Will the Parliamentary Roundtable tomorrow support Najib’s KPI for crime prevention to reduce street crime by 20% in 2010 as it is late by four years and should have covered all categories of crime as proposed by Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission in May 2005

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has announced the reduction of the crime rate on the streets by 20 per cent in 2010 as one of the KPIs (key performance indicators) of the six National Key Results Areas (NKRA).

Will the Parliamentary Roundtable for a new IGP to create a safe Malaysia support Najib’s KPI for crime prevention to reduce street crime by 20% in 2010 as it is late by four years and should have covered all categories of crime as proposed by the Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission in its report in May 2005?

When the Dzaiddin Royal Police Commission submitted its final report in May 2005, it said that Malaysia’s reputation as a safe country was “seriously dented” by the “dramatic increase” in the incidence of crime in the past few years and that “Malaysians in general, the business sector and foreign investors grew increasingly concerned with the situation”.

The Royal Commission warned that “if the trend continues, there would be major social and economic consequences for Malaysia”.
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I have lodged police report as Ong’s recent revelations revealed multiple serious crimes had been committed to protect Ong’s life because of death threat and the integrity of government and Cabinet decision-making from being coerced and suborned by underground forces outside the law

I have lodged a police report to protect MCA President and Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat’s life as well as to ensure that “dark forces” of politico-business underground combined with certain Barisan Nasional elements do not extend their tentacles to suborn government decision-making all the way to the Cabinet.

In the past week, Ong had alleged in interviews and speeches that “dark forces” of politico-business forces underground and in the Barisan Nasional have threatened his personal safety and tried to compromise the government decision-making process all the way to the Cabinet, especially over the RM12.5 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal.

Ong had made the most serious allegations about corruption and abuses of power in the highest levels of government decision-making all the way to the Cabinet, that corruption had emerged under the Najib premiership from the “darkness” into the open to do their evil work.
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Leaders To Bring Us Together

by M. Bakri Musa

In having to appoint a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) following the death of one of its witnesses, Prime Minister Najib clearly demonstrated his lack of leadership and inability to be in command of a rapidly evolving crisis. Essentially, events forced Najib’s hand; he was reacting, not leading.

Najib is not a leader, at least not the type Malaysia desperately needs today. His meteoric rise in the party and government is less an expression of talent, more the gratitude his party has for his late father. For his part, Najib has not shown any indication that he benefited from those splendid opportunities. On the contrary, like a spoiled child, those amenities merely indulged him.

Unfortunately for Najib, more so for the nation, there are no ‘training wheels’ to the Prime Minister’s office.

Najib’s deputy Muhyyuddin is in the same kampong league. Continue reading “Leaders To Bring Us Together”