Offer of full co-operation with Hishammuddin to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights

The sustained 97% of those who feel unsafe and 95% who hold that their security is not assured out of the respondents whether out of 903 at midnight on 23th July, 1,224 at 7.40 am and 2,947 at 2.20 pm on 24th July and 5,062 at 12.30 pm on the Home Ministry website poll is a crying shame of the failure of the police to ensure that Malaysians, visitors and investors are safe and feel safe in the country.

A breakdown of those who responded to the Home Ministry poll in the past 48 hours are as follows:

Feel unsafe Security not assured

12 midnight

96%(866) 95%(894)


7.40 am 97%(1,187) 95% (1,119)

2.20 pm 97%(2,846) 95% (2,619)


12.30 pm 97%(4,905) 95% (4,495)

Who should be responsible for this deplorable law and order situation in Malaysia in the past few years?

The two persons who should be held responsible are the Inspector-General of Police and the Home Minister.

It is of course not fair to hold Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein responsible for the failure of the police to perform its first duty to Malaysians – to keep crime low and protect the personal safety of all Malaysians – as he has only been the Home Minister in less than four months.

The Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, has no such excuse. He has been IGP for close to three years and Malaysians feel even more unsafe today than when he first became IGP in September 2006.

Malaysia must start off on a new page to create new image for the Malaysian Police force to ensure that it is capable of performing the three core functions to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights.

I am prepared to co-operate fully with Hishammuddin to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights but the first step for the Police to start a new page is to have a new IGP to provide new and effective leadership.

This is the purpose of the Parliamentary Roundtable on a new IGP for a safe Malaysia in Parliament on Tuesday at 10 am – to set the Malaysian Police on a new course of direction under a new Prime Minister and a new Home Minister.
Musa Hassan’s renewed term as Inspector-General of Police expires in September.

I believe that there are enough senior police officers who could take over the position of IGP from Musa – in particular from the ranks of the eight top police officers occupying key police positions below the post of IGP instead of renewing Musa’s tenure of IGP for another two years into 2011.

39 Replies to “Offer of full co-operation with Hishammuddin to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police to keep crime low, eradicate corruption and protect human rights”

  1. LKS cooperate with HHO? Hahahahahaaa … even if LKS got all the answers to the problems it will never happen. HHO was once a good lawyer, he is said to be a very honorable man. Once he was in UMNO Youth that was the end of the so called honorable man.

    He started with the storming of the NGO gathering stating that the rule of law does not apply and they have the right to disrupt a meeting. That says it all for that man.

    He knows once his cuz is off the PM’s chair he is next in line. DPM can only dream to sit in that chair. HHO knows what he wants next and this man will be more vicious than NR.

  2. Yeah. He was known to be decent as a lawyer. Now that he wears the umno garb he has transformed into quite something else. The point is this. Changing faces in umno really serves no useful purpose at all. Its umno – the intitution itself – that must change and needs to be changed not just some people inside it.

    Chinese are always prepared for change. That is perhaps our nature. Although change is accompanied by a certain degree of uncertainty and risk it neverthelss brings new hope, challenges and opportunities. Look at how quickly they dumped mca and gerakan. Look at the 40+ yrs of NEP and still no positive result to show. If they have discarded that policy after 15-20 yrs malays and malaysia could well be very different today.

    Najib expressed an intention to discard NEP. But could he? Can he? The answer is No and No. Like badawi he too is weak. But having learned the badawi lesson it is quite obvious that he is trying hard to avoid the NATO (no action talk only) trap. As it happens his actions all turned out to be deceits and are worse than if no actions were ever taken at all.

    It took badawi 6 yrs of do-nothing to bring about the 308 tsunami. The question is how much sooner will the next tsunami come now that we have a deceitful pm who is also at the same time engulf in all sorts of negative rumours.

  3. Home Affairs Minister makes policies, but it is IGP who is responsible for the day to day operations, enforcement and implementation of policing. Astute leadership at all levels is most important.

    As Home Affairs Minister, he must set the policies on immigration and foreign labour right. He must ensure our borders are secured in terms of smuggling of dadah, weapons and illegal entry of natural persons, for these are the major causes of crime. He must liaise with the MACC on how best to contain corruption within the police force. He must liaise with the AG to speedily bring the criminals to justice, and also with the Prison authorities for the rehabitation of criminals and drug addicts. These the major sources of crimes which the minister must tackle.

    As for IGP, we need a no nonsense type – efficient, professional and strict. Police are uniform service. The personnel must be trained tough and instilled with discipline. The IGP must inject greater discipline into the police work. Just walk into any police station, and you could see the way they work – sometimes they are worse than civilian staff. Each personnel must be supervised and called to report of the work done each day – cases solved, arrests made, summons issued, and assistance rendered. I think the whole hierarchy of the police force is not working right now. That is why there is hardly any productive work assessed or accounted for. One of the reasons is obviously corruption. If the inspector is on the take, he loses his credibility and respect to supervise and reprimand men and women under his care. If a superior officer is on the take, the junior will have no qualm taking too.

