Lim Kit Siang

Inquest into Teoh Beng Hock’s death begins

Twitter Updates since 8.25am:

Coroner adjourns 1 wk to Aug 5
11.53am from TwitterBerry

Ct told on DNA checks – 1dna swap 2 males 1from TBH 1unknown male dna taken from 90 persons want dna from 12 others
11.51am from TwitterBerry

Ct resumes
11.41am from TwitterBerry

The 30 min adjrnmt of inquest has dragged out 4 more than an hour What is happening?
11:30am from TwitterBerry

79 witnesses summoned 4inquest why necessary 4so many most of whom cannot b relevant? TBH father brother sister fiancee also summoned
10:52am from TwitterBerry

Coroner adjourns inquest 2date 2b anncd in half hr
10:24am from TwitterBerry

Malek n Bar Council supports Gobind 4 adjournment
10:13am from TwitterBerry

Ct rules require minimum 2 wk notice of inquest b given 2deceased fmly n 4 1st mention max 3 wks b given 4 parties 2appear why now the rush?
10:08am from TwitterBerry

Gobind submission – Documents whether postmortem forensic dna rpts need 2be studied by ind experts why is govt in such hurry?
09:49am from TwitterBerry

Other reasons applying postponement – family counsel not given documents esp pathologist rpt
09:43am from TwitterBerry

Substantive issue – gobind says TBH fmly participates inquest in protest as it wants PM seyt up RCI as cabinet meets 2day applies 4 postpone
09:40am from TwitterBerry

Coroner allows gobind appln 4lawyers rep family Sel govt. Arguments over status bar council lawyers coroner allws them 2hold watching brief
09:35am from TwitterBerry

Gobind applies 4 formal observer status 4 Karpal gobind sankaran 4 family malek 4 sel govt n 6 lawyers 4 bar council watching briefabout
09:28am from TwitterBerry

Inquest into TBH death begins
09:19am from TwitterBerry

Gobind 4TBH family Malek Imtiaz 4Sel govt Coroner Azmil Muntapha Bar Council watching brief by Hisham Tehh n others Bar President Ragu here
09:18am from TwitterBerry

But why the desperate hurry without giving adequate time 4deceased family lawyers 2prepare? Also 4family 2convince Najib 4RCI 2b formed?
09:06am from TwitterBerry

1st time in remembered history AG given fiat 2leading criminal lawyer Tan Hock Chuan 2lead inquest proceedings instead of by DPP
09:02am from TwitterBerry

Arriving ShahAlam ct 4 TeohBengHock inquest Still maintain inquest shd b adjourned 4Royal Commission Inquiry Public confidence requires it
08:37am from TwitterBerry