malays? I did not hear of any Sultan taking Ringgit $500 million for services rendered. I did not hear of Sultans using the Police to impose their will upon the Malays. I did not hear of Sultans blowing up foreign nationals. I did not hear of Sultans willing to allow the Malays to suffer economically as they do in Kelantan, just because the people in that state choose to have, as their government, a party that is not UMNO.

And you call us traitors to the Malay cause? Are the people in Kelantan not Malays?
Continue reading “Anwar a traitor?”