Teoh Beng Hock’s first death in MACC custody defining test for MACC and Najib’s commitment to accountability, transparency and rule of law

The first death in Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) custody, Teoh Beng Hock, political secretary to DAP Selangor State Exco and Seri Kembangan Assemblyman, Ean Yong Hian Wah, is the defining test for the MACC as to its independence and professionalism as well as for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s commitment to accountability, transparency and the rule of law.

The heartless, cruel and insensitive statement by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz on Teoh’s death has aggravated the outrage of ordinary Malaysians regardless of race and religion demanding full accountability and transparency as to how an idealistic political activist who is to register his civil marriage the next day could take his own life after oppressive overnight questioning allegedly from 6 pm to 4 am by the MACC as a witness and not as an accused!

Nazri said he was informed by the MACC that Teoh was released earlier yesterday morning, and he should have gone home instead and asked: “How would we know that he would jump out of the building” (PDF)?

He said Pakatan Rakyat should not blame MACC for Teoh’s death.

My three responses are:

  • Firstly, how did Nazri know that Teoh “jumped out” of the 14th floor of the building?
  • Secondly, it is not just Pakatan Rakyat but the overwhelming majority of Malaysians who blame MACC for Teoh’s death for the simple reason that Teoh was in the custody and premises of MACC when he plunged to his death from the 14th storey MACC office, and after being subjected to an unusual and oppressive overnight interrogation by MACC from 6 pm to 4 am when he was not a suspect but only a witness;
  • Thirdly, if MACC is not to be blamed for Teoh’s death, is the blame to be directed to Nazri as the Minister responsible for MACC or to Prime Minister Najib himself?

As I told the Selangor MACC Director Ja’afar bin Mahad this morning, unless MACC can come out with a convincing and satisfactory explanation for Teoh’s death, MACC’s present story disclaiming responsibility does not sell and public perception throughout the country is that this is the first case of MACC custody death, which will do irreparable damage to what is already a very poor image of MACC after six months of operation.

I am very disappointed by the meeting at MACC Shah Alam headquarters this morning between Pakatan Rakyat leaders, namely Parliamentary Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng, Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and myself with Ja’afar.

Ja’afar said he was instructed not to say anything as Teoh’s death is under police investigations.

It is most regrettable that MACC Deputy Commissioner Datuk Abu Kassim Mohammad was not present at the meeting in Shah Alam although I had fixed the appointment with him yesterday over phone. This is blatant irresponsibility coming from the No. 2 in MACC.

Parliament had set up the MACC to wipe out the corrupt and not to murder any Malaysian – and the onus is on MACC to prove that it has not deviated from the parliamentary and national objectives of the MACC to spearhead the war against corruption instead of its declaring war against the Pakatan Rakyat as the catspaw of UMNO/Barisan Nasional.

When the MACC Bill was introduced in Parliament last December, Abu Kassim said that under the new legislation, five bodies will closely watch over the MACC to ensure its transparency and integrity.

These five bodies are: Anti-Corruption Advisory Board; Special Committee on Corruption; Operations Review Panel; Corruption Prevention and Consultative Panel; and a Complaints Committee.

Abu Kassim publicly declared at the time that with these five scrutinizing bodies, the MACC would not be accused of being the “lapdog” of the government as its predecessor the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) had been accused in the past.

But this has proved to be a empty rhetoric, as half a year after its establishment, MACC has proven to be even worse than ACA in being the “lapdog” of the Barisan Nasional government especially in the blatant manner it has declared war on the Pakatan Rakyat, particularly in Selangor!

The five MACC scrutinizing bodies, particularly the Anti-Corruption Advisory Board and Special Committee on Corruption should just disband if they are totally impotent to check the MACC deviations and abuses of power so early in its establishment.

Najib has just completed his First Hundred Days with a redound in his popularity rating, but he is heading for the doldrums if he condones any cover-up in the first death in MACC custody in the case of Teoh.

The first thing Najib should do on his return from his trip overseas for the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting is to announce the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to conduct a full public inquiry to get to the bottom of Teoh’s extraordinary plunge to death from the 14th floor-MACC Building in Shah Alam yesterday.

148 Replies to “Teoh Beng Hock’s first death in MACC custody defining test for MACC and Najib’s commitment to accountability, transparency and rule of law”

  1. This is funny … I forgot who said it, getting 65% is one thing, maintaining is another. This Teoh’s incident will be truly a test.

    I think they will say that:

    i. Teoh got cold feet for his marriage so he ended it;
    ii. he had major sleep walking problems.

    It will be another Kugan … no difference.

  2. ///Nazri said he was informed by the MACC that Teoh was released earlier yesterday morning, and he should have gone home instead and asked: “How would we know that he would jump out of the building”?///– Kit

    Nazri should look at the picture of the late Teoh lying on the floor. See http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/108635. He should notice that Teoh’s trousers was torn at the buttock. It could not be torn during the fall. It could not be torn if he had jumped out of the window. Somebody was holding Teoh by his legs. The grip on the legs gave way and the person(s) was left holding the leg-end of the trousers, and it must have happened suddenly. Teoh was dropped to his death.

    Nazri is irresponsible to claim that Teoh jumped out of the building. It was homicide, not suicide.

  3. DAP is trying to make use of the incident to attract sympathy of the Rakyat. I know very well this is one of their dirty tactics to win over the heart of the voters. This is purely an accident and should not be turned into a national issue that creates social unrest. This is a modern society and evidence is needed for any accusation. Accusation without evidence is defamation. Chinese should be satisfied with what they have today and should not go for the extreme like what DAP is doing.

  4. I don’t even care what the reasons and outcome of any investigation anymore. It really does not matter. The only way to make real change in corruption, crime and judiciary is to kick out BN/UMNO. Its really the ONLY moral and logical choice.

  5. Najib talked about 1malaysia, and did things that seem to show that he is serious about it.. But the MACC being used to hound the opposition, and now to the death, will wipe out any gain that he has apparently won. No more will the public trust him. Only Racists and UMNO supremacists will… The MACC has behaved worse than the Police in this instance :-(

  6. Next, Nazi may claim that Teoh, while resting at MACC, had a dream of R. Kelly’s “I Believe I Can Fly”:

    “But now I know the meaning of true love
    I’m leaning on the everlasting arms

    I believe I can fly
    I believe I can touch the sky
    I think about it every night and day
    Spread my wings and fly away
    I believe I can soar
    I see me running through that open door
    I believe I can fly
    I believe I can fly
    (Oh) I believe I can fly”

    So, Teoh opened the window and flew
    While flying, Teoh scratched his backside so hard that the back of his pants tore open
    His wrists also got injured
    Then, sudden death

  7. “This is purely an accident and should not be turned into a national issue that creates social unrest.” (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,
    An accident? What the hell you are talking about here?

    It seemed that the MACC was following the Police way of using brutal force during the interrogation process.

