Priority of Packaging Over Performance – Najib Razak’s First One Hundred Days

By M. Bakri Musa

I would have expected that the successor to the incompetent and do-nothing Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi has minimal difficulty shining as the bar had been lowered substantially. Yet despite that, Prime Minister Najib Razak has failed to impress us in his first 100 days. His priority is packaging over performance.

Najib may be more poised, his voice less grating, and he stays awake in meetings (Tun Mahathir gave him top marks for that!), but in content and performance, he is of the same bottom-league kayu belukar quality as Abdullah, and far from the sturdy meranti quality we long yearn in our leaders. Abdullah lasted slightly over five years; it took time to see through his vacuity. Now sensitized, voters are less tolerant and less forgiving of incompetence. Najib will have an even briefer tenure.

Najib’s two signature and high profile initiatives in his first 100 days are his website and his micromanagement of Perak’s legislative politics. The first illustrates Najib’s slick packaging; the second, the empty content and inept performance.
Continue reading “Priority of Packaging Over Performance – Najib Razak’s First One Hundred Days”

The Seditious Press

by Thomas Lee

The following Antara misteri dan politiking headlines appeared on Sunday:

Berita Minggu:
Kematian Teoh timbulkan pelbagai spekulasi politik
By Zainul Arifin (NSTP Group Editor)

Mingguan Malaysia:

By Awang Selamat

I now understand and support Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s decision to boycott the NST group of newspapers and stopped the state government’s subscription of the papers.

It is simply beyond an intelligent person’s comprehension how an editor could arrive at the conclusion that the protest against the high-handed methods of the MACC is a challenge to the Malays. Only an immature, insecure and not too intelligent person can look at the Teoh Beng Hock case from a racial perspective. OneMalaysia? Nonsense! If we have people in positions of power and influence with such racialist mentality, there can never be OneMalaysia.

I have just retired as a journalist after nearly 35 years in the profession, and during my years as a reporter, socio-political analyst and editor, I have identified five types of journalists in the media community. Continue reading “The Seditious Press”

Malaysia no longer “Tanah Melayu”

By Azly Rahman

Today is July 19, 2009, 40 years after the May 13, 1969 tragedy.

I dedicate these notes to Teo Beng Hock, a young Malaysian who ought to be an inspiration to many wishing to call Malaysia home.

Because we have agreed to become a country rooted in a social contract that ought to give equality, equity, and equal opportunity to all who have given up their natural rights in exchange for “citizenship” and the rights of the State to tax them (with or without representation), we must recognize that Malaysia is for Malaysians.

This will be the most humane perspective we ought to work towards in holding. What is needed is a system of check and balance that will ensure that each generation of Malaysians will progress without the trappings of mistrust, hatred, and institutionalized racism.
Continue reading “Malaysia no longer “Tanah Melayu””

MCA, Gerakan, MIC Ministers must speak up to get support of UMNO Ministers in Cabinet on Wednesday to censure Berita Minggu and Mingguan Malaysia and in particular New Straits Times editor-in-chief Zainul Arifin

The Cabinet has a heavy responsibility when it meets on Wednesday as a result of the extraordinary death of Teoh Beng Hock, 30, the political secretary to Selangor DAP State Exco and State Assemblyman for Seri Kembangan, Ean Yong Han Hwa who went to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Shah Alam to co-operate in its investigations but end up as a flying corpse from the 14th floor MACC Hqrs the next day.

I am not asking the Cabinet to decide on the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh’s death as I expect the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to announce the establishment of the Royal Commission of Inquiry tonight on his return from abroad – if he has ears close to the ground to keep close touch with the pulse of the nation.

I do expect the Cabinet to address several important issues which have cropped up as a result of Teoh’s death, the public outcry of rage and outrage as well as the reactionary reactions to such legitimate nation-wide feelings and responses.

One such reactionary reaction is the distortion, manipulation and incitement of the most racist and communal discord in the country as illustrated by articles in Berita Minggu and Mingguan Malaysia yesterday. Continue reading “MCA, Gerakan, MIC Ministers must speak up to get support of UMNO Ministers in Cabinet on Wednesday to censure Berita Minggu and Mingguan Malaysia and in particular New Straits Times editor-in-chief Zainul Arifin”

Najib should stop MACC war against PR and direct it to return to its original purpose of declaring war against corruption and focus on mega corruptions like RM12.5 billion PKFZ and RM24 million Istana Khir Toyo scandals

Right-thinking and justice-loving Malaysians regardless of race, religion or political beliefs must ensure that Teoh Beng Hock, political secretary to DAP Selangor State Exco and Seri Kembangan Assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah, should not die in vain.

Firstly, what has happened to Malaysia 52 years after Merdeka that a young, healthy, vigorous and idealistic political activist could enter the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in Shah Alam to co-operate with its investigations to end up as a flying corpse from the 14th floor MACC Hqrs?

The MACC Chief Commissioner, Datuk Ahmad Said, after two days of silence, made a heartless statement that MACC should not be blamed for Teoh’s death, ignoring the fact that Teoh was in MACC premises when the tragedy occurred.

What is even more outrageous is that in his statement, Ahmad Said showed no remorse, compassion or sympathy whatsoever for the death of Teoh.

Is a person who is so cold-blooded and totally bereft of the milk of kindness fit to head the MACC?

We want the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to hear the nation-wide outrage, anger and demand for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh’s death.
Continue reading “Najib should stop MACC war against PR and direct it to return to its original purpose of declaring war against corruption and focus on mega corruptions like RM12.5 billion PKFZ and RM24 million Istana Khir Toyo scandals”

Twitter updates from Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral at Alor Gajah

From dust 2dust ashes 2ashes TBH buried 230pm in solemn grief dignity resolution 2uncover the truth
Monday, July 20, 2009 03:10 PM

TBH hearse on way 2Semenyih Memorial Park 4burial DAP leaders following Selangor MB Khalid will b there
Monday, July 20, 2009 11:25

After last respects by reps of assns societies public solemn ceremony ended with 1km procession involving thousands 2AG historic funeral
Monday, July 20, 2009 11:21

Pakatan Rakyat leaders of DAP PKR PAS pay last respects 1st time in PR history
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:28

Anwar arrives w PKR leaders 2pay last respects
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:25

Have 2hold back tears in DAP cec last respects
Monday, July 20, 2009 10:22
Continue reading “Twitter updates from Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral at Alor Gajah”

Nation mourns for Teoh Beng Hock

Leaving PJ now for Alor Gajah for Teoh Beng Hock’s last journey.

Nation and all right-thinking people mourn for Teoh Beng Hock.

Even more, they mourn for the country and people.

Nation in shock, grief and anger – greater shock, grief and anger than four days ago when the dastardly deed was committed.

Let us transform our shock, grief and anger into People’s Power to change Malaysia so that there will not be another Teoh Beng Hock and death in custody, whether MACC, Police or any other government agency in Malaysia.