MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers should stop tomorrow’s announcement of composition of Royal Commission of Inquiry on Teoh’s death so as not to jeopardize any effort to ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to widen the scope RCI to zero in on Teoh’s death

MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers should stop tomorrow’s announcement of the composition of Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on Teoh Beng Hock’s death so as not to jeopardize any effort to ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to widen the scope of the RCI to zero in on Teoh’s death.

Cabinet Ministers, whether from Umno, MCA, Gerakan and MIC cannot be unaware that the Cabinet decision last Wednesday to refuse to set up a RCI to probe the causes of Teoh’s death had been greeted with consternation and condemnation, together with calls for a Cabinet review to expand the scope of the RCI into the MACC’s interrogation methods to include the causes of Teoh’s death.

The Cabinet decision to have an inquest headed by a magistrate is just not acceptable to the majority of Malaysians who want a completely independent inquiry into Teoh’s death which could command public confidence.

Ministers, especially from MCA and Gerakan, who had visited the Teoh family during Teoh’s funeral wake in Alor Gajah and publicly pledged to get the Cabinet to set up a RCI into Teoh’s death, would be seriously remiss in their duties if they do not ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to review and expand the scope of the RCI to include inquiry into the causes of Teoh’s death.

MCA Ministers, its President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and Vice President Datuk Liow Tiong Lai, and the Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon had disappointed the Teoh family and the larger Malaysian public once already in failing to get the Cabinet to set up a RCI into Teoh’s death.

They should not be guilty of disappointing the Teoh family and the Malaysian public a second time by failing to ask the Cabinet to widen the scope of the RCI to zero in on the causes of Teoh’s death.

However, if the members of the RCI are announced tomorrow, then it is tantamount to a second failure by these Ministers to get the Cabinet to do what is right for the family and the Malaysian people.

(Speech 2 at the lunch of Perak DAP MPs and State Assembly members at MP Steamboat Restaurant, Ipoh on Sunday, 26th July 2009 at 2 pm)

24 Replies to “MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers should stop tomorrow’s announcement of composition of Royal Commission of Inquiry on Teoh’s death so as not to jeopardize any effort to ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to widen the scope RCI to zero in on Teoh’s death”

  1. Why our indepedent father and ancestor designed the Malaysia flag very close match with united states except between moon and 40 stars.

    They designed closed match with United States laid a sign for Malaysians that their wish follow the path like USA that based democracy, justice and equality.

    Anyone or any politician is play racist, he/she is an enermy of states, our indepedent father and our ancestors.

    Anyone or any politician are play racist, he/she is an enermy of states.

  2. I totally agree with #3yhsiew, but that does not mean MCA, MIC and Gerakan must remain lapdogs to UMNO.

    Enough is enough! For 53 years this UMNO-led government has used federal institution in the country to screw this nation and its rakyat and if we don’t speak up now and continue to be complacent, ignore all those injustices of double-standards, harrassment and intimidation and do nothing about it just because the victim is not our family, then the screwing will never stop!

    Speak up, damnit!
    YOU owe it to Teoh Beng Hock, let him not die in vain.

  3. Kit is asking beggars for the impossible. MCA, MIC and Gerakan have been called all sort of derogatory names and still walk tall. These are shameless human beings who are selling away their communities.
    Each time these eunuch parties ask their master, UMNO replies with the middle finger.

  4. LKS is asking the impossible. MCA, MIC and Gerakan are not equal partners in BN. They are merely beggars grateful for some crumbs from the Umno banquet.

    However all is not lost if the RCI contain good men and not Umno bodek characters. It is almost impossible to separate the cause of death from the interrogation techniques if those extreme techniques caused the death.

    LKS should spend his energy making sure good men get appointed to the RCI. I would like to see retired judge NH Chan sitting there.

  5. “MCA, Gerakan and MIC Ministers should stop tomorrow’s announcement of composition of Royal Commission of Inquiry on Teoh’s death so as not to jeopardize any effort to ask the Cabinet on Wednesday to widen the scope RCI to zero in on Teoh’s death.”

    What are you trying to say? Those ministerial robots are programmed to only nod their heads, so how can you expect them to do anything other than that?

  6. By the reds sayes: “I strongly believe that MCA, Gerakan and MIC are sincere to help Teoh, but they simply are outclassed by their master, Tuan UMNO.”

    I agree with By the Reds. If only UMNO HAD allowed them to help Teoh, they would have done differently. But for now, they really do not have any choice. If they were to leave BN, they will be mauled and annihilated completely by DAP and the three political parties will die like Teoh. So let’s understand their situation.

  7. The Death of TBH is at least partly due to the mishandling of MACC and they are ONE Integral Case under MACC which cannot be divided.

    A RCI must be set-up as there is no Governing or Investigating Body on MACC under the MACC Act.

    The Magistrate Court can only do its works after RCI inquiry including the cause of Death.

    Death and Mishandling by MACC is ONE case and not TWO Isolated cases?? Or it is simply a “Quote of Context”!!

    Even if the Cabinet want to rush the decsion on the Panel, I hope the Parliament Round-table still has the final saying!!

  8. Sdr. Lim is so right when he says no one cares about the spat between MCA leader or for that matter what is going on in MIC.

    Admist all the attack on the ills of BN and UMNO-leadership, what is not being discussed is really the ideals of the non-bumis in this country. On the surface, it appears the non-bumis are still behaving communally which BN component parties insist is the problem..

    But skip that traditional thinking and you see that the community believes that if we don’t behave communally, then their leaders must step up and behave like the best in the world. In Obama-era politics, they want to see their leaders behave like global calibre leaders, the best in the world or there is NO hope for them. Second class just won’t do anymore..

    They want to hear their leaders bring people together, break new grounds for everyone, and show the way to a common future for everyone AND mean it and hold their partners in BN to that standard. Anything else is a local inferior pretension of what is good and really is NOT…

  9. MCA/MIC/Gerakan and for that matter PPP are all pet dogs in BN. How can they dare to oppose their masters la ??
    This RC is just like the Lingam scandal. After wasting all the rakyat time and money, no actions till todate from the government. What justice r we talking about???
    LKS just keep pursuing and keep the pressure on these scandals (PKFZ/Teoh Murder/Toyoland etc..) till justice is done. Meanwhile take care.

  10. //LKS should spend his energy making sure good men get appointed to the RCI. I would like to see retired judge NH Chan sitting there.// goldeneye
    Having good men appointed to the RCI is important. However, the first and foremost important matter is to expand the scope of the RCI to include inquiry into the causes of Teoh’s death.
    I give my 100% support for your suggestion to appoint NH Chan to the RCI. NH Chan is a righteous man and he will speak the truth. Unfortunate, truth is the enemy of UMNO. Therefore, I dare to say that a man of NH Chan’s character will never be appointed to the RCI.

  11. RCI is of no use IF the government does not heed its recommendations. So what if they find this and that?

    NH Chan on RCI? Hahahahahaaa … he will always be called to sit on all RCIs after the first. Will be the most popular choice. :)

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