Nation mourns for Teoh Beng Hock

Leaving PJ now for Alor Gajah for Teoh Beng Hock’s last journey.

Nation and all right-thinking people mourn for Teoh Beng Hock.

Even more, they mourn for the country and people.

Nation in shock, grief and anger – greater shock, grief and anger than four days ago when the dastardly deed was committed.

Let us transform our shock, grief and anger into People’s Power to change Malaysia so that there will not be another Teoh Beng Hock and death in custody, whether MACC, Police or any other government agency in Malaysia.

61 Replies to “Nation mourns for Teoh Beng Hock”

  1. Yes People Power had been started since 8 March 2008.

    Beware of another likely tsunami or that sort of kind with high tide 1.5- 4.5 m on 21/7/09.

    Lets keep up the pressure of PP and no need to wait till next 13GE.

    pw: witch Fitz

  2. Mourn for Teoh yes, but mourn for the nation and BN. They have been given chance after chance to get things right and what has been revealed, suspected all along, is that BN is incapable of self-reform. Self-Reform can be done only by those who are self-made, self-reliant, who don’t believe in entitlement, who don’t feed on the wealth or effort of others and who don’t break laws and institutions – that is not BN, not UMNO.

  3. yes,UMNO n Utusan can say that DAP has politicised the TBH’s death,infact,they were the ones that expert in caltivating racial issues all the while since Hussien Onn’s time,may i ask you ppl from UMNO ,PDRM,MACC n Utusan,if one day one malay guy die at the Wisma DAP,just like the crooked body found death in a pool of blood,WHAT WILL HAPPEN?I M ASKING MUHAIDIN,STUPID NAZRI,TOYO,MUSANG,SAID,NAJIS,WHAT WILL HAPPEN,ANSWER ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!

    I think they will lauch another May13 without any delay,right???

    You all are just a group of scumbags that are heartless n should be thrown to the Red Sea!!!!

  4. Umno is guilty. That is my pronouncement. Of course it is based on feeling merely. My judgment of them means little if at all. The collective judgment of all right thinking malaysians too means nothing to them. The body which umno pronounced success even before it had started work is now a joke for the world. That too means nothing to umno. Those are nothing really. What matters to them is money and wealth and therefore power. What arrogance. What audacity and a real fraudster to claim their care and concern for the country and her people. How long more can they go on?

    Only terrorists and criminals would kill. A government would protect the land and her people. In the face of imminent Nazi invasion into Britain Winston Churchill said:

    “We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
    we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
    we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
    we shall fight on the beaches,
    we shall fight on the landing grounds,
    we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
    we shall fight in the hills;
    we shall never surrender …”

    I cant see the umno government in such a role. Far from it. I am actually entertaining serious doubt about the true purpose of macc for it seems to behave and act like a central intelligence agency of najib and umno. An agency set up to subdue and if necessary to neutralise by whatever necessary means (with all options open) the people.

    The macc (and this applies to the police, the civil servants as well) should they commit any wrong the first reaction to come from the government ought to be “We view the matter seriously.” “We will get to the bottom of the matter.” Only then would they, the macc, sit up and take their responsibilities seriously. But if the first reaction from the government is “He could have jumped down on his own” then the macc would feel protected – warm and safe any the large outstretched wings of umno. Is macc really CIA of malaysia by another name?

  5. The macc, under the orders of its paymaster, must had hoped to break TBH’s will and coerce him into admitting that financial irregularities are rampant among Selangor PakatanRakyat aduns. These aduns will then be taken to court and then suspended from office, enabling BN to take over the state govt. And the Good Old Days will be back with the RM24million-house Javanese dentist as MB.

  6. There is real genuine anger and dissatisfaction against BN/UMNO among Malays. This is an incredible defining moment for Malaysians and Malays in particular. This is bigger than 308.

    One must remember while the story of Hang Jebat-Hang Tuah is Malay folklore, the real hero of of Malays is Munshyi Abdullah the story teller. Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat is a debate but Munshyi Abdullah is the ideal and hero aspired by Malays and the sense is that UMNO is killing that aspiration – that is a shame Malays will reject.

  7. It is hypocritical of NR to send Mr Oh Ei Sun to forward his condolences to the Teo family because NR and UMNO is the CAUSE of the whole problem. Who is behind the unjust MACC investigations and oppresion against members of the Selangor Pakatan government?

