Strange mainstream media behaviour about Tee Keat lodging police report for threat to him – prominent even front-page treatment in Chinese press but totally ignored in English and Bahasa media

It is indeed a strange behavior of the mainstream media today – prominent even front-page treatment in Chinese newspapers on the police report lodged by MCA President and Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat about a threat to him but totally ignored by English and Bahasa Malaysia media (even by MCA-owned Star)!

Why is this? A Cabinet Minister and leader of the third largest Chinese political party in the world receiving threat or death threat but not newsy enough to be reported in the English and Bahasa Malaysia mainstream media, even by MCA’s own Star newspaper?

Is it a farce and all-in-the-know in the media business know that it is a charade – to be played up in the Chinese media but ignored in the English and Bahasa Malaysia media?

This is the first question that intrigued me when I saw the various media coverage of Ong’s police report of a threat to him.

Otherwise, news of Ong’s report to the police would have been good for a laugh, as I had on Monday lodged a police report in Petaling Jaya to protect Ong’s life as well as to ensure that “dark forces” of politico-business underworld combined with certain Barisan Nasional elements do not extend their tentacles to suborn government decision-making all the way to the Cabinet.

Before I lodged the police report, I had given Ong 48 hours to do so himself which he failed to do.

With my police report, Ong is caught – hence the belated story of his lodging a police report on the same day as myself that he had received a threat in the form of a note sent to his house warning “Watch Out”.

But this is not the death threat he talked about when interviewed by Sin Chew Daily on 16th July 2009, where he said:

Q: You said you were threatened by people. How did they do it? And by whom?

A: Someone tried to deliver a message through some friends in the secret society, saying that if some day I suddenly disappear from this world, I should know why this has happened.

Who are this “someone” and who are the “some friends in the secret society” who delivered the message that Ong would “disappear from this world” and Ong “should know why this has happened”?

Ong need not produce any names for the “Watch Out” note sent to his house, but he must name names of the “someone” and the “some friends in the secret society” for the delivery of the death threat that he would “disappear from the world”.

Why didn’t Ong lodge a police report about the death threat to him that he would “disappear from the world”?

Or are these just figments of Ong’s imagination – which appears to be the attitude of the Ong Tee Keat camp in MCA, including the three MCA Ministers and seven Deputy Ministers who came out with a most unusual collective statement to support him, as none of them thought it important or real enough to lodge a police report to protect Ong’s life.

Can Ong throw light on the “someone” who issued the death threat to him and the “some friends in the secret society” who delivered the death threat that “he would disappear from this world”?

If not, the people can draw their own conclusions about the truth or otherwise of the latest MCA drama, although the MCA leaders aligned to Ong have already acted in clear disbelief of the death threat to Ong by not reporting any police report for two weeks.


42 Replies to “Strange mainstream media behaviour about Tee Keat lodging police report for threat to him – prominent even front-page treatment in Chinese press but totally ignored in English and Bahasa media”

  1. The English and Bahasa Malaysia media knows that the useless fat fella is merely seeking self-aggrandizement by claiming that his life is in danger for “serving the country (ahem). ” By the way, Raz Bogindo also “served the country” and got millions in commission, too.

  2. “some friends in the secret society”

    Ong Tee Keat has “some friends in the secret society”? And he does not report them to the police for action?

    Maybe I got it wrong. Maybe Ong is a secret member of the “secret society” himself, like say, the Freemasons or something.

  3. Urgent Message to Mr. Lim,

    For me, OTK “dark force” case is 100 times more helpful for Mr. Lim to “help” OTK “to maintain” his political career rather than asking hundreds of inconsequential questions related to PKFZ.

    The logic is simple for the dark force case

    1. OTK received life threatening message from “someone” via “some friends” of OTK in the secret society.
    2. Meaning OTK knows the identity of those “some friends”
    3. “Some friends” know the identity of that “someone” be it directly or indirectly
    4. Therefore, as a law abiding citizen and prominent cabinet minister, OTK must furnish the identity of those “some friends” in the police report he lodged to enable the police to investigate and expose the identity of that “someone”.

    If OTK can’t furnish the identity of “some friends” in the police report for whatever reasons, OTK might be subject to criminal prosecution for making false police report.