    Most Malaysians know that the Police Force will use violence on a suspect or a key eyewitness during the interrogation process in order to force a detainee to disclose the information wanted by the Police. I was once under the police custody with the ISA. During the interrogation process, when the CID suspected that I was telling lie, he outrageously picked up a chair made of hard wood trying to slam the chair unto me. I was very angry with that life threat. I stared at the CID with a pair of my stern eyes and told him to drop the chair. I was prepared to die on the spot when I uttered such two words, “Drop it!” Thank God after having personal eye contact with the CID, he immediately cooled himself down and dropped the chair slowly, looking like an amazing force had helped to save my life from the devilish attack.

    We should always pray hard when when are in trouble! Regrettably, BengHock died too early before he got a chance to tell us about his experience with the MACC interrogation!

  8. Would it be possible that from a scene played out many times in movies that a person undergoing ruthless interrogation being held upside down high up on a building, with the interrogators holding the person by his pants and they didn’t realise that this poor man was wearing cheap pants that tear easily and he thus fell or dropped from the window ledge. Afterall, most highrise buildings don’t allow their windows to open too widely. So looking at the photos, Teoh’s pants were torn at the back, the windows do not open too wide enough for him to accidentally jump out or could he have walked into the hole of the window. Furthermore, interrogation until wee hours in the morning. Why? To hide the interrogation methods? And it is the first time that a govt department or office do not have any CCTV? Too many questions but no answer.

  9. This Nazri is simply a crown who provide entertainment to the parliament.

    people always like to link every thing to race. That is immature.

    Now think of the lady who give birth to this young boy and now turn to young man, and today suppose to be married today but it turn up to be his last day in this worldly life ? Any human who can breath will share the same and no this race and that race.

    Now why should his life cut short just like that?

    Was it not right to ask MACC for an answer as they are the last who see him a live?

    What have they put into him, in words that him before his death? While some one may know but we will never expect an answer and it is to be dealt with GOD in the next live to come!

    But, why should this turn to race when we all know MACC should not conduct their duties and acted like hooligans!

    Any one wish to challenge what NAdes have said all this while in his articles in the Sun about MACC? ANY ONE PROOF HIM WRONG ?

    Why can’t some one hold his conscience to ask why this young should dead in that way?

    Are we expect to have any answer?

    What ever it is, we have to come together to stopped this. We Malaysian did not reserve this kind culture of hooliganism as practiced by MACC. More so they have nothing to shown when come to thing like PKFZ and many other issues that really affecting the daily life of Malaysia.

    We have to stop it PR and BN must come together and we need to fight as some thing is not right for MACC to act all this while.

  10. First of all, my deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Teo.

    I totally agree with you that if the five bodies who are supposed to closely watch the MACC are mere spectators who did nothing, what’s the use of putting them there? It is very obvious now that macc has become lapdog of bn to suppress, harass and threaten their political opponents. Did any of these 5 came out to say they have been bias/double standard?

    I am not sure exactly how the agency work but surely, like all other institutions, there must be some sort of fixed guideline and not simply resort to selective investigation/ prosecution and also carry out their investigation at whim & fancy like interrogating a witness till the wee hour of the morning and refusal of the company of legal rep.

    I think the agency has been vested with too wide powers, this if not regulated, will lead to abuse and the danger is that it is highly possible tht they became a powerful tool of unscrupulous politicians.

  11. This is what the MCA President says at the website:

    ” … I hope that the document can lead all members of the Party and and the Chinese community at large to create a better future.”

    Gerakan website says this:

    “We are in politics not because we want money, position, status or prestige but because we believe in our ideology and want to serve the people.”

    Still silence from MCA and Gerakan huh? Wow … they purport to champion for us Chinese and Malaysians!

    I think everyone should send them an email … I did … with my name and contact too! Jerks …

  12. What is wrong with you all? Kasim is correct, its a mere accident. They accidentally:

    i. hit him too hard;
    ii. interrogate him too much;
    iii. threatened him a lot;

    Most of all maybe they ACCIDENTALLY dropped him. True or not?

    Kasim read this: http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/24477/84/

    If you have not experienced with the police etc then best not to speak. I know what they are like. You think this is Switzerland issit?

  13. Needless to say, UMNO, MACC (or whatever you call it), the police, and forensic unit (lazy and incompetent department by international standards) will cover the case up, just like what they have done in many cases involving UMNO politicians and their cronies. The photo already shows some signs that he was subjected to torture during interrogation. Why should anyone be questioned up to 4 am other than to torture him? I would like to extend my deepest condolences to Teoh’s family and his wife-to-be. This is a terrible experience for them. May his soul rest is peace, and may his death in the hands of UMNO not go in vain. CURSES to UMNO politicians and may God’s SEVERE PUNISHMENT be on all of you for your cruelty and greed beyond humane standards. May this incident be made known to the whole world to show the evil and corruption of UMNO.

  14. There are so many idiotic things happening the last few days.

    First, the death of Teoh. Yes DAP leaders have every reason to be angry and upset. My question is: Why was he left alone there? Why no other DAP leaders or sub leaders have provided him support and company. Yes, he may have to face the interview alone with MACC, but there must be at least one DAP official accompanying him there. Is there a crime if someone just waits there while he was being interviewed?

    Second, it is about that lawyer Singh and Penang Gerakan Youth making reports against Guan Eng. Look, how many scumbags are there in this country. How despicable can they get, what has this country come to? You bloody scumbags think you have moral high grounds to make reports. Let me tell you this: it is precisely we have scumbags like you fellows that this country is now in shamble and will probably remain so for a long time. You bloody assh*les turned a blind eye to all the mega corruptions and abuses in the country. Instead, you can only set your sight on Guan Eng’s RENTED bungalow. How despicable can you fellows get? I wish you read this and come to debate with me. I don’t think Guan Eng will ever use racist remarks on this stupid Singh. But for me, I would like your call you a useless spineless bayi, how about it? And to Penang Gerakan Youth, you fellows don’t ever hope you will be in power again. Sorry, no more spoil for you fellows, find a job.

    Third, if PKR ever allows that former DAP scumbag and now MP of Wangsa Maju to stand again in the next general election, DAP should consider pulling out of PR. All these scumbags should be buried for good.

  15. MACC is a bunch of very racist human being.

    Somebody must do something that to debate isn’t it this land malaya orang asli live and occupied this land hundreds earlier than any race in Malaysia.

    Somebody better come this topic to clarified is orang asli are the earliest people occupied this land Malaya.

    This debate can let all malaysians know that all are immigrants/emigrants in this land except the orang asli.

  16. I am very angry.

    Angry, because the thugs at MACC are purely thugs, and bullies, with no professionalism. They hounded and bullied suspects, and coerce confessions, they bullied weaker people, they threaten to harm suspects families, they use their position given to them by the government to make threats and use force and torture to scare suspects. They are no more than government sanctioned gangsters. They are also racist in their attitude, not always, but more so than usual. They prey on the weak. They do not follow procedure. They are next to useless. They are corrupt and should be investigated. They are in essence the devil incarnate himself.

