Is Ong Tee Keat just “crying wolf” in the MCA “Ong-Chua” power struggle or is his revelation of death threat to him and BN-underworld politico-business“dark forces” compromising Cabinet decision-making for real?

MCA Vice President and Health Minister, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai thinks he is being smart when he is being downright foolish.

He thought he had found a very clever way to respond to my lodging a police report on Monday to protect Ong Tee Keat’s life from death threat revealed repeatedly in the public by the MCA President himself.

What Liow does not seem to be able to grasp is that my police report is not just to protect the life of the MCA President, but that of a Minister and all members of the Cabinet as Ong had revealed multiple serious crimes being committed not only because of the death threat to him but also about “dark forces” of politico-business underworld combined with Barisan Nasional elements to compromise and suborn government decision-making process all the way to the Cabinet.

It is therefore not just a matter of concern solely to MCA leaders and members but a public issue concerning the integrity of the government and Cabinet which must be the concern of every public-spirited Malaysian citizen.

Why is Liow completely unconcerned that Ong has received a death threat and Ong’s serious allegation of “dark forces” of politico-business underworld and Barisan Nasional elements to coerce and arm-twist Cabinet Ministers?

Has Liow information that all this is just a big bluff, that what Ong said was untrue and just propaganda in the “Ong-Chua” power struggle in MCA, and need not be taken seriously as far as personal security is concerned?

If so, what Ong had done is the height of irresponsibility and Ong should apologise to the people and nation for such irresponsible and despicable conduct completely unbecoming of a MCA President and Cabinet Minister.  In fact a MCA President and Cabinet Minister who could tell such lies about death threat from the underworld when it was completely untrue should resign forthwith in disgrace!

Liow said Johore MCA is prepared to lodge a police report on behalf of DAP on underworld elements in Johore DAP.

I do not know what the DAP Johore Chairman Dr. Boo Cheng Hau had actually said, but I have told him by phone today that if he had said that there were underworld elements in the DAP, he should lodge a police report. If he had not actually meant that, he should make the necessary clarification.

Unlike the MCA and MCA leaders, the DAP in our 43-year history had nothing to do with underworld elements as we derive our support fully and completely from the people.

MCA is different. After all, it was Ong when he was MCA Youth chief who publicly made the allegation in 2003 about “black gold” politics in MCA, and in particular that certain MCA leaders had connections with triad characters and that there were even MCA leaders with “triad” backgrounds.

“Black gold” politics is no ordinary criminality involving a few individuals but a national and systemic curse and threat to society as it is a fusion of organized crime with corruption to subvert the political system, economic system, the rule of law and social justice.

Has “black gold” politics in MCA degenerated to a state that the MCA President and Cabinet Minister could be threatened with death by the underworld and the integrity of the Cabinet compromised with the suborning of its decision-making process?

Let Ong and Liow tell Malaysians – is Ong’s allegations of  death threat and underworld-BN politico-business “black gold” phenomenon for real or is Ong just crying “wolf”?

16 Replies to “Is Ong Tee Keat just “crying wolf” in the MCA “Ong-Chua” power struggle or is his revelation of death threat to him and BN-underworld politico-business“dark forces” compromising Cabinet decision-making for real?”

  1. This is marvellous! It wasn’t that long ago that you were being accused of ‘hating the police force’, and now you’re the last man in Malaysia who trusts and respects them!

    What has Boo Cheng Hau done? Shouldn’t the advice to lodge a police report go to Wee too? All these ‘revelations at the appropriate time’ serve to reduce our respect for the people promising them. It wouldn’t hurt at least one of the higher-ups dropping the phrase from his vocabulary…

  2. According Sun2Surf Johor DAP chief Dr Boo Cheng Hau said “he believed north Johor DAP has members with underworld background and he was once forcibly stopped from attending a party meeting in the area by people claiming to be party members. Boo said they were from north Johor told him he was not welcome on their turf, and told him to take care of only his area (constituency) as other areas were none of his business. “This is something I cannot accept because as DAP state chief, I am responsible for the whole state,” he said. He said fortunately he averted a physical clash and told them they have to toe party line once they are in DAP and any difference among members should be resolved by negotiation. He said he had also received complaints that some new branches have recruited members who are linked to the underworld. This showed that certain people in the party are using secret societies to strengthen their positions, he said, adding that what they were doing was extremely dangerous. He said he did not lodge any police report as he wanted to give these party members a chance to change for the better.”

    What MCA vice president Liow Tiong Lai said, as reported in The Star, in response to Kit’s lodging a report to protect Ong Tee Keat was that “the DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang ought to lodge a police report to “protect” his party members from threats instead.

    “If he is concerned about the MCA president’s safety, he should also be concerned about the safety of the Johor DAP state chairman Dr Boo Cheng Hau who had received alleged threats. If he’s not willing to do so, Johor MCA can do so.” per The Star Online (Wednesday July 29, 2009)

  3. At first glance it would seem OTK is trying to create a melodrama … I think its not. Why shout about threats when people want to see action against it? Its semi true … some people behind that project are more than capable to issue threats. OTK is pretty screwed, he is using this to show those who threaten him that he is capable of exposing it.

    Noticed that the so called suit against everyone including the auditors have not made headlines anymore?

  4. “This is marvellous! It wasn’t that long ago that you were being accused of ‘hating the police force’, and now you’re the last man in Malaysia who trusts and respects them!” (OrangRojak)

    All these episodes only direct the focus to on sheer truth in Malaysia: “Those who control the gun will be the altimate arbiter in Malaysia!”

    It can be quite similar to Chinese Communists’ maxim: “Party dominates directives to Gun!”

  5. I think the PKFZ issue is still being worked upon by the spin doctors/politicians/accountants, they are still figuring out how the heck they can come up with a great story that sounds credible.

  6. I won’t be at all surprised if politics, drug kingpins, and secret societies coalesce such that one is indistinguishable from the other. After all, what do all of them want if politics has no ideology to pursue? Money, rite? What is MCA’s ideology? After its first batch of leaders during the Tun Tan Siew Sin era, it seems like subsequent leaders are merely pursuing their own self interest… Lee San Choon, Lee Choon Toi, Neo Yee Pan, Tan Koon Swan, Ling Liong Sik… which one? Which of them has a ideology apart from money?

  7. OTK has threats & he doesn’t report to police or hiring more body-guards? this is totally OTK own’s made-up version story….like bn always say to oppositions ‘its a diversion’ .

    OTK thinks with this story, he won’t have to say more of any scandals and that rakyat will pity him so will let him off the hook. well, he’s totally WRONG because this scandal is costing the rakyat’s hard-earned sweat and blood money!!!

    OTK should be IN FACT the 1st person to lodge a police report unless he feels police are no good too. if this is so, my god, who to ask for help then in malaysia ??? OTK should make public his relevations of threats by who and whom not only to the police but to the whole of malaysia!!! however, this is something which HE CAN’T DO because its just ‘a diversion’ .

    i laughed when LKS made the report on his behalf though in public, they are seen as ‘dogs and cats’ . even the mca didn’t lodge protection report for OTK (maybe its they hate him and wanted something to happen to him or they were being told by OTK that this is just a made-up story to divert the scandal report.

    bravo to LKS for being so ‘human’ or should i say, ‘buzy-body’ as some may think .

  8. Bigjoe :
    Who does not know that MCA people own a significant number of massage parlours, KTV, nighclubs, Ah Longs, bookies..etc.?

    Ohhh, I didn’t know that. Do they give discounts to MCA members? I don’t mind joining MCA then but I will still not vote for them.

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