    On Mr Oh Ei Sun, I found out that he a a Juris Doctor. J.D. is only considered a professional degree, not a PhD degree. J.D. is more like a first bachelor’s degree. In fact, there is no dissertation or defense of thesis necessary to get a J.D., unlike a PhD degree.

    J.D. is definitely not recognised in Malaysia as a terminal PhD level degree, therefore it is wrong for Oh Ei Sun to continually refer to himself as a “Dr” in his biodata:

    I note that in the press article announcing Mr Oh’s appointment as political secretary, he is not referred to as “Dr”. He is referred to as “academician Oh Ei Sun”. Yet it seems that Oh Ei Sun likes to go around calling himself “Dr”, as in his biodata. It’s clear that he is not a real PhD level doctor.

  8. The corrupted politicians want to raise a war with PKR, Justice, Democracy, Equality, Fariness, anti-corruption and Malaysians in our land MALAYSIA.

    They threaten treat those people who defence Justice, Democracy, Equality, Fariness, anti-corruption Malaysians worst than an animal.

    They want a WAR with Justice, Democracy, Equality, Fariness, anti-corruption Malaysians.

    Shall we standup and fight a men to defence Justice, Democracy, Equality, Fariness, anti-corruption? and for our next generation children.

  9. The Selangor State Police Chief announced that the personal belongings of Teoh Beng Hock (wallets, cash notes, handphone, car key, briefcase) had been handed over to the Police Investigators by the MACC staff the next day after Teoh Beng Hock was found death.

    If Teoh Beng Hock had earlier on been released from the Police’s custody or detention before his death, why were those personal belongings of Teoh still kept by the MACC staff after his release? It seemed that the MACC interrogators were telling a big lie to the whole world!

  10. Don’t forget that the Shah Alam MACC HQ is a 24 hours-operating organization. If Teoh Beng Hock had been released at 3:45 am 17.07.2009, there must be an MACC staff who could be available to let Teoh Beng Hock sign on the log book indicating that Teoh already took back his personal belongings. Why did the MACC staff still keep Teoh’s personal belongings after Teoh, according to the MACC Chief Commissioner, had been released by 3:45 am 17.07.2009? How could the MACC Chief Commissioner claim that the MACC could not be held responsible for Teoh’s mysterious death?

  11. The family of Teoh does not trust the MACC or Police investigation and findings. Why? Not only them but Malaysians in general, do not trust them. They have a very poor image (in fact they are ruthless, biased, racist, corrupt, hypocritical,.., etc) in the public’s eye. They do not have any credibilities anymore and have lost their primary objectives. They are clearly perceived as UMNO’s brutal butchering tools.

    To PM,
    We do not want the present IGP to extend his service but let him retire till death grave. Also to sack the Chief of MACC or he to resign immediately. The selection of the new IGP and the new Chief of MACC should also be done in consultation in good faith with the general public and also the Opposition parties.

    The heavy price Teoh paid even with his life, will not be easily forgotten by the Malaysians. However it will unite the Malaysians to strongly voice out their concern to the present crooked, corrupt and cruel UMNO’s Government administration with its agencies, to seek a fair, just and impartial Government with high integrity for all Malaysians regardless of social status, race or religion.

  12. my personal opinion reason why impossible for beng hock to take rest in MACC after investicated.
    1) MACC office without 5 star bedroom.
    2)comman sense – after long hours rot in MACC, people will get fedup with the place and angry with the authority as well.
    sure want to go off asap.

  13. The Selangor State Police Chief announced that the personal belongings of Teoh Beng Hock (wallets, cash notes, handphone, car key, briefcase) had been handed over to the Police Investigators by the MACC staff the next day after Teoh Beng Hock was found death.

    If Teoh Beng Hock had earlier on been released from the Police’s custody or detention before his death, why were those personal belongings of Teoh still kept by the MACC staff after his release? It seemed that the MACC interrogators were telling a big lie to the whole world!”

    Onlooker, it might have been taken during the investigation onto the death. Let’s not jump the gun also la.

    Log book? They do not have one, you don’t know ar? They have no CCTV, no log book, no this and no that … everything also CONVENIENTLY don’t have.

  14. With respect to TBH’s personal belongings as described by “Onlooker Politics” is correct, MACC had not released TBH until the corpse was found. The most important clue is the car key.