    The should be disbanded and the closed shop.

  17. LimKaput … when in such interrogation you have not right to a counsel or anyone. PERIOD.

    Darshan Singh matter is funny and you should see the video but that bai/abdullah did not see it. He is a major troublemaker in Penang, superb example of a jerk of a lawyer. I was around him before.

  18. Limkaput … they can just make you stand outside the building to wait, deny you entry or even better, arrest you, remember Brickfields la. What good is that? We are unlike the US, unfortunately.

    I like this quote:

    “When I despair, I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end they always fall. Think of it. Always.”

  19. it is sad that:

    (1) teoh has become a political sacrifice of the brutal bn regime. beside bribery and corruption, it seems that murder or death threat are the favorite political gimmicks of the bn government trying to protect their own interests. definitely nr has ‘outshined’ all his predecessors.

    (2) we all should remember that this shitty macc is a product of aab’s legacy. he did not leave a good name in his political career but created a mechanism that, now, life threatening and murderous. now you all should now that why he was so eager to pass the bill before stepping down. now aab is talking about repealing the isa. i think he should now be accountable for this death first.

    (3) the opposition pr should contributorily responsible also. did the opposition pr do good enough to block the passing of such legislatures that very obviously flaw?

    (4) every life is previous. a life is lost now, which i do not believe he voluntarily jumped off the window. JUSTICE NEEDS TO BE REDEEMED.

    (5) i read with anger that the msm reported same day a crowd at the KLIA welcoming the manchester united team. it is truly sad that the malaysians cares more about foreigners but show insufficient interest in the death of a fellow malaysian. where are we going, malaysia and malaysians?

  20. Apa yang Kasim cakap, saya rasa malu dan kecewa. Bukankah ini negara untuk semua rakyat tanpa mengira kaum? Bukankah kita ini semua samarata di sisi undang2? Bukankah agama kita mengajar kita berlaku adil kepada semua?

  21. i agree with intan

    kasim does not reflect majority of the malays.
    he only reflect the racist umno thugs.

    kasim, we are talking about an innocent man getting killed & trying to get some justice for him & his loved ones. AND out of nowhere you come in & attack the Chinese??

    What are you? Some kind of racist creature who’d never been with contact with another normal human being? I bet you’d attack the Chinese even if the topic is agriculture, or video games.

    If the victim was your brother, or fiance, how would you feel?

    kasim, you are not a malay, you are a nobody.
    When M’sian politics mature & is no longer race-based, you will be obsolete & disappear. run now

  22. Sdr. Lim is wrong. Its not a test for Najib’s administration. Its a test of everything he is, has and can be. Its a test of everything.

    Basically, no more chance.

    The entire BN/UMNO system and everything and everybody that is attached to it has to go. EVERYBODY HAS TO CHOOSE TO LEAVE IT OR LEAVE WITH IT..

  23. The picture of Teoh showed blood around from his hip. From the amount of blood on the floor, can one judge if he died on impact, or was he already dead even before the fall?

    Sad day for this country. May Teoh RIP and justice be delivered.

  24. this is really a stupid country governed stupid people.
    Now, we want a Royal Commission to investigate;
    Now, let police do their job;
    Now, the loose cannon form Hindraf has formed a new political party;
    Now, Teoh’s death must not be in vain.
    Have we not heard of all these before?
    What happened to Kugan’s investigation?
    What happened to Lingam’s tape?
    Oh, now we have Human Right Party, never mind we have IPF, MIC and PPP. How many scumbag parties do we really need? I suggest from now on we should be very careful when donating money. May be someone need to tell us where Hindraf got all the money to do all the monkey stuff.
    Can MCA and GERAKAN do the honourable thing? No, i don’t think so.
    What about PAS? What is your stand on the latest? Was there PAS supporters at the MACC building?
    Now, let me tell you this: nothing is going to change if scumbags are spurting up like mushrooms.
    You know what, we should forget MCA and Gerakan and PAS for the time being. We should just treat that scumbag bayi lawyer from Penang, the Gerakan youth, that MP from wangsa maju exactly like that hehehe from Jelapang, boycott them, don’t serve them anything.

  25. Limkaput … I think your BP is very high la … you might blow a gasket. Easy la … relaaaaxxx brudder.

    Have you written in to MCA and Gerakan? Hammer them with emails la … that would be good for them. Show them we all are sick of this sort of nonsense.

  26. LKS,

    Set up an opinion poll and let us, the public, show the government that it is we, the rakyat who demand a Royal Inquiry and not just the PKR officials.

    Please don’t disappoint us. Help us do something to dignify Teoh Beng Huat’s death.

  27. The objective of MACC is very clear!!! It does not require a rocket scientist to know!!!
    First the DAP gate incident, now, they are after all the DAP reps. Next, they will go after all the supporters!!!

    Malaysia Boleh Bunuh!!!

  28. Kassim, Are You There? Can you read this?

    What religion teach you to cause death (or to kill) thy neighbour??? Are you a muslim? and you trying to say that DAP cannot bring up this matter on the “shocking death” of its member due to some “happenings” done by other Muslims? and all the Muslim brothers must just laugh at it?

    Do you know what ALLAH want you to do with all the good, innocent non-muslims staying together in your country? Have you found it in the Quran? Have you asked TGNA if you are not sure about this?

    Are you paid by Ameno?

    Tulisan awak di atas telah memalukan umat ISLAM dan orang Melayu. Semua umat Islam dalam PAS telah membantah dan menuntut diadakan siasatan DiRaja tentang perkara ini, malangnya awak seorang telah memalukan kita semua.

    Jangan kerana wang dan pangkat awak sanggup merosakkan apa sahaja, pls! Jadilah seorang yang lebih dewasa dan lebih mengimani Al Quran, bukan menjadi hamba politik atau hamba wang.

  29. //Have you written in to MCA and Gerakan? Hammer them with emails la … that would be good for them. Show them we all are sick of this sort of nonsense.//

    What are u talking about? You want me to dirty my fingers is it? If those scumbags want to read mine, they have to come here.

  30. Toyol is talking nonsense.Maybe he doesn’t know how much a life is worth actually.He must be jittery right now.Chances are he may be part of it.Never trust this guy and all his cronies.Make sure he never sits on the throne ever again.And when PR takes over Federal………..lets start to nab this chap one by one starting with him from our state…but we will do it according to the law and not law of the jungle.

    LKS………too much have been lost…..Kugan, etc and now Teoh……it has to stop by all means.No more.Do not let BN rest on their laurels.
    Alot of youngster out there have yet to even register to vote come next GE.What are we gonna do about this?It is our one and only chance to get rid of the Corrupt Regime once and for all.Do not be complacent.We will do our part to for the betterment of our country.

  31. while all malaysian are so angry and sad about the death of Teoh Beng Hock at MACC office. The MCA pemuda is still sitting there to condemn Khalid for earning cheap political popularity.Khalid is there with all DAP leaders to seek justice for the late teoh k. I really very angry towards all these cowards and useless MCA leaders. And i hope that MCA will lose all their contests in coming general election. They are really useless.

