Lim Kit Siang

Doing the nation a favour, the Najib way

by Augustine Anthony

First it was Yb Lim Kit Siang and now Yb M. Kulasegaran joining the concern few leaders of the opposition that prime minister Dato’ Sri Najib Tun Razak’s popularity is a warning to the bickering politicians within the opposition to put aside their differences and present a united and strong opposition or face irrelevance.

Beyond the warring ruling and opposition parties, it must be noted that the approval rating for the prime minister in reality augurs well for the nation as a whole for various reasons among others.

That such high approval rating of 65% within the first 100 days and the need to maintain a continuing rise in the approval rating of the prime minister throughout the period leading to the 13th general election will from now onwards be keenly observed by Malaysians.

Failure to maintain the status quo or to better it will lead the general public to view the prime minister as being unable to bring lasting reforms to our oversized and pregnant civil service that is often perceived as lacking the needed integrity and efficiency. This does not and will not benefit the ruling Barisan Nasional government in their quest to retain power.

In order to maintain 65% or more percentage of approval rating, the prime minister must now continue to introduce and implement policies that will benefit the majority of the people. We are only at the announcements stage that must be met with delivery soon. Good news for the people I should think.

One must also remember that this approval rating is for the prime minister alone and not for the entire Barisan Nasional lawmakers. The performances of many of them certainly need acute improvements. The prime minister cannot stand alone. Any unpopular and non performing members of the ruling party must now match and equal the approval rating of the prime minister. It is a daunting task for Barisan Nasional and a stressful expectation for the people.

We should never forget that the approval rating is also a reflection of the maturity and rapid growth in the political awareness and intelligence of the demanding Malaysian voting population.

In one such stroke of brilliance, the Malaysian voting population had “killed many birds” two of which are noteworthy:-

The ruling government must now continue to deliver and deliver more, in fierce and urgent manner and this can only be done by revamping the entire delivery system of our civil service saddled with many administrative dead woods that remain a major stumbling block in our push to be declared as a developed nation.

This approval rating is also seen as the people relaying a gentle reminder to the opposition parties that they must now compete with Barisan Nasional to better serve the people and that they will only be voted in if they can position themselves as an efficient, effective and viable alternative.

The final analysis is that a prosperous nation requires effective and ethical administrators and a competent opposition that will maintain an ever watchful eye on the ruling elites.

In a country where there is now an increasing demand for a greater competency, accountability and transparency, such competition among the political parties and their leaders will only benefit the nation.

May the best man dance with the ‘bride’.