  4. Sheriff singh says: “Maybe Ong is a secret member of the “secret society” himself, like say, the Freemasons or something.”

    Ohhh, I don’t think so…. Ong is only the patron, unless you can consider a patron to be a member.

  5. Wonder why the police did not lock him up and force him to reveal who threatened him so that this case can be resolved quickly, after all the police are in dire need to achieve their KPI – cepat and betul.

  6. This article is so petty. Where does it take us? Okay, probably OTK is a drama queen, so what?

    LKS calls people names in his career, Karpal Singh threw a pen in the Penang State assembly, we have a MB who uses vulgar gestures in public, we have BN MPs who talk like gangsters in Parliament. Is this what we all want in our politics?

    I mean are our politicians on both sides so immature? Not too long ago LKS was so happy to pick on someone’s English, over a small malapropism … sigh …

    Where are we heading as a nation?

    Mr LKS … where is PR’s Cabinet Committee on Health? What is their recommendation on the AH1N1 issue and the rise in dengue fever?

    Where is PR’s Cabinet Committee for the Home Ministry? What is their recommendation for decreasing the soaring crime rate in Malaysia?

    Where the h3ck are they? All formed for fun is it? It was merely done as a Public Relations exercise only. I guess you can talk so much here heckling others when your own people ARE NOT coming out with solutions.

    So when will it happen? Only when you all come into power? If you all cannot do it now can we TRUST you to secure our nation when you are in power?

    Even the people in the so called Cabinet Committee for Defense are jokers. We want to put our lives in your hands, are you ready, are you responsible enough, are you all capable enough?

    You are no longer a mere opposition, you have removed BN’s 3/4 majority! Wake up and act like a proper politician. Look at the DNA Bill … it was passed because PR MPs were TOTALLY USELESS!!! DSAI deserves to go to jail if that Act is used against him. He and you and Karpal and all are to be blamed!

  7. ///Wonder why the police did not lock him up and force him to reveal who threatened him so that this case can be resolved quickly, after all the police are in dire need to achieve their KPI – cepat and betul./// – LimKam Put

    I gape in admiration of what a brilliant observation of the obvious! Police should slap themselves for not having thought of it! :)

  8. This is typical OTK’s ‘sandiwara’ to the public, but this time failed to impress any and backfired.

    This type of No 1 and No 2 of a Chinese-based party in BN quarreling in the public and it started by No. 1 because he could not accomodate No.2 even though the No. is elected by the delegates of the party make OTK a persona non grata.

    God has mercy on the party and in the next General Election, MCA hopefully will not follow the foot step of Gerakan or MIC, total or near total white washed.

    OTK can quarrel and pretends to face death threats until the cow comes home, but the day of reckoning will soon befall.

  9. //I gape in admiration of what a brilliant observation of the obvious! Police should slap themselves for not having thought of it! :)// cheif resident nincompoop

    Thank you, you have finally realised i am smarter than most of you, which is nothing because better than the mentally retarded is nothing to shout about.

  10. //I guess you can talk so much here heckling others when your own people ARE NOT coming out with solutions. // minor nincompoop

    It is the opposition’s job to talk and it is the sitting government job to deliver, got it nincompoop? If the sitting government can’t deliver, it must resign. We shall worry about oppositions’ ability to deliver only after they form the government.

    Yes, writing good English is important. Those who can’t write proper English would of course say it is unimportant. Just like an idiot who can’t count would of course say arithmetic is meant for the idiots.

  11. //Even the people in the so called Cabinet Committee for Defense are jokers. We want to put our lives in your hands, are you ready, are you responsible enough, are you all capable enough?//

    Don’t worry, come 13 GE, i am sure those nincompoops like you would no longer be selected to stand as PR candidates. And of course this would include Wangsa Maju, Hehehe and some of you. I will be in for sure.

  12. Musa, are you seconding more police personnels to protect Ong Ta Kut since he had lodged a police report for threat on his life? Or, are you going to arrest Ta Kut to provide protection to him just like what you did to the Sing Chew’s reporter last year?

  13. Here we go again, pull out one of two points and try to look smart replying to it but there is no reply. Hahahahaha … some are born blind.