  32. http://www.malaysiainsider.com/index.php/malaysia/32588-teohs-body-to-be-released-to-family-this-evening-

    Ronnie Liu, who was also at the mortuary told, The Malaysian Insider that DAP had asked the police to return Teoh’s handphone

    I don’t understand why Ronnie Liu needs the handphone. Unless the police are certain (how can they be?) that Teoh’s death was an accident, shouldn’t they be the ones to hold and examine the handphone? If neither the police nor the MACC have his phone, then his network provider should be asked where it is, or where and when it last was switched on. Why are there never any facts?

  33. If one or two Malay Personnels (definately not a real Muslim brother) happen to come accross this page and try to make stupid jokes, pls redirect him to this page: http://www.harakahdaily.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=021790&Itemid=85

    I believe everybody knows that this is a POLITICAL ISSUE – not a racial issue! Pakatan is doing so good with all races in our country and PAS is NOT a MALAY-BASED PARTY. It’s the ISLAMIC PARTY with all the HUDUD and Quranic verses.

    DAP: pls don’t hate HUDUD so much anymore because without HUDUD, another Malaysian, now is a DAP member, was found killed or “DEAD”. Definitely those who killed this innocent man will be dealt fiercely by HUDUD.

    Islam strictly doesn’t allow any life to be easily taken away by anybody – Muslim or non-muslim. Only GOD can take away your life!

    Ask TGNA what will happen to the killer of this boy if HUDUD is implemented. It this ok?

  34. From what we observed, MACC is even a bigger lapdog for the BN. Why is the MACC going after the Opposition? What about Khir and his big bungalow? What about the PKFZ? Those are the rakyat money?

    In this case, why was a witness, not a perpetrator of a crime held and questioned until 3.45am in the morning. I say that again, why 3.45am in the morning. Is the crime so big? Can it be as big as the PKFZ where two former transport ministers went beyond their authority.

    We must thank Abdullah Badawi for this legacy, MACC??

    As for Nazri, if he has nothing intelligent to say, for god sake, shut up.

  35. “Chinese should be satisfied with what they have today and should not go for the extreme like what DAP is doing.” (Kasim Amat)

    Kasim Amat,
    Are you trying to preach us the concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” (The Malay Supremacy) here? Does the concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” imply that all Chinese Malaysians must behave humbly and slavely in front of all “Tuan Melayu”? Otherwise, does the concept of “Ketuanan Melayu” imply that those disobedient Chinese Malaysians would most likely die an untimely mysterious death as a punishment for their disrespectful defiance against the so-called “Tuan” (the Master) because the Chinese Malaysians are said to behave unthankfully to “Tuan Melayu”?

    What a typical despicable Malay racist you are, Kasim Amat!!!

  36. Ha!Ha!
    The police is investigating?
    Kugan’s case pun belum selesai. Till today no news. Now Teoh’s case?
    Hey, Khir Toyo claimed that his questioning by MACC was recorded. Teoh’s too must have been recorded. Why not get hold of the recording and see the lines of questioning?
    Was he treated like Khir Toyol?
    Your guess is as good as mine!
    Lastly NAZRI keep your mouth SHUT!

  37. From what Mr. Tan Boon Hwa described, the MACC is more than a lap dog. Their mission is to create and manufacture evidence to persecute and shame the Opposition, for BN to stay in power. It is not there to work for the people and answerable only to Parliament.

    We are definitely living in a police state. 1GestapoMalaysia.

  38. What Tan Boon Hwa described reminds me of the army rule of Bangladesh in the last few years.

    What the army did was to manufacture evidence. They would questioned ( for long hours) and force certain parties to sign made up statements against targeted parties so that the army can charge them in court and therefore eliminate political dissent against the army and to show that the military government was doing a lot to eliminate corruption.

    For example, one party made a donation to the national foundation, never meant to be for a particular individual. He was forced to sign a statement that the money was paid to the politician. He refused and was put in detention without charge.

  39. If we follow the logic of creating evidence from the Tan Boon Hwa’s description, we must asked how credible is the evidence presented for the sodomy case of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim? Manufactured by the police?

  40. Kit,

    Check if Teoh Beng Hock still had his wallet and watch with him when he died.

    The police and MACC said that they did not keep Teoh Beng Hock’s hand-phone. If Teoh beng Hock still had the wallet and watch with him but without the hand-phone when he died, then the chances are high that Teoh was was murdered.

  41. Which constituency elected this Nazri. If I were in his constituency and voted for him, I do know where to hide my face.

    Isn’t this guy who was Minister for Enterpreneurial Development (?), which issued a mountain of taxi licences and the ACA (not yet MACC) wanted to investigate him. His response is that he and the Government are the bosses and ACA cannot investigate him, as if he is above the law? What a silly no brainer comment. I thought if he has any political sense he should say, if ACA has enough evidence, they are welcome to come to see him.

    Anyway, now he is de facto law minister? Oh my god? What is happening to Malaysia? Apa pun boleh ke?. MalaysiaBolehKetawa MBK! Wonder why is Najib still keeping him after all these gaffes? Some politicing that we are not aware of?

  42. Memang ada kemusykilan tentang kematian saudara Teo. Kebanyakan rakyat Msia memang berharap kebenaran dan keadilan mengenai penyiasatan kematian beliau.

    Setakat ini, hanya Tuhan yang apa sebenarnya berlaku. Dan mungkin mereka yang “terlibat” kalau ada.

    Harapan rakyat Msia adalah satu, PM, pihak Polis dan MACC menegakan keadilan and ketelusan.

    Takziah kepada keluarga Teoh dan bakal isteri beliau.

  43. It was common to use family members as a threat. But believe me here is how religion belief can assist one who have strong religion belief. Please do not cow by this MACC or who ever the interrogator’s trained technique, while closed family member are closed to us but we owe all human the same. So the son and wife in this life is temporary, so that be attache to them too closely, if they threatened to harm them let it be if this was faiths other wise no body can heart your wife and children so no be cow by them. Off course this easy to say than done. but there is why religion belief come into play. Many of us did not belief in God that is why we are so easily be threaten by those who has the power.

    MACC has grossly abused their power for the benefits of those in power. they are not only being used by those in power but it seem they are have voluntarily champion the course of those in power. that is the head of all these agency are being keep renewing upon expiry of their terms. it seem the same old guy are being keep reappointing again and again.

    BN may not have specifically directed what they should do and they always claimed they worked independently which is true. but in order to keep their term of appointment going they will do all actions that is in the BN favour because other wise when come to the expiry of the term they will not be reappointed. So we have a system which can not be easy to changed this kind of attitude unless the whole system change and this is difficult.

  44. What Tan Boon Hwa disclosure was nothing new for those who read RPK’s articles on how MACC worked. Believe or not is not important but all these while nobody has proof RPK was false.