  4. //He knows once his cuz is off the PM’s chair he is next in line. DPM can only dream to sit in that chair. HHO knows what he wants next and this man will be more vicious than NR.//

    If you fellows want to know what is kopitiam talk cock, the above is the classic one!!!

  5. by taiking Chinese are always prepared for change.

    We must have rice!

    So KFC in Malaysia has it all wrong, huh?

    I wanted to respond to your post, which I thought is good – like most of your posts, but I couldn’t get past the “we Chinese” part. This is the blog of the leader of a party that claims to represent all Malaysians, but which suffers from credibility problems – the accusations of it being a party of Chinese chauvinists. Just thought I’d point that out. Now … what were you saying? I agree with the rest of it.

  6. HHO – has he any record of incorruptibility, integrity or efficiency to begin with?

    When one does not have such reserves in his soul, one can never benefit even his neighbour, let alone the nation.

    I am not convinced HHO is even 1per cent of his more distinguished father….not since he slipped into the UMNO Youth sarong.

    I think HHO lost his soul along the way. Tun Hussein must be weeping in his grave.

  7. Just found the website and voted to give a strong message to Kerismuddin that Malaysians need a safer environment, because we simply deserve it! Say “Tak Nak” to Musa. We need a new IGP, and a new hope for police reform.

  8. “Our major public institutions and our political system have degenerated to the point that the public no longer trusts them.”
    “What we must do now goes beyond political parties. We need the rakyat to rise up to claim their institutions, and demand that our public institutions are answerable to them. We must wake up to our sovereignty as citizens, reclaim the constitution which constitutes us as a nation and guarantees our rights, and demand a comprehensively reformed government to restore public confidence. We must do this before it is too late.”

    The above – written by RPK? by a PR politician?
    NO! By an Umnoputra – TRH.
    He should accept ZI’s invitation to leave the dark side and crossover to PR to lead the uprising to reclaim our sovereignty as citizens, the real bosses.

  9. this is the problem with our system. by right, the police & army should not vote as they should be apolitical. most democratic countries follow this – including indonesia! indonesia is more fwd thinking – sad to say & are the most populous muslim nation. they have made huge reforms & look at their economy despite the world crying. indonesia is still like a walk in the park.

    coming back, when the police & army are given powers to vote, they hold the government of the day by the balls. how many votes count when combined police & army? not to forget those in civil service. the police & army are being conferred “DiRaja”…not ‘DiKerajaan”. something is really wrong here. the original idea was to make use of the votes from police & army, however, they have other ideas. they can use this to extort the ruling gov of the day instead.

    correct me if i m wrong.

  10. Boh liao … KuLi is unlike Zaid … he was with UMNO almost from the start, he fought for it long before many of us here were born. He will fight from within UMNO and not from outside. Its too dear to him.

    KuLi’s statement transcends all racial and political rhetoric. Its calling the people to claim back what is theirs. Like RPK says, Malaysians only complain and do not really make a difference.

    There should be more like KuLi and not like DSAI who only wants to cause an uprising that is filled with hatred.

  11. Speak Up says: “HHO was once a good lawyer, he is said to be a very honorable man. Once he was in UMNO Youth that was the end of the so called honorable man.”

    You sure he was a good lawyer? My experience with him tells me otherwise. Not very knowledgeable but he was very courteous and soft-spoken then. Not like the ugly keris-waving racist that he turns out to be. If I don’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed that he is the same HHO that I met when he was still a young lawyer with Skrine & Co.

    I would say that HHO is quite unlike his father, but more like his grandfather, Onn Jaafar. You know how Onn Jaafar swings from trying to open up UMNO to non-Malays to becoming a racist with his Parti Negara or something. If Onn Jaafar had retired from politics upon leaving UMNO, I would think he will one day become a symbol of humanitarism in Malaysia, a Malaysian version of Mahatma Gandhi. Hussein Onn, on the other hand, seems to me to be a man of solid unwavering principles, unless I miss something.

  12. //There should be more like KuLi and not like DSAI who only wants to cause an uprising that is filled with hatred.//

    This is another classic example of an imposter working in Kit’s blog. He praised for no good reason, and he condemned for no good reason – obviously a moron at work.

  13. The fact that they even bothered to start this poll means that they are out of touch, disconnected of the everyday Malaysians who live, work and play in the neighbourhoods and streets. They thought so highly of their police force. I personally encountered / became a victim of crime at least twice a year for the past 3 years in Johor Bahru, the crime capital of Malaysia. while i heard stories from people i know who were victims of crime at least twice a year.

    Nobody trust the police anymore. One good example is how they reacted when my housing agent was a victim. She was waiting for her customer at the roadside in her car at the busiest streets in JB at noon. Brave snatch thieves come along in motorcycle, opened her door and pointed her the knife to hang over her handbag. She cooperated, then they wanted to run. Fortunately or unfortunately there was a police car nearby and gave chase. It knocked down the two guys on the bike but the two policemen just stayed put inside the car. The two men stood up from the fall, grab the belongings and ran away. The housing agent asked the policemen why they didn’t give chase and they answered her they afraid the two might be armed.