    Eh … come on where are the Cabinet Committees? Where are they? Why are they silent? What were they formed for? For PR purpose, to make the Rakyat feel that the Pakatan can do the job … do what job? Only good at protesting, calling for RCI because of the death of one of their own.

    We have national issues and the darn Cabinet Committee does not even seem to exist. PR is a joke when LKS comes out with guns blazing against the BN government taking them to task when his own people have not a single solution to offer.

    LKS … where are your Cabinet Committees la? Where are they? Too busy wondering how to take over from BN? Why should we trust you all? Why should we trust your articles when you have no solutions?

    Come on … you are all here to serve the people and not a mere opposition. I think now you are just another politician. This is sad … the rakyat is always scr3wed, vote BN is to be damned, vote PR does not make much sense nowadays.

  14. is it not obstruction of justice to withhold information such as these which are considered a threat to civil society & otk want to protect them? is this not liable to jail? is this not why the so called police di-raja is going after rpk ass for? so, why not the same to otk? the same to 2nd gen dentist ex-MB who claimed that the triads are behind the sand, massage parlours, etc – if he knows so much, why not reveal these info to the police instead of procrastinating…

    agree with SpeakUp. already more than 15mths gone since last GE…we are still without a functioning shadow govt. P-R must demonstrate that it must be able to run the country not just being a watchdog. it’s 2 different roles. if P-R can’t demo this, then BN will still have the confidence of the majority to run the country no matter how bad it is. bad management is better than no management.

    yes, P-R is being attacked. this was expected. from experience, this attacks should have been foresighted & prepared for. can’t be too naive anymore.

    in the case of TBH, if TBH had insisted to be in presence of a legal adviser, all mishaps could have been avoided. he should have waited for his lawyer to arrive before going into the macc. macc is not going to arrest him for being late. it is not unusual for m’sians to arrive late for appointments. traffic jam, sakit perut, etc. moreover, those guys in macc was prepared to work thru the night 7-11 as they claimed. so what is another 1-2 hr wait. kill time by playing solitaire only mah. let this be a lesson not to go in vain. witness or suspect must have right to legal aid / counsel present – even outside the room.

  15. //Come on … you are all here to serve the people and not a mere opposition. I think now you are just another politician. This is sad … the rakyat is always scr3wed, vote BN is to be damned, vote PR does not make much sense nowadays.// minor nincompoop

    Look, I don’t label you a nincompoop for no good reason. Is gighting for a better police force not serving people? Is calling for greater freedom not serving people? Is highlighting scandals after scandals not serving people? Is asking for greater equality and fairness in all aspects not serving people? Is asking for better security and safety not serving people? A nincompoop is what a nincompoop does. You know why my blog is called nincompoop? It is precisely meant for people like you and your gang, got it?

    If You want the opposition to do something substantial, you vote them into power during the next election. Right now, they don’t have the money and resources. YOu bloody paid blogger with an agenda.

  16. //agree with SpeakUp. already more than 15mths gone since last GE…we are still without a functioning shadow govt. P-R must demonstrate that it must be able to run the country not just being a watchdog. // oldman99

    You may be old, but you are certainly not wise. Of all the people, you have to agree with that stupid nincompoop@Speakup!?

    From day one since after the 12 GE, PR has been harassed left, right and centre, and yet you fellows expect them to do wonder? Come on, wise up lah. Look at the situation in Perak, and what they tried to do in Selangor and Penang. These are former Federated Malay States or Straits Settlements. The Federal Govt controls not money allocations but also civil service in these states, unlike Kelantan and Kedah which have their own civil service. If you don’t understand what I said, please go read history books.

    Please don’t come here to talk phua tang sai stuff if you know nothing. Please don’t be another loose canon ball like SpeakUP who is actually monsterball before this.

  17. //in the case of TBH, if TBH had insisted to be in presence of a legal adviser, all mishaps could have been avoided. he should have waited for his lawyer to arrive before going into the macc. macc is not going to arrest him for being late. it is not unusual for m’sians to arrive late for appointments. traffic jam, sakit perut, etc. moreover, those guys in macc was prepared to work thru the night 7-11 as they claimed. so what is another 1-2 hr wait. kill time by playing solitaire only mah. let this be a lesson not to go in vain. witness or suspect must have right to legal aid / counsel present – even outside the room.//oldman99

    Goodness me, why are there so many nincompoops here? Look like nincompoops are multiplying like rabbits. I guess that is one thing nincompoops are good at, reproducing themselves.