    As I said it again another person who has wrote substantially about MACC is Mr. Nades, again no body has proof him wrong or bring him to court for malicious reporting. His and Terrence also from the Sun has written many many articles about the conduct of MACC, and it seems their articles were just for entertaining over a cup of morning coffee. This was the sickness of today Malaysia.

    Many and the Minister Nazri, the crown has come into defense of MACC, but why don’t NAZRI bring NADES to charge if what he has written about MACC IS false? Instead of defending MACC now?

    Let it be fair too. Yes we the people on the street are quit to pint figure but has not all these while they have so much bad publicity about MACC? Look at the way their handle so many high profile cases? What there is always case keep going and on going and at the end of the send to NAT(NO ACTION TAKEN)? Can you blame we people on the street that have this perception?

  45. Hi Kit,

    Enough of talk talk. Do you not think that it is time to protest, peacefully. When is the funeral? Shall we all assemble, and wear black? We must not allow Teoh to die in vain, please.

  46. Dear Uncle Kit,
    Please setup a fund for Teoh’s children. His children need to be taken care.

    Please do a collection of fund at 19 July Meeting at Stadium Kelana Jaya. After that, a special bank account for this fund is needed. This is to ease the contribution from everybody from different states of Malaysia.

    All Malaysian, please contribute to this fund to grow up Teoh’s Children.

    A paypal account is highly recommended as well. I am sure a lot of foreigners would love to contribute as well.

    If Pakatan Rakyat cannot do this simple thing, how can we expect PR can fight for a better Malayisa.

  47. Teoh Beng Hock’s death can be analyzed as follows:

    1. He committed suicide
    Nazri said MACC released Teoh yesterday morning. So we expect Teoh got back his wallet, watch and hand-phone from MACC. If Teoh committed suicide, his hand-phone should be with him or at around the place where he jumped. But his family today asked the police and MACC for the hand-phone (and they claimed they did not keep it). This gives evidence that Teoh did not commit suicide.

    2. He was robbed and murdered.
    We know Teoh died without his hand-phone with him. If his wallet and watch were also not with him, one could conclude that he was robbed and murdered. It is hard to believe that robbers walked up to the 14th floor to carry out the robbing as they (robbers) would not be able to flee quickly from the high-rise.

    3. He was ‘politically’ murdered.
    Teoh died without his hand-phone with him. If his wallet and watch were with him, there is evidence that it is a political murder.

    The current scenario seems to point to a political murder!

  48. My advise to those young man and woman who choose politic as their career especially whose who wish to joint the opposition parties, being prepare psychologically. One must trained and focus on issues they belief in and most importantly must have a crystal clear the purpose of life and surrendered to the belief of the religion that one chose to believe in.

    One must cultivate his faith in life and have no fear but the god that he choose to believe in. That will provide a cushion when one face with the adversity the the inhuman interrogation by the well trained interrogators.

    One must also make known his choice to his closed one so much so keep them known that this is the path that you choose and ask for their understanding and prepare for the worst to come in line to this political environment that one involved in. This will make one strong and have no uncertainty when one face with the most fear of being departed from this life. The best is to have the belief that life has no end but it go on and one until one achieve the eternity life.

    So one must prepare and also seek the guidance of the god one chose to belief in so that should you face the worst threat in life you will not have fear but peace instead as this is the path that one undertake to walk through with no regret.

    It is very important to let your love one to understand the path that one take to joint politic in this kind of environment so that they will understand at all time and you will not face fear when face with the threat like those fond to use against your family members.

    One have to be prepared at all cost and scarf ice for what you belief in.

  49. In the developed countries, scientists have utilize the knowledge of genetics to modify crops and animals. These genetically-modified organisms were initially thought to be beneficial to mankind. But now it has become commonplace that these genetically-modified organisms are potentially dangerous to the environment and to those who consume them. So now there are derogatory terms to describe such genetically-modified organisms such as Frankenfoods and Frankenfish.

    In Bolehland our politicians have also genetically created a monster. The moribund anti-corruption agency was transformed into a ferocious and violent Commission that everyone at first thought would be good. But hardly a few days of its birth, it has become a Frankenstein monster.

    Just like the Frankenfish and Frankenfoods the MACC has now become a FrankenCom. This is a gift from sleepyhead, Abdullah Badawi to the people of Bolehland.

  50. Would you believe if I were to tell you that Teoh was made to digest ‘acid’ tablets? Do you know what these ‘acid’ tablets (known also as LSD) could do to you? They made you thnk you could fly.

  51. Witness subject to tedious interrogation, witness was stressed out to the extent one can put words into the mouth and there it goes – Found Guilty!
    Well, guess this technique only applies to “members of opposite party” sje’.

  52. Of course Teoh’s death was an accident. Everything that happens in this country is an accident. Aminah’s death was an accident – they only tried to scare her with C4, and it accidentally went off. PKFZ was also an accident – some MCA ministers accidentally signed letters of support. APs were also given by accident. All those building collapses – they were by accident.

  53. MACC – Masuk, Anda Certainly C-liao
    A warm body walks in MACC, next the body is ta-pow out

    How can MACC still functions against corruption?
    It’s time for the rakyat to get MACC closed shop

    Remember Teoh is someone’s child/son, someone’s husband to be, someone’s brother, cousin, uncle, good friend, etc.

    People who support BN, esp Nazi – hope one day someone close to you will experience the same fate

  54. What Nazri and Toyo said is just mind boggling. Nazri said don’t JUMP into conclusion but he made a conclusion Teoh JUMPed from his statement.
    Toyo also made nonsensical statement of comparing his ‘investigation’ by MACC during his tenure to Teoh’s INTEROGATION type. CLOWNS .

    Teoh was remembered by his colleagues as a helpful and soft spoken person. Many weep upon hearing the news.


  55. woo hit high score!! seems like everyone is concern all this. i hope we all don’t let go. must follow up, seek until btm line. who is the killer? who is the head? who ask MACC do this job? Teo hp Network sure know what happen!!! call maxis to find out!!! finger on the sofa!!! who is this cleaner?? why only duty at noon lunch tine???

  56. What kind of government we have if it still defends the MACC in this case ?

    If a person in its custody met a tragic ending, shouldn’t MACC be held accountable ?

    The culprit must be brought to justice or there will be no law worth respecting in the country !

