Parliamentary Roundtable on A New IGP for a Safe Malaysia

Resolutions unanimously passed at the Parliamentary Roundtable on A New IGP for a Safe Malaysia.

Resolution 1
Call on the current Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, not to seek a further 2-year renewal of his tenure of service due to his failure in Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as IGP in the past three years in all the three core police functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights.

Resolution 2
Call for appointment of a new Inspector-General of Police to provide new police leadership to roll back the tide of crime in the lat five years to ensure a safe Malaysia as well as to present a new image of democratic policing in Malaysia.

Resolution 3
Call on the Prime Minister to include in his KPI for crime prevention, not just the reduction in street crime by 20% in 2010 which was a good four years late, but also all categories of crime as proposed by the Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission in its report in May 2005.

Resolution 4
Reaffirm the demands of the Malaysian public that the Prime Minister should set up the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) as recommeded by Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission, so that public confidence in the police force can be restored.

27 Replies to “Parliamentary Roundtable on A New IGP for a Safe Malaysia”

  1. to Speakup…u read news or not when u asked or u jz read what you like and not what you dislike.

    yes,there should be a new igp in town because the present one uses his power at the wrong places at the right time. however, who should be THE NEW IGP??? my suggestion is a very religious person like ulama or father.

    for all we know,when a person holding a position with powers for too long, it won’t be good because this will eventually leads the man to abusing the powers. politicians like-wise so my suggestion is to only contracting high power positions for a term of six years maximum and be monitored by a special independant committee who also needs to be changed.

  2. Now I too am curious to know who took part. I think SpeakUp might have badly phrased his question, or perhaps it was well-formed in Manglish and the ensuing upset was all part of Bahasa Kopitiam as she is Truly Spokened. A (or ‘my’) question is: who took part? The question is: can we get a new IGP?

    The question wasn’t about LKS’ presence, I think everybody assumes he was there. Knowing who else took part will help us raise or lower our expectations of what might happen next.

  3. DJ in 988 radio station early this morning raised this question: If not musa hassan then who? Yeah then who? The entire force is rotten. We are not looking at some rotten apples. We are looking at a basketfull of rotten apples. Well maybe with some luck we can find a half rotten apple. Perhaps any other rotten apple could be better than the current rotten apple.

  4. Now Darwin would tell you that a half rotten apple is an improvement on a completely rotten apple! What we need is a decent fitness test, so that the current apple can be quickly rejected if it seems to be not as fit as some of the next apples. We have to hope that fitness for the post of IGP is something that the candidates (including the incumbent) can adapt their behaviour to. If it’s innate, well, evolution can take a long time…

    Pakatan talks roundly criticises police, IGP
    Yip Ai Tsin | Jul 28, 09 5:38pm
    A roundtable discussion organised by Pakatan Rakyat decided unanimously today that the current Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan must step down and be replaced.
    Among those present were members of parliament from DAP (15), PKR (10), PAS (2), one senator, non-governmental organisations and concerned citizens.

    pw: trooping N.J

  6. “THE NEW IGP??? my suggestion is a very religious person like ulama or father.” – you have to be kidding me. Religious people DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY make a good IGP because their forte is in the spiritual. Does not mean they can run a police force to protect the nation. Yes, they should have the fear of God like a religious man.

    We do not care if they are religious or not, they have to care for the nation and wish to protect it. Read this from IKIM:

    In short it says the religious are also serong.

  7. SpeakUp :“THE NEW IGP??? my suggestion is a very religious person like ulama or father.” – you have to be kidding me. Religious people DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY make a good IGP because their forte is in the spiritual. Does not mean they can run a police force to protect the nation. Yes, they should have the fear of God like a religious man.
    We do not care if they are religious or not, they have to care for the nation and wish to protect it. Read this from IKIM:
    In short it says the religious are also serong.

    Their forte is in the spiritual? You mean they specialise in conducting medium, connecting the dead with those alive?

    Spiritual men can not “run a police force to protect the nation”. But to run a police force needs the fear of God like a religious man. But religious or not does not matter so long as a person is willing to take care of the nation and wish to protect it.

    Now you fellows tell me who is the greatest nincompoop here.

  8. YB KIt, I admire your perseverance in calling for a new IGP. I totally support your call for the non renewal of the contract of this IGP.

    However my thought on this is PM Najis is too indebted to this crooked IGP, not to renew his contract. Remeber the Altantuya case, where is was revealed by PI Bala, that the Najis sms to the IGP tp seek help.

  9. Look guys,the resolutions were unanimously passed.That’s it.Why the need to know who attended.Similarly, who cares who the new IGP is ?.A man or a woman,it does not matter.what matters most is he or she catches the crooks and bring them to justice.

  10. “Resolution 1: Call on the current Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, not to seek a further 2-year renewal of his tenure of service due to his failure in Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as IGP in the past three years in all the three core police functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights.”

    Sounds like the IGP decides whether his services is renewed or otherwise. Otherwise why would we have to call him to do otherwise?

  11. With respect, I think those resolutions addressed to this amazingly lackadaisical government/PM could perhaps be pruned a tad bit to:

    Resolution 1: To not renew the current IGP’s contract and to explore the possibility of bringing forward the contract termination date.

    Resolution 2: To appoint a new IGP of the right calibre to lead the RMP back to professional health.

    Resolution 3: Irrelevant/redundant as pointless without resolutions 1 and 2 above being actioned first.

    Resolution 4: To begin the process asap to set up the IPCMC yesterday.

    “Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

  12. Are were really feeling good even with the new IGP if ever one is appointed?

    The system is rotten the more we go into that.

    Some known groups have already grabbed so much that they would continue doing that.

    I think the pyramid of that ‘gangsterism’ is known.

    The only way now is IGGG to dislodge that infamous gang – local and likely linked globally.

  13. Why the need to know who attended.
    Because the resolutions could have been unanimously passed by LKS and Karpal at a Kopitiam Round Table. Call me a dreamer, but my spirits would be greatly lifted to hear that one of the unanimous votes came from that guy who looks like an Ewok from the movie Return of the Jedi, particularly if he’d voted “Ya, batsard”.

  14. So much data to show the incompetency of the present IGP Musa Hassan!!! If his service is extended, I really dont know how Kerismudin and Najis make their decisions!!! Anyway, it is just another classic e.g of BN failure story!!! Lagi satu fail project by BN govt using the hard earned money of the Rakyat!!!

  15. I would like to propose to start a private security force (PSF) to take care of the whole nation instead of just taman-taman since we are no longer feel safe wherever we may be even with the police force around!!!

  16. IGP, Gani, CJ are bodyguard of the rotten BN. A fair system will surely dig out the Rots. Can BN afford?
    If incompetent is the only problems, it can be easily solved. But, is it?
    Even a perfect IGP being in place, can he go away from the Rots of AG, the Court and other cronies in power?

    Please concentrate on the next GE. Get the Right EC, Right Candidates with vision of a Fair Malaysia with Administration experience and ample legal understanding. Or, at least a suitable group of Advisors on running government. Educate the People, especially those voters what they should choose.
    The Key point of all the Bullies is PM is one who has the power to settle most of the Mess if he really want to do it. But, can anyone see his sincerity?

    Should People keep on hearing Joke or Comedy plays?

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