  18. Well what I see here are two commentators SpeakUp and oldman99 expressing their respective take/opinion on issues brought up in and related to this thread.

    What I also see here is a NimComPoop pooh poohing what they commented in a humiliating way.

    For eg: In response to Oldman99, Lim Kam Put said, “You may be old, but you are certainly not wise. Of all the people, you have to agree with that stupid nincompoop@Speakup!?” – # 25 on August 2nd, 2009 11:25. He went on to say, “ Goodness me, why are there so many nincompoops here? Look like nincompoops are multiplying like rabbits. I guess that is one thing nincompoops are good at, reproducing themselves….”

    Why is it necessary to humiliate other comments just because they don’t meet your approval or agreement? You are abusing people here. If nincompoops are multiplying like rabbits, it is because you see different images of yourself reproducing (vis different abusive comments) projected unto others!

    Finding most of the time a knowledge bandwidth narrow, and arguments weak or irrelevant if not inconsequential in relation to those of others that you attack, and by consequence of antagonistic behaviour, finding your comments not much regarded or supported by all and sundry, you hope, by disparagement of what others say, to gain an attention, nay a notoriety which you otherwise cannot obtain (and certaintly do not deserve), and are constantly pleased with remembering that at last you have made yourself heard, that you had the power to interrupt (at will) those whom he could not refute/ confute/argue, and even put them down by your disparaging remarks.

    Research and experience suggest that this boosting of your own ego by undermining what other people say to compensate for your underlying feelings of insecurity and inadequacy – these traits of needing to publicly put people down when you disagree with their opinions – this sadistic enjoyment in humiliating others – are all established behavioural traits of a dyssocial Sociopath in an advanced state of affliction, which needs professional assistance than the simple therapy of roaming freely in this blog making hostile comments upon the grace of others indulgence!

  19. Resident nincompoop, let’s face it, you not only quote out of context what i said but also quote half of what i said. But then, what can i expect from a mega nincompoop – the one who choose to read and understand what he wants. Look, it is not my fault if you choose to take it upon yourself to be the chief resident nincompoop here. There is nothing much i can do.

    I belittle others? NO way, i don’t have that kind of language you like and jaswantball to humiliate others. Psychopath is someone who does know what he is doing or talking, like you. I know what i am talking and doing, you don’t.

  20. “… loose canon ball like SpeakUP who is actually monsterball before this.” – I find it so funny …

    Not too long ago I remember Insecure-LonelyMan who was fighting me along side his sidekick Monsterball … hahahaahahahaa … Oh man … some people make my day.

    But let’s get serious, why has the PR Cabinet Committees not done anything? This is something I do not get. When it was formed, BN said it was a joke. PR called it starting to work on governing. PR supporters were divided. Some welcomed it, stating it is a good start. Others felt it was a joke as each ‘Ministry’ has 3 so called ‘Ministers’.

    Let’s leave all the Doubting Thomases and Ardent Audreys behind. Let’s look at it fairly.

    Okay … what has the said committee done in the last 30 days alone? LKS comes out with his guns blazing, hammering the BN government on issues like AH1NI, Dengue, Safety … where is the Cabinet Committee in all this? Is it not their job to be a shadow cabinet? Why all 3 heads cannot come up with press releases etc?

    Any comments? Mr LKS I know you read the posts, I challenge you to reply to this. Explain to us what your so called Cabinet Committees are doing. Remember, if you wish to criticise others so much, be ready to show that you are better. Make up believe in the Cabinet Committee.

  21. How dare you come to other’s house and start challenging to a fight. Sdr lim may be too polite or has no time to be drawn into your moronic argument.

    First why are you picking on Sdr Lim only, knowing that he is only the leader of DAP and not the entire PR?

    Second, why are you judging what the committees have done or not done in Sdr Lim’s blog? You talk about fairness, but let me ask you, is it fair?