  57. An agency that is supposed to act against corruption should be clean, neutral n transparent
    That agency should have CCTV all over the building to record each activity that occurs there
    What’s there to hide or to be afraid of if everything is done properly in the name of justice
    BUT it seems that there is no CCTV in the building
    So strange – what does this mean?
    Activities that go on there CANNOT be recorded and be known by all

  58. NR and UMNO, I want to let you know that for every innocent life that is lost and destroyed by your selfish political motives, you are fully accountable in God’s eyes, and fully accountable to the families and loved ones that are affected. I do not know what is your religious conviction, but we believe that for all these cruel and merciless and unjust acts of yours and UMNO, you and your cronies will receive bad Karma here and in the afterlife. We believe in leadership by example, and so far your actions and lifestyle do not convince a large multitude of Malaysians that you are sincere and capable. We do not believe in your 1Malaysia concept because it is full of insincerity and gimmicks and it is only an empty and meaningless slogan. Please step down and let the better party govern Malaysia for the sake of our country and children’s future. I am truly ashamed to be a Malaysian now because of how you run the country. There is no political will to eradicate massive and rampant corruption among UMNO politicians. Instead the innocent are targeted by you to destroy all political dissent. In the meantime, the country’s economy is sliding, the poor remain poor, the education system is in shambles due to political expediency, there’s no real development and buildings are collapsing, the judiciary is corrupted, the police force is weak and corrupted, innocent people are incarcerated in prisons, religious and racial disharmony is at an alarming level, and all-in-all there’s no peace and happiness in the country. If you cannot lead the country, please step down and follow the better leader. Shame on you and the entire UMNO-led government for putting Malaysia into this condition.

  59. To ALL MCA, MIC, Gerakan n BN SUPPORTERS

    Bob Dylan – Blowing in the Wind

    Yes, ‘n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
    That too many people have died?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
    The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

    Yes, ‘n’ how many times can a man turn his head,
    Pretending he just doesn’t see?
    The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind,
    The answer is blowin’ in the wind.

    Your support led to this death and many deaths; one day, you will be experience this fate

  60. Sorry to sidetrack.

    Public transport fares will go up by 30% next month. The announcement was made almost immediately after the Manek Urai by-election in Kelantan. This is the ‘reward’ BN gave to Kelantanees who supported them in the by-election. When will 50% of the voters in Kelantan learn? Do they not know BN stands for Baring Naik party? The 30% hike in public transport fares are good enough to cover the cost of 10 bridges BN promised them!

  61. “I don’t understand why Ronnie Liu needs the handphone.” (OrangRojak)

    Teoh Beng Hock’s personal belongings such as handphone, wallets, house keys are very important clues which tell us whether Teoh died during the Police’s custody or he died after having been released from the Police’s custody.

    If we are able to find any one of those removable belongings of Teoh, then only we can come to the conclusion that Teoh died after having been released by the police. Otherwise, Teoh’s personal belongings would still be locked up in the police’s locker!

    I believe the MACC staff who took care of the detainee’s personal belongings should have some clues about the truth about Teoh’s death. According to the Malaysia’s detention procedure, the interrogators usually are not given the power to keep any of the detainee’s personal belongings!

  62. OrangRojak,
    Sorry, I was a little bit tired and made a lot of sliding pen mistakes.

    I rewrite the comment here.

    Teoh Beng Hock’s personal belongings such as handphone, wallet, house keys are very important clues which tell us whether Teoh died during the MACC’s custody or he died after having been released from the MACC’s custody.

    If we are able to find any one of those removable belongings of Teoh, then only we can come to the conclusion that Teoh died after having been released by the MACC. Otherwise, Teoh’s personal belongings would still be locked up in the MACC’s locker!

    I believe the MACC staff who took care of the detainee’s personal belongings should have some clues about the truth on Teoh’s death. According to the Malaysia’s detention procedure, the interrogators usually are not given the power to keep any of the detainee’s personal belongings!

  63. Puteri Pinang … Mr Penang said it wrong, its actually Teoh’s yet to be born child. The fiancee is 2 months pregnant. Funny, the child will be really born fatherless. How nice of this to happen … now the question is who is/are the assailant/s?

    Is this the start of a new life that will grow up hating the BN government and then end up maybe assassinate our 8th PM? Sheeeesh … just hang the people who did this. Hang them slowly.

  64. firstly condolences to late mr.teo’s family and miss soh.
    this macc is another dog of BN {BINASA(beruk) NEGARA}. they re not interested in big scandals like PKFZ, k.toyol, kg buah land scam culprits.
    from the photo of late Mr.Teo it’s very clear his pants is torn. did he purposely tear his pants before he jump??? it’s already more than 24 hours since his death. what is the findings? how long it’ll take before the police reveal the real cause? is it going to be another police cover up? the macc chairman should resign immediately. macc and goverment of malaysia should bare full responsibilty on his death. is mr.najib going to set up royal comission to investigate this case?


  65. Nazri said he was informed by the MACC that Teoh was released earlier yesterday morning, and he should have gone home………

    If Teoh was really released from MACC custody, how come he never phoned home to tell his parents or siblings that he had been released?

    When a person had spent so many hours at MACC, it would only be natural that he phoned home to report that he was safe, the moment he was released from custody.

  66. Nothing less than a Royal Commission inquiry can satisfy us. Why police investigation when it is double standard. Nazri also double standard by concluding that Teoh “jumped out” when the investigation is still in progress. BN/UMNO we really hated you to the uttermost.

  67. Nazri should not try to protect the MACC blindly without gathering adequate evidences first.
    There is at least one good reason which will give justification to Barisan Nasional for agreeing upon the establishment of a Royal Commission for commencing a public inquiry into Teoh Beng Hock’s mysterious death case. The reason is simple: Just assume that the MACC has been penetrated by Al-Queda for the purpose of creating some chaotic and panicky situations in several countries at the meantime so that Al-Queda can easily take profit by closing off the open positions which Al-Queda holds by forward selling of certain financial instruments such as Stock Market Index Option Futures, Ringgit Currency Futures, Commodity Futures and etc. Closing off of the open forward selling contracts can be done by buying back the relevant financial instrument when the price of the relevant financial instrument drastically drops after a big chaotic and panicky situation happens out-of-a-sudden which badly affects the political stability and thus causes big plunges in the money market and capital market.
    Nazri of Barisan Nasional should see thing from different aspects and should not be always blinded by his stupid loyalty to Umno! There is a need for Nazri to recommend setting up of a Royal Commission for making inquiry into Teoh’s mysterious death case during the custody of MACC.

  68. I guess the whole nation was conned by Umno aferall…even parliament was fooled.Umno gave MACC so much power and for all i know MACC is just an extention of PDRM to do what PDRM cannot do just to satisfy their filthy master call bn.

  69. i can foresee teoh’s situation was very tense,he must have been very busy arranging his wedding registration and the invitation to his wedding dinner,but so happen that the evil MACC is selecting this time to interrogate all DAP’s excos,he must have asked the evil MACC to let him settle his personal issues first,after that he could be interrogated anytime,but these requests was turned down,he felt very upset,he was having arguments with evil MACC officers,then the latter got angry and thrown him out of window!
    if you watch CSI,you will know how to analyse the crime scene,just like horatio did!

  70. let police investigate said dpm and pm also wants a through investigation while the soft a poon want to take charge and oversee the investigation.

    well all the cats crying over the dead mouse now. sound nice and look nice.

    but. but. why all this while these cats can prevent this thing to happen has done nothing? that was most interesting.

    rest assure when the tears dried and the dust settled business go on as usual and wait for another dead to repeat the same process again and again.

    for the chief who lost his son will sure know the pain of losing young closed one. may he contribute more positively toward the sickness of this country when he retired soon???