    A doctor friend I know told me that reports only reach the press if it involves death or VVIPs. He said he has been treating victims of crime, especially snatch thieves at least twice a week in his clinic. Most of them don’t bother to report as nobody believes the police. He told me many of these snatch thieves are youths who don’t bother to work. once they finished the loot, they start working again as snatch thieves.

    I told him business for doctors must be good in johor bahru since you have so many criminal victims to handle!!! good business!!! however, just make sure that they don’t come by your clinic and you become the victim!

    Nobody depends or believes the police anymore. they are an eyesore and we avoid them whenever we see them. they are good at stopping cars at roadside, checking your cars, doing road blocks when traffic volume is heaviest but were invincible during heavy rain when the traffic lights are spoilt eventhough their station is in front of the traffic light junction and hanging around in the air-conditioning immigration checkpoint so safeguard the safety of the people, the first people to wear masks when JB reported its first H1N1 but you don’t see the Kiasu Singaporean policemen/women wearing eventhough they have a few deaths now.

  14. ekompute … when I said HHO was a good lawyer I meant a good man, like what you said. Funny how they can change 180 degrees huh?

    Jaswant … why bother? Just use the IGNORE function. It makes this place much more pleasant. Don’t engage … sooner or later barking dogs will shut up. :)

  15. //Lucky, in Malaysia we have literally done away with jury trials (except for murder cases), if not then God help us.//

    See, this is what this loud mouth put in another thread – a loud mouth who just simply tembak here and tembak there but cannot even get one target right. I think it is time to discount whatever he has put in this blog because they are totally unreliable and nonsensical.

  16. //Jaswant … why bother? Just use the IGNORE function. It makes this place much more pleasant. Don’t engage … sooner or later barking dogs will shut up. :)//loud mouth

    I must say even dogs are smarter than this loud mouth.

  17. I feel really sad … Its funny, we ask for freedom of fair expression. We say we have a right to it. We then call for a non racially divided country. We ask for better politicians.

    What do we do? We come into forums and blogs and we name call those who disagree with us. We use derogatory remarks. We flame people. We use racially flavoured slurs like calling a Punjabi “Bayi”.

    Is this what we have for Malaysia’s future? It is truly amazing that a person can act in such a manner and be allowed to exist in our society with rights to vote and to pro-create. This is a scary situation.

  18. The police, judiciary, macc, the army,etc., are all part of umno divisions and they are there to serve the umno. There is no reason why kerismudin want to change the existing setup.

  19. Don’t forget, it is also my free speech to point out the hypocrites, to point out those who talk nonsensical and “unfactual” things, to point their biasness and hidden agenda and to point out illogical arguments.

    Come on; please don’t just argue that you have your right to free speech. You must be able to defend what you say. I will not let you run away with your half baked nonsensical views. It is my free speech, if case you forget.

    Why bayi? Do you want to be called low life? You fellows can so conveniently forget the demeaning words you used on others and yet can’t stand the same apply to you. Too bad.

  20. “Why bayi? Do you want to be called low life? ” limkamput

    This imbecile apparently, but only apparently, does not think the word ‘bayi’ is a racial slur. Then he said he is a ‘bayi’ but a smart one. Meaning all Indians of punjabi descent are stupid.

    So is it surprising that he gets to be called a “lowlife” and a “scumbag”?

  21. Jaswant … he is actually a bebeh … nothing in between the legs. Don’t bother, not worth it, let him make his racial slurs. He needs the attention when there is none at his own blog. ROFL!

  22. Interesting that Jaswant brought out the subject of Schizo.

    Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality.

    The delusional think that they have pointed out things that actually don’t exist (except in their minds). They think they are talking sense when its nonsense; others talking nonsense when its sense!

    I hope no one suffers the condition here.

    One of the distinguishing mark of one so afflicted is a penchant for self aggrandizement ie. praising one’s own self…where the normal unafflicted will realise that he cannot, with objectivity, judge own own cause and blow his own horn and that such attributes he claims he has are better vindicated upon the surer foundations of others’ judgments than his own.

  23. Now you are talking about “how”. That is for all right minded people, NGOs and political parties to think and to pressure the government to do the right things when investigating cases of this nature. Am I supposed to give you the how part each time I make a statement? You too have been giving out lots of sh!t, did anybody ask you the how part? I am telling you RCI and the Inquest are most probably not going to be effective. You disagreed, now can you tell why and how they can be effective? I don’t label you stupid for nothing, you are.

    When I said multi-prongs, I mean precisely what I said. We should try to ask the government to investigate the case under murder or foul play, failing which or concurrently, also ask for inquest or RCI. For you it is we “have passed” that. Who the sh!t you think you are to tell others whether we have passed that or not. Why worry about different methods (if indeed the government allows it) will yield different results. I know this is possibility that some quarters have been talking about it. My question is so what? Let this case tear apart as widely as possible the institutions of government.

    You have consistently asked others to be civil and don’t indulge in names calling. At least I am direct in whatever I said. You, on the other, are the one suffering from Schizophrenia, for you do not know what you are doing. Be civil my foot when you can’t take criticism and will resort to all kinds of name callings. You have no problem with others because they have essentially let you roam about and after a while you think you are really that great. Talking about aggrandisement, how fitting this applies to you.

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