LKS wants to meet Najib at the first available opportunity after his overseas trip

Note: This fax was sent at 9.38am

18hb Julai 2009

Perdana Menteri Malaysia
Pejabat Perdana Menteri,
Blok Utama, Bangunan Perdana Putra,
Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,

Menerusi Fax (603-8888 3444) & Emel ([email protected])

YAB Dato’ Seri,

Per: Meminta satu perjumpaan dengan YAB segera

Saya menulis untuk meminta supaya satu perjumpaan dengan YAB boleh diaturkan secepat mungkin selepas kepulangan YAB dari lawatan ke luar negara.
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A sobering thought

by Hussein Hamid

At what stage in his tenure as Prime Minister did Mahathir decided that the end justifies the means? When he did that he threw away accountability and responsibility of his actions to the people. It is one thing for a businessman to take chances in making his business decisions because the consequences of his actions, good or bad, will be for him and him alone to bear – and another when the consequences of your actions affects the nation. There must have come a time when Mahathir had some self doubts as to the rightness of his decision making process – he was wrong with Musa, with Anwar, with Pak Lah. He was wrong with Eric Cheah, Abdullah Ang, Tajuddin Ramli. He was wrong about Privatization…or if you want to be tedious – the implementation of it was flawed. But what I would want to pin him to is that he was the one who brought the culture of materialism into the UMNO physce and in so doing, into the Malay consciousness – and by default, into the minds of the people. When you decide that the acquisition of material wealth is the path you want to take in your life, then whatever you do from then on, will reflect the importance of that choice in your life…and that my friend has been the undoing of UMNO and the many other things that is now wrong with our country. No longer will decency, family values, religion, honour, duty to country and all those values that hold together the fabric of society be considered important. Look at Khir Toyo – what need is there for him to acquire and flaunt such trappings of wealth with his new found wealth (while he was MB) with such haste. Did it ever occur to him that there would be questions asked or has the actions of other leaders that went before him precluded the need to hide his ill gotten gains? Greed is good? Yes Proton, KLCC, KLIA, the many many Highways that were built, and so many mega projects etc etc all these are Mahathir’s legacies… Continue reading “A sobering thought”

Najib should emulate his father Tun Razak and appoint a new IGP still with four or five years of service brimming with ideas to plan out and implement police reforms

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should start the new practice of appointing a new Inspector-General of Police still with four or five years of service brimming with ideas to plan out and implement police reforms instead of the current practice of appointing senior police officers left with one or two years’ service more interested about post-retirement arrangements.

This issue becomes very pertinent at a time when the Prime Minister must appoint a new IGP or give Tan Sri Musa Hassan a second extension as IGP.

Musa’s Hassan further extension as IGP is highly objectionable for two reasons:

Firstly, it makes nonsense of Najib’s pledge of “People First. Performance Now” and his commitment that his administration gives top priority to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), when Musa’s KPIs as IGP in the past three years are one of dismal failure.

If proof is needed, just look at the crime situation today as compared to the scenario and targets worked out by the Dzaiddin Police Royal Commission of Inquiry in 2005.

In fact, under Musa, Malaysians are even more unsafe from street crimes now than when he became IGP in September5 2006. Can Musa or the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein prove me wrong.
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Najib will lose credibility and wipe out all the popularity ratings he clawed back from 45% to 65% just before end of his First Hundred Days if there is no Royal Commission of Inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s extraordinary plunge to death from 14th floor MACC hqrs

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should be forewarned that he will lose credibility and wipe out all the popularity ratings he clawed back from 45% to 65% just before the end of his First Hundred Days if there is no Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) into Teoh Beng Hock’s extraordinary plunge to death from 14th floor Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters in Shah Alam on Thursday.

Any refusal to establish a RCI into the unusual death of the political secretary to DAP Selangor State Exco and Seri Kembangan Assemblyman, Ean Yong Hian Wah, will be regarded by a very skeptical public that the Najib administration is not prepared to come clean in the first case of death in MACC custody, occurring on the 105th day of Najib as Prime Minister.

After the scandal of the Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s “black eye” while in police custody in 1998, which Anwar was accused of having inflicted on himself, there is just no public trust that the police can be depended on its independence, impartiality and professionalism when dealing with politically high-profile cases – like the present Teoh case.

Who will believe Teoh, 30 would commit suicide by leaping from the 14th floor of MACC headquarters when he is to register his marriage to teacher Soh Cher Wei, 28 the next day and that Soh is two-month pregnant?
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