  71. A nice extract from KP Goh’s blog:

    Why was a witness being held for questioning for ten hours and only released at 3.45am? What kind of case is it and what is the urgency of the case in question that the witness had to be deprived of sleep and forcibly kept awake till 3.45am? Was the nation deemed to be in grave danger had the witness in question been sent home at a respectable time and asked to report again for questioning the next morning? The nation could endure long years of waiting over so many other much longer pending cases involving so much more public money and have much greater weight in public interest but this particular case could not wait for the next morning when the witness in question would have been fresher and better rested? What kind of interrogation was he subjected to on the fateful night without end? Why was it that a witness had to be isolated from his lawyer and forced to be in the sole company of officers with no other neutral person/s present? Because he was in the sole company of officers who were interrogating him, how would his side of the story be ever told? And how would, why should the officers in question be trusted when they tell the nation what actually transpired during that fateful night the witness lost his life? There were no other witness/es present so how would these officers in question clear their own involvement or clear their own names in this sad story?

  72. Just a thought: wouldn’t it be easier to just compel all those in receipt of public funds to publish their detailed accounts? It has to be called the public sector for a reason… Perhaps the public could examine the accounts and decide for themselves what is corruption and what is not.

    One thing I’m not clear on: is there a clear test for corruption? At what point does a back-scratching arrangement become formally corrupt?

  73. the richest selangor dentist is quick to defense MACC and say nice about them. that was understandable as he was thousand time more than suitable to be the MACC’s target then this poor champ. so nice words will sure please MACC to lost sight on this dentist.

    am sure LHDN also can not do anything about this richest dentist.

  74. “Is there anybody working for his network provider who can erm … you know … with Teoh’s handphone data?” (OrangRojak)

    I think your suggestion will be the first step which the Police Investigation Officer will take in the investigation process.

    However, I guess the investigation officer will never be able to find any useful information if Teoh Beng Hock’s handphone had been turned off and kept by the MACC staff in charge of the MACC locker. If the MACC did cause the death of Teoh but its top officers chose to deny that Teoh’s mysterious death had gotten anything to do with the MACC, then most likely all records showing the time of release of Teoh Been Hock would also be adulterated.

    If we are able to find the whereabout of Teoh’s wallet, car key or house key in the death scene, then it will be equally good to prove that the MACC had already set Teoh free at the time of Teoh’s death.

  75. If Teoh Beng Hock had been released by the MACC before his death, then there should be a car key or house key in his pocket if not some pocket money. Does the Police Investigation Officer find any one of those personal belongings of Teoh in his pocket?

  76. But then again, Onlooker Politics, this could be easily arranged for these things to be in his pocket since nobody is allowed to get anywhere near Teoh’s body for quite awhile,not even his brother!

  77. And one more on the subject of access to data in the public sector. How long does the MACC take away IT equipment for? Making all government office data public might short-circuit this aspect of the MACC’s work. An alternative would be to force all public sector staff to use a fully-hosted system for their work – so that no data at all is held on their own PCs.

    That wouldn’t prevent the co-called enforcement agencies from concentrating their efforts on individuals, but might weaken their excuse for doing it.

    Onlooker – would Teoh’s belongings have been taken away from him if he was not arrested?

    One last thing occurs to me: what are the family’s wishes as regards Teoh? I understand families don’t always want to investigate the reasons behind a death. Could we be being insensitive by discussing it?

  78. This is certainly a testing ground for Najib. If the investigation concluded that the police is only charge on 1 or 2 small flies and case closed, then Najib will lose his integrity ENTIRELY. We do not want to see it landed an open ended case such as Lingam tape, PKFZ, Berwaja, Bank Bumiputra and many many more. Malaysia politics will become the laughing stock to the world !!

    I strongly believe most of the people from the public are demanding for the true picture of who is the man who behind the scene. The process of interrogation on Teo is absolutely abnormal, brutals and inhumantarian act.

  79. Nazri is as brainless as ever. Assuming that Teoh did jump out of the 14th floor, rather than the possibility of being pushed down to make it look like suicide, the logical question to ask is why did he do so? Did MACC made him temporarily deranged through their inhumane interrogation? This has to be investigated very very thoroughly as all fingers must point at MACC as the most likely cause of what happened. Bear in mind that Teoh was getting married the next day. As far Nazri, I always wonder how a man with his character can be offered any position of responsibility in government. His continued presence in government is a poor reflection of Najib’s ability to pick the right people to govern the country. (Personally, I have absolutely no respect for Abdullah Badawi at all. He proved himself to be a junk, 100% pure junk, so I won’t comment on him for letting Nazri be his one-time defacto Law Minister.) What has Islam to say to all these, I wonder.

  80. ekompute, Dr Mahathrir ever commented, Nazri is the JUNK MINISTER. From this incident, it is well describes he behaviours. A TRUE JUNK MINSTER !!

    Over to Teo’s case, I believe there are bunch of big crooks behind the scene who manupulated the case. It is certainly politicized, someone is giving such instructions to do this, if not, MACC will not carry out such brutal act.

    My intuition tells me, Khir Toyo is one of the suspect who manupulating the scene.

  81. The MACC should be held responsible for the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock. Teoh was its witness .He was grilled for about 10 hours until the wee hours of dawn,then let him free. MACC should have sent him home but chose not,why ? Next moment,he fell from the 14th,fl.of the MACC building.Could these two incidents not related ? I think not. For Nazri to say “Teoh just jump off the building “is inhumane. Nazri also gave me the impression that he was there and witnessed Teoh just simply jump by himself from the 14th of the MACC building.I hope he will go to any nearest police station now and make his statement,perhaps as first witness .I remember ISA was used to protect the safety of a newspaper reporter but how come the authority this time didn’t use ISA to protect Teoh as he’s an important witness of the MACC ?. MY,the minister of Education said the government must remain consistent and not flig/flog of its policy while commenting on the PPSMI. So how come,it’s not consistent in Teah’s case. Hence MY,you flig/flog again in a matter of less than a week.

  82. Who were the eye-witnesses who saw Teoh jumping out of the building? All MACC people? Any people who speaks the truth or can be trusted to speak the truth? LKS asked: “… how did Nazri know that Teoh “jumped out” of the 14th floor of the building?” Well, I don’t think anyone bothers what Nazri says. He is known for talking for the sake of talking… and without brains, as we all know. And when does MACC responsibility for Teoh ends? After he leaves their interrogating office or after he leaves their premises?