  15. statement from MACC is something prblem.
    NOT RESPONSIBILITY should not made by MACC itself. if they are fair and square authorities body.
    they should tell let police carry full investication. if is murder case, everyone inside the building during that period are suspect. whether is staff or not.

  16. I recommend all Malaysians to watch ICAC – I Corrupt All Cops

    I watched it last night and man the storyline of the 1960s-1970s corrupted Hong Kong is so Malaysia 1960s-2000s.

    Hong Kong were ruled by the gangsters and criminals as the police had to follow their orders. 90% of the police were corrupt as mentioned in the film. You see underground prostitution, gambling and drug dens running freely throughout Hong Kong. The policemen go around collecting protection money and abusing people, beating them bloody.

    There was a scene where the gangsters threw an innocent guy down a few stories to his death as a grandma was walking by. The grandma blew the whistle to alert the police. As the policemen arrived at the scene, they pretended nothing happened as they saw that the gangsters were involved. The gangsters just took the body away from the scene to clean up the mess. You see another member using water to clean up the blood stains. Then, the grandma insisted to give a statement but the police told her the guy was not dead yet and it would take her 2 days to get all her statements recorded. She gave up because of so much hassle and left the scene, grumbling that she definitely confirmed that he was dead.

    ICAC was established to solve corruption problems. They recruited graduates from the University of Hong Kong (The Times Higher Education – QS World University Rankings 2008 ranked 26th, 2007 ranked 18th). These new graduates faced challenges, threats and even death to their members for going after these lords of the streets. We also get to see how ICAC interrogates their suspects. They use all kinds of tactics but physical abuse. I remember one of the suspects was so terrified that he told the ICAC officers to kill him. They answered that they are not allowed to even touch their suspects during interrogation, not to mention kill them.

    You know, the movie is like telling a story about Malaysia now…so similar to Hong Kong 1960s-1970s.

  17. YK … just read The Star, I think I know what you and Onlooker is saying. Sheeesh … if that is true then all the things seized as BARANG KES will really screw MACC over. Also, if he is a mere witness why take his personal belongings. Maybe, its good that it happened.

    I hope Teoh switched off the phone when they took it. Let’s see if it were ever switched on again and if so at what time …

  18. “Onlooker, it might have been taken during the investigation onto the death. Let’s not jump the gun also la.” (Speakup)

    Ok! I refrain from jumping the gun now! However, do you think that the public opinion will agree with you that the MACC has the authority and power given by the Law to commence an investigation on the case of usual death such as that of Teoh Beng Hock?

    If the MACC staff did follow the investigation guideline on investigation of Teoh’s death, then they should have stay far away from Teoh’s corpse because the MACC staff were not given the authority to conduct the investigation on a suspected “sudden death” case in which the MACC interrogators were the first suspects as murderers!

  19. Sorry, a slide of pen!

    However, do you think that the public opinion will agree with you that the MACC has the authority and power given by the Law to commence an investigation on the case of UNUSUAL death such as that of Teoh Beng Hock?

  20. “Log book? They do not have one, you don’t know ar? They have no CCTV, no log book, no this and no that … everything also CONVENIENTLY don’t have.” (Speakup)

    The MACC has no log book to record what they have taken from the suspect or the witness! Are you sure, Speakup?

  21. Now that beng hock is no longer with us another life would be sacrificed. Yeah. A cat. And its carcass will be consumed whole by some unfortunate low ranking officer in macc. After that umno will regard the matter as accounted for and closed.

  22. Hi guys,we can speak up and talk about the sudden death of TBH and we can ask or demand for justice,all of these are important to keep our democracy and freedom alive.What matters most now is to keep alive the spirit of TBH to let every malaysians know that he sacrificed his life for true democracy,justice and freedom.May the voters be reminded,again and again until PR’s success in winning the next general election.Til then may his soul be rest in peace.

  23. Onlooker … I am being sarcastic about the log book la, hehehehee … sorry … What do you mean MACC commence investigation into Teoh’s death? I am unclear. MACC cannot investigate the death, its the PDRM’s job. Even RCI is only to look into it and not investigate etc.

    ANyone noticed and Indian died in police custody in KL one day after Teoh? NOt bad huh? One by one … they bite the dust.