    Third, within the context of Malaysia today, sometimes it is better to do nothing rather than doing something. I don’t know whether you will ever understand what I am trying to say. You see, doing nothing is better because it means you do no harm to the country. Do something; judging from all the scandals and misdeeds, is actually doing lots of harm to this country. So please be patient. It is better to do nothing rather than doing something when that something is causing lots of harm to this country. Name me one BN project, programme, or policy that is working today? Come on, I challenging you to name it so that we can debate about it. You can solicit your chief and little sidekicks to help you along.

  22. Intan …if he had one it will not be in Tawau, probably in Melbourne or at least Singapore la. Safer! Hahahaahahaa … they all love women, so so so many of them. From all the rumours we have heard, seems like almost 25% of our ministers are Connoisseurs of Women!

    “Third, within the context of Malaysia today, sometimes it is better to do nothing rather than doing something. I don’t know whether you will ever understand what I am trying to say. You see, doing nothing is better because it means you do no harm to the country.” – HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA … can someone enlighten me how this concept works? Or perhaps it explains why coming into forums to only make noise?

  23. ///Resident nincompoop, let’s face it, you not only quote out of context what I said but also quote half of what I said…………..etc //// – Lim Kam Put’s posting on August 2nd, 2009 14:02.

    I know you like to have a last say in an argument.

    Well it looks like a last say, sounds like a last say, held forward to be a last say but in substance rthere is no semblance of an argument/rebuttal at all.

    Ha Ha Ha. The illusionist in operation. Bluffing others or yourself? The whole blog, through the threads, is littered with snippets of belittling of others and you can deny this in the face of the obvious. If you can’t be even honest in the face of overwhelming facts, how could any argument, comment or opinion of yours be honest or deserving of consideration?? Ha ha Ha

  24. Jeff … why are you unable to understand? Its all your fault and my fault. He/she is on a mission to disagree, belittle, expose and annoy those whom he is unable to agree with. You must see it HIS way if not he/she shall abuse you. Eeerrr … is this not the same recipe as BN? Hahahahaaa …

  25. Lim Kam Put is distinguished for coming up with this profound idea of his invention that he holds perennially true – and that is, there are not three or four or multiple (sides) to every and any issue in controversy that cannot be suimplified and reduced to only two sides -his side and the wrong side! :)

  26. //can someone enlighten me how this concept works? Or perhaps it explains why coming into forums to only make noise?//

    Look, please don’t keep using the word enlighten,ok. You thick head cannot be enlighten, period.

    Jeffrey, come on, show me what substantial contributions can you make. Please your great mind is not just meant for sociopath here and sociopath there, nincompoop here and nincompoop there or worse still, just finding faults with me. See, i owe you nothing, i have my right to say what i deemed fit. The sooner you learn to accept this, the better. write me a good piece and if i find it making sense i will compliment you. don’t worry, i will be fair.

  27. Jeff … someone was talking about injunctions, asked him to perhaps explain to us what he knows about it, NO ANSWER. Asked him about anything also NO ANSWER other than:

    Nincompoop is nincompoop, pigheaded, paid blogger, stupid …

    Remember one thing, doing nothing is better! Having nothing much between the ears is also better.

  28. ///write me a good piece and if i find it making sense i will compliment you/// Lim Kam Put.

    Right now, my interest is in writing about you, equally I owe you nothing, not interested in your compliments or insults & I have my right to say what I deemed fit, and the sooner you learn to accept this the better…

  29. “Having nothing much between the ears is also better.” – SpeakUp

    Now you understand the reason why they have this phrase – “goes in one ear and out the other” to refer to people like Lim Kam Put who don’t listen to what was said.

    There is nothing is blocking traffic in-between!

  30. ///someone was talking about injunctions, asked him to perhaps explain to us what he knows about it, NO ANSWER./// – SpeakUp

    What is there to answer?

    We all know that “injunction” has always been understood by the likes of him as a kind of remedy (by ex-parte hurling of abusive remarks intended to belittle) to restrain, prohibit and halt what others commented that did not resonate with his approval!

  31. OTK got some friends in the secret society!!! No wonder Kerismudin and Musa Hassan got a hard time to deal with secret society as these secret society got MCA President and Cabinet Minister as friend!!!

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