  83. “Onlooker – would Teoh’s belongings have been taken away from him if he was not arrested?” (OrangRojak)

    By the inference from the information being disclosed by the other detainee who was detained at the meantime as Teoh Beng Hock, it seemed that the MACC interrogation on Teoh was never a friendly discussion. As a normal detention procedure in Malaysia, all the removable personal belongings of a detainee would be recorded and the record had to be signed by the detainee before the removable personal belongings were taken away by an MACC staff for safekeeping at a locker. Before the removable personal belongings had been given back to the detainee, the detainee was required to sign the “taken back” confirmation on the record. If the MACC officers did not follow this procedure, then the detention might be conducted in an illegal manner. If the detention had been conducted in an illegal manner, then the MACC staff involved could be prosecuted for operating a private lockup and committing the crime of illegal torture on the detainee. The officers who had carried out a detention on someone without following the designated proper procedure of the MACC should not be given the legal immunity.

  84. “I understand families don’t always want to investigate the reasons behind a death. Could we be being insensitive by discussing it?” (OrangRojak)

    Why don’t you take time to attend Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral? Perhaps his fiancee or his parents will give you the accurate answer!

  85. On behalf of the family of the late Mr. Teoh Beng Hock I would like to curse the ancestors dead or alive and all their descendants born and unborn staring from thge Bastard MACC chief and to all his team.
    On behalf the family of the late Mr. Kugan I would like to curse the Bastard IGP and all his police officers esp those at the USJ police station.
    Beware all you Bastards, the curse has already started on Koh Hong Sun. Mr. LKS I hope you print my message as it is written. I feel very strongly about it.

  86. Why don’t you take time to attend Teoh Beng Hock’s funeral?
    I avoid funerals as much as I can Onlooker. I wasn’t trying to be controversial with the ‘insensitive’ question. I know of one Malaysian family who didn’t want a loved one’s sudden death investigated by strangers. I was asking out of politeness. If I came to your house, I would ask before eating all your chocolate. I would probably start eating, then ask – like in this case, but I would still ask.

    In the interests of getting straight facts, could someone post an URL for Google Maps or similar showing the place Teoh’s body was found, and (if possible) the location of the MACC offices? I had a look at Google Maps, but I couldn’t be sure I was looking at the right building, and there seemed to be a lot of clouds on the images of the area.

    Malaysia Star has the pathologist report?

  87. Hmm just posted a comment with an URL in, and it isn’t showing, neither is it shown as ‘in moderation’, but when I tried reposting (in case I made a mistake) I read “you’ve already said that!”

    When Tan says Teoh was in the ‘pantry’ at 6am, what does he mean by ‘pantry’? It can’t be what I understand to be a pantry, as that conjures up a very odd image.

  88. Interesting… The Star and Malaysian Insider both have stories about the initial pathologist findings. Interesting to see who the state government were planning to engage as their pathologist – I was only recently reading about her.

    You see Onlooker? The state spokesperson was ‘respecting the family’s wishes’ – that’s what I was really asking about (my longer answer has disappeared).

    I wonder if the pathologists were able to confirm that the injuries sustained were consistent with a fall from the 14th floor, and were they sustained where the body was found?

  89. ///Where is Jeffrey? He is probably getting instructions from his paymaster on how to respond to the latest/// – LimKaput.

    Oh yes according to my paymaster, he advises me to be particularly alert of those in this blog who caught between delusions of adequacy and deep seated feelings of inadequacy would otherwise seek to compensate that contradiction by seeking vicarious attention by ruse of provoking a reaction from me. I said Ok. Noted.

  90. YB Lim

    Selangor state government should enggage Dr.Porntip Rojanasunand a Thai forensic pathologist and human rights activist from Bangkok for forensic expertise and all the way to post mortem.Trust me….with her there….Macc and Pdrm as well as master bn will be shivering day and night.She is an expert and is well known and highly respected.Even some of the the corrupted Thai Police forces are unable to touch her and wouldn’t want to face her at all due to her professionalism in her work and dedication.What say you Selangor Government.Someone Independant from outside instead.This is what malaysia need in time to come.

  91. it is time , to find out how the personnel of macc are selected and who made the nominations.

    these blokes must have some common denominator….to be selected and may even have a further unwritten agenda

  92. “You see Onlooker? The state spokesperson was ‘respecting the family’s wishes’ – that’s what I was really asking about (my longer answer has disappeared).” (OrangRojak)

    You have to learn to understand that it is normally not the Chinese Philosophy which will insist that the survivors of a victim who died in injustice must seek justice. The Chinese Philosophy encourages the weak and helpless people to endure in the pains and sufferings when they are in adversity. Vengeance should not belong to a person but it should belong to God. The onus of an individual person is to take good care of his/her family.

    As the soon-to-be-born baby is going to be the NEW HOPE for Teoh’s family, it is all too normal for Teoh’s family members to want to stay away for further trouble in order to save their life for the sake of the anticipated baby.

  93. Sorry, a slide of pen!

    As the soon-to-be-born baby is going to be the NEW HOPE for Teoh’s family, it is all too normal for Teoh’s family members to want to stay away FROM further trouble in order to save their life for the sake of the anticipated baby.

  94. “I know of one Malaysian family who didn’t want a loved one’s sudden death investigated by strangers. I was asking out of politeness.” (OrangRojak)

    From the newspaper report, I could see that Teoh’s family members were burning some incense at the death scene. So I presume that Teoh’s family believe in the Chinese Traditional Belief, which suggests that the corpse of a deceased should be handled respitefully and should not be given further wounds with the post-mortem operations, lest an unhappy spirit of the deceased will cause bad fortune falling on the survivors.

    Because of this traditional belief, many Chinese people will give much more priority to the soul tranquility of the deceased than to the urgency of finding the truth!

  95. //Kassim got no religion!!! He or she is a communist!!!// i_love_Malaysia

    don’t insult the communist. Kasim is a sob. If you don’t know what is sob, i will state it in full for you. Let me know

  96. Woof, i normally don’t wish ill on others, but in this occasion, I am going to make an exception. I wish that someday, you or your love ones will face the same situation and at that time you will see me writing to you that it is an accident, learn to deal it, you bloody assh*le. How about it? Good right?

  97. I fully support limamput statement. If one day this happen to Woof family, I would love to see him say “it is an accident, learn to deal it”. The wound and flesh are not on his body, he could not feel it. You are fxxxing cold blooded idiot. Just like one of those idiot minster Nazri. If you are a strong devoted muslim or buddhist or christian, will you behave this way ?

  98. woof can smell the cow butt, he ever comes too close he can taste the kick himself.

    the feelings of the community has been hurt….what are you a.. dog of some sort….you dont have relatives?
    dont you clean your ancestors grave ..comes ching meng.

  99. 1. Firstly, how did Nazri know that Teoh “jumped out” of the 14th floor of the building?
    Q&A to MACC Head:

    Q: From which floor? From where?
    A: We don’t know. The police are investigating. We are not sure if it was from the 14th floor or if he went downstairs. We are not sure.

    Q:Is this building monitored through CCTV?
    A: As far as I know there are no CCTV cameras in our office.
    Monday July 20, 2009

    Documents and CCTV recordings seized at office of Selangor MACC

    Q: How many officers were present when the deceased was questioned?
    A: One.
    because there is no CCTV and at least a second officer when questioning ANYONE!!

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