  24. All Malaysians are OUTRAGED!!!First with the death of PPSMI and now with the death of Beng Hock. Is this 1Malaysia supposed to be??Angered and frustrate the people with all these intimidation and the death of democracy in human rights and people choice of education?? The successors of Tun have turned our beloved beautiful multiculture, multi racial & multi lingual country UPSIDE DOWN!!! – OUTRAGED!! WHERE IS JUSTICE & DEMOCRACY?? CORRUPT POWER RULES NOT JUSTICE RULES IN MALAYSIA.

  25. “ANyone noticed and Indian died in police custody in KL one day after Teoh? NOt bad huh? One by one … they bite the dust.” (Speakup)

    This is the conspiracy theory being suggested by you – DRUG ADDICTION!

    However, I can also have another version of the conspiracy theory – PENETRATION OF THE MACC BY AL-QUEDA. Just take a look at the bomb cases happened in Indonesia almost at the meantime when Teoh Beng Hock was found death. It could be Al-Queda’s Agents in Malaysia trying to destabilise Malaysia for causing a devastating effect on the Money Markets and the Capital Markets in order to take profit of their open short-selling positions in the financial derivatives futures.

    However, let us not to input too many guesses because our PDRM investigators may not have the strong brain to absorb what we try to feed them here! Just let the Police have a free hand to do the investigation first and see what they say!

  26. Hit the iron while it is still hot! That should be the way. As soon as Beng Hock is laid to rest, action must be immediately taken according to plans by PR leaders against BN! Let them have no time to rest or think! MACC head sure has a lot to think and conjure as far as Beng Hock’s death is concerned because whatever he has said so far does not sound logical at all! Fight all the way PR, for the good of the component parties, people of Malaysia and most important of all the family of Beng Hock!

  27. //Nation mourns for the death of freedom, equality and justice for all.// woof woof woof

    Yes very well said, but it was not you who paid for it. It was Teoh’s.

    Sdr Lim, I suggest we start a fund here for Teoh BH’s fiancée and unborn child. Give us the account number so that we can contribute whatever we can. To many of us, that is the best we can do.

  28. We have read columns written by the new NST and BH editorial boss Zainul Ariffin and more often than not there’s always a tinge of racial undertones in his writing. His political master should be proud of him.

    It has reached a point where journos in the Umno-controlled papers are now in tune with each other to propogate and defend themselves with racial rhetorics that will justify their being in position of power.

    As one commentator put it: ” It is these “covert bigots” who present the biggest challenge to Najib’s efforts to build a united nation and his promise to create a nation of peace and harmony.

    What do people like this group managing editor of NST and BH care except to use his column to promote his own spin to please his political master whoever he is. This is a person to keep a wary eye on and see how he twists and turns this BH and NST into contemptible rags. I used to buy the NST but no more.

    “Why did the Selangor MB, a Malay, question those of his own race to act fairly?” Zainul wrote in BH.

    What this ketuanan melayu smartass wrote truly reveals himself for what he is – a racist editor with a dark agenda on his mind and belonging to the same league as those operating from Utusan Melayu. Not to mention another one who is running the Malay Mail.

    Zainul’s racist comment is creating racial disharmony and seditious enough to warrant him to be hauled up for publishing inflamatory articles.

    Yes, It’s a crying shame that this man with his blinkered view is in charge of two national newspapers and using them as propaganda machines and spewing dangerous rhetorics to all and sundry.

    He should be locked up because he’s a danger to peaceful and harmonious society.

  29. Kit,

    Since Teoh’s mobile phone has been returned by the police, approach Teoh’s mobile phone service provider to find out what were the last messages stored in their server. Compare the messages from the service provider with that on Teoh’s mobile phone. The party which deleted all or part of messages is the greatest suspect!

  30. They have too many skeletons in the cupboard.
    So many they are falling out of the windows?

    Perhaps Najib or someone else in the UMNO driving seat can touch the MACC – perhaps even they cannot. It’s entirely possible we’ll just have to keep counting the deaths and accept them as evidence that not enough of us voted for a better Malaysia at the last election.

    30 is far too young to die. Very many people who knew him will have had very clear images in their minds of long shared futures with Teoh – those people have had their futures taken away too.

    I note a headline that says the Government is ‘targetting 1m Chinese visitors’. Perhaps someone ought to tell them to keep their heads down and wear body armour?

    Also that non-existant CCTV and a handphone that nobody had have now appeared… what’s next?

  31. After mourning TBH, what is next for the people?

    It is business as usual for MA44 like A4A before not interested to investigation my 27 Police Reports as extend to them since 2004. They know they cannot act on all cases although MA44 ask people to supply information on corruption.

    So it is definitely a selective persecution with a known hidden agenda.

    We should all mourn for our nation as well as it is profligacy of RM30 trillions unresolved but committed by the elite illegal people.

    pw: grodno Regina

  32. I have said this umpteen times but I am repeating it again! Let those who put a cross next to BN in GE 12 regret their whole life for doing so based on the current state of affairs in Malaysia.

  33. nicolee … why? Because when they are archaic and its a legacy from Tunku’s days. Tunku is known to love his alcohol and his women BUT he wanted to champion for his race. The same with MCA and MIC, fight for their own race but not for Malaysia.

    That is the start. Today, by playing it you are subjugating the masses, divide an conquer. In the midst of that they can harvest the nations wealth.

  34. “Also that non-existant CCTV and a handphone that nobody had have now appeared… what’s next?” (OrangRojak)

    If you were the author of the book titled “Murder, she wrote!”, what would you like to be the ending of this suspected murder case?

    I think the Police is looking for Tan Boon Wah now!

  35. YB Kit,

    2009 is a bad year for DAP! I think you must be tired after coming home from Teoh’s funeral. Therefore, you need to take a good rest first before you start writing on this blog again.

    Are you able to locate Tan Boon Wah? If no, then you have to rethink about the case of the unusual death of Teoh Beng Hock!

    DAP recruitted many members, some of whom Guan Eng as a Party Secretary-General doesn’t even know too well about their personal background! Please sit down and have a cool head before you get any clue of what you are supposed to do next!

    It is a decisive moment for the fate of DAP!

  36. Onlooker Politics asks what would you like to be the ending of this suspected murder case?
    We always dream of happy endings, don’t we? Perhaps this case has caused so much upset because an acceptable reason for Teoh’s death doesn’t seem likely, given the circumstances.
    We know nothing (so far, I hope it changes) about why he died. I saw one comment recently to the effect that we can’t prove that some of RPK’s stories are not real. In that spirit, and acknowledging that that puts Rosmah The Slayer, Harry Potter, God and Santa Claus all on the same footing, I think the best that could be hoped for Teoh is that the CCTV will show that he woke up in the pantry and found the exit locked and nobody about, but he could see that an exterior window was open on the other side of the dividing wall. Being a big fan of The Matrix, he opened the window on his side, reached for the far window, caught his pants on the latch, lost his balance…

    It doesn’t feel right, to me, to speculate. I hope you realise that what I would like to be the outcome of this incident is a 3-way balance between the awful reality of it, plausible explanations for the circumstances, and a wish that he did not die at the hands of another. I would like an ending like that. I don’t always get what I want. Neither did he, I fear.

  37. OrangRojak … if what you say is shown on the CCTV then it puts a lot to rest for THIS case but not the rest of the cases. True?

    Why no sketch plans as to where he fell and where the MACC office windows are? Hmmmm …

  38. The autopsy result on Teoh Beng Hock’s corpse was very confusing to me.

    Tan Boon Wah confessed that he saw Teoh Beng Hock lying on the floor of MACC pantry at about 6:00 am 16.07.2009 and Teoh looked tired and sad. After Tan’s returning from 5 minutes’ passing urine at the toilet, Teoh disappeared.

    The autopsy result concluded that Teoh died about 4 to 5 hours before 13:30 pm 16.07.2009, that is said to be between 8:30 am to 9:30 am 16.07.2009.

    I think an independent autopsy expert is urgently required because the present autopsy result is quite skeptical. Between 8:30 am to 9:30 am, many people already walk on the street or sit in the MACC office. Why was there noone paying attention to a flying object falling from the 14th Floor of a high rise building?

    Was it possible that Teoh fell down from the 14th Floor at 6:02 am 16.07.2009 and lied down on the rooftop of the Podium Block when he was still alive until he bereft at 8:30 am the same day? Was there any blood stain of Teoh being found at the rooftop of the Podium Block? This is a mysterious death leading to a mysterious investigation. I think I should quit guessing further because there is no strong clue even after the autopsy to tell about what actually happened with this unusual death case!

  39. “Was it possible that Teoh fell down from the 14th Floor at 6:02 am 16.07.2009 and lied down on the rooftop of the Podium Block when he was still alive until …”

    Nobody who falls fourteen floors down could remain alive for long. He should be dead within minutes. But then it depends who you are talking to. If you talk to limkamput he’ll you you can.

  40. The photograph of Teoh shows him in better condition than I would have first expected if one were to fall 8 or 9 stories onto concrete. Did the autopsy report conclude that his injuries were consistent with falling that exact distance? Were all his injuries directly caused by the fall? The conclusion ‘he died of injuries sustained in the fall’ is not enough in a case such as this, in my view.

    It’s so difficult to know anything without first hand experience of the evidence. Is the report online somewhere? I can’t find an article with the information given by Onlooker Politics. Your suggestion of lying alive with mortal injuries for an extended period should have been obvious to the pathologist, I would have thought.

    SpeakUp – the other cases are the other cases. With so many people suffering from Sudden Death in Malaysia, we have a threshold of notability to consider. Teoh’s easily qualifies, whereas others are just dead people.

    It would be nice to be able to play a part in the investigation, wouldn’t it? I asked for someone to mark the spot on Google (or one of the other overhead photography sites) Maps. I looked, but couldn’t be sure of the exact spot.

    Perhaps someone might like to explain why evidence in a national-interest case cannot be made public so as to benefit from ‘many eyes’. I’m familiar with the conspiracy theory.

  41. “Perhaps someone might like to explain why evidence in a national-interest case cannot be made public so as to benefit from ‘many eyes’.” (OrangRojak)

    The Police investigation is not over yet. The Police still need to call up several witnesses for purpose of recording their cautioned statements.

    The autopsy report may be produced as an evidence in court if there is a prosecution process to be invoked by the Police on an alleged, either due to negligence or murder. As a normal practice in Malaysia, the police will never disclose about what evidences they hold against someone until the legal proceeding has been commenced and the court hearing is undergoing. This is a strategy to make sure that the Police Prosecutor will win in the court case.

  42. The initial postmortem report revealed that Teoh Beng Hock was murdered by MACC.

    1. He was profounded dead around at 8 to 9 AM. But MACC claimed they only heard a big sound at 1.30 PM and then found his body.

    2. His handphone is not with his body.

    3. The latch of window in leval 14 where MACC office is located found at the floor of level 5.

    4. The body is not facing down unlike normal suicide from tall building. This pointed to he was already dead when he was falling down.

    5. The blood stain is abnormal little. This is another sign to show that he already dead before falling down.

    6. His pant was tear. His pant incidentally hooked to window latch before his body was forced out.

    From these initial findings, my conclusion is he was murdered inside the office at 8-9 AM before his dead body was throw out from level 14 at 1.30 PM.

  43. There is one conclusion which we can confidently draw from the information disclosed by Selangor State Police, that is, “Teoh Beng Hock had never been released from the MACC custody before he died.”

    If Teoh Beng Hock had been released by the MACC, his car key, wallet, cash notes, handphone, and briefcase should have already been handed over to Teoh. However, the Selangor State Police Chief confirmed that all those Teoh’s personal belongings were still kept by the MACC staff and had been handed over to the State Police on the same day after Teoh had been found dead.

    The MACC should have no excuse to claim that Shah Alam MACC should not be blamed for causing death to Teoh in view of Teoh’s unusual death happened when he was still kept under the custody of the MACC.

  44. According to a foreign tabloid, sources close to MACC said the deceased was in fact assaulted during questioning and they had taken him up to the 14th floor to threaten him. You connect the dots.

  45. One more important thing:
    Did the autopsy team manage to find any strange thing on the chemical analysis of Teoh’s blood? The Police Investigators should clarify about this because it is important to clear the doubt of possible drug overdosage or possible drug poisoning!

  46. did they check other floor other than 14th floor? there is a posibility that the fall might not happen from 14th floor…they should check it, just depending from the look of the 14th floor window wide open iand determine its the floor which the fall occurd it just too easy, it may have been open widely in advance to guide and focus the investigation team there…please ask them to check other floor to look out other possibility….the case not necessary happen on the macc